Israel refuses to to any refugees

Gee, maybe the United Nations can carve out a piece of Israel and give the refugees their own state.
Actually, some multi billionaire in Egypt (I think) offered to buy the refugees an island somewhere near Greece, that they can call "home" until they can return to their original homeland. I read that last night..I think on AOL news?
Why should they?

Look people, this refugee problem isn't europe's fault, it isn't America's fault, and it isn't israel's fault. Hell, for once it isn't even Obama's fault.

If a country decides to take them then fine. If it doesn't it doesn't mean they are evil.

jews push for non whites into white countries but not their own country.Jews in Israel can be racist but Jews in the US call whites racist and bigoted etc for not bowing down to cultural marxism.
Israel is smart if it rejects refugees of any sort especially 'muslims' .
Yeah, but....nobody took the Jews when they needed help. Seems to me they would know how that feels and try to assist. Then again...what can they do? The refugee problem stems from "home".

Many of the Arabs states are very rich, other than Jordan which ones are taking in their Arab brothers like the Jews take in their brothers?:dunno:

More than a million Jews were expelled from Arab and Muslim countries between 1948 and 1974, without asking for compensation or the right to return. Pierre Rehov's "Silent Exodus", is a tribute to their tragedy

Jordan, as you noted, has taken huge numbers as has Egypt. While not technically an Arab state, Turkey has taken by the most. All three of those countries are at their breaking point.

The rhetoric here sure echo's the rhetoric of 70 years ago doesn't it? Refugees fleeing unimaginable horrors only to be turned away.

They helped create the horror. Let them solve it rather than inflicting their problems on us.

So they can advocate and help and push for the invasion of Europe but they won't take any....typical jewish supremacism.
Jews want to keep their "race" clean… just like you know who… no intermarriage even with goyims… maybe if the goyim converts to judaism…MAYBE...

That's silly. Israel is very small. It also has it's own problems with an ongoing conflict of it's own, security problems at it's borders with Syria and complex demographic problems. It would be nice if it took in refugees. But hey - how many refugees has the US, with it's huge landmass, wealthy economy and stable government taken in? Fewer than 1,000.

We've taken in plenty. Apparently you didn't know that.
why let the enemy into Israels midst Coyote . Same for the 'euros' , same for the USA . Most of the ilk running away are young men , send them back after intercepting them with naval vessels / blockade while they are floating towards 'europe' . Let the men or who ever fight to save their homelands Coyote . Course I don't really care , interesting to see whats happening in 'europe' . It'll be more interesting as more arrive . Maybe reality will finally dawn on the 'euros' Coyote .
Europe’s fear of Muslim refugees echoes rhetoric of 1930s anti-Semitism

....Consider this 1938 article in the Daily Mail, a British tabloid still known for its bouts of right-wing populism. Its headline warned of "German Jews Pouring Into This Country." And it began as follows:

"The way stateless Jews and Germans are pouring in from every port of this country is becoming an outrage. I intend to enforce the law to the fullest."

In these words, Mr Herbert Metcalde, the Old Street Magistrate yesterday referred to the number of aliens entering this country through the 'back door' -- a problem to which The Daily Mail has repeatedly pointed.

The number of aliens entering this country can be seen by the number of prosecutions in recent months. It is very difficult for the alien to escape the increasing vigilance of the police and port authorities.

Even if aliens manage to break through the defences, it is not long before they are caught and deported.

No matter the alarming rhetoric of Hitler's fascist state -- and the growing acts of violence against Jews and others -- popular sentiment in Western Europe and the United States was largely indifferent to the plight of German Jews.

"Of all the groups in the 20th century," write the authors of the 1999 book, "Refugees in the Age of Genocide," "refugees from Nazism are now widely and popularly perceived as 'genuine', but at the time German, Austrian and Czechoslovakian Jews were treated with ambivalence and outright hostility as well as sympathy."

Part of that hostility was fueled, as some of the European grievances are now, by stereotypes of the refugees as harbingers of a dangerous ideology, in this instance communism and anarchist violence.

There were also economic concerns. The world was coming off the Great Depression. In France alone, there were a million people unemployed. Resentment against French and foreign Jews (large numbers from Germany and Romania had arrived by the early 1930s) led to "a new wave of antisemitism," detailed by a report put out by the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.

The Chamber of Commerce of the city of Metz, for example, grumbled in 1933 that "highly undesirable" Jews "have become a veritable plague for honest French merchants." By 1935, the then French government enacted a series of quotas on certain professions -- effectively blocking Jews out. This was a precursor for the more pernicious and deadly forms of antisemitism to come.

In Britain, as a 2002 article in the Guardian recounts, perhaps as many as half a million German Jewish asylum seekers were turned away by authorities ahead of the outbreak of World War II. Many who were admitted in were given asylum less out of altruism than a need to fill low-paying domestic work "spurned by the native British." The situation was no better elsewhere:

Canada accommodated only 5,000 European Jews between 1933 and 1945, Australia 10,000, South Africa some 6,000. And the US's unyielding quota system meant that, between 1933 and 1937, only 33,000 German Jews were admitted (and only 124,000 between 1938 and 1941).

Meanwhile, those trapped within Nazi-controlled Europe faced the horrors of the Holocaust. Millions were systematically killed. Yet it was only in 1944, when the extent of the genocide had become better known, that the United States made a real effort to rescue European Jews. Even during World War II, let alone before it started, antisemitism was rife in American political and public life.
Empathy, compassion, sympathy. Not all muslims are bad.
make no sense to take a chance , they are weird worshippers in a weird religion Gracie !! Ship them back , let then fight for their homeland would be my solution .

So they can advocate and help and push for the invasion of Europe but they won't take any....typical jewish supremacism.
Jews want to keep their "race" clean… just like you know who… no intermarriage even with goyims… maybe if the goyim converts to judaism…MAYBE...

That's silly. Israel is very small. It also has it's own problems with an ongoing conflict of it's own, security problems at it's borders with Syria and complex demographic problems. It would be nice if it took in refugees. But hey - how many refugees has the US, with it's huge landmass, wealthy economy and stable government taken in? Fewer than 1,000.

We've taken in plenty. Apparently you didn't know that.

Sigh. I hope the island is bought so they have a place to go, then. And like someone else said...all the men 25 years up to 50 should be sent back to take their country back in any way they can...but the women and children should have safety.
Europe’s fear of Muslim refugees echoes rhetoric of 1930s anti-Semitism

....Consider this 1938 article in the Daily Mail, a British tabloid still known for its bouts of right-wing populism. Its headline warned of "German Jews Pouring Into This Country." And it began as follows:

"The way stateless Jews and Germans are pouring in from every port of this country is becoming an outrage. I intend to enforce the law to the fullest."

In these words, Mr Herbert Metcalde, the Old Street Magistrate yesterday referred to the number of aliens entering this country through the 'back door' -- a problem to which The Daily Mail has repeatedly pointed.

The number of aliens entering this country can be seen by the number of prosecutions in recent months. It is very difficult for the alien to escape the increasing vigilance of the police and port authorities.

Even if aliens manage to break through the defences, it is not long before they are caught and deported.

No matter the alarming rhetoric of Hitler's fascist state -- and the growing acts of violence against Jews and others -- popular sentiment in Western Europe and the United States was largely indifferent to the plight of German Jews.

"Of all the groups in the 20th century," write the authors of the 1999 book, "Refugees in the Age of Genocide," "refugees from Nazism are now widely and popularly perceived as 'genuine', but at the time German, Austrian and Czechoslovakian Jews were treated with ambivalence and outright hostility as well as sympathy."

Part of that hostility was fueled, as some of the European grievances are now, by stereotypes of the refugees as harbingers of a dangerous ideology, in this instance communism and anarchist violence.

There were also economic concerns. The world was coming off the Great Depression. In France alone, there were a million people unemployed. Resentment against French and foreign Jews (large numbers from Germany and Romania had arrived by the early 1930s) led to "a new wave of antisemitism," detailed by a report put out by the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.

The Chamber of Commerce of the city of Metz, for example, grumbled in 1933 that "highly undesirable" Jews "have become a veritable plague for honest French merchants." By 1935, the then French government enacted a series of quotas on certain professions -- effectively blocking Jews out. This was a precursor for the more pernicious and deadly forms of antisemitism to come.

In Britain, as a 2002 article in the Guardian recounts, perhaps as many as half a million German Jewish asylum seekers were turned away by authorities ahead of the outbreak of World War II. Many who were admitted in were given asylum less out of altruism than a need to fill low-paying domestic work "spurned by the native British." The situation was no better elsewhere:

Canada accommodated only 5,000 European Jews between 1933 and 1945, Australia 10,000, South Africa some 6,000. And the US's unyielding quota system meant that, between 1933 and 1937, only 33,000 German Jews were admitted (and only 124,000 between 1938 and 1941).

Meanwhile, those trapped within Nazi-controlled Europe faced the horrors of the Holocaust. Millions were systematically killed. Yet it was only in 1944, when the extent of the genocide had become better known, that the United States made a real effort to rescue European Jews. Even during World War II, let alone before it started, antisemitism was rife in American political and public life.

No one had anything to fear from Jews fleeing Nazi Germany. We have plenty to fear from these uncivilized barbarians who want spread their vile culture wherever they go.
see how muslims treat women , homosexuals . yazidis , Christians , budhists to see why muslims should be left to their own devices or controlled by civilized countries Coyote . See 'iran' and its sharia law .

So they can advocate and help and push for the invasion of Europe but they won't take any....typical jewish supremacism.
Jews want to keep their "race" clean… just like you know who… no intermarriage even with goyims… maybe if the goyim converts to judaism…MAYBE...

That's silly. Israel is very small. It also has it's own problems with an ongoing conflict of it's own, security problems at it's borders with Syria and complex demographic problems. It would be nice if it took in refugees. But hey - how many refugees has the US, with it's huge landmass, wealthy economy and stable government taken in? Fewer than 1,000.

We've taken in plenty. Apparently you didn't know that.


Where do you think all those Moslems in Dearborn MI come from?
and 'iran' is probably one of the advanced muslim countries , at least militarily and technologically . Yet , they and their sharia - islam is the most barbaric .

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