Israel is losing! Part 2

Trill Raspberry ( still learning the Troll business ) thinks the war is about a single person .
Not the brightest little Raspberry .
Otherwise the Freedom Fighters are bothering the Cleansers on all sides and increasingly things look ominously poor for the Nazi Israelis .

The Hammers plus Hooti Tooties , The Hezzers and Iran will wipe the floor with the inexperienced Israeli conscripts .
It's Allahu Akbar time once again .
Trill Raspberry ( still learning the Troll business ) thinks the war is about a single person .
Not the brightest little Raspberry .
Otherwise the Freedom Fighters are bothering the Cleansers on all sides and increasingly things look ominously poor for the Nazi Israelis .

The Hammers plus Hooti Tooties , The Hezzers and Iran will wipe the floor with the inexperienced Israeli conscripts .
It's Allahu Akbar time once again .
What are you blabbering now? Your subhumanoid Hamas animals are being taken out, one by one, and you’re doing victory laps? This reminds me of the six day war, Arab blowhards were claiming victory over the Jews in their media, while their troops were surrendering in the desert, begging the Israelis for mercy! Bunch of blowhards. Ha ha ha!

Does anyone know what the female Jihadis get? Anybody? Anybody?
Otherwise the Freedom Fighters are bothering the Cleansers on all sides and increasingly things look ominously poor for the Nazi Israelis
You come from a long line of prognosticators that all share a common trait... you're wrong. Over the last roughly 3 millennia, many kings and nations have predicted and worked toward ending the Jews, and they're all gone into the dust of time. Guess who's still here, culture intact and living in the land - just as predicted by Ezekiel?
As we get further into the end-stage of human government on the planet (aka LAST DAYS), things will look very bad for the nation-state of the Jews. They will be surrounded by global enemies - mostly Islamic nations - and the world will be breathlessly celebrating the final, "final solution".

Israel will have been betrayed by the US by that point and will have no allies to help them. They will suffer great losses but a startling thing is predicted to happen. At the point where they seem to understand they cannot win, their God will deliver them, again. Not only will these forces that surround Israel lose 5/6 of their troops on the mountains of Israel, but God says He will send fire down on "those who dwell carelessly in the Isles" That means the nations that sent these troops will also suffer very great loss.

The Hezzies and Hamas will be obliterated, never to challenge Israel again. The so-called Palestinian people will be removed from the land, root, and branch, and never return. I'm pretty sure you'll mock my statement but if you are young enough you WILL see it come to pass in your life. God says He will do this to sanctify Himself in the sight of the world.
Seems it's all over for you Trilly Raspberry ( how is life at Junior Troll School?).
You Ethnic Cleansers might well hang your head in shame

Yes, it was over for you guys long time ago. Arabs surrendering in their underwear, basically a rewind of every time they attacked Israel. And Hamas leaders are being exterminated one by one. Repeat after me….Praise to the IDF, Israel Akbar.

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