Israel just bombed the hell out of Iran

I misjudged your ability to seek knowledge.

It does matter.

That is debatable.

Iran is an Islamic law-abiding nation.

Just for the sake of fair discussion ..... why would they want to? This is your chance to improve upon the intelligent intro in your first paragraph. Are you ready? Begin.

So you approve of oppressing women and gays?
His informative post, full of evidence, is "disgusting" to you because you're a goy slave of these Jewish Zionists. You're unable to debunk his posts exposing Jewish Zionists, so you and your ilk, have his posts censored.
1) Yes, people who say they admire Hitler disgust me.

2) And I’m a “goy slave.“? LOL
Not surprising to see you supporting the barbaric terrorists. You come by it naturally. With your homeland capitulating to Adolph Hitler.

How does one come to support barbaric terrorism?

I'm guessing it's also muslim.
There is no such thing as TDS. And its tired to read how you guys criticize Biden then whine when we critcize trump. Netanyahu should have listened. Biden is not weak. Watch.
Why do you persist in being one of USMB's leading fools?

No such thing as TDS? Biden is not weak?

We supply Israel with weapons and whatever else they need. If it wasn't for the US, "Israel" (anti-Christ, counterfeit Israel), would get its ass handed to them six ways to Sunday by the Arabs. They'd get clobbered. The only reason atheist-racist Israel is on the map is thanks to the Zionist-occupied US government.
We give MORE money to the Arab and Muslim countries, you Jew-hater.
No, GLASNOST is right. The U.S. under President Eisenhower, the U.K. & France participated in overthrowing the Iranian Democracy - to keep control of Iranian oil. We installed the Shah as a dictator. That's what lead to the Iranian revolution in the 1970s and the takeover by the religious nutcases that run Iran today.
Feel free to tell me about that democracy? Was there a constitution? What is the founding document. When did Iran become the Democracy?
I can see that you are going to start crying again and fill up the page with, "Yeah, but!" :itsok:
Continued conflict just brings more and more suffering to the Palestinian people and they keep losing more and more land.

''Continued conflict'' and ''more suffering'' is and always has been the ''strategy.''

''Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas... This is part of our isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.'' - Netanyahu speaking to his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019.

The money involved in orchestrating the ''strategy'' will, as it always does, come at the average American's expense and at the discretion of a government gun, of course, while average Americans struggle to decide whether to put food on the table for their families or fuel in their cars to get to work, also thanks to the policies of that very same government gun.
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What's your excuse for having nuclear bombs?

"If everyone had nuclear bombs ..... " That's your logic, not mine. But with your finger on the nuke button [and flaunting it] , I'm sure you've convinced the Iranians.
Do you really not grasp the monumental difference between the US and Israel having a nuke and a bunch of terrorists having a nuke? Are you really that stupid?
The rape and ass-licking is in your head. Your Jewish rabbis suck baby penises, infecting them with herpes:

Don't throw stones from a glass house you disgusting jew bitch. Tell your rabbis to stop putting baby penises in their mouths, infecting them with herpes. Sick ass jews.

I would explain the issue of Hemostasis to you but you are beyond help-- I am familiar with the outcome of the CIRCUMCISIONS of the ass licker dogs of Mecca. What a mess. Did you know that the SAUDI doctors BEG jewish rabbis to teach them HOW TO DO IT-----look it up in the SAUDI Annals of Medicine ---you disgusting pile of shit muzzie ass sucker. The first time I saw one of those muzzie disease passing disasters----I all but vomited. You
certainly collected the UNABRIDGED VOLUME of muzzie ass licker propaganda. Sometimes I regret not carrying a camera
Haha. So tell me….how I am a goy-slave, you Jew-hater?

(I almost feel bad making a fool of this poster.)
Blindly supporting them like an idiot. Taking their side on these issues, when you should be standing up against them. You're dumb. The only reason scum like you can sit there insulting Aql, me and others who don't agree with you is because you're hiding behind a computer. If you were standing in front of us, you wouldn't be so belligerent.

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