Israel just bombed the hell out of Iran

whose land? You should learn a bit of history. I would suggest that you read the OT, NT and KORAN----but that would be far too much for you
Read the Jew book? The land was given to the descendants of Abraham, and God said that the Jews, Israel, has to keep Torah to have any right to any Real Estate in the Middle East. Palestinians are just as likely to descend from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, than any Jew from Poland or Crown Heights Brooklyn. More, the Muslims, don't worship idols, they're not atheists or sponsoring LGBTQA+ or any of that crap as you wicked, anti-Christ, atheist Jews are. According to the Bible that you just appealed to, YHWH God is the owner of the land, not Jews, and He gives it to whomever He wants. including Muslims and Christians.

The land will spew you out, and that's what it did in 70Ad. kicked you Jews out of the land for your wickedness. And now when many Jews migrate to the Holy Land they're secular, atheistic Jews who support LGBTQ+, just like Aql shows in his posts. You're not the chosen ones of God, you're demonic. Spreading corruption in the world.
Fox News talking point.

If the Palestinians put down all weapons, they'd be obliterated. In fact, they don’t have to put down weapons. Isreal is happy to obliterate them either way.

If Israel decided to obliterate the Palestinians it'd be done and over by now. Well if there really was a Palestine. Instead Israel has to deal with a bunch of nomads spread out over three or four countries.
Fox News talking point.

If the Palestinians put down all weapons, they'd be obliterated. In fact, they don’t have to put down weapons. Isreal is happy to obliterate them either way.

Israel has had the capability to obliterate the Palestinians for a very long time. They choose not to.

The Palestinians are militarily impotent, so they resort to terrorism.

The Palestinians should wise up and like the Native Americans, they should accept defeat and move on with life.

Continued conflict just brings more and more suffering to the Palestinian people and they keep losing more and more land.

They will never destroy Israel.
wrong----Muzzie is not a pejorative. Who owns this forum? Did you know that some muslims consider MOSLEM a pejorative----you really don't know
much of anything but the islamo nazi comics that you swallow whole
Muzzie is a derogatory, denigrating term, just like k-ke, which I haven't used against any Jews here on the forum. Even when you called me a "Muzzie" a word used by racists, against Muslims, and people who hate us, I refused to call you a k-ke. I'll call you a bitch, and a Jew-witch, but not a k&ke. Maybe I should add the K-word to my vocabulary from now on here on the forum.
wrong----Muzzie is not a pejorative. Who owns this forum? Did you know that some muslims consider MOSLEM a pejorative----you really don't know
much of anything but the islamo nazi comics that you swallow whole
al asska has disagreed----learn something AL. The term MOSLEM used to describe uhm....people like you----but it was discontinued. do a search---
MUSLIM vs MOSLEM-----I learned about islam from REAL MUSLIMS
This is typical American logic. Every time you have a shopping mall mass shooting, or a school mass shooting, or a road rage shooting ... there you are saying, "If everyone had a gun it wouldn't have happened". But you don't want Iran to have any nuclear bombs even though the US and Israel have plenty of them. Maybe if Palestine had "the bomb" it would settle the Zionist crisis. What do you think about that?
It would 'settle' it all right. :rolleyes:
Is that a statement or a question?
Muzzie is a derogatory, denigrating term, just like k-ke, which I haven't used against any Jews here on the forum. Even when you called me a "Muzzie" a word used by racists, against Muslims, and people who hate us, I refused to call you a k-ke. I'll call you a bitch, and a Jew-witch, but not a k&ke. Maybe I should add the K-word to my vocabulary from now on here on the forum.
OK----you can also resort to the USUAL arabic terms commonly on the LIPS of your people. None of it actually bothers me. Do you need help with the
arabic? feel free to ask-----my dhimmi is right here
al asska has disagreed----learn something AL. The term MOSLEM used to describe uhm....people like you----but it was discontinued. do a search---
MUSLIM vs MOSLEM-----I learned about islam from REAL MUSLIMS
Muzzie is a derogatory, denigrating term used by racists vs Muslims. That's fine, call me a Muzzie, I'll just return the favor and call you a k'ke.
So because Israel's proxies have done so that absolves them of any blame? Really, Mr Plano?
I wonder why the Israeli supporters here never talk about the attacks Israel has committed against Iran over the years. They know all about Iran supporting every terror group that ever existed (of course, this is a lie and never backed up).

And what of the US and Israel backing many terror groups? Would Hamas, ISIS, ISIL and others exist without their help?

They’re all such amazing hypocrites.
Your post is completely irrelevant. We're in 2024, not the mid-20th century. The enemies of the apartheid hell of "Israel", are much better armed today, with the latest technology. Muslims also have nukes.

During the 1967 Six-Day War, the United States did not provide direct military assistance to Israel in the conflict itself. The war was brief, lasting from June 5 to June 10, 1967, and Israel acted quickly to achieve a decisive victory against Egypt, Jordan, and Syria.

However, the broader context of U.S.-Israeli relations at that time included significant American support in various forms. Prior to the war, the U.S. had been a source of military aid and sales to Israel, which helped build up its armed forces. For instance, although significant direct military assistance wasn't a feature of the 1967 conflict, the U.S. had sold Israel advanced weaponry in the years leading up to the war. This included the delivery of tanks and aircraft which were crucial for Israel's military capabilities. After the war, U.S. support increased substantially.

During the 1973 Yom Kippur War, the United States played a significant role in supporting Israel, quite different from the more restrained role it played during the 1967 Six-Day War. The US has spent billions of dollars yearly, to support Israel. Without that American support, fake-"Israel" would crumble. The Jewish State wouldn't last another year or two.

Today in 2024, the Muslims would wipe the floor clean with Israhell. They would be overwhelmed by Muslim armies, if not for the US. Israhell's six Dolphin Class Submarines, can't really deliver a nuclear payload. It can't carry that many nukes, and it's incredibly inefficient as a launching platform for nuclear missiles. As Muslims, we're prepared to lose a few cities, but Israhell would be wiped off the map, never to cause anyone harm again. There would still be over a billion Muslims in the world.

If not for the US, Israel wouldn't be doing what it is doing now in Gaza or in Iran. The US arms Israel to the teeth, providing all of its arms and logistical support. Even in 2006, during the way between Israel and Hezbolah, the Israelis ran out of artillery shells and other ordinances and received an emergency supply from the US.

No, we don't supply them to the teeth. More propaganda that you're lapping up like so many others which comes from the liberal rag media outlets. Actually, we're learning from them on their laser technology.
Read the Jew book? The land was given to the descendants of Abraham, and God said that the Jews, Israel, has to keep Torah to have any right to any Real Estate in the Middle East. Palestinians are just as likely to descend from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, than any Jew from Poland or Crown Heights Brooklyn. More, the Muslims, don't worship idols, they're not atheists or sponsoring LGBTQA+ or any of that crap as you wicked, anti-Christ, atheist Jews are. According to the Bible that you just appealed to, YHWH God is the owner of the land, not Jews, and He gives it to whomever He wants. including Muslims and Christians.

The land will spew you out, and that's what it did in 70Ad. kicked you Jews out of the land for your wickedness. And now when many Jews migrate to the Holy Land they're secular, atheistic Jews who support LGBTQ+, just like Aql shows in his posts. You're not the chosen ones of God, you're demonic. Spreading corruption in the world.
oh gee----your read the jelly-bean comic version of DA BIBLE. Now read the koran. It's even funnier

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