Israel just bombed the hell out of Iran

I wonder why the Israeli supporters here never talk about the attacks Israel has committed against Iran over the years
Never? A mighty powerful word for a little guy like you.

Iran is a terrorist nation ran by the religious nuts fomenting the end of the world. Of course we support Free Israel over the religious dictatorship in Iran.
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No, we don't supply them to the teeth. More propaganda that you're lapping up like so many others which comes from the liberal rag media outlets. Actually, we're learning from them on their laser technology.
Like Duh, how more imbecilic can you be? The fact that Israel has developed skills and its own weapons, doesn't nullify the fact that the US floods Israel with money and weapons on a regular basis. Even today, right now, in its murderous bombing campaign in Gaza, it is being supplied with the ordinance and everything else it needs to carry out that war savagery. You're a retard.
Jews existed in the Caliphate? WOW, following your ZioNazi claptrap I would think those "evil Muzzies" would've whipped out all of the Jews and Christians. But they didn't. Even today despite ZioNazi Israhell, and what is happening today in Gaza there are Jews living in Muslim lands.

We Muslims treat Jews better than they treat us, when Muslims are governing. We don't see Jews as essentially inferior to us, we are all human beings before God. We respect the Jewish faith.

have you ever had a conversation with a jew who survived the caliphate
My dhimmi is right here----feel free to ask questions.
Like Duh, how more imbecilic can you be? The fact that Israel has developed skills and its own weapons, doesn't nullify the fact that the US floods Israel with money and weapons on a regular basis. Even today, right now, in its murderous bombing campaign in Gaza, it is being supplied with the ordinance and everything else it needs to carry out that war savagery. You're a retard.

No, wrong again. We don't flood them with money or weapons. We allocate them about 4 billion but then our big eared president dropped off 150 billion dollars on pallets to iran. So, you don't know what you're talking about. You're just regurgitating liberal garbage.
I wonder why the Israeli supporters here never talk about the attacks Israel has committed against Iran over the years.
Yeah ..... I wonder why :rolleyes:
They know all about Iran supporting every terror group that ever existed (of course, this is a lie and never backed up).
And what of the US and Israel backing many terror groups? Would Hamas, ISIS, ISIL and others exist without their help?
Oh! Now you are being unfair!!! You want to force them to use their collective brain all at once! :mad: Let's start slowly with IRGUN and move it up a notch as we go along.
They’re all such amazing hypocrites.
Ya' think? :auiqs.jpg:
No, wrong again. We don't flood them with money or weapons. We allocate them about 4 billion but then our big eared president dropped off 150 billion dollars on pallets to iran. So, you don't what you're talking about. You're just regurgitating liberal garbage.
We supply Israel with weapons and whatever else they need. If it wasn't for the US, "Israel" (anti-Christ, counterfeit Israel), would get its ass handed to them six ways to Sunday by the Arabs. They'd get clobbered. The only reason atheist-racist Israel is on the map is thanks to the Zionist-occupied US government.
You are calling the monarchy a democratic government? And why would the Democrats destroy a government in Iran, they must of had a very good reason?

No, GLASNOST is right. The U.S. under President Eisenhower, the U.K. & France participated in overthrowing the Iranian Democracy - to keep control of Iranian oil. We installed the Shah as a dictator. That's what lead to the Iranian revolution in the 1970s and the takeover by the religious nutcases that run Iran today.

But the fact is that none of that matters today. What matters is that Iran, today, is a terrorist state. They could become a law-abiding democracy at any time if they chose.
We supply Israel with weapons and whatever else they need. If it wasn't for the US, "Israel" (anti-Christ, counterfeit Israel), would get its ass handed to them six ways to Sunday by the Arabs. They'd get clobbered. The only reason atheist-racist Israel is on the map is thanks to the Zionist-occupied US government.

No, they wouldn't. They were surrounded in 1967 by arab countries who had every tactical advantage yet they prevailed without our help. Quit spreading lies.
have you ever had a conversation with a jew who survived the caliphate
My dhimmi is right here----feel free to ask questions.

There are Jews right now living in Morrocco, Tunis, and Iran. There are Jews in Dubai, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, living and working there. Yemen still has a few Jews, despite the evil committed against Muslims by Jews in your "Jew State", fake-Israel. You're full of shit.
No, they wouldn't. They were surrounded in 1967 by arab countries who had every tactical advantage yet they prevailed without our help. Quit spreading lies.
You idiot, we were supplying "Israel" with weapons before 1967. The fact that Israel won that war over 50 years ago, has nothing to do with the situation today.

In 1973, Israel relied heavily on the US, to supply it with new tanks and ordinance. The US has been supporting Israel with billions of dollars yearly, and all types of help, so you're full of shit too, just like Rosie. You're stupid. Right now, Israel is receiving weapons from the US, to bomb Gaza and fight Iran. The US helped Israel shoot down those Iranian drones and missiles a few days ago. You're a brainwashed dumbass. You're truly a slave of these Zionist Jews.
There are Jews right now living in Morrocco, Tunis, and Iran. There are Jews in Dubai, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, living and working there. Yemen still has a few Jews, despite the evil committed against Muslims by Jews in your "Jew State", fake-Israel. You're full of shit.
Your information is idiotic-----there are jews living EVEN IN POLAND---no genocide is entirely complete. The DECIMATION of jews in all of the countries you mentioned EXCEED THE DEFINITION OF GENOCIDE---the population of
muslims in Israel is large, growing and thriving and has never come close to
being the victim of genocide. You are TYPICAL ISLAMO NAZI FILTH---still dancing on the dead bodies of MILLIONS OF MUTILATED INFANTS AND RAPED AND MUTILATED GIRLS

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