Israel rejects "Hope and Change"

Again, casualties of war.

Of course, unless you want to be at each others throats ALL the time, we have to deal with these dictators.

We have no good reason to be involved in any of this.

This is something I figured out during the first Gulf War, when I realized it made no difference if Saddam or the Emir of Kuwait controlled the Rumalia Oil Fields.

It's just simply not OUR problem.

Well, you do have a point, considering the US does not purchase much oil at all from the ME.

true. But we treat that like it's the most important thing. Not because we get much oil from the Persian Gulf, but when we can't get it from there that easily, the oil we DO get from Canada or Venezuela becomes that much more pricey.

We should have started looking into alternatives in 1974, the first time they pulled this shit. We didn't.

Believe me, I would like nothing more than to wash our hands of the whole entire area.
Believe me, I would like nothing more than to wash our hands of the whole entire area.

Okay, but you never do.

Here's how we wash our hands of the entire area.

1) Cut off all aid to Israel.
2) Cut off all aid to other countries in the region.
3) announce our Navy will only engage in defending our countries, not others.
4) Take some of that 900 Billion we spend on the military and spend it on energy independence.
Believe me, I would like nothing more than to wash our hands of the whole entire area.

Okay, but you never do.

Here's how we wash our hands of the entire area.

1) Cut off all aid to Israel.
2) Cut off all aid to other countries in the region.
3) announce our Navy will only engage in defending our countries, not others.
4) Take some of that 900 Billion we spend on the military and spend it on energy independence.

I would feel terrible if we did that and something bad happened to Israel. All the others, I couldn't care less about. I've known a few people from Israel. Really nice people.
I would feel terrible if we did that and something bad happened to Israel. All the others, I couldn't care less about. I've known a few people from Israel. Really nice people.

I wouldn't feel bad about that for a minute. THe people in Israel CHOSE to live next to people determined to kill them and provided them with arguably good reasons for wanting to do so.

I can't feel that bad when people do things to bring about their own demise.
I would feel terrible if we did that and something bad happened to Israel. All the others, I couldn't care less about. I've known a few people from Israel. Really nice people.

I wouldn't feel bad about that for a minute. THe people in Israel CHOSE to live next to people determined to kill them and provided them with arguably good reasons for wanting to do so.

I can't feel that bad when people do things to bring about their own demise.

They really didn't have many options at the time.
You're trying to have an intelligent conversation with a person that doesn't live in the real world....delusional people tend to be very frustrating as they attempt to bring you into their psychoses

Guy, you are the one who advocates fighting a 70 year war over who an imaginary sky pixie left a strip of desert to.... That's truly delusional.

People who cant tell the difference between the founders of this country, who fought for liberty and islamonazis who fight to enslave people isn't living in the world of reality..You're a kook Joe, get some help :uhoh3:
You're trying to have an intelligent conversation with a person that doesn't live in the real world....delusional people tend to be very frustrating as they attempt to bring you into their psychoses

Guy, you are the one who advocates fighting a 70 year war over who an imaginary sky pixie left a strip of desert to.... That's truly delusional.

People who cant tell the difference between the founders of this country, who fought for liberty and islamonazis who fight to enslave people isn't living in the world of reality..You're a kook Joe, get some help :uhoh3:

I can tell the difference. It really is not that complicated. Islam is an oppressive horrible ideology for one thing. They hate women, they hate homosexuals, and they hate anyone who isn't a Muslim basically. It's a very hateful and intolerant ideology.

It's unfathomable that these people who denigrate Christians and Jews could be "tolerant" of the MOST intolerant ideology.
My comments about Mutts was an attempt to defuse the argument.............Mission failed.............Not done as an insult to either side........................
My comments about Mutts was an attempt to defuse the argument.............Mission failed.............Not done as an insult to either side........................

Are you referring to Muttlynch's bar in Newport Beach? Because if you are, you're in some serious shit! That is a SoCal icon. Even Muslim women will check their religion at the door as they rollerblade past wearing tank tops and t-backs. Where they sell 32 ounce schooners and have one of the best pizzas on the planet.

I hope for your sake, you weren't trashing Mutts?

People who cant tell the difference between the founders of this country, who fought for liberty and islamonazis who fight to enslave people isn't living in the world of reality..You're a kook Joe, get some help

these would be the same 'founders" who wrote into the constitution that slavery was dandy and a black was 3/5th of a white man. Oh, yeah, after the Revolutionary War, 1/3rd of the population fled to Canada. we can also talk about how the guy on the $20.00 bill committed genocide against the Cherokee. (Not technically a "Founder", but telling about our history.)

You know what would have happened if these fucks lost? We'd be Canadians today. Which means we'd still have the right to vote, we'd have universal health care and we'd have ended slavery without a civil war.

Meanwhile, what are the "Islamonazis" fighting for? They want their land back. They want foreign countries to stop brutalizing them directly or through proxies.

Again- one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.
People who cant tell the difference between the founders of this country, who fought for liberty and islamonazis who fight to enslave people isn't living in the world of reality..You're a kook Joe, get some help

these would be the same 'founders" who wrote into the constitution that slavery was dandy and a black was 3/5th of a white man. Oh, yeah, after the Revolutionary War, 1/3rd of the population fled to Canada. we can also talk about how the guy on the $20.00 bill committed genocide against the Cherokee. (Not technically a "Founder", but telling about our history.)

You know what would have happened if these fucks lost? We'd be Canadians today. Which means we'd still have the right to vote, we'd have universal health care and we'd have ended slavery without a civil war.

Meanwhile, what are the "Islamonazis" fighting for? They want their land back. They want foreign countries to stop brutalizing them directly or through proxies.

Again- one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

You're a willful, miserable, idiot, Joe. Isis is fighting to enslave people. Get off your stupid Jew hatred joey, and get some psychological help. These internet sites aren't helping you:cuckoo:
People who cant tell the difference between the founders of this country, who fought for liberty and islamonazis who fight to enslave people isn't living in the world of reality..You're a kook Joe, get some help

these would be the same 'founders" who wrote into the constitution that slavery was dandy and a black was 3/5th of a white man. Oh, yeah, after the Revolutionary War, 1/3rd of the population fled to Canada. we can also talk about how the guy on the $20.00 bill committed genocide against the Cherokee. (Not technically a "Founder", but telling about our history.)

You know what would have happened if these fucks lost? We'd be Canadians today. Which means we'd still have the right to vote, we'd have universal health care and we'd have ended slavery without a civil war.

Meanwhile, what are the "Islamonazis" fighting for? They want their land back. They want foreign countries to stop brutalizing them directly or through proxies.

Again- one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.
Joe never misses an opportunity to trash talk his own country.......if he really is from this country. Calling the founding fathers a bunch of fucks and rewriting history of WHAT IFS and said we'd be Canadians now and not Americans.............Ditching Andrew Jackson who fought the British again and sent them packing again.

Saying the Civil War would have never happened if they had lost..........:lame2:

The institution of slavery existed under British Rule :ahole-1:

We have Freedom in this country.......and if you love Canada So Much you can use that Freedom to go their and be one of them............You are Free to Leave...........No one is making you stay.
You're a willful, miserable, idiot, Joe. Isis is fighting to enslave people. Get off your stupid Jew hatred joey, and get some psychological help. These internet sites aren't helping you

The Confederacy fought to Enslave People. The Revolutionary war was the colonists - who had slavery- fighting against Great Britain, which had abolished it back home.

But ZIonshits like you don't give a fuck about "enslaving people", you just want to keep dragging America back into your wars.
oe never misses an opportunity to trash talk his own country.......if he really is from this country. Calling the founding fathers a bunch of fucks and rewriting history of WHAT IFS and said we'd be Canadians now and not Americans...

I realize you have reading problems, but the reality is, this country was built on racism, slavery and genocide. And, yeah, we really need to own up to that.

Ditching Andrew Jackson who fought the British again and sent them packing again.

The Battle of New Orleans was kind of meaningless, as the War of 1812 had already ended with a peace agreement. But let's leave that to the side. Jackson should be taken off the $20.00 because he COMMITTED GENOCIDE AGAINST THE CHEROKEE!!!! YOu know, that's kind of a bad thing. Even when done to non-Jews. And The Cherokee haven't even gone out and stolen someone else land and acted like little bitches.

Saying the Civil War would have never happened if they had lost..........:lame2:

The institution of slavery existed under British Rule

Except that it had been abolished in Great Britain itself and abolished throughout the Empire in 1833.

We have Freedom in this country.......and if you love Canada So Much you can use that Freedom to go their and be one of them............You are Free to Leave...........No one is making you stay.

again, we are in the position to fix this country, as soon as we overcome inbred, bible thumping tools like you.
oe never misses an opportunity to trash talk his own country.......if he really is from this country. Calling the founding fathers a bunch of fucks and rewriting history of WHAT IFS and said we'd be Canadians now and not Americans...

I realize you have reading problems, but the reality is, this country was built on racism, slavery and genocide. And, yeah, we really need to own up to that.

Ditching Andrew Jackson who fought the British again and sent them packing again.

The Battle of New Orleans was kind of meaningless, as the War of 1812 had already ended with a peace agreement. But let's leave that to the side. Jackson should be taken off the $20.00 because he COMMITTED GENOCIDE AGAINST THE CHEROKEE!!!! YOu know, that's kind of a bad thing. Even when done to non-Jews. And The Cherokee haven't even gone out and stolen someone else land and acted like little bitches.

Saying the Civil War would have never happened if they had lost..........:lame2:

The institution of slavery existed under British Rule

Except that it had been abolished in Great Britain itself and abolished throughout the Empire in 1833.

We have Freedom in this country.......and if you love Canada So Much you can use that Freedom to go their and be one of them............You are Free to Leave...........No one is making you stay.

again, we are in the position to fix this country, as soon as we overcome inbred, bible thumping tools like you.
You don't want this country Joe..............You want to condemn it and say we'd be better off being Canadian...........Again, the way North is open to you.

You trash talk our country over and over again. That is your lock and bitch about how bad WE ARE NO MATTER THE TOPIC.

We show a video about ISIS beheading little girls............Your answer..........America Sucks.......
We show the pictures of ISIL Crucifying Iraqi soldiers and civilians............Your answer.........America Sucks.....
We say thank you to Egypt for getting rid of Muslim Brotherhood..........Your answer...........America Sucks......

So lets just save some time on all your posts in the future.............Just type a America Sucks and copy and paste it that is all you really ever say anyway..................... the part of the world and or country that hasn't been taken by force throughout the history of mankind..................Perhaps you will come back with Penguins in the North Pole.
You don't want this country Joe..............You want to condemn it and say we'd be better off being Canadian...........Again, the way North is open to you.

You trash talk our country over and over again. That is your lock and bitch about how bad WE ARE NO MATTER THE TOPIC.

Guy, the term is "Stock and Trade". Actually, this country would be pretty wonderful if it weren't full of piss-ignorant bible thumpers who wallow in whatever shit the 1%ers lay out for them and put up with it.

We show a video about ISIS beheading little girls............Your answer..........America Sucks.......
We show the pictures of ISIL Crucifying Iraqi soldiers and civilians............Your answer.........America Sucks.....
We say thank you to Egypt for getting rid of Muslim Brotherhood..........Your answer...........America Sucks......

First of all, I didn't make any comment about a non-existent video of ISIL beheading little girls. Does this even exist outside your fevered imagination?

Second, the only reason there IS an ISIL is because your boy, George W. Stupid, invaded a country that wasn't our enemy and then proceeded to fuck up the occupation that followed in every way imaginable. the part of the world and or country that hasn't been taken by force throughout the history of mankind..................Perhaps you will come back with Penguins in the North Pole.

Again, watching you sputter to try to rationalize what the Zionists do is hilarious.
oe never misses an opportunity to trash talk his own country.......if he really is from this country. Calling the founding fathers a bunch of fucks and rewriting history of WHAT IFS and said we'd be Canadians now and not Americans...

I realize you have reading problems, but the reality is, this country was built on racism, slavery and genocide. And, yeah, we really need to own up to that.

Ditching Andrew Jackson who fought the British again and sent them packing again.

The Battle of New Orleans was kind of meaningless, as the War of 1812 had already ended with a peace agreement. But let's leave that to the side. Jackson should be taken off the $20.00 because he COMMITTED GENOCIDE AGAINST THE CHEROKEE!!!! YOu know, that's kind of a bad thing. Even when done to non-Jews. And The Cherokee haven't even gone out and stolen someone else land and acted like little bitches.

Saying the Civil War would have never happened if they had lost..........:lame2:

The institution of slavery existed under British Rule

Except that it had been abolished in Great Britain itself and abolished throughout the Empire in 1833.

We have Freedom in this country.......and if you love Canada So Much you can use that Freedom to go their and be one of them............You are Free to Leave...........No one is making you stay.

again, we are in the position to fix this country, as soon as we overcome inbred, bible thumping tools like you.
You don't want this country Joe..............You want to condemn it and say we'd be better off being Canadian...........Again, the way North is open to you.

You trash talk our country over and over again. That is your lock and bitch about how bad WE ARE NO MATTER THE TOPIC.

We show a video about ISIS beheading little girls............Your answer..........America Sucks.......
We show the pictures of ISIL Crucifying Iraqi soldiers and civilians............Your answer.........America Sucks.....
We say thank you to Egypt for getting rid of Muslim Brotherhood..........Your answer...........America Sucks......

So lets just save some time on all your posts in the future.............Just type a America Sucks and copy and paste it that is all you really ever say anyway..................... the part of the world and or country that hasn't been taken by force throughout the history of mankind..................Perhaps you will come back with Penguins in the North Pole.

the problem with Joey is he's miserable and he looks to blame others for that fact, Jews, rich people, Christians, the country in general. So all his posts are really about him. He's needs psychological intervention really. Id be worried if I worked with the guy. He may snap one day:cuckoo:
the problem with Joey is he's miserable and he looks to blame others for that fact, Jews, rich people, Christians, the country in general. So all his posts are really about him. He's needs psychological intervention really. Id be worried if I worked with the guy. He may snap one day

You're the one who goes around treatening violence against people who disagree with you, Roid Rage...
Joe is an obvious Troll.........hopefully...........because if not he's demented and a Traitor to this country.

If someone like him ever won the whole election and pushed his ideals down the throats, aka dictator style.........the guns would come out of the safe and we'd pour the Tea back into the harbor again.

Like they did back then and help create the country he bashes all the time.

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