Israel Spied on Hotels Used for Iran Nuclear Talks

Who exactly has Iran attacked in the past 200 years?
State Sponsor of they are part of attacks all over the world via their support of terrorist scum.........

and they and the other terrorist orgs can kiss my ass.

Really, what terrorists are these? Can you name one case?
Yawn! You know they support the Hez in Lebanon and their weapons killed Americans in both Iraq and Afghanistan via IED tech and support......................They are currently in the unrest in Yemen...................and they have long been a terrorist training camp for various groups.................not to mention their rockets and missiles in GAZA and the West Bank firing into Israel........................

They are listed as a State Sponsor of terrorism here and abroad.
Country Reports on Terrorism 2013 State Sponsors of Terrorism Overview


Designated as a State Sponsor of Terrorism in 1984, Iran continued its terrorist-related activity, including support for Palestinian terrorist groups in Gaza, and for Hizballah. It has also increased its presence in Africa and attempted to smuggle arms to Houthi separatists in Yemen and Shia oppositionists in Bahrain. Iran used the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force (IRGC-QF) and its regional proxy groups to implement foreign policy goals, provide cover for intelligence operations, and create instability in the Middle East. The IRGC-QF is the regime’s primary mechanism for cultivating and supporting terrorists abroad.

Iran views Syria as a crucial causeway in its weapons supply route to Hizballah, its primary beneficiary. In 2013, Iran continued to provide arms, financing, training, and the facilitation of Iraqi Shia fighters to the Asad regime’s brutal crackdown, a crackdown that has resulted in the death of more than 100,000 civilians in Syria. Iran has publicly admitted sending members of the IRGC to Syria in an advisory role. There are reports indicating some of these troops are IRGC-QF members and that they have taken part in direct combat operations. In February, senior IRGC-QF commander Brigadier General Hassan Shateri was killed in or near Zabadani, Syria. This was the first publicly announced death of a senior Iranian military official in Syria. In November, IRGC-QF commander Mohammad Jamalizadeh Paghaleh was also killed in Aleppo, Syria. Subsequent Iranian media reports stated that Paghaleh was volunteering in Syria to defend the Sayyida Zainab mosque, which is located in Damascus. The location of Paghaleh’s death, over 200 miles away from the mosque he was reported to be protecting, demonstrated Iran’s intent to mask the operations of IRGC-QF forces in Syria.

Iran has historically provided weapons, training, and funding to Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups, including the Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC), although Hamas’s ties to Tehran have been strained due to the Syrian civil war. Since the end of the 2006 Israeli-Hizballah conflict, Iran has also assisted in rearming Hizballah, in direct violation of UNSCR 1701. Iran has provided hundreds of millions of dollars in support of Hizballah in Lebanon and has trained thousands of its fighters at camps in Iran. These trained fighters often use these skills in support of the Assad regime in Syria.

Despite its pledge to support Iraq’s stabilization, Iran trained, funded, and provided guidance to Iraqi Shia militant groups. The IRGC-QF, in concert with Hizballah, provided training outside of Iraq as well as advisors inside Iraq for Shia militants in the construction and use of sophisticated improvised explosive device technology and other advanced weaponry. Similar to Hizballah fighters, many of these trained Shia militants then use these skills to fight for the Assad regime in Syria, often at the behest of Iran.

On January 23, 2013, Yemeni authorities seized an Iranian dhow, the Jihan, off the coast of Yemen. The dhow was carrying sophisticated Chinese antiaircraft missiles, C-4 explosives, rocket-propelled grenades, and a number of other weapons and explosives. The shipment of lethal aid was likely headed to Houthi separatists in Northern Yemen. Iran actively supports members of the Houthi movement, including activities intended to build military capabilities, which could pose a greater threat to security and stability in Yemen and the surrounding region.

In late April 2013, the Government of Bosnia declared two Iranian diplomats, Jadidi Sohrab and Hamzeh Dolab Ahmad, persona non grata after Israeli intelligence reported they were members of Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security. One of the two men had been spotted in India, Georgia, and Thailand, all of which were sites of a simultaneous bombing campaign in February 2012, according to Israeli intelligence. Both diplomats were subsequently expelled from Bosnia.

On December 29, 2013, the Bahraini Coast Guard interdicted a speedboat filled with weapons and explosives that was likely bound for Shia oppositionists in Bahrain, specifically the 14 February Youth Coalition (14 FYC). Bahraini authorities accused the IRGC-QF of providing opposition militants with explosives training in order to carry out attacks in Bahrain. The interdiction led to the discovery of two weapons and explosives cache sites in Bahrain, the dismantling of a car bomb, and the arrest of 15 Bahraini nationals.

Iran remained unwilling to bring to justice senior al-Qa’ida (AQ) members it continued to detain, and refused to publicly identify those senior members in its custody. Iran allowed AQ facilitators Muhsin al-Fadhli and Adel Radi Saqr al-Wahabi al-Harbi to operate a core facilitation pipeline through Iran, enabling AQ to move funds and fighters to South Asia and also to Syria. Al-Fadhli is a veteran AQ operative who has been active for years. Al-Fadhli began working with the Iran-based AQ facilitation network in 2009 and was later arrested by Iranian authorities. He was released in 2011 and assumed leadership of the Iran-based AQ facilitation network.

Iran remains a state of proliferation concern. Despite multiple UNSCRs requiring Iran to suspend its sensitive nuclear proliferation activities, Iran continued to violate its international obligations regarding its nuclear program. For further information, see the Report to Congress on Iran-related Multilateral Sanctions Regime Efforts (November 2013), and the Report on the Status of Bilateral and Multilateral Efforts Aimed at Curtailing the Pursuit of Iran of Nuclear Weapons Technology (September 2012).
Who exactly has Iran attacked in the past 200 years?
State Sponsor of they are part of attacks all over the world via their support of terrorist scum.........

and they and the other terrorist orgs can kiss my ass.

Really, what terrorists are these? Can you name one case?

Here we go you ignorant idiot:

Country Reports on Terrorism 2013 State Sponsors of Terrorism Overview

Chapter 3: State Sponsors of Terrorism Overview

To designate a country as a State Sponsor of Terrorism, the Secretary of State must determine that the government of such country has repeatedly provided support for acts of international terrorism. Once a country is designated, it remains a State Sponsor of Terrorism until the designation is rescinded in accordance with statutory criteria. A wide range of sanctions are imposed as a result of a State Sponsor of Terrorism designation, including:
  • A ban on arms-related exports and sales;
  • Controls over exports of dual-use items, requiring 30-day Congressional notification for goods or services that could significantly enhance the terrorist-list country’s military capability or ability to support terrorism;
  • Prohibitions on economic assistance; and
  • Imposition of miscellaneous financial and other restrictions.
This report provides a snapshot of events during 2013 relevant to countries designated as State Sponsors of Terrorism; it does not constitute a new announcement regarding such designations. More information on State Sponsor of Terrorism designations may be found online at State Sponsors of Terrorism.


Designated as a State Sponsor of Terrorism in 1984, Iran continued its terrorist-related activity, including support for Palestinian terrorist groups in Gaza, and for Hizballah. It has also increased its presence in Africa and attempted to smuggle arms to Houthi separatists in Yemen and Shia oppositionists in Bahrain. Iran used the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force (IRGC-QF) and its regional proxy groups to implement foreign policy goals, provide cover for intelligence operations, and create instability in the Middle East. The IRGC-QF is the regime’s primary mechanism for cultivating and supporting terrorists abroad.

Iran views Syria as a crucial causeway in its weapons supply route to Hizballah, its primary beneficiary. In 2013, Iran continued to provide arms, financing, training, and the facilitation of Iraqi Shia fighters to the Asad regime’s brutal crackdown, a crackdown that has resulted in the death of more than 100,000 civilians in Syria. Iran has publicly admitted sending members of the IRGC to Syria in an advisory role. There are reports indicating some of these troops are IRGC-QF members and that they have taken part in direct combat operations. In February, senior IRGC-QF commander Brigadier General Hassan Shateri was killed in or near Zabadani, Syria. This was the first publicly announced death of a senior Iranian military official in Syria. In November, IRGC-QF commander Mohammad Jamalizadeh Paghaleh was also killed in Aleppo, Syria. Subsequent Iranian media reports stated that Paghaleh was volunteering in Syria to defend the Sayyida Zainab mosque, which is located in Damascus. The location of Paghaleh’s death, over 200 miles away from the mosque he was reported to be protecting, demonstrated Iran’s intent to mask the operations of IRGC-QF forces in Syria.

Iran has historically provided weapons, training, and funding to Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups, including the Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC), although Hamas’s ties to Tehran have been strained due to the Syrian civil war. Since the end of the 2006 Israeli-Hizballah conflict, Iran has also assisted in rearming Hizballah, in direct violation of UNSCR 1701. Iran has provided hundreds of millions of dollars in support of Hizballah in Lebanon and has trained thousands of its fighters at camps in Iran. These trained fighters often use these skills in support of the Assad regime in Syria.

Despite its pledge to support Iraq’s stabilization, Iran trained, funded, and provided guidance to Iraqi Shia militant groups. The IRGC-QF, in concert with Hizballah, provided training outside of Iraq as well as advisors inside Iraq for Shia militants in the construction and use of sophisticated improvised explosive device technology and other advanced weaponry. Similar to Hizballah fighters, many of these trained Shia militants then use these skills to fight for the Assad regime in Syria, often at the behest of Iran.

On January 23, 2013, Yemeni authorities seized an Iranian dhow, the Jihan, off the coast of Yemen. The dhow was carrying sophisticated Chinese antiaircraft missiles, C-4 explosives, rocket-propelled grenades, and a number of other weapons and explosives. The shipment of lethal aid was likely headed to Houthi separatists in Northern Yemen. Iran actively supports members of the Houthi movement, including activities intended to build military capabilities, which could pose a greater threat to security and stability in Yemen and the surrounding region.

In late April 2013, the Government of Bosnia declared two Iranian diplomats, Jadidi Sohrab and Hamzeh Dolab Ahmad, persona non grata after Israeli intelligence reported they were members of Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security. One of the two men had been spotted in India, Georgia, and Thailand, all of which were sites of a simultaneous bombing campaign in February 2012, according to Israeli intelligence. Both diplomats were subsequently expelled from Bosnia.

On December 29, 2013, the Bahraini Coast Guard interdicted a speedboat filled with weapons and explosives that was likely bound for Shia oppositionists in Bahrain, specifically the 14 February Youth Coalition (14 FYC). Bahraini authorities accused the IRGC-QF of providing opposition militants with explosives training in order to carry out attacks in Bahrain. The interdiction led to the discovery of two weapons and explosives cache sites in Bahrain, the dismantling of a car bomb, and the arrest of 15 Bahraini nationals.

Iran remained unwilling to bring to justice senior al-Qa’ida (AQ) members it continued to detain, and refused to publicly identify those senior members in its custody. Iran allowed AQ facilitators Muhsin al-Fadhli and Adel Radi Saqr al-Wahabi al-Harbi to operate a core facilitation pipeline through Iran, enabling AQ to move funds and fighters to South Asia and also to Syria. Al-Fadhli is a veteran AQ operative who has been active for years. Al-Fadhli began working with the Iran-based AQ facilitation network in 2009 and was later arrested by Iranian authorities. He was released in 2011 and assumed leadership of the Iran-based AQ facilitation network.

Iran remains a state of proliferation concern. Despite multiple UNSCRs requiring Iran to suspend its sensitive nuclear proliferation activities, Iran continued to violate its international obligations regarding its nuclear program. For further information, see the Report to Congress on Iran-related Multilateral Sanctions Regime Efforts (November 2013), and the Report on the Status of Bilateral and Multilateral Efforts Aimed at Curtailing the Pursuit of Iran of Nuclear Weapons Technology (September 2012).
Again, has Iran attacked anyone in the past 200 years? They haven't.
What a dumbass! Planning and financing terror attacks is considered an attack. Iran has also killed American forces in Iraq. Most of the IED's were Iranian made and their soldiers were on the ground helping Iraqis attack Americans. Why don't you go play in traffic, asshole. You are pathetic.
you have a problem with Mossad?

you do loser?

my GOD like anybody gives a darn

if you are dead

you are dead

Long live Mossad

so what lol no big deal!
i am not disclosing any secrets lol

just having fun :biggrin:
Usually, the Israel Firsters will celebrate Israeli spying on the U.S. and show pride at the effectiveness of Israel's spy apparatus.

Who was it that spied on Germany, and tapped into their cell phone networks illegally on muslims orders ?


Short memory freddy boy, or is it selective. The USA on Obama's orders caused a major international diplomatic incident that resulted in the US losing face and friends in Europe.
So why shouldn't Israel spy on Iran?

Everyone except the mentally challenged are fully aware of the threat to world stability posed by Iran obtaining the bomb.

Good for you Israel, keep up the absolutely necessary intelligence work! :thup:

Even the Arab countries, are more aware of the danger than Barry who is just as much a threat in his ignorance as is Khamenei.

Team Palestine forgets that Israel is ideally placed to "spy" on M.E. nations for NATO and the west, and in return they get US intelligence sent their way. This is why they knew about Operation dawn in June of 1967.
So why shouldn't Israel spy on Iran?

Everyone except the mentally challenged are fully aware of the threat to world stability posed by Iran obtaining the bomb.

Good for you Israel, keep up the absolutely necessary intelligence work! :thup:

Even the Arab countries, are more aware of the danger than Barry who is just as much a threat in his ignorance as is Khamenei.
The israeli's are not spying on Iran in this case, they are spying on US negotiations, Everyone except the mentally challenged are fully aware of this fact
So why shouldn't Israel spy on Iran?

Everyone except the mentally challenged are fully aware of the threat to world stability posed by Iran obtaining the bomb.

Good for you Israel, keep up the absolutely necessary intelligence work! :thup:

Even the Arab countries, are more aware of the danger than Barry who is just as much a threat in his ignorance as is Khamenei.
The israeli's are not spying on Iran in this case, they are spying on US negotiations, Everyone except the mentally challenged are fully aware of this fact
So what.............perhaps Israel spying on Obama policies are the only way Americans find out what kind of bs deal Obama is making.....................

The Transparent leader he

Dealing with Iran is BS with many Americans like I don't blame the Israeli's spying on it..........
So why shouldn't Israel spy on Iran?

Everyone except the mentally challenged are fully aware of the threat to world stability posed by Iran obtaining the bomb.

Good for you Israel, keep up the absolutely necessary intelligence work! :thup:

Even the Arab countries, are more aware of the danger than Barry who is just as much a threat in his ignorance as is Khamenei.
The israeli's are not spying on Iran in this case, they are spying on US negotiations, Everyone except the mentally challenged are fully aware of this fact

Only the mentally challenged would even think that
So why shouldn't Israel spy on Iran?

Everyone except the mentally challenged are fully aware of the threat to world stability posed by Iran obtaining the bomb.

Good for you Israel, keep up the absolutely necessary intelligence work! :thup:

Even the Arab countries, are more aware of the danger than Barry who is just as much a threat in his ignorance as is Khamenei.
The israeli's are not spying on Iran in this case, they are spying on US negotiations, Everyone except the mentally challenged are fully aware of this fact
So why shouldn't Israel spy on Iran?

Everyone except the mentally challenged are fully aware of the threat to world stability posed by Iran obtaining the bomb.

Good for you Israel, keep up the absolutely necessary intelligence work! :thup:

Even the Arab countries, are more aware of the danger than Barry who is just as much a threat in his ignorance as is Khamenei.
The israeli's are not spying on Iran in this case, they are spying on US negotiations, Everyone except the mentally challenged are fully aware of this fact

Who gives a fuck, Goozo! Iran is a country that calls for the destruction of Israel on a daily basis. They have every right to keep a close eye on such a country when it's trying to acquire nuclear weapons.

Boro goh bokhor, heyvoun. LOL

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