Israeli and Palestinian concession for peace


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Shall we stop to protect Israel and allow Muslims to take over Holy Land, to destroy all churches and to kill all Christians?Just look the concessions of both parties fro freedom.
Are we completely insane and already converted to Islam?


Shall we stop to protect Israel and allow Muslims to take over Holy Land, to destroy all churches and to kill all Christians?Just look the concessions of both parties fro freedom.
Are we completely insane and already converted to Islam?


The problem stems from the core tenets of Islam. Once Muslims conquer a region, they are not to allow non-Muslims to regain control of the region, thus, the Palestinians (Muslims) will never recognize the existence of Israel, as it is a region that Muslims once controlled and thus all non-Muslims are considered "occupiers."
Once Islam gains control of nations like Sweden (within 20 years), no other non-Muslims will be allowed to rule.
The only solution to this is all out war against Islam.
- Islam is a Cult of Dead and Murder!
- All Muslim countries are backward 7th century sh...holes except they build up by the West ( e.g. countries in Persian Gulf )
- Only Israel is the True Ally of the West in the entirely Muslim World
- UN shall be abolished and Israel be allowed to clean up the country from Terror.
- Period

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