Israeli Army Forces Enter Gaza, Open Fire On Palestinian Farmers

Radio Havana? WTF kind of bogus source is that??

Do pro Palestinians really expect us to believe that Israel just drives up to farmers and shoot at them for absolutely no reason whatsoever??
Listen you fucking dumbass, that's exactly what we believe! And that's exactly what they do!

How many times do you have to be shown this shit, before you have the balls to admit it?

What a bullshit propaganda v
Radio Havana? WTF kind of bogus source is that??

Do pro Palestinians really expect us to believe that Israel just drives up to farmers and shoot at them for absolutely no reason whatsoever??
Listen you fucking dumbass, that's exactly what we believe! And that's exactly what they do!

How many times do you have to be shown this shit, before you have the balls to admit it?

What a bullshit propaganda video.

Why are those Palestinians lying on the ground pretending to be dead? Oh, and the shots were CLEARLY coming from next to the camera you idiot. Nowhere in the video do you see the soldiers shooting BTW. They are hudled together. This whole video was staged, and your dumbass fell for it
Challenger, et al,

You can raise those points, but the evidence does not support it.

Challenger, et al,

I looked at the video several times. I don't see an "attack."

So these fishermen are "terrorists" and your evidence for this assertion is?

What I do see is an approach and interdiction by a fast patrol boat. It seems to me to be a pretty standard interdiction. The shots fired were clearly in the water, attempting to warn-off multiple fishing boats attempting to violate the standing Notice to Mariners.

It appears to be an attempt at creating an incident for media shock value.

As soon as you hear the one female camera operator shout that they are in "International Waters," --- you know right away that they are in violation of the block established by the Israeli Navy under the San Remo Manual.

While there is no evidence that the operators were terrorists, there is not obvious evidence that they were engaged in fishing activity. It appears to be a provoked confrontation in order to capture video of an Israel interdiction on restricted waters.

I would not use this video in attempting to prove your point. It doesn't do it very well.

BTW, I think this might be an older video. The Israel Patrol Boat seems to be of the Dubar Class (older series).

Most Respectfully,

The Notice to Mariners states that the Gaza Maritime Area extends 20Nm from the coast. If the Palestinian fishermen were within that area the Zionist JSIL navy has no right or reason to open fire on the boats. They could achieve the same effect, i.e. interdiction, using a loud hailer, or other form of signaling. They could order the boat to heave to and be boarded. They would only be "entitled" to fire warning shots if these measures failed. There is no evidence from that film clip of any attempt to communicate other than by opening fire.

The Notice to Mariners NO. 1/2009 Blockade of Gaza Strip is not based on a 20Nm standard. It is based on a geo-coordinate enclosure; as are all blockades established under the San Remo Manual.

NO. 1/2009 Blockade of Gaza Strip Created: 06 January 2009
    1. Subject: Blockade of Gaza Strip
    2. Source : Israeli Navy
All mariners are advised that as of 03 January 2009, 1700 UTC, Gaza maritime area is closed to all maritime trafic and is under blockade imposed by Israeli Navy until further notice.
Maritime Gaza area is enclosed by the following coordinates:

31 35.71 N 34 29.46 E
31 46.80 N 34 10.01 E
31 19.39 N 34 13.11 E
31 33.73 N 33 56.68 E

Based on the clip, there is no evidence to the exact location other than the staged film crew shouting that they are in "International Waters." There is no evidence that the IDF/Israeli Navy Patrol did NOT attempt radio contact or other forms of communication. The absence of evidence in the presentation does not mean that it did not happen.

Warning shots, since the time before radio, have been used as a legitimate signal.

The video neither proves or disproves anything.

Most Respectfully,

Yes, if you look at those coordinates on a map, they comprise a rectangle extending 20nm from the coast of the Gaza Strip. The fishing boats can legitimately state they are in international waters if they are further than 12nm away from their coast, this distance being classed as territorial waters under UNCLOS III

Furthermore, you may not have noticed, but we are not in the 18th century any more. Even in those days a shot fired across another shop's bow was used only if the ship was too far away to hail or had ignored hoisted signal flag messages, for example:
Signal flags hoisted denoting letters:
M+N= "Stop instantly - disobey at your peril"
I+D= "Heave to or I will fire into you".
This method of communication has been around since the late 17th century and as of 1901 are still used today in a standard format recognisable by any seafarer, the International Code of Signals.

One burst can be construed as a warning shot, multiple bursts, not so much; regardless of circumstances.

I agree this video on it's own proves nothing, other than perhaps the Zionist navy wasn't expecting to be filmed at the time. Given that Palestinian fishermen have been killed by the Zionist Navy in the past, this film provides some evidence that Zionist JSIL's navy is at the very least, too trigger-happy when engaging in blockade work.
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What a bullshit propaganda video.

Why are those Palestinians lying on the ground pretending to be dead?
Because they're being shot at. That's what normal people do when shots are fired, they hit the deck. And they're not playing dead. That's just your "vision issues" cropping up again.

Oh, and the shots were CLEARLY coming from next to the camera you idiot.
That's just bullshit conjecture on your part.

Nowhere in the video do you see the soldiers shooting BTW. They are hudled together. This whole video was staged, and your dumbass fell for it
You saw them shooting at Palestinian fishermen, why wouldn't they shoot at Palestinian farmers? Your logic is horseshit!
the war was of hamas' making. A navel blockade was a defensive move to limit the flow of weapons, rockets, that can be fired on Israel
when rockets are not fired at Israel it saves palestinian lives.
Wrong! The blockade started because Israel didn't like the results of the Gazan elections.
the war was of hamas' making. A navel blockade was a defensive move to limit the flow of weapons, rockets, that can be fired on Israel
when rockets are not fired at Israel it saves palestinian lives.
Wrong! The blockade started because Israel didn't like the results of the Gazan elections.
And the Palestinians like the assholes that the Israelis elect.
What a bullshit propaganda video.

Why are those Palestinians lying on the ground pretending to be dead?
Because they're being shot at. That's what normal people do when shots are fired, they hit the deck. And they're not playing dead. That's just your "vision issues" cropping up again.

Oh, and the shots were CLEARLY coming from next to the camera you idiot.
That's just bullshit conjecture on your part.

Nowhere in the video do you see the soldiers shooting BTW. They are hudled together. This whole video was staged, and your dumbass fell for it
You saw them shooting at Palestinian fishermen, why wouldn't they shoot at Palestinian farmers? Your logic is horseshit!

Look at the people lying down. They are playing dead for the camera. The whole thing was a setup. Listen again when the shots are fired , they are clearly coming from next to the camera.
You've been fooled you brainwashed sheep. Behehehehehe
the war was of hamas' making. A navel blockade was a defensive move to limit the flow of weapons, rockets, that can be fired on Israel
when rockets are not fired at Israel it saves palestinian lives.
Wrong! The blockade started because Israel didn't like the results of the Gazan elections.
And the Palestinians like the assholes that the Israelis elect.

The ones the Palestinians elected are listed as terrorists by many countries.
the war was of hamas' making. A navel blockade was a defensive move to limit the flow of weapons, rockets, that can be fired on Israel
when rockets are not fired at Israel it saves palestinian lives.
Wrong! The blockade started because Israel didn't like the results of the Gazan elections.
And the Palestinians like the assholes that the Israelis elect.

The ones the Palestinians elected are listed as terrorists by many countries.
They aren't terrorists in Palestine where they were elected. Foreign name calling did not figure into the elections.
the war was of hamas' making. A navel blockade was a defensive move to limit the flow of weapons, rockets, that can be fired on Israel
when rockets are not fired at Israel it saves palestinian lives.
Wrong! The blockade started because Israel didn't like the results of the Gazan elections.

after the violent battle between Fatah and Hamas, not the election
the war was of hamas' making. A navel blockade was a defensive move to limit the flow of weapons, rockets, that can be fired on Israel
when rockets are not fired at Israel it saves palestinian lives.
Wrong! The blockade started because Israel didn't like the results of the Gazan elections.
And the Palestinians like the assholes that the Israelis elect.

The ones the Palestinians elected are listed as terrorists by many countries.
They aren't terrorists in Palestine where they were elected. Foreign name calling did not figure into the elections.

It's not name calling. I have no idea how you came to that conclusion. If it was just one country , then ok.

The U.S, Canada, Australia, Japan, U.K and the EU. Hamas is also banned in Jordan and Egypt.

So whe Egypt blockaded the straits of Tiran in 1956 and 1967 this was not an act of war. Fair enough Zionist JSIL is guilty of waging agressive war in both 1956 and 1967 Planning, initiating and waging wars of aggression; war crime.

56 suez
67 straits

In 1956 they closed the Suez Canal
In 1967 they closed the Straits of Tiran.

Both moves were unprovoked. There is no comparison to the Gaza blockade.
It's not name calling. I have no idea how you came to that conclusion. If it was just one country , then ok.

The U.S, Canada, Australia, Japan, U.K and the EU. Hamas is also banned in Jordan and Egypt.
The Israeli government is just as much a terrorist organization as Hamas. The Likud Party's roots are in Irgun. And Irgun was a terrorist organization.
It's not name calling. I have no idea how you came to that conclusion. If it was just one country , then ok.

The U.S, Canada, Australia, Japan, U.K and the EU. Hamas is also banned in Jordan and Egypt.
The Israeli government is just as much a terrorist organization as Hamas. The Likud Party's roots are in Irgun. And Irgun was a terrorist organization.
Ya, right :rolleyes:

Great rebuttal brainwashed sheep
Look at the people lying down. They are playing dead for the camera. The whole thing was a setup. Listen again when the shots are fired , they are clearly coming from next to the camera.
You've been fooled you brainwashed sheep. Behehehehehe
Of coarse they're going to lie down. They're being shot at. Who do you think they are? Anwar Sadat? You'd be lying down to if you were being shot at.

You have completely lost your moral compass. In a thread about the Israeli army opening fire on Palestinian farmers, you question a video showing the Israeli army shooting at Palestinian farmers.

Here's another one, scumbag!


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