Israel is the mother of terrorism in the Middle East.

Sure. You can't answer the content of my posts. And so have to resort to name-calling.

I did, do keep up. However it's true that's what Zionist Hasbara Trolls do, when they can't face facts or refute an argument.
Cherry picking is another way

And casting a selective blind eye concerning blatant Antisemitic rhetoric from those with whom you claim to share opinion is yet another.

If you lie down with the dogs, you can't be amazed to find you're infested with fleas.

Statement of fact and rational criticism of Israel is not and will never be 'antisemetic'... Just because some pro Israel supporters do not like it and shout antisemite does not make is antisemetic...
Cherry picking is another way

And casting a selective blind eye concerning blatant Antisemitic rhetoric from those with whom you claim to share opinion is yet another.

If you lie down with the dogs, you can't be amazed to find you're infested with fleas.
Casting a selective blind eye concerning blatant and blind hatred towards Muslims from those with whom you claim to share opinion is yet another.

If you lie down with the dogs, you can't be amazed to find you're infested with fleas.
Cherry picking is another way

And casting a selective blind eye concerning blatant Antisemitic rhetoric from those with whom you claim to share opinion is yet another.

If you lie down with the dogs, you can't be amazed to find you're infested with fleas.
Casting a selective blind eye concerning blatant and blind hatred towards Muslims from those with whom you claim to share opinion is yet another.

If you lie down with the dogs, you can't be amazed to find you're infested with fleas.

Really, Habib. Don't let your hurt islamo-feelings get in the way of facing a harsh reality of Islamist fascism.
Does that give you the right to give people the boot and steal their land?

Who had the right to boot the Jewish people and steal their land?

If G-d expelled the Jews and gave the land to whoever G-d deemed fit, then the same way it was G-d's right to take the land and give it to the Jews.

Either You accept G-d's will both ways, or just use it only to discriminate against Jews.
Unfortunately, this rogue state has the backing of the U.S., so its horrendous crimes against humanity go unpunished in the world courts. ..... :cool:
Does that give you the right to give people the boot and steal their land?

Who had the right to boot the Jewish people and steal their land?

If G-d expelled the Jews and gave the land to whoever G-d deemed fit, then the same way it was G-d's right to take the land and give it to the Jews.

Either You accept G-d's will both ways, or just use it only to discriminate against Jews.

Gods right?

God has NO rights to discriminate!

Oh wait... This 'God' you speak of... The one who makes kids suffer debilitating illnesses, allows wars, puts man against man...

Yeah, he's certainly no god of mine!
Does that give you the right to give people the boot and steal their land?

Who had the right to boot the Jewish people and steal their land?

If G-d expelled the Jews and gave the land to whoever G-d deemed fit, then the same way it was G-d's right to take the land and give it to the Jews.

Either You accept G-d's will both ways, or just use it only to discriminate against Jews.

Gods right?

God has NO rights to discriminate!

Oh wait... This 'God' you speak of... The one who makes kids suffer debilitating illnesses, allows wars, puts man against man...

Yeah, he's certainly no god of mine!

I replied to louie's post. The notion of "G-d's right" seems funny to me too...but for other reasons.
Does that give you the right to give people the boot and steal their land?

Who had the right to boot the Jewish people and steal their land?

If G-d expelled the Jews and gave the land to whoever G-d deemed fit, then the same way it was G-d's right to take the land and give it to the Jews.

Either You accept G-d's will both ways, or just use it only to discriminate against Jews.

Gods right?

God has NO rights to discriminate!

Oh wait... This 'God' you speak of... The one who makes kids suffer debilitating illnesses, allows wars, puts man against man...

Yeah, he's certainly no god of mine!

Are you an atheist and/or agnostic?

To take a theological tangent here, the only one of the above 3 issues that you named, that bothers me as well, is kids' illnesses. (And adults' illnesses too. I'm a cancer survivor.) I'm also bothered by earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, etc. Wars, on the other hand, are MAN-MADE. If G-d gave man free will to do good or evil, and man chooses evil, then G-d is not to blame.
Does that give you the right to give people the boot and steal their land?

Who had the right to boot the Jewish people and steal their land?

If G-d expelled the Jews and gave the land to whoever G-d deemed fit, then the same way it was G-d's right to take the land and give it to the Jews.

Either You accept G-d's will both ways, or just use it only to discriminate against Jews.

Gods right?

God has NO rights to discriminate!

Oh wait... This 'God' you speak of... The one who makes kids suffer debilitating illnesses, allows wars, puts man against man...

Yeah, he's certainly no god of mine!

Are you an atheist and/or agnostic?

To take a theological tangent here, the only one of the above 3 issues that you named, that bothers me as well, is kids' illnesses. (And adults' illnesses too. I'm a cancer survivor.) I'm also bothered by earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, etc. Wars, on the other hand, are MAN-MADE. If G-d gave man free will to do good or evil, and man chooses evil, then G-d is not to blame.
According to scripture, he is both omniscient and omnipotent, foreverdumb.
Who had the right to boot the Jewish people and steal their land?

If G-d expelled the Jews and gave the land to whoever G-d deemed fit, then the same way it was G-d's right to take the land and give it to the Jews.

Either You accept G-d's will both ways, or just use it only to discriminate against Jews.

Gods right?

God has NO rights to discriminate!

Oh wait... This 'God' you speak of... The one who makes kids suffer debilitating illnesses, allows wars, puts man against man...

Yeah, he's certainly no god of mine!

Are you an atheist and/or agnostic?

To take a theological tangent here, the only one of the above 3 issues that you named, that bothers me as well, is kids' illnesses. (And adults' illnesses too. I'm a cancer survivor.) I'm also bothered by earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, etc. Wars, on the other hand, are MAN-MADE. If G-d gave man free will to do good or evil, and man chooses evil, then G-d is not to blame.
According to scripture, he is both omniscient and omnipotent, foreverdumb.

And? If He gave Man free will, then He puts limits on His powers in that respect. If you're talking about natural disasters, then that's why I said I'm bothered by that and don't understand it.

If G-d expelled the Jews and gave the land to whoever G-d deemed fit, then the same way it was G-d's right to take the land and give it to the Jews.

Either You accept G-d's will both ways, or just use it only to discriminate against Jews.

Gods right?

God has NO rights to discriminate!

Oh wait... This 'God' you speak of... The one who makes kids suffer debilitating illnesses, allows wars, puts man against man...

Yeah, he's certainly no god of mine!

Are you an atheist and/or agnostic?

To take a theological tangent here, the only one of the above 3 issues that you named, that bothers me as well, is kids' illnesses. (And adults' illnesses too. I'm a cancer survivor.) I'm also bothered by earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, etc. Wars, on the other hand, are MAN-MADE. If G-d gave man free will to do good or evil, and man chooses evil, then G-d is not to blame.
According to scripture, he is both omniscient and omnipotent, foreverdumb.

And? If He gave Man free will, then He puts limits on His powers in that respect. If you're talking about natural disasters, then that's why I said I'm bothered by that and don't understand it.
adjective: omniscient

knowing everything.
Does that give you the right to give people the boot and steal their land?

Who had the right to boot the Jewish people and steal their land?

If G-d expelled the Jews and gave the land to whoever G-d deemed fit, then the same way it was G-d's right to take the land and give it to the Jews.

Either You accept G-d's will both ways, or just use it only to discriminate against Jews.

Gods right?

God has NO rights to discriminate!

Oh wait... This 'God' you speak of... The one who makes kids suffer debilitating illnesses, allows wars, puts man against man...

Yeah, he's certainly no god of mine!

Are you an atheist and/or agnostic?

To take a theological tangent here, the only one of the above 3 issues that you named, that bothers me as well, is kids' illnesses. (And adults' illnesses too. I'm a cancer survivor.) I'm also bothered by earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, etc. Wars, on the other hand, are MAN-MADE. If G-d gave man free will to do good or evil, and man chooses evil, then G-d is not to blame.

If I have to choose one of your labels then I would choose agnostic...

I cannot believe a benevolent god would have created such pain and suffering for his 'children'
If I have to choose one of your labels then I would choose agnostic...

I cannot believe a benevolent god would have created such pain and suffering for his 'children'
Same here, religious scholars from nearly all religions believe there was a mistake.
If I have to choose one of your labels then I would choose agnostic...

I cannot believe a benevolent god would have created such pain and suffering for his 'children'
Same here, religious scholars from nearly all religions believe there was a mistake.
There's a reason why people point and laugh when you issue these pompous and broad, sweeping declarations on the opinions of religious scholars.
The state of Israel was established by Zionist terror organizations such as Irgun (or Etzel), Hagana, and Stern, who used to plant bombs in crowded Palestinian markets, cafes, shops, and buses. What was called Israeli military intelligence then had carried out a bombing campaign in Egypt in 1954, and had hijacked a Syrian civilian airliner in the same year in order to obtain hostages to trade for captured Zionist spies.

Even before the establishment of the Zionist Israeli state, all of its leaders up to the present had committed savage massacres and war crimes against innocent unarmed Palestinian civilians; starting with the massacre of Dir Yasin, Kufr Qasim, Tantura, Sabra and Shatila, Quana, Jenin, and up to the present genocidal financial and economical siege and blockade of the whole Palestinian people. The Geneva Convention defines genocide, among others, as “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, including deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part”.

Israeli prime ministers are the most notorious terrorists. The first Israeli Prime Minister David Ben Gurion had established the Israeli state on the total destruction and obliteration of at least 500 Palestinian towns and villages. Menachem Begin, commanded the terrorist organization Irgun, praised the massacre of Dir Yasin calling it a “miracle”. Begin’s Irgun had committed many terrorist attacks against Palestinian and British civilians, that led Ben Gurion to refer to the Irgun as “Jewish Nazis” and compared Begin to Hitler. Yitzhak Shamir masterminded the murder of hundreds of Palestinian and British civilians, and was responsible for the bombing of King David Hotel in Jerusalem. His Lehi terrorist gang was responsible for the assassination of the British minister in the Middle East, Lord Moyne, in Cairo in November 1944, and the assassination of UN mediator Count Folke Bernadotte in September 1948.
Israel is the mother of terrorism in the Middle East. – InvestmentWatch

Live by the sword, Die by the sword?

How many gheys have they thrown of buildings?

How many infidel beheadings?
Not their style, Zionists blackmail gays into spying for them, and they use snipers or autmated gun turrets in towers to kill children playing in the streets; sometimes they just walk up to them an shoot them in the head...just to "confirm the kill".
Total garbaggio.
The state of Israel was established by Zionist terror organizations such as Irgun (or Etzel), Hagana, and Stern, who used to plant bombs in crowded Palestinian markets, cafes, shops, and buses. What was called Israeli military intelligence then had carried out a bombing campaign in Egypt in 1954, and had hijacked a Syrian civilian airliner in the same year in order to obtain hostages to trade for captured Zionist spies.

Even before the establishment of the Zionist Israeli state, all of its leaders up to the present had committed savage massacres and war crimes against innocent unarmed Palestinian civilians; starting with the massacre of Dir Yasin, Kufr Qasim, Tantura, Sabra and Shatila, Quana, Jenin, and up to the present genocidal financial and economical siege and blockade of the whole Palestinian people. The Geneva Convention defines genocide, among others, as “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, including deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part”.

Israeli prime ministers are the most notorious terrorists. The first Israeli Prime Minister David Ben Gurion had established the Israeli state on the total destruction and obliteration of at least 500 Palestinian towns and villages. Menachem Begin, commanded the terrorist organization Irgun, praised the massacre of Dir Yasin calling it a “miracle”. Begin’s Irgun had committed many terrorist attacks against Palestinian and British civilians, that led Ben Gurion to refer to the Irgun as “Jewish Nazis” and compared Begin to Hitler. Yitzhak Shamir masterminded the murder of hundreds of Palestinian and British civilians, and was responsible for the bombing of King David Hotel in Jerusalem. His Lehi terrorist gang was responsible for the assassination of the British minister in the Middle East, Lord Moyne, in Cairo in November 1944, and the assassination of UN mediator Count Folke Bernadotte in September 1948.
Israel is the mother of terrorism in the Middle East. – InvestmentWatch

Live by the sword, Die by the sword?

How many gheys have they thrown of buildings?

How many infidel beheadings?
Not their style, Zionists blackmail gays into spying for them, and they use snipers or autmated gun turrets in towers to kill children playing in the streets; sometimes they just walk up to them an shoot them in the head...just to "confirm the kill".

Israel Presents Itself As Haven For Gay Community

Key word there is "Presents". Mossad blackmails Palestinian gays to spy for them.
Perhaps because Palestinian animals persecute and kill gay people like all depraved Islamist cultures do?
Does that give you the right to give people the boot and steal their land?

Who had the right to boot the Jewish people and steal their land?

Never happened. Judean rebels who were captured were killed or enslaved, and the practice of the religion was banned in Jerusalem, otherwise no Judean (Jewish or Pagan) was ever "booted" or had their land stolen, in Palestine.
More baloney. You guys repeat the same mantra like parrots. Funny.
It's funny how these people who were born as Muslims are pretending to be atheists, while critising Jews, Israel, and Judaism only. They have nothing to say about all the atrocities being conducted today and throughout history in the name of Islam and Mohammad. They actually think they're fooling people. Ya gotta love it!
It's funny how these people who were born as Muslims are pretending to be atheists, while critising Jews, Israel, and Judaism only. They have nothing to say about all the atrocities being conducted today and throughout history in the name of Islam and Mohammad. They actually think they're fooling people. Ya gotta love it!

Erm...this forum is about the Israel-Palestine conflict, it's only the Zio-nazis here that try to conflate what's happening elsewhere in the world with Muslim extremism. Oh, and point out to me where I have ever criticised the religion of Judaism or it's devotees, and as I keep telling you but you're obviously too stupid to grasp, I'm a Humanist.

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