Israel To Receive New F-35's

Sorry that I asked....... :cuckoo:

Sunni Man, do you really think you have fooled me into thinking that you give a shit that American Taxpayers are paying for this ??
Listen, I am an U.S. taxpayer and want to see my taxes spent on American issues.

I find it absurd to spend money protecting Israel's borders while our southern borders are wide open and illegal aliens are pouring in daily.

Clearly, we have our priorities wrong.......... :doubt:
Ya sure then why aren't you posting about the billions we send to shitholes like Pakistsn and the Palestinians? You're just a Moooslim liar.
What I find disconcerting is how the juden here are all for the U.S. tax payer footing the bill for giving Israel the new F-35's

And how they also applaud the fact that the Israeli Air Force is to receive the F-35 fighters a couple of years before the U.S. Air Force is given their first F-35

Seriously, shouldn't American's security concerns take precedent over Israel's ?? . :doubt:

They're intertwined
Sunni Man, do you really think you have fooled me into thinking that you give a shit that American Taxpayers are paying for this ??
Listen, I am an U.S. taxpayer and want to see my taxes spent on American issues.

I find it absurd to spend money protecting Israel's borders while our southern borders are wide open and illegal aliens are pouring in daily.

Clearly, we have our priorities wrong.......... :doubt:

Ok, I understand that. But your problem is with the U.S government, not Israel

You act as if Israel is the only place where the U.S sends aid.
I believe in helping improverished countries with financial aid packages regardless of race or religion.

But, almost everyday there is a thread about how great Israel is doing financially in business and the hi-tech sector. And how robust the Israeli economy is doing. So why should we be sending Israel any form of aid?

I am not against selling Israel the F-35 ....... I just object to the American taxpayer footing the bill. . :doubt:
Sorry that I asked....... :cuckoo:

Sunni Man, do you really think you have fooled me into thinking that you give a shit that American Taxpayers are paying for this ??
Listen, I am an U.S. taxpayer and want to see my taxes spent on American issues.

I find it absurd to spend money protecting Israel's borders while our southern borders are wide open and illegal aliens are pouring in daily.

Clearly, we have our priorities wrong.......... :doubt:

the two are not connected...Only in your mind sunni boy:cuckoo:
Listen, I am an U.S. taxpayer and want to see my taxes spent on American issues.

I find it absurd to spend money protecting Israel's borders while our southern borders are wide open and illegal aliens are pouring in daily.

Clearly, we have our priorities wrong.......... :doubt:

Ok, I understand that. But your problem is with the U.S government, not Israel

You act as if Israel is the only place where the U.S sends aid.
I believe in helping improverished countries with financial aid packages regardless of race or religion.

But, almost everyday there is a thread about how great Israel is doing financially in business and the hi-tech sector. And how robust the Israeli economy is doing. So why should we be sending Israel any form of aid?

I am not against selling Israel the F-35 ....... I just object to the American taxpayer footing the bill. . :doubt:

You're against Israel's existence fraud:cuckoo:
Your stance is that if the U.S didn't support America with money, then they wouldn't have a financial crisis ???
Sorry that I asked....... :cuckoo:

Sunni Man, do you really think you have fooled me into thinking that you give a shit that American Taxpayers are paying for this ???

Anyone who has read your posts knows that the only reason you are whining over this is because you hate Israel and Jews with a passion, so naturally you will make a huge deal over something like this.

Oh , and it seems like you keep forgetting what I have told you oh so many times:

you are a rabid anti-semitic hateful terrorist supporting jihadist bigot, therefore ANY opinion you have concerning Israel or the I/P conflict is beyond useless


Hopefully, this time you will remember, because I'm getting tired of reminding you

He loved it when we were sending aircraft to Brotherhood led Egypt. Luckily they've been deposed :cool:
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The F-35 is one bad ass machine

Yep Awesome.

Only 400 Billion worth of R&D.

We don't do dogfights anymore (Well not since the beginning of the Vietnam war) but this plane can out dog fight almost every plane that's never been built.

If only it could ferret out terrorists hiding in urban environments! Now that would have been worth it.

Oh makes the Israelis happy..and they will look just spiffy at air shows. :lol:

It's also Nuclear Capable (but hopefully it will never have to be used in that way)

Why not? What are nukes for, if not to erase Nature's mistakes in the Evolution of Man?
Israel “First” to get New Generation F35 Jetfighter: Paid for by American Taxpayers

"The Israeli Air force will be one of the first in the world to be given the very latest Lockheed Martin F-35 stealth jet fighter—even before the aircraft becomes fully operational in the US Air Force.

However, an article in the Examiner of May 2013, reported that the US Airforce will only be given 12 F35s by “December 2016” and that the US Navy “will have its first operational squadron ready by February 2019.”

In other words, Israel will not only get Americans to pay for the aircraft, but also get them before the American armed forces themselves.

The obvious question which all reasonable people will ask is why would Israel be the first to get these advanced aircraft even before the USAF??"

Israel ?First? to get New Generation F35 Jetfighter: Paid for by American Taxpayers - David | David

They face the greatest threat. From all those moronic Islamist terrorists and State players. You know your buddies the terrorists you call freedom fighters, the ones that murder women and children.

The jihadis who will inevitably take over Arab Spring are itching to holocaust Israel.
You're against Israel's existence fraud.
Of course I am against the existence of the fascist state of Israel.

But that's beside the point.

I do not see why the American taxpayer should be forced to finance it's existence. . :doubt:

If the USA did not have to spend so much money defending against the filth of the
vile and disgusting UMMAH-----and the pigs and dogs of mecca---we would not have
a budget crisis. Even their sluts cost both american lives and billions of money wasted
on their stinking whorish 'posteriors'
You're against Israel's existence fraud.
Of course I am against the existence of the fascist state of Israel.

But that's beside the point.

I do not see why the American taxpayer should be forced to finance it's existence. . :doubt:

Maybe if you and your Muslim friends in the Middle East weren't such violent jihadists, then Israel wouldn't need this military equipment

So right now, the only thing I can say to you is:

:boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo:

Israeli Air Force Re-Organization Aims for Expanded Capacity to Hit 10x as Many Targets

A strategic re-organization of the Israel Air Force portends to increase its capacity to wage war by “an order of magnitude,” translating into a 10-fold increase in the number of targets that it could hit at once in war time, Brig. Gen. Amikam Norkin, chief of air operations, told Defense News.

Norkin said that Israel struck 1,500 targets during the eight-day Pillar of Defense operation, in Gaza, in November 2012, doubling the targets it hit in the 34-day Lebanon War, in 2006, six years earlier. The Expanding Attack Capacity program, designed by his superior, IAF Commander Maj. Gen. Amir Eshel, calls for Israel to be able to identify and attack 15,000 targets in a similar conflict.

“In Pillar of Defense, our daily attack capacity was twice that of Lebanon, despite the fact that [Gaza] was a much smaller area and more densely populated,” Norkin said. “Now, when we talk about the northern area of operations, we’re aspiring for an order of magnitude expansion — maybe more — in the number of targets to be destroyed every day.”

Israel will focus on “hurting the enemy where it hurts the most

Israeli Air Force Re-Organization Aims for Expanded Capacity to Hit 10x as Many Targets | Jewish & Israel News
You realize that if they're announcing it like this, it means they've had it for at least a year or two years, and the modifications have been installed and ready for the "Iran mission".

In other words, this whole news release is a message for the Iranians. They're about to get whacked.
Israel “First” to get New Generation F35 Jetfighter: Paid for by American Taxpayers

"The Israeli Air force will be one of the first in the world to be given the very latest Lockheed Martin F-35 stealth jet fighter—even before the aircraft becomes fully operational in the US Air Force.

However, an article in the Examiner of May 2013, reported that the US Airforce will only be given 12 F35s by “December 2016” and that the US Navy “will have its first operational squadron ready by February 2019.”

In other words, Israel will not only get Americans to pay for the aircraft, but also get them before the American armed forces themselves.

The obvious question which all reasonable people will ask is why would Israel be the first to get these advanced aircraft even before the USAF??"

Israel ?First? to get New Generation F35 Jetfighter: Paid for by American Taxpayers - David | David

Keep Working :smiliehug:
You realize that if they're announcing it like this, it means they've had it for at least a year or two years, and the modifications have been installed and ready for the "Iran mission".

In other words, this whole news release is a message for the Iranians. They're about to get whacked.

The article states that they are going to receive their first shipment in 2016 only

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