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Israel is Losing...

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EVEN Europe? lol. When was ever Europe not on the sides of the ememies of Israel?

Tell us something we DON'T KNOW.

Lipush...can you explain to us why Europe is not keen on Israel?

Can you ?

Easily, Oil.

Un-like America which is importing 17% oil from the ME and will soon be energy independent, Europe needs this pipe-line to survive. That's why they were so heavily involved in Libya. Having to choose an Israel de-stabling this region and their oil life-line, they chose the end-game winners because they too want to survive...

The worlds strongest military power states are leaving Israel to fetch on its own, because her policies of confiscating Arab Land is against all UN Resolutions and destabilizes world peace. in this region and endangers their oil life-line.
You wrote an article Roudy? What's your name? Link it to us.
I love it when Arab donkey boy acts like he doesn't know what we're talking about!

Muslim Statistics

In addition, there were "many more hundreds of threats, insults, graffiti signs and slogans and demonstrations featuring virulently anti-Semitic content... sometimes resulting in violence," according to the report.
A significant part of this increase took place in the UK, where violence jumped from 112 incidents in 2008 to 374 last year; in France, where the jump was from 50 to 195, and in Canada, where incidents soared from 13 to 138.
The US, which ordinarily enjoys a very low rate of anti-Jewish violence compared to the size of its Jewish community, nonetheless saw a modest rise, from 98 to 116 incidents.
In some countries, these figures are only the latest spike in a continuing trend. The British Jewish community's monitoring system counted a three-fold increase in anti-Semitic occurrences since 1999, while Canada counted a five-fold increase since 2000.
Most violent attacks in Western Europe came from people of Arab or Muslim heritage, the report found.

When she first arrived in Sweden after her rescue from a Nazi concentration camp, Judith Popinski was treated with great kindness.
She raised a family in the city of Malmo, and for the next six decades lived happily in her adopted homeland - until last year.
In 2009, a chapel serving the city's 700-strong Jewish community was set ablaze. Jewish cemeteries were repeatedly desecrated, worshippers were abused on their way home from prayer, and "Hitler" was mockingly chanted in the streets by masked men.
"I never thought I would see this hatred again in my lifetime, not in Sweden anyway," Mrs Popinski told The Sunday Telegraph.
"This new hatred comes from Muslim immigrants. The Jewish people are afraid now."

According to the Pew Global Attitudes Project released on August 14, 2005, high percentages of the populations of six Muslim-majority countries have negative views of Jews. To a questionnaire asking respondents to give their views of members of various religions along a spectrum from "very favorable" to "very unfavorable", 60% of Turks, 74% of Pakistanis, 76% of Indonesians, 88% of Moroccans, 99% of Lebanese Muslims and 100% of Jordanians checked either "somewhat unfavorable" or "very unfavorable" for Jews.[3]

. . .
Lipush...can you explain to us why Europe is not keen on Israel?

Can you ?

The worlds strongest military power states are leaving Israel to fetch on its own, because her policies of confiscating Arab Land is against all UN Resolutions and destabilizes world peace.

Lipush...can you explain to us why Europe is not keen on Israel?

Can you ?

Easily, Oil.

Un-like America which is importing 17% oil from the ME and will soon be energy independent, Europe needs this pipe-line to survive. That's why they were so heavily involved in Libya. Having to choose an Israel de-stabling this region and their oil life-line, they chose the end-game winners because they too want to survive...

The worlds strongest military power states are leaving Israel to fetch on its own, because her policies of confiscating Arab Land is against all UN Resolutions and destabilizes world peace. in this region and endangers their oil life-line.

Actually, that's just your opinion, doesn't make it true. What a bunch of nonsense .
EVEN Europe? lol. When was ever Europe not on the sides of the ememies of Israel?

Tell us something we DON'T KNOW.

Lipush...can you explain to us why Europe is not keen on Israel?

Europe is democratic, and represents the majority view of its inhabitants
Yes exactly, that's why Europeans are sick and tired of Islamic pieces of Shi'ite like Jos, and tensions between Europeans and Muslim immigrants are at record highs which is why they have banned Burkas in some countries such as France and even removed Islam as an official religion in countries like Italy because of Muslim intolerance towards non Muslims and persecution of women.
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You wrote an article Roudy? What's your name? Link it to us.
The link is at the bottom you illiterate FUCK.
Muslim immigration and the rise of Anti-Semitism in Europe...again - Los Angeles Jewish community | Examiner.com

Ha Ha Ha! Edit it in Roudy, not that we don't know....:D, you don't look Iranian or Iraqi at all....:cool:
Edit it in? What the fuck are you talking about. Talk to anybody that lives in Europe, they will tell you that you that Muslims are stinking the place up...they refuse to assimilate, coexist, and have brought all their backwards-ass hatreds and barbarism with them. What else is new.
What a surprise that Antisemitism is on the rise in Europe at the same time that Muslim immigration is at its highest
What a surprise that Antisemitism is on the rise in Europe at the same time that Muslim immigration is at its highest
I have friends That live in France and England that say the people don't know what to do with the Muslim populations that have invaded. Whites and non Muslims stay away from the Muslim neighborhoods because they have turned them into Islamic shitholes like Gaza or Karachi. Even the police is afraid to go there in some cases. Lucky for the Europeans, they don't have a Constitution or a "civil rights Bill". They wiretap, arrest, monitor, profile, and spy on Muslims at will in order to save their country. In other words, in Europe Muslims don't get to take advantage of the freedoms and rights that exist in America to destroy the cou try from within. However they are destroying Europe by sheer numbers, most of these countries have already somewhat lost their national identities. This is what liberalism does.
What a surprise that Antisemitism is on the rise in Europe at the same time that Muslim immigration is at its highest
I have friends That live in France and England that say the people don't know what to do with the Muslim populations that have invaded. Whites and non Muslims stay away from the Muslim neighborhoods because they have turned them into Islamic shitholes like Gaza or Karachi. Even the police is afraid to go there in some cases. Lucky for the Europeans, they don't have a Constitution or a "civil rights Bill". They wiretap, arrest, monitor, profile, and spy on Muslims at will in order to save their country. In other words, in Europe Muslims don't get to take advantage of the freedoms and rights that exist in America to destroy the cou try from within. However they are destroying Europe by sheer numbers, most of these countries have already somewhat lost their national identities. This is what liberalism does.

Messed up ! The Religion of Hatred

Invading? What's next? These Jews are hilarious, they talk trash when there are tensions, no wonder everybody in Europe hated them. Everyone in the world never had good experiences with Jews, not even America, here in America anti Semitic attacks are on the high, just because Jews to on the media and act is if they are loved means squat.
Toastman treats it as normal to be bigoted towards Muslims, then I don't see where this **** Jew sees a problem with me calling him a ****, instead of discussion Israel they jump to separate discussions outside the topic. To simply get support. Jews always start wars with people and act all surprised when people fight back.
I kept doing acts of kindness to these posters and tried to have more respectful conversations with them, I even repped many of them. And this is what I get in return, no more, zero. Time to go back to the old days.
Call me a **** all you want Ahmed Jihadist. IT really doesnt affect me. Remeber, you are a scumbag Palestinian who supports terrorists, so whatever you say is useless. Just a reminder dockey face :)
Call me a **** all you want Ahmed Jihadist. IT really doesnt affect me. Remeber, you are a scumbag Palestinian who supports terrorists, so whatever you say is useless. Just a reminder dockey face :)

You're an idiot, I support justice and truth like the rest of the world, remember 138-9 ....:D
Call me a **** all you want Ahmed Jihadist. IT really doesnt affect me. Remeber, you are a scumbag Palestinian who supports terrorists, so whatever you say is useless. Just a reminder dockey face :)

You're an idiot, I support justice and truth like the rest of the world, remember 138-9 ....:D

No you don't. you support death and destruction, like your donkey buddies in Gaza !

Remember Israel: Over 23 000 days of statehood
Fakestine: ?!!?!!! Nothing ! :D :D :D

Don't cry though Palestinian boy, I know it's hard not having a country and having terrorists run your shithole city, but keep your head up !

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