Israel To Receive New F-35's

Far less than the 3 billion dollars a year it cost us US taxpayers to send to Musharref in Pakistan so they could hide bin Laden on us. Is it any wonder why us Americans support Israel?

Why is the US taxpayer obligated to defend israel?

How much does it cost the U.S taxpayer ??

The Us gives pakis 1.7 b and egypt 1.4b although that is 963m and 643m military aid while almost all of the 3b going to israel is military aid. As usual more zionist hasbara.

United States foreign aid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

BTW - Aid to israel will go up to 5b/yr in a couple years. Why, who knows but I'm thinking AIPAC and bought off politicians.

As far as I'm concerned, cut em all off.
Where did you read that U.S aid to Israel will go to $5 billion?

I don't remember hearing that
You realize that if they're announcing it like this, it means they've had it for at least a year or two years, and the modifications have been installed and ready for the "Iran mission".

In other words, this whole news release is a message for the Iranians. They're about to get whacked.

Since the jihadis haven't stabilized their control over Arab Spring yet and Hezbollah is needed to save Assad, Iran must be the imminent target.
The Arab Spring has been wonderful. Now well over 100,000 of America's & Israel's enemies sent to paradise. What greater contribution to world peace than that?
Yet US has already given over 20 billion to the Bin Laden hiding Pakistanis since 2001. But Alfalfa smoker prefers to talk about the JOOOOS.
That guy must be living on the funny farm.

Yet US has already given over 20 billion to the Bin Laden hiding Pakistanis since 2001. But Alfalfa smoker prefers to talk about the JOOOOS.

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