Israeli Airport Security Challenged

What? Of course what the Germans did was wrong.

Sure, Jews are people to and just as capable of evil. If the Arabs want to do the same screening because they feel a threat then they are welcome to do it as well to their Jewish citizens. And if the Irish start blowing up buildings then they are welcome to profile them...

So if any ethnic group of people started strapping bombs on their backs and started blowing up area Walmart's you'd have a problem profiling them on a temporary basis?

yes. It's how actual western nations behave when keeping from validating ethnic hatred. So, again, should we let police profile blacks and mexicans as a gangbanger in training? I know many blacks and mexicans who don't apply but, hey, it's only temporary, right? When IRAN takes action against a jewish population the next thing you know the zionist cry to high heaven that arabs are out kicking the shit out of jews JUST LIKE the holocaust (despite the replies of iranian jews whou refused to return to israel).

so, then, germans are bad for making their threat wear yellow stars... but israel is allowed to assume that every arab is out to kill a jew.

makes total sense.
Well, there would be the whole fact that Jews DON'T strap bombs to their bellies..... so while Jews may be capable of evil, they don't target civilians and haven't been evil either historically or currently.

yea, Im sure the ghost of Yitzhak Rabin agrees with that statement..

care to tell her how Israel treats it's jewish assassins?

with conjigul visits and allowing him to get his wife pregnant while serving his "sentence" for murder!

but.. let a pal throw a rock and all of a sudded the bulldozer patrol is put on alarm.

yea.. CLEARLY jews have a history of NOT looking out for JEWS weather it means having to kill someone and justify murder or not... yes.. CLEARLY this is true.
yes. It's how actual western nations behave when keeping from validating ethnic hatred. So, again, should we let police profile blacks and mexicans as a gangbanger in training? I know many blacks and mexicans who don't apply but, hey, it's only temporary, right? When IRAN takes action against a jewish population the next thing you know the zionist cry to high heaven that arabs are out kicking the shit out of jews JUST LIKE the holocaust (despite the replies of iranian jews whou refused to return to israel).

so, then, germans are bad for making their threat wear yellow stars... but israel is allowed to assume that every arab is out to kill a jew.

makes total sense.

What exactly is a gangbanger?
gangbanger Definition

☆ gang·banger (gaŋ′baŋ′ər)


Slang a member of a youth gang

gang banger


1. someone who is in a gang.

gang·bang·er (gngbngr)
1. Slang A member of a violent street gang.
2. Vulgar Slang One who takes part in a gangbang.

gangbanger (plural gangbangers)

1. (slang) a member of a violent gang
2. (slang) a violent person
3. (slang) a mijosta D.C slang

1. gangbanger
187 up, 37 down

1)A person who is either a member or heavily affiliated with a local gang.

2. gangbanger
129 up, 62 down

a person belonging to a gang. usually not able to "man up" and stand on his own, therefore has to rely on others for support. sometimes referred to as a pussy.

3. gangbanger
80 up, 27 down

Member of a gang or crew.
Can be someone who isn't a member but is still allowed to "roll" with tha crew.
so "blowing people up" is the necessary requirement for ethnic cleansi, er, ethnic profiling instead of the social reality of violence in general, eh?

do we or do we not, AS AN ACTUAL WESTERN NATION, assume that blacks and mexicans are more likely gang members than joe white boy and profile accordingly?

If not then tell me the difference between generalizing a pal as a terrorist and a black as a gangbanging thug.
Yes, I think blowing up makes the difference.

How are they deciding who is an Arab and who is a Jew? By their names?
that, Ravir, is what we call a double standard.

I assure you that dead people everywhere don't give the first flying fuck that it was an explosion rather than a jewish bulldozer that caused their deaths. In fact, it's that kind of willingness to differentiate that destroys equality.

If you are asking how israel decides who is jewish and who is arab then you must not be familiar with the STATE SPONSORED organization that does just that.

How Do You Prove You’re a Jew?

now, imagine if an ACTUAL WESTERN NATION like the US had a similar state sanctioned organization that required ethnic proof according to status.
Other than the idiot who put her body in front of the bulldozerto protect the home of a terrorist, how many people did bulldozers kill?

but no worries, jews aren't supposed to fight back. they're supposed to blow up quietly.

like I said, talk to me after you've been on the beach on Tel Aviv... if you can handle being surrounded by all those jews anyway....
You Shogun have already proven the point your an anti religious zealot. Go ahead and spin all you want. Your ignorant attempts to put people down because of religion are hilarious while you defend mass murdering terrorists that target women and children.

Hate to break it to ya buddy but the US police actually DO profile. Just the ignorant airport security doesn't do it. And it makes sense to do so if a clear threat exists.

Ignoring an obvious potential threat because of Political correctness is sure gonna make the victims families feel better after some terrorists blows something up because you claim police and security should ignore them.

I repeat Shogun, HOW MANY old ladies, white people and non Arabs have hijacked aircraft IN Israel? Further since your dumb ass has never been through the security checks they conduct you have NO idea what they are like.

I suggest your bleeding whining ass go join the Pals in their "just" terror campaign.
Other than the idiot who put her body in front of the bulldozerto protect the home of a terrorist, how many people did bulldozers kill?

but no worries, jews aren't supposed to fight back. they're supposed to blow up quietly.

like I said, talk to me after you've been on the beach on Tel Aviv... if you can handle being surrounded by all those jews anyway....

ahh yes.. the IDIOT who was working for peace among the pals.. lord knows how carazy THOSE antisemites are.

Indeed, civilians in lebennon sure know all about how israel "fights back". Thankfully, those civilians don't count when you scream that the sky is falling for jewish civilians who, ironically enough, take civilian casualties too. I sure am glad you put a higher premium on jewish lives than any other ethnicity, Jillian.

Being around jews doesn't bother me one bit. however, i'd probably pass since I would rather not be for israel what walt disney was to nazi germany.

Speaking of "if you can handle being around them anyway" have you heard any more news about the growing anti-arab racism in israel or can gentiles only be racist? Gosh, if only the rest of us could be so chosen!

I repeat Shogun, HOW MANY old ladies, white people and non Arabs have hijacked aircraft IN Israel? Further since your dumb ass has never been through the security checks they conduct you have NO idea what they are like.

uh.. i've never been through airport security, eh? Do you have a copy of my passport too, dude? Are the meds taking you to places that you thought only hippies and lsd gurus knew about? Perhaps you are assuming more than you should.

Further, no, we DON'T profile muslims any more than we profile christians after Eric Rudolph acted out HIS terrorism. Funny how the ones usually calling for such racist policy are never from the group they wish to demonize. Yes, funny how that works.

You see, WE in an actual western nation comprehend that it's not the ethnicity that causes violence. I realize this flies in the face of your jew worship but... hey.... rational thought usually does get in the way of dogma junkies pounding the war drum for their scapegoat of the day, doesn't it?
ahh yes.. the IDIOT who was working for peace among the pals.. lord knows how carazy THOSE antisemites are.

Indeed, civilians in lebennon sure know all about how israel "fights back". Thankfully, those civilians don't count when you scream that the sky is falling for jewish civilians who, ironically enough, take civilian casualties too. I sure am glad you put a higher premium on jewish lives than any other ethnicity, Jillian.

Being around jews doesn't bother me one bit. however, i'd probably pass since I would rather not be for israel what walt disney was to nazi germany.

Speaking of "if you can handle being around them anyway" have you heard any more news about the growing anti-arab racism in israel or can gentiles only be racist? Gosh, if only the rest of us could be so chosen!

How does one "fight for peace" by supporting terrorists? Oh right, Shogie, you don't...

Funny... I was just in Israel this past week (yes, even on the beach in Tel Aviv, where you don't have the nerve to go). And the Arab population is pretty happy being Israeli. They have more rights in Israel than in any Arab country. You seem to have this problem confusing that Arab population with the pals.

Mostly, I didn't really appreciate your thinking my family should be unsafe to satisfy some psychotic attachment of yours to a terrorist cause.

As for Lebanon, you idiot, if a terrorist organization planted themselves on the southern border of Canada and started aiming missiles at Detroit, we'd flatten that entire part of the country if Canada didn't control them. And no one in the world would blink.

So here's once again to your psycho double standard. Too bad jews won't die for you, eh?

How does one "fight for peace" by supporting terrorists? Oh right, Shogie, you don't...

funny.. that never seems to be the standard justification to cluster bombs in lebonese civilian areas... FURTHER, dearest Jillian, the fact of the matter is that governments work with "terrorists" all the time.. Would you like to recall Iran-contra? The entire Afghanistan strategy since the invasion? Factions in Iraq? WHO won those purple thumb election, Jill? WHO won the Palestinian election? What SHOULD this tell you (besides that all arabs and muslims want to throw a jew down a well)

Funny... I was just in Israel this past week (yes, even on the beach in Tel Aviv, where you don't have the nerve to go). And the Arab population is pretty happy being Israeli. They have more rights in Israel than in any Arab country. You seem to have this problem confusing that Arab population with the pals.

Don't have the nerve or don't have the desire? Believe it or not there are some gentiles who are not hellbent on kissing jewish ass for the sake of their dogma junky chosen status. If I could think of a top 25 list of places in the world to visit israel would be missing.. not because of your scarlet A but rather because I don't support racist nations like walk disney schmoozing the nazi party.

So, you speak for israeli arabs now, eh? hilarious. After all, having MORE freedom in the US as opposed to Nigeria probably JUSTIFIED the hundred years between the emancipation proclamation and the civil rights 60s!


make whatever excuse you need to make, jill. You aren't doing anything a jew hating german wasn't capable of.

Mostly, I didn't really appreciate your thinking my family should be unsafe to satisfy some psychotic attachment of yours to a terrorist cause.

Gosh, I guess it's a good thing that arabs don't have families that are unsafe and living like cockroaches in the shadow of a jewish wall eh? I mean, pals don't hve souls anyway so why WOPULDNT they have a lesser pricetag on their lives than your family?

Indeed, terrorism probably ISN"T dependent on perspective! NO ONE could POSSIBLY see zionist israel as the greatest terrorist movement allowed to happen since the holocaust, eh? naaaa.. only antisemites put jews on equal ground with non-jews! silly me.


As for Lebanon, you idiot, if a terrorist organization planted themselves on the southern border of Canada and started aiming missiles at Detroit, we'd flatten that entire part of the country if Canada didn't control them. And no one in the world would blink.

Hey, like I said.. justify and rationalize what you want to. I have about as much interest in hearing your excuses for cluster bombing civilian areas as I do listening to a white supremicist rationalizing the death of Alan Berg. Even if Canada WERE to fire rockets into detroit then we don't just take it out on civilians. We don't in iraq. We don't in Afghan. We don't brag about fucking hirishoma and nagasaki or dresden and I sure as fuck won't about your scapegoat.

For real, I get the impression that the only thing that keeps you from applauding a civilian population being taken out by nukes is that THEY were japanese instead of pals. If only, right Jillian?

So here's once again to your psycho double standard. Too bad jews won't die for you, eh?

I'm not asking jews to die for me. Then again, if you and israel wants to drive solo then we in an ACTUAL western nation can stop propping you up on a platform above the standards of everyone else and let you play your own game that doesn't come back to haunt the US. Indeed, I wonder how well israel would do without the monetary support and military threat the US provides.. Indeed, make me laugh again by mentioning israel and double standard in the same sentence again!

More psychosis from Shogie baby...

Tell me honey, how much money have we given the PA? We prop them up, too. You complaining about that? Or the money we give to other countries?

Didn't think so, Mighty Mouth...

Like I said, it's only the Jew thing that pisses you off.

Dismissed. ;)
More psychosis from Shogie baby...

Tell me honey, how much money have we given the PA? We prop them up, too. You complaining about that? Or the money we give to other countries?

Didn't think so, Mighty Mouth...

Like I said, it's only the Jew thing that pisses you off.

Dismissed. ;)

Shogan is a dipstick on this issue, but we have to keep responding to his ignorant rants because there are people out there that do not realize just how ignorant his position is.
More psychosis from Shogie baby...

Tell me honey, how much money have we given the PA? We prop them up, too. You complaining about that? Or the money we give to other countries?

are you kiddin gme? Do you really think we give pal MORE money than israel?


I know I know.. If we don't stop giving money to every other nation of non-jews first then it is clearly antisemitism to cut off israel.


Didn't think so, Mighty Mouth...

Like I said, it's only the Jew thing that pisses you off.

Dismissed. ;)

Holding onto that must be a nice warm security blanket even if it's no real protection from reality . You can line up the assumption that I don't like jews all you need to. it wont keep the facts from being any less relevant than they are. If germans were doing what israel does today i'd be all about pouncing on germans. It's called being consistant. Since YOUR team is the focus because of their own racism feel free to scream antisemite until the word becomes mor of a joke that your criteria for application.

gosh... it sure is CARAZY (and antisemtitic) that a racist jewish state which expects a double standard applied to non-goyim just isn't very tempting of a destination for those of us concerned with humanity beyond ethnic identity. I know, I know... thats david duke talk right there!

Shogan is a dipstick on this issue, but we have to keep responding to his ignorant rants because there are people out there that do not realize just how ignorant his position is.


yea, dude... you ARE a crusader, lemme tellya!

indeed, assuming the position behind the new master race because your dogma requires as much probably isn't at all obvious. Hell, it's probably not at all obvious that your militant excuse for religious violence is on par with muslims seeking 72 virgins in heaven either.. I mean, it's not like salvation and heaven are all you use to justify your earthly behaviours, eh?


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