Israel Strikes Two Gaza Sites

Israel's version of peace - All of Palestine without the Palestinians.

You don't seem to mind the Palestinian ("leadership's") version - all of Israel, without the Israelis.

there are some very gullible fools who believe that tripe, but it is declining daily. as long as you omit parts of the truth or twist it so severely as you have, it is pretty close to lying.

I think the 'gullible fool' is one who believes the HAMAS and PA Charters can be ignored in assessing the aims and goals of those two groups. It's been claimed - and I hope it's correct! - that the vast majority of Palestinians wish only a State of Palestine next to and at peace with the State of Israel. The problem is, there appears to be no 'party' wchic is organized to express those people's goals and aspirations.
So This was a retaliatory strike, instigated by the Palestinian rocket fire? What a shocker that is.

Only the crazy liberals at the NY Times would blame the victim for being attacked. And then print such a false misleading title. But then again this is the NY Times we're talking about here.

And that's why the Times is losing readership and dollars. Lipush is right. Headline should have read "Israel Responds To Rocket Fire". They are not the only one spewing falsehoods.

by jove, i think you've got it.

the NY Times readership and profits aren't declining because of the internet and the plethora of free, quality news sites.

no, no, no!!!!

it is declining because they lacked the foresight to hire zionist headline writers.

the times does a pretty darn good job with her news department and did so in this case., reporting on the missile strike in gaza. you guys are sounding way too desperate.
It's declining because of biased articles like this, where they throw out their entire journalistic code of ethics and conduct, in lieu of what their employer wants to see printed. Whether it be on the internt or on paper. That's why you end up with an article with a false title where the body contradicts the entire premise of the title:


Israeli warplanes struck two sites in Gaza in response to rocket fire from the Palestinian coastal territory against southern Israel the night before, according to the Israeli military.

The military said it hit concealed rocket launchers in the northern Gaza Strip overnight after a rocket fired from Gaza, which is controlled by the Islamic militant group Hamas, landed in an open area across the border.

“This is an absurd situation that would not be tolerated anywhere else in the world,” Lt. Col. Peter Lerner, a spokesman for the military, said in a statement. He said that the military “is charged with, and will continue to operate in order to safeguard Israel’s civilians and combat terror and its infrastructure in the Gaza Strip.”

The ridiculous title:

Israel Strikes 2 Gaza Sites Hours Before Start of Talks :cuckoo: :lmao:
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You don't seem to mind the Palestinian ("leadership's") version - all of Israel, without the Israelis.

there are some very gullible fools who believe that tripe, but it is declining daily. as long as you omit parts of the truth or twist it so severely as you have, it is pretty close to lying.

I think the 'gullible fool' is one who believes the HAMAS and PA Charters can be ignored in assessing the aims and goals of those two groups. It's been claimed - and I hope it's correct! - that the vast majority of Palestinians wish only a State of Palestine next to and at peace with the State of Israel. The problem is, there appears to be no 'party' wchic is organized to express those people's goals and aspirations.

there are some very useful idoits (to extremest and terrorist zionists) who propose that some palestinian organisations change their charters as a PRECONDITION to peace talk wuthout realising that those matters, such as old charters that the current leadership has already distanced itself from, will be negated by a peace agreement.

of course, any lame excuse in a storm. all you people do is whine and liik for reasons not even try to make things work. my god, don't you think people involved see this.
When are they going to recognize Israel's right to exist?
States don't have rights, people do.

Cute 'soundbite' - but meaningless. Israel isn't denying the Palestinians any 'rights' except the 'right' to keep shooting rockets at Israeli civilians.

It's entirely up to the Palestinians to choose 'peaceful co-existence': I keep hoping they will finally do so. Unfortunately, HAMAS and the PA and Hezbullah are all standing in their way - and not about to give up what power (and billions) they've gained for themselves : (( That corruption has been a great burden on the Palestinian people........

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