Israel Sends Humanitarian Aid to Gaza Strip, Hamas Turns It Away

I dont know from where you take that information about 4 hours, anyway Israel give some of the electricity, (Israel don't have to do it) They have also their power plant that makes electricity for themselves. If the situation is like that may be more countries need to help and give them more of that electricity... Israel doesn't have to it alone maybe Hamas need to use it less on a military thing and more for the civilians? It can help...
The power plant was taken out by the IDF and Israel will not allow the necessary building materials in to Gaza to fix the plant. Here's the links you were asking for...

"Let me ask you this, do you think it is okay for someone to come over to your house and start telling you what to do in your own home? Under your own roof?"

It can happen everywhere it calls police\army If your family is related to a terrorist (someone who want kill ppl in Israel at this situation) Israel have the right to come to their house and ask them questions even take them into custody if need to save lives...
That's the government (and military) of your OWN nation, not someone else's. I will re-phrase my question...

..."how would you feel if the Chinese came in and took over the part of Israel where you live and started telling you where you could go, what you could do and what you could not do?"

How would you feel about that?
It was in 2014 not on purpose, and it fixed a long time ago...
I gave you the links that show you are wrong.

I'll even use your logic... you live there? Then how would you know?
That right, I know from the news like you know.. and that what I know.. actually, you can say anything and say "that true you are not live in Gaza so you don't know.. you know only from the news"
What about before that? Israel also some before and built Tel-Aviv (for example...)
Before that, there was no occupation.

I don't know what your point is with Tel-Aviv. That city was built on Israeli land. What the Israelis do on Israeli land is their business. I don't have any issues with that. Well, I do have issues, but not like the ones I have with what the Israelis are doing on land that isn't theirs and in violation of international law.
Assuming you do not know any of them personally If you will meet one you can expect him to be a good person or not? like every person, you don't know?
Does that door swing both ways? Do you give the Palestinians the same benefit of the doubt?
Personally? of course... as I gave to Arab Muslims in Israel (a lot of them see themselves as a Palestinians in Israel)
I dont know from where you take that information about 4 hours, anyway Israel give some of the electricity, (Israel don't have to do it) They have also their power plant that makes electricity for themselves. If the situation is like that may be more countries need to help and give them more of that electricity... Israel doesn't have to it alone maybe Hamas need to use it less on a military thing and more for the civilians? It can help...
The power plant was taken out by the IDF and Israel will not allow the necessary building materials in to Gaza to fix the plant. Here's the links you were asking for...

"Let me ask you this, do you think it is okay for someone to come over to your house and start telling you what to do in your own home? Under your own roof?"

It can happen everywhere it calls police\army If your family is related to a terrorist (someone who want kill ppl in Israel at this situation) Israel have the right to come to their house and ask them questions even take them into custody if need to save lives...
That's the government (and military) of your OWN nation, not someone else's. I will re-phrase my question...

..."how would you feel if the Chinese came in and took over the part of Israel where you live and started telling you where you could go, what you could do and what you could not do?"

How would you feel about that?
It will never happen you know why? Israel doesn't want to kill Chinese ppl so this question is Not relevant
What about before that? Israel also some before and built Tel-Aviv (for example...)
Before that, there was no occupation.

I don't know what your point is with Tel-Aviv. That city was built on Israeli land. What the Israelis do on Israeli land is their business. I don't have any issues with that. Well, I do have issues, but not like the ones I have with what the Israelis are doing on land that isn't theirs and in violation of international law.
And what you think about the Golan Heights?

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