Israel: The NRA is Lying About our Gun Laws


Gothic Vampires
Nov 10, 2012
Found this article and fact-checked it. Pretty interesting stuff:

Lapierre also referenced Israel as a model for his proposal in his Meet The Press interview. Unfortunately for Wayne and the NRA, Israel sees it differently.

Yigal Palmor, spokesman for the Israeli Foreign Ministry told the NY Daily News that NRA head Wayne LaPierre was lying when he claimed the country “had a whole lot of school shootings” and “put armed security in every school” during an appearance on NBC’s Meet The Press.

In recent years, restrictions on gun ownership in Israel have been tightened, not relaxed.
“Israeli citizens are not allowed to carry guns unless they are serving in the army or working in security-related jobs that require them to use a weapon,” said Berko.

SOURCE: Israel: NRA Is Lying About Our Gun Laws | National Confidential
SOURCE 2: Both Parties (And Israel) Wary Of NRA’s School Safety Plan | FDL News Desk
SOURCE 3: Israelis shoot down NRA's claim that the Jewish State uses more weapons to keep schools safe - NY Daily News

Color me humbled. I always assumed that most Israelis were armed since they live in the middle of a part of the world that hates them.
The NRA really scares the hell out of some of you... They should, seeing how Bill Clinton admitted he lost an election because of them.
Yes, the NRA with the attitude they have at present represent a danger to the public in general. The proliferation of guns with zero controls has led to the insanity we have seen in the last few weeks. The murder of the firemen now have added another dimension to the NRA's war on our children and emergency responders.
The NRA really scares the hell out of some of you... They should, seeing how Bill Clinton admitted he lost an election because of them.

Not scared of the NRA (they have a right to an opinion just like everyone else), just pointing out that according to Israel LaPierre is wrong.
Nice attempt at misdirection, but the only relevant question is whether the Israelis have armed guards at their schools. Do they?
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The NRA really scares the hell out of some of you... They should, seeing how Bill Clinton admitted he lost an election because of them.

only their membership dues. makes them like a gun union
Yes, the NRA with the attitude they have at present represent a danger to the public in general. The proliferation of guns with zero controls has led to the insanity we have seen in the last few weeks. The murder of the firemen now have added another dimension to the NRA's war on our children and emergency responders.
Governments have killed more people with guns than any other entity.

The proliferation of government should scare the juice out of any sane person.

The insanity has to stop!
The NRA really scares the hell out of some of you... They should, seeing how Bill Clinton admitted he lost an election because of them.

And then he figured out how to beat them and he didn't.

But the days of the Democrats and even the REpublicans being afraid of Froathy Wayne are over...
I would be willing to revert to Israeli gun control laws.......will the NRA?
The NRA really scares the hell out of some of you...
....Primarily because they employ someone with....

....dangerously-delusional behavior!!



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