Israel, stop blaming Palestinian's for the violence you cause!


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
All the violence in the area of Palestine, is a direct result of what Zionists did in 1948 and what the Israeli's have been doing since 1967.

ColorLines: What do you see as the root cause of the current Palestinian uprising?

Phyllis Bennis: What's going on right now can be summed up in one word: occupation. Contrary to the U.S. media's portrayal, the Israeli occupation of Palestine is at the root of what the media at best identify only as a "disproportionate" use of violence by the Israelis on the West Bank and Gaza.

But the real issue is the Israeli military occupation of Palestine--not only that it is inherently violent and a violation of international law and contrary to United Nations resolutions. Even if Israel used only proportionate violence, it would still be absolutely illegal, because the occupation of Palestinian land is illegal.

CL: And why is there an occupation?

PB: Zionist occupation of Palestine was at first meager, amounting to about 10 percent of the population by 1900. By 1947, Jews were still only about 30 percent of the population of Mandate Palestine and owned only six percent of the land, but the UN Partition Resolution that year still assigned 55 percent of the land to a new Jewish state. However, by means of the 1947-48 war, Israel took over even greater expanses of land and forcibly expelled about 750,000 Palestinians. This travesty was the basis for the official founding of the Israeli state in 1948.

Word to Israel, you don't want rocks, end the occupation. You don't want rockets, end the blockade. Nothing will stop until you end the illegal and immoral occupation and blockade of Palestinian land. You are 100% responsible for all the violence.

Nothing will end
, I repeat, nothing will end, I'll say it again, nothing will end, until you end the occupation and blockade and get those psycho-insurgent-white trash-brain dead settlers, off Palestinian land and back to Israel.
All the violence in the area of Palestine, is a direct result of what Zionists did in 1948 and what the Israeli's have been doing since 1967.

ColorLines: What do you see as the root cause of the current Palestinian uprising?

Phyllis Bennis: What's going on right now can be summed up in one word: occupation. Contrary to the U.S. media's portrayal, the Israeli occupation of Palestine is at the root of what the media at best identify only as a "disproportionate" use of violence by the Israelis on the West Bank and Gaza.

But the real issue is the Israeli military occupation of Palestine--not only that it is inherently violent and a violation of international law and contrary to United Nations resolutions. Even if Israel used only proportionate violence, it would still be absolutely illegal, because the occupation of Palestinian land is illegal.

CL: And why is there an occupation?

PB: Zionist occupation of Palestine was at first meager, amounting to about 10 percent of the population by 1900. By 1947, Jews were still only about 30 percent of the population of Mandate Palestine and owned only six percent of the land, but the UN Partition Resolution that year still assigned 55 percent of the land to a new Jewish state. However, by means of the 1947-48 war, Israel took over even greater expanses of land and forcibly expelled about 750,000 Palestinians. This travesty was the basis for the official founding of the Israeli state in 1948.

Word to Israel, you don't want rocks, end the occupation. You don't want rockets, end the blockade. Nothing will stop until you end the illegal and immoral occupation and blockade of Palestinian land. You are 100% responsible for all the violence.

Nothing will end
, I repeat, nothing will end, I'll say it again, nothing will end, until you end the occupation and blockade and get those psycho-insurgent-white trash-brain dead settlers, off Palestinian land and back to Israel.

So very true that "All the violence in the area of Palestine, is a direct result of what Zionists did in 1948 and what the Israeli's have been doing since 1967." What kind of people make peace offerings to Palestinians, build a security fence & concede land to them so they can stay? Face it you Zionists, no Arab country ever trteated the Palestinians like Israel does. Want peace? This entire Zionist agenda has to go. History has proven that King Hussein was right. Peace can be achieved from Palestinians. When will Israel ever learn? LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY.
So very true that "All the violence in the area of Palestine, is a direct result of what Zionists did in 1948 and what the Israeli's have been doing since 1967." What kind of people make peace offerings to Palestinians, build a security fence & concede land to them so they can stay? Face it you Zionists, no Arab country ever trteated the Palestinians like Israel does. Want peace? This entire Zionist agenda has to go. History has proven that King Hussein was right. Peace can be achieved from Palestinians. When will Israel ever learn? LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY.
All you do, is repeat the same bullshit sentence over and over and over.

Fuckin' troll!
They don't care if it ends. Jews like living with contention.
There are a lot of Jews inside and outside of Israel, that object to Israel's treatment of the Palestinian's and want the occupation to end.

Two groups that come to mind, are:

Right on! I too want the occupation to end. Not even once has Israel tried to help free the Palestinians back to their indigenous homelands. Shame on you Zionists.
Right on! I too want the occupation to end. Not even once has Israel tried to help free the Palestinians back to their indigenous homelands. Shame on you Zionists.
They are on their indigenous homelands, troll.
All the violence in the area of Palestine, is a direct result of what Zionists did in 1948 and what the Israeli's have been doing since 1967.

ColorLines: What do you see as the root cause of the current Palestinian uprising?

Phyllis Bennis: What's going on right now can be summed up in one word: occupation. Contrary to the U.S. media's portrayal, the Israeli occupation of Palestine is at the root of what the media at best identify only as a "disproportionate" use of violence by the Israelis on the West Bank and Gaza.

But the real issue is the Israeli military occupation of Palestine--not only that it is inherently violent and a violation of international law and contrary to United Nations resolutions. Even if Israel used only proportionate violence, it would still be absolutely illegal, because the occupation of Palestinian land is illegal.

CL: And why is there an occupation?

PB: Zionist occupation of Palestine was at first meager, amounting to about 10 percent of the population by 1900. By 1947, Jews were still only about 30 percent of the population of Mandate Palestine and owned only six percent of the land, but the UN Partition Resolution that year still assigned 55 percent of the land to a new Jewish state. However, by means of the 1947-48 war, Israel took over even greater expanses of land and forcibly expelled about 750,000 Palestinians. This travesty was the basis for the official founding of the Israeli state in 1948.

Word to Israel, you don't want rocks, end the occupation. You don't want rockets, end the blockade. Nothing will stop until you end the illegal and immoral occupation and blockade of Palestinian land. You are 100% responsible for all the violence.

Nothing will end
, I repeat, nothing will end, I'll say it again, nothing will end, until you end the occupation and blockade and get those psycho-insurgent-white trash-brain dead settlers, off Palestinian land and back to Israel.
Pointless melodrama won't help your debunked claims.

Study islamo-history and its connection to fascism. Read the Hamas Charter.

All your flaming with bold text, debunked slogans and Pom Pom waving for Arab beggars and squatters neglects to identify the core of the problem: Islamism.
All the violence in the area of Palestine, is a direct result of what Zionists did in 1948 and what the Israeli's have been doing since 1967.

ColorLines: What do you see as the root cause of the current Palestinian uprising?

Phyllis Bennis: What's going on right now can be summed up in one word: occupation. Contrary to the U.S. media's portrayal, the Israeli occupation of Palestine is at the root of what the media at best identify only as a "disproportionate" use of violence by the Israelis on the West Bank and Gaza.

But the real issue is the Israeli military occupation of Palestine--not only that it is inherently violent and a violation of international law and contrary to United Nations resolutions. Even if Israel used only proportionate violence, it would still be absolutely illegal, because the occupation of Palestinian land is illegal.

CL: And why is there an occupation?

PB: Zionist occupation of Palestine was at first meager, amounting to about 10 percent of the population by 1900. By 1947, Jews were still only about 30 percent of the population of Mandate Palestine and owned only six percent of the land, but the UN Partition Resolution that year still assigned 55 percent of the land to a new Jewish state. However, by means of the 1947-48 war, Israel took over even greater expanses of land and forcibly expelled about 750,000 Palestinians. This travesty was the basis for the official founding of the Israeli state in 1948.

Word to Israel, you don't want rocks, end the occupation. You don't want rockets, end the blockade. Nothing will stop until you end the illegal and immoral occupation and blockade of Palestinian land. You are 100% responsible for all the violence.

Nothing will end
, I repeat, nothing will end, I'll say it again, nothing will end, until you end the occupation and blockade and get those psycho-insurgent-white trash-brain dead settlers, off Palestinian land and back to Israel.

And how about a link to an unbiased and non partisan source to corroborate your LIES.

As any one with an ounce of sense will tell you the violence started well before 1948 and it was all one sided arab muslim against Jew. So the Jews decided to set up volunteer defence groups to target arab muslim violence and atrocities like the Hebron massacre and the Safed massacre. But go back to the founding of islam and you see the change in the religion when the Jewish tribe of medina refused to bow down to mo'mad and accept him as a prophet. This led to mo'mad changing the koran and putting in " KILL THE UNBELIEVERS " . The hadiths which are his own explanation of his sermons go even further and state " KILL THE JEWS " Only a Jew hater steeped in Nazi dogma could ever ignore these blatant commands to perform genocide on the Jews and ignore the actions of 1400 years of Islamic mass murder, atrocities, land thefts, rape and torture. And only a complete moron would take the word of Global research as being a valid source of anything but islamonazi propaganda.
They don't care if it ends. Jews like living with contention.
There are a lot of Jews inside and outside of Israel, that object to Israel's treatment of the Palestinian's and want the occupation to end.

Two groups that come to mind, are:

You mean the less that 1% of the worlds total Jewish population, that is not a lot when you realise that the majority live in the USA on your tax dollar
So very true that "All the violence in the area of Palestine, is a direct result of what Zionists did in 1948 and what the Israeli's have been doing since 1967." What kind of people make peace offerings to Palestinians, build a security fence & concede land to them so they can stay? Face it you Zionists, no Arab country ever trteated the Palestinians like Israel does. Want peace? This entire Zionist agenda has to go. History has proven that King Hussein was right. Peace can be achieved from Palestinians. When will Israel ever learn? LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY.
All you do, is repeat the same bullshit sentence over and over and over.

Fuckin' troll!

Just like you repeat the same blood libels and islamonazi propaganda from Global research that are never corroborated from any other source.
Right on! I too want the occupation to end. Not even once has Israel tried to help free the Palestinians back to their indigenous homelands. Shame on you Zionists.
They are on their indigenous homelands, troll.

Not according to the links provided by Humanity that show they are not indigenous to Palestine and came from the Arabian Peninsular after the 7C
Well the jewish religion seems to be leading in the death's of "non belivers" Israelis and Palestinians Killed since 9/29/2000

Only when you use such a narrow parameter. When you look at the full picture you realise that since 1940 the muslims have mass murdered over 60 million innocents in the name of their minor moon god. So the Israelis fall well short of that figure don't they, Even the Jordanians beat their score of dead Palestinians in just one month when they mass murdered up to 50,000 Palestinians in one month.

Guess your fiddling has back fired on you once again and you have been outed as a propaqgandist
Well the jewish religion seems to be leading in the death's of "non belivers" Israelis and Palestinians Killed since 9/29/2000

As usual, you're befuddled.

I know you just can't get enough of the heartwarming, bloodcurdling inversion of motherhood from the “Pal'istinian” Arab woman who has an interesting perspective on parenting.

Hopefully, this reprehensible woman is past her reproductive years. Unfortunately, however, she still has some advise for others regarding using their children as high explosives/nail delivery devices..... I mean martyrs to throw onto muhammud's (swish) bonfire of hatred.


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