Israel Warns Biden on New Iran Nuclear Deal

What other policies and actions do you want Israel to dictate to us?
You back Progs. Progs back globalists. Globalists restarted Israel. Iran approved by globalists.... A lot of intertwining and pain and suffering is involved. Stirring the shit by the elites with the shit stirred in mini swirls by factions.
You back Progs. Progs back globalists. Globalists restarted Israel. Iran approved by globalists.... A lot of intertwining and pain and suffering is involved. Stirring the shit by the elites with the shit stirred in mini swirls by factions.

Who specifically do I support? I'm pretty sure anyone you can name does not support my position of minding our own business.
Who specifically do I support? I'm pretty sure anyone you can name does not support my position of minding our own business.
Prog agendas. Prog legislation. Minding our own business while you support Prog politicians is mind numbing. So Repub voters got tired of the neo con war mongers. Progs are now the war mongers.
Prog agendas. Prog legislation. Minding our own business while you support Prog politicians is mind numbing. So Repub voters got tired of the neo con war mongers. Progs are now the war mongers.

So are just mind numbingly rambling.
Israel wants to get American's killed by fighting their wars for them.
America has NEVER put any boots on the ground defending Israel. A History lesson for you. The War of Partition 1948. The Suez War 1956. The 6 Day War 1967. The Yom Kippur War 1973. Four MAJOR wars where Israel kicked the shit out of the filthy Muslims.
America has NEVER put any boots on the ground defending Israel. A History lesson for you. The War of Partition 1948. The Suez War 1956. The 6 Day War 1967. The Yom Kippur War 1973. Four MAJOR wars where Israel kicked the shit out of the filthy Muslims.

So let's mind our own business and they can fight their own wars. (and we have fought Israel's wars.

Israel wants to get American's killed by fighting their wars for them.
don't bother to ask >>> "JUST WHEN DID AMERICANS FIGHT ISRAELI WARS"----it has answers
as to why the american civil war was fought for

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