Israel Massacre In Shejaiya District in Gaza Kills At Least 40

At least 40 people were killed and nearly 400 wounded in Israeli shelling of Gaza's northeastern Shejaiya district overnight, medics said on Sunday.

Emergency services spokesman Ashraf al-Qudra stated that 40 bodies had been retrieved from the neighborhood in Shejaiya. He further stated that at least 380 people had been wounded in shelling that was still continuing. It was reported thousands were fleeing from northern Gaza Sunday after a night of fierce bombardment as the Israeli occupation forces expanded.

The Palestinian death toll hit 383 although medics said it was set to soar after a night of intense attacks to the north and east of Gaza City.

Hamas movement, the main power in Gaza, refused to yield in the face of the relentless air, sea and land attacks, continuing to response to Israel's offensive killing another two Israeli soldiers overnight, the army said.

"On the ground, the streets of the northern district of Shejaiya were filled with thousands of people fleeing for their lives after heavy shelling left casualties lying in the streets, an AFP correspondent reported.

Ambulances were unable to reach much of the area along the border because of heavy fire, and emergency services told AFP there were reports of dead and wounded trapped by the bombardment.

At Shifa hospital, casualties were being brought in by the minute, some in ambulances, but others in cars and trucks."

UPDATE 1: 40 Palestinians killed, 400 wounded in new Israeli massacre in east Gaza city - Region - World - Ahram Online

Israel carried out a massacre early Sunday morning in the Shejayia neighborhood of Gaza, and then for hours refused to allow medical personnel inside to save lives of those Israel injured who were still alive.

Right now Hamas and the Red Cross are calling for a humanitarian truce to remove the many bodies from the streets covered in blood from the Israeli massacres. It is not clear whether Israel will allow this ceasefire to happen.


Watch "جثث الشهداء ملقاة على الأرض في شوارع حي الشجاعية …" on YouTube
جثث الشهداء ملقاة على الأرض في شوارع حي الشجاعية …:

WATCH: Dozens of bodies strewn in the streets of Gaza City following bombardment

Overnight the Israeli military pounded the Gaza City neighborhood of Shijaiyeh. The social media updates from locals and international journalists on the scene described a terrifying bombardment that continued unabated for 12 hours since Saturday night.

This morning Arabic media outlets are broadcasting horrific scenes showing dozens of bodies strewn in the debris-filled streets. There are many women and children. The media is calling it another Sabra and Shatila.

WATCH: Dozens of bodies strewn in the streets of Gaza City following bombardment | +972 Magazine
Seems like Israel cares more for the Palestinian children than the Palestinians themselves.

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We have a new phenomenon in the present pogrom in Gaza, attacking entire families to wipe out in bombings of their homes.

We need a new word to define this new Zionist crime.

I listened to how 1 family's home was bombed and 24 family members killed. Their bodies were taken to two different hospitals. The father had to identify the remains of a daughter at two hospitals, half of her body was at one hospital and half of her body was at another hospital.

Are you aware that Hamas and other Palestinian Groups have declared there is no distinction between Civilian and Soldier? Sadly, that's what the Palestinian People have been supporting for too many years. Probably time for them to choose different leadership. This certainly isn't working out for them.
I'm not taking either side in this, but the Palestinian People have made some very bad choices. They've continued supporting radical groups which preach 'Kill any Jew anywhere you find them.' And have declared there is no distinction between Civilian and Soldier. That's in the Hamas Charter. They're clearly paying a very heavy price for that. It's time for new leadership.

Nothing you address justifies targeting civilians in Gaza or collective punishment (punishing the civilian population for acts of the government or the acts of some), which is what Israel is doing right now in Gaza. These acts violate The Fourth Geneva Convention and are war crimes.

And I don't think you have your facts right either, and further why would you attribute to every civilian, philosophies you allege Hamas embraces? Can I assume you agree with all US government policies and personally punish you for crimes of your governnent?
Ya sure. Tell the animals to stop shooting rockets at Israel.

Israel should not leave Gaza this time until every last Hamas vermin have been exterminated.
I'm not taking either side in this, but the Palestinian People have made some very bad choices. They've continued supporting radical groups which preach 'Kill any Jew anywhere you find them.' And have declared there is no distinction between Civilian and Soldier. That's in the Hamas Charter. They're clearly paying a very heavy price for that. It's time for new leadership.

Nothing you address justifies targeting civilians in Gaza or collective punishment (punishing the civilian population for acts of the government or the acts of some), which is what Israel is doing right now in Gaza. These acts violate The Fourth Geneva Convention and are war crimes.

Like i said, i'm not taking either side. But the Palestinian People have made very bad choices. Hamas and other groups have declared there's no distinction between Civilian and Soldier. The Palestinian People shouldn't have supported those groups. It is not going well for them. They really should consider new leadership.
17 patients were still in the hospital. Israel had warned them for several days to remove everyone. Nurses and most staff had gone home.
All 17 patients are still being cared for, the paralyzed, terminal, unconscious/coma. The 6 "victims" were fighters.
[ame=]Evidence of Hamas Shooting from Within Homes | Terrorist Struck By IDF Fire | Gaza - YouTube[/ame]
Sherri, let me ask you a simple question.

Do you acknowledge the fact that Hamas uses innocent civilians as shields during their operations? Do you also acknowledge that they emplace themselves in schools, mosques, and residential areas? Or are you so immersed in anti Israeli propaganda to see that?
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Also, would you condemn such behavior if it indeed took place? Why are you so focused on supposed atrocities being committed by Israel, yet ignoring the known and documented ones being carried out by Hamas? Don't you think that hiding among children and innocent civilians is a bit cowardly? Why do you support cowards? Is your concern for the Gazans sincere? Or is it purely borne out of your hatred of Israel?
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Too busy crafting a propaganda filled response? Don't bother. I can crush you and your anti semitic arguments on my mobile device.
Also, would you condemn such behavior it indeed took place? Why are you so focused on supposed atrocities being committed by Israel, yet ignoring the known and documented ones being carried out by Hamas? Don't you think that hiding among children and innocent civilians is a bit cowardly? Why do you support cowards? Is your concern for the Gaza a sincere? Or is it purely borne out of your hatred of Israel?

I've asked a couple of the Hamas supporters if they were aware of the Hamas Charter? The Charter clearly declares no distinction between Civilian and Soldier. Other groups have declared the same. Can't quite get a response from em. I'm just curious as to how they can support that, while at the same time expressing such outrage over civilian deaths. I'll give em a little more time to respond.
Also, would you condemn such behavior it indeed took place? Why are you so focused on supposed atrocities being committed by Israel, yet ignoring the known and documented ones being carried out by Hamas? Don't you think that hiding among children and innocent civilians is a bit cowardly? Why do you support cowards? Is your concern for the Gaza a sincere? Or is it purely borne out of your hatred of Israel?

I've asked a couple of the Hamas supporters if they were aware of the Hamas Charter? The Charter clearly declares no distinction between Civilian and Soldier. Other groups have declared the same. Can't quite get a response from em. I'm just curious as to how they can support that, while at the same time expressing such outrage over civilian deaths. I'll give em a little more time to respond.

Tell me about it. If they think they know so much, they should be prepared to respond immediately.
Also, would you condemn such behavior it indeed took place? Why are you so focused on supposed atrocities being committed by Israel, yet ignoring the known and documented ones being carried out by Hamas? Don't you think that hiding among children and innocent civilians is a bit cowardly? Why do you support cowards? Is your concern for the Gaza a sincere? Or is it purely borne out of your hatred of Israel?

I've asked a couple of the Hamas supporters if they were aware of the Hamas Charter? The Charter clearly declares no distinction between Civilian and Soldier. Other groups have declared the same. Can't quite get a response from em. I'm just curious as to how they can support that, while at the same time expressing such outrage over civilian deaths. I'll give em a little more time to respond.

You are attacking a THEOLOGY-----Islamic "theology" includes a "no distinction" between
civilian and non civilian-----both for "us" and "them" It's in the Koran. "ALL" of the is
"the enemy" subject to murder, pillage, rape and enslavement. and "ALL" of us----
are "DEFENDERS OF ISLAM" Gaza has no MILITARY------all are --civilians---and
DEFENDERS OF ISLAAAAM. Israel has no civilians -----ALL either are or are potential
ZIONISTS (the enemy)
Deliberately targeting civilians to kill is a war crime and Israel alone has responsibility for the civilians she targets with death.

Collective Punishment of a civilian population is also a war crime.

Israel warned the people of the neighborhood to save themselves and go to UNRWA shelters at southern Gaza.

Hamas forced them to stay and die.

Every drop of innocent blood spilled in Gaza, is on Hamas' hands.

S0 is not lunching rockets at civilians also a war crime??
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Also, would you condemn such behavior it indeed took place? Why are you so focused on supposed atrocities being committed by Israel, yet ignoring the known and documented ones being carried out by Hamas? Don't you think that hiding among children and innocent civilians is a bit cowardly? Why do you support cowards? Is your concern for the Gaza a sincere? Or is it purely borne out of your hatred of Israel?

I've asked a couple of the Hamas supporters if they were aware of the Hamas Charter? The Charter clearly declares no distinction between Civilian and Soldier. Other groups have declared the same. Can't quite get a response from em. I'm just curious as to how they can support that, while at the same time expressing such outrage over civilian deaths. I'll give em a little more time to respond.

Tell me about it. If they think they know so much, they should be prepared to respond immediately.

Yeah, it seems to me you can't have it both ways. I'm just curious as to how they rationalize it. I'm not taking any side in this though. I'm just always curious seeing how people rationalize confused and flawed positions.
Deliberately targeting civilians to kill is a war crime and Israel alone has responsibility for the civilians she targets with death.

Collective Punishment of a civilian population is also a war crime.

Israel warned the people of the neighborhood to save themselves and go to UNRWA shelters at southern Gaza.

Hamas forced them to stay and die.

Every drop of innocent blood spilled in Gaza, is on Hamas' hands.

S0 is not lunching rockets at civillians also a war crime??

depends on whether I am invited and ----dessert is served (sorry ---fix your typo so
other people do "make fun" ) I believe that in military law (at least in the USA)
military crime. I was USA navy long ago

In gaza there is no military-----all the people are "civilians" unless they happen
to have a bomb tied to their asses-----at a specific moment-----only at that moment
can they be called a "militant"
Also, would you condemn such behavior it indeed took place? Why are you so focused on supposed atrocities being committed by Israel, yet ignoring the known and documented ones being carried out by Hamas? Don't you think that hiding among children and innocent civilians is a bit cowardly? Why do you support cowards? Is your concern for the Gaza a sincere? Or is it purely borne out of your hatred of Israel?

I've asked a couple of the Hamas supporters if they were aware of the Hamas Charter? The Charter clearly declares no distinction between Civilian and Soldier. Other groups have declared the same. Can't quite get a response from em. I'm just curious as to how they can support that, while at the same time expressing such outrage over civilian deaths. I'll give em a little more time to respond.

You are attacking a THEOLOGY-----Islamic "theology" includes a "no distinction" between
civilian and non civilian-----both for "us" and "them" It's in the Koran. "ALL" of the is
"the enemy" subject to murder, pillage, rape and enslavement. and "ALL" of us----
are "DEFENDERS OF ISLAM" Gaza has no MILITARY------all are --civilians---and
DEFENDERS OF ISLAAAAM. Israel has no civilians -----ALL either are or are potential
ZIONISTS (the enemy)

Well, i guess that's one way to rationalize it.

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