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Israel squeezed out by Iran and US goodwill

You think Israel has something to fear from a possible stabilizing factor in the region? I do not think that should cause any worry.

Of course. Israel has always counted on it's opponents in the area fighting themselves rather than fighting israel.

Yep, because the Arab Ummah loves everyone so much that they're busy killing one another and blaimng the Jews for it.


Quite like how the exploding Mosque's come about.

A Shia Mosque is blown up by Sunni who say the Shia blew themselves up in order to blame the Sunni.

Small wonder it's understandable that they would also use the chemical weapons on their own people to make it seem as Assad did it?

Like Turkey found so long ago?

Turkey finds sarin gas in homes of suspected Syrian Islamists

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Turkish security forces found a 2kg cylinder with sarin gas after searching the homes of Syrian militants from the Al-Qaeda linked Al-Nusra Front who were previously detained, Turkish media reports. The gas was reportedly going to be used in a bomb.

The sarin gas was found in the homes of suspected Syrian Islamists detained in the southern provinces of Adana and Mersia following a search by Turkish police on Wednesday, reports say. The gas was allegedly going to be used to carry out an attack in the southern Turkish city of Adana.

On Monday, Turkish special anti-terror forces arrested 12 suspected members of the Al-Nusra Front, the Al-Qaeda affiliated group which has been dubbed "the most aggressive and successful arm” of the Syrian rebels. The group was designated a terrorist organization by the United States in December.
The games have begun.

We saw Netanyahu's speech.


Mis translated comments.

Chest beating.

Not much clapping at all.

People are sick and tired of this warmongering.

People are tired of the Hypocrisy.

Lies out of a nation loaded up with nuclear weapons that go undeclared and un inspected.


Time For Israel to sign the NPT and open her doors up to international inspections.

The real threat to peace in the ME is Israel, not Iran.
Mis-translated, huh? From what language to what language? Was he speaking Hebrew? Arabic? Swahili? Was MEMRI involved in the translation? UN translators? Did you hear his speech? And what was mis-translated about his warning to Iran that they need to put their affairs in order and get their shit all into one pile?
The games have begun.

We saw Netanyahu's speech.


Mis translated comments.

Chest beating.

Not much clapping at all.

People are sick and tired of this warmongering.

People are tired of the Hypocrisy.

Lies out of a nation loaded up with nuclear weapons that go undeclared and un inspected.


Time For Israel to sign the NPT and open her doors up to international inspections.

The real threat to peace in the ME is Israel, not Iran.
Mis-translated, huh? From what language to what language? Was he speaking Hebrew? Arabic? Swahili? Was MEMRI involved in the translation? UN translators? Did you hear his speech? And what was mis-translated about his warning to Iran that they need to put their affairs in order and get their shit all into one pile?

Leave sherri alone----she is so confused she thinks she is either more than one
person or ------eligible to refer to herself with the royal "we" Worse than that
she has to contend with the fact that whilst her very own fellow isa-respecters
are poisoning and/or hacking children to death she is ranting against weapons
that ----in the more than 50 years Israel has had them (maybe) ----Israel has
never used them A logical demand would be to render to Israel ---world control
on all nuclear weapons
A statement posted on this thread by Sherri >>

""Those Zionists are all sweating, they so
wanted to shed the blood of the innocent in Iran.
That blood lust of a Zionist is something to behold.""

Sherri---do you have any evidence that zionists want to
shed the blood of Iranians? Can you provide anything
other than your own fantasies upon which you base your
'declaration' ???

FOR GENERAL DISCUSSION-----is there any evidence that Iranians
or Iran has sought to shed the blood of zionists or jews or Israelis?
The games have begun.

We saw Netanyahu's speech.


Mis translated comments.

Chest beating.

Not much clapping at all.

People are sick and tired of this warmongering.

People are tired of the Hypocrisy.

Lies out of a nation loaded up with nuclear weapons that go undeclared and un inspected.


Time For Israel to sign the NPT and open her doors up to international inspections.

The real threat to peace in the ME is Israel, not Iran.
Mis-translated, huh? From what language to what language? Was he speaking Hebrew? Arabic? Swahili? Was MEMRI involved in the translation? UN translators? Did you hear his speech? And what was mis-translated about his warning to Iran that they need to put their affairs in order and get their shit all into one pile?
I'm a little confused here, Frau Sherri. This is Bibi's speech you posted on another thread. Unless my ears deceive me, he's speaking in New York English, I heard it in English and I'm certain you heard it in English unless He was speaking in Hebrew and it came over the ethernet in mis-translated English by MEMRI and if that's the case, I offer my -cough- sincere apology. Now, about that mis-translation........

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The games have begun.

We saw Netanyahu's speech.


Mis translated comments.

Chest beating.

Not much clapping at all.

People are sick and tired of this warmongering.

People are tired of the Hypocrisy.

Lies out of a nation loaded up with nuclear weapons that go undeclared and un inspected.


Time For Israel to sign the NPT and open her doors up to international inspections.

The real threat to peace in the ME is Israel, not Iran.
Mis-translated, huh? From what language to what language? Was he speaking Hebrew? Arabic? Swahili? Was MEMRI involved in the translation? UN translators? Did you hear his speech? And what was mis-translated about his warning to Iran that they need to put their affairs in order and get their shit all into one pile?

Leave sherri alone----she is so confused she thinks she is either more than one
person or ------eligible to refer to herself with the royal "we" Worse than that
she has to contend with the fact that whilst her very own fellow isa-respecters
are poisoning and/or hacking children to death she is ranting against weapons
that ----in the more than 50 years Israel has had them (maybe) ----Israel has
never used them A logical demand would be to render to Israel ---world control
on all nuclear weapons
I can't help it, Irosie. The devil makes me do it.
"Netanyahu has made no direct public comment about last week's highly successful charm offensive at the UN by Iran's new president, Hassan Rouhani, and his subsequent game-changing telephone conversation with Obama. But the Israeli prime minister vowed before arriving in the US to counter Iran's "onslaught of smiles". He was not expected to pull his punches when addressing the UN on Tuesday, and has extended his US visit by a day to push his views in a series of media interviews."

Israel squeezed out by Iran and US goodwill | World news | theguardian.com

Does Israel have anything to worry about or are they acting like petulant children regarding the diplomatic "advances" made by the US and Iran?

I do not believe that the US would abandon their ally Israel an effort to strengthen their nascent relationship with Iran.

I seriously doubt they would. Iran is a "let's wait and see" ally.

It does seem as if they are acting like "petulant children" however - other allies, such as Saudi Arabia aren't overly happy either. A key point is Iran is in THEIR backyard so these guys have the most to worry about.

I would not count Iran as an ally of the US on any level. The US has shown they are serious regarding WMDs in the region by their actions regarding Syria recently, also the measures taken to cripple Iranian economy have been effective. Smart move would be for Iran to simply get along. If I were Israel I would be quiet and watch how things unfold.

Absolutely - I agree. Iran is pragmatic and I don't think anybody is fooled into thinking peace/love/brotherhood. However - it would be foolish for the US not to take this opening and make the most of it until proven otherwise.
Mis-translated, huh? From what language to what language? Was he speaking Hebrew? Arabic? Swahili? Was MEMRI involved in the translation? UN translators? Did you hear his speech? And what was mis-translated about his warning to Iran that they need to put their affairs in order and get their shit all into one pile?

Leave sherri alone----she is so confused she thinks she is either more than one
person or ------eligible to refer to herself with the royal "we" Worse than that
she has to contend with the fact that whilst her very own fellow isa-respecters
are poisoning and/or hacking children to death she is ranting against weapons
that ----in the more than 50 years Israel has had them (maybe) ----Israel has
never used them A logical demand would be to render to Israel ---world control
on all nuclear weapons
I can't help it, Irosie. The devil makes me do it.

Hossie----you have demonstrated OVER AND OVER again----your annoying
addiction to CHALLENGING STUPIDITY and MENDACITY. I know it is
difficult----but try to -----restrain those impulses.
It's important to keep the focus on the layers of intrigue in the Middle East.

Those who are unable to separate the Geo-political, ME political, Jew/Muslim/Christian layers from the personal foibles of the leaders and the boundaries they refuse to cross AND their habits of lying to each other...

It's a hurting dance.

I'm serious. No one can trust the handshake and signature of anyone else in that Arena.

Only the major powers have that kind of trust with each other and they don't trust the Jews or the Muslims because *Gasp... they lie.
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My problem with this is that Iranians are good people and were our strong ally until Carter knifed the Shah in the back and let the Ayatollah back in. Then the radicals took over, took our embassy staff hostage and we've been bitter enemies ever since.

Carter was an idiot, one of our worst presidents ever - however, I don't think you can completely blame him.

[MENTION=36154]Roudy[/MENTION] might know more of this than I do - and I would be curious as to his opinion.

Based on this: Mohammad Reza Pahlavi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How long could the US have propped up a wildly unpopular figure as the Shah had become in the face of popular unrest? Corruption and the suppression of political dissent fed into the anger.

Also, didn't the US intervene much earlier to overthrow an elected leader with leftist ties and put the Shah into power?

The Shah's reforms were so ahead of much of the Islamic world at the time. It's a real tragedy.
Absolutely - I agree. Iran is pragmatic and I don't think anybody is fooled into thinking peace/love/brotherhood. However - it would be foolish for the US not to take this opening and make the most of it until proven otherwise.

I do agree that Iran is pragmatic which is the issue which most RESTRAINS its
agenda of aggression, but, by no means, ends it Iranian pragmatism is the
issue which galvanized the formation of Hezbollah which acts as a
kind of DRONE MACHINE FOR IRANIAN AGGRESSION. Hezbollah is alive and

What constitutes "making the most" of the insincere self declaration of
"peace, love and brotherhood" ----by the president of Iran?

What would "prove" that the insincere declaration is not a true "opening"?
PS I first encountered Ex-pat Iranians in the USA in the mid sixties----the
flight had already begun------they were not fleeing from "the shah" ---in fact
I have never encountered people so ENCHANTED with their own ruler
"OUR SHAH" <<<<with extreme affection
Leave sherri alone----she is so confused she thinks she is either more than one
person or ------eligible to refer to herself with the royal "we" Worse than that
she has to contend with the fact that whilst her very own fellow isa-respecters
are poisoning and/or hacking children to death she is ranting against weapons
that ----in the more than 50 years Israel has had them (maybe) ----Israel has
never used them A logical demand would be to render to Israel ---world control
on all nuclear weapons
I can't help it, Irosie. The devil makes me do it.

Hossie----you have demonstrated OVER AND OVER again----your annoying
addiction to CHALLENGING STUPIDITY and MENDACITY. I know it is
difficult----but try to -----restrain those impulses.
Thanks for the advice. I'm booking a flight right now to attend the Hadj on the 13-18 of this month. I need to get my head straight. I'm looking forward to the stampeede also.
I do agree that Iran is pragmatic which is the issue which most RESTRAINS its
agenda of aggression, but, by no means, ends it Iranian pragmatism is the
issue which galvanized the formation of Hezbollah which acts as a
kind of DRONE MACHINE FOR IRANIAN AGGRESSION. Hezbollah is alive and

I think all regimes, including our "allies" are at the end pragmatic and self-preservation is first and formost. All the rest is altruistic bs. Except maybe North Korea. I think that nation might be insane.

What constitutes "making the most" of the insincere self declaration of
"peace, love and brotherhood" ----by the president of Iran?

Keeping their feet to the fire (sanctions/military options) and releasing pressure only as milestonses are met (not just words). Keeping open dialogue.

What would "prove" that the insincere declaration is not a true "opening"?

I'm not sure at this point - that is why I consider it a cautious "wait and see". Most likely if they seek to delay or obstruct, I would consider it not a true opening.
I have bad news for you Coyote-----you quoted my post----not Connery's-----
but I won't tell anyone
The US people will never support a war against Iran.

They shall have the same response to prospect of war with Iran, as they did with respect to war with Syria.

Those Zionists are all sweating, they so wanted to shed the blood of the innocent in Iran.

That blood lust of a Zionist is something to behold.

Silly l'il Nazi Girlie! Lookin' in the mirror and thinks she's seeing a picture of someone else......That is the sherriliar's own blood lust, as we've all seen before. It's negatively magical: it turns a miscarriage into 'you killed your own baby'!

Yep, the sherriliar is only looking at the reflection of her own inner font of hatred there.

YOU really should stop with all that hateful slander.

Do something about your Hate and your unresolved emotional issues

GOD gives life and I am thankful for the gift of children to all He gives children to.

All I have ever said about baby killing was to condem the practice in conflicts.

And I desire peaceful resolution of differences we have with Iran so I do not have to watch us kill innocent civilians and babies in a war in Iran.

Fact: War is baby killing, show me a war we fought we did not cause the deaths of children in.
The day in History an Iranian will never ever forget is May 28, 1332?

Anyone know what happened on that day?
PS I first encountered Ex-pat Iranians in the USA in the mid sixties----the
flight had already begun------they were not fleeing from "the shah" ---in fact
I have never encountered people so ENCHANTED with their own ruler
"OUR SHAH" <<<<with extreme affection
LOL...... you are soo full of BS your eyes are brown.

I remember walking by the main entrance to the U of Texas in Austin during that time..

And the Iranian students we holding banners and protesting the Shah big time.

They hated him with a passion. .. :cool:
PS I first encountered Ex-pat Iranians in the USA in the mid sixties----the
flight had already begun------they were not fleeing from "the shah" ---in fact
I have never encountered people so ENCHANTED with their own ruler
"OUR SHAH" <<<<with extreme affection
LOL...... you are soo full of BS your eyes are brown.

I remember walking by the main entrance to the U of Texas in Austin during that time..

And the Iranian students we holding banners and protesting the Shah big time.

They hated him with a passion. .. :cool:

that stuff did not start until the late 60s .. sunni BS mouth-----and was not
even popularized until the 70s One of my Iranian friends showed me
a picture of his family -----this event was in the early 70s-----One of his many
younger brothers was dressed up in some white robes-----and sitting on the
ground----the rest of the family looked normal. I asked "what's with him'?
answer "oh he's nuts----part of a radical movement in iran" Of course
by the mid sixties ----LOTS OF IRANIANS WERE FLEEING IRAN ----because

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