Israeli forces using Hebron Muslim cemetery for military drills


VIP Member
Jun 11, 2012

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- "Israeli troops have been using a Muslim cemetery in Hebron as a location for military drills and practice, Israeli human rights group Yesh Din said on Wednesday.Yesh Din captured footage of the soldiers carrying out military exercises inside the Palestinian cemetery near the southern West Bank city of Hebron."*

Israeli forces using Hebron Muslim cemetery for military drills | Maan News Agency

Zionist have no respect for the dead when the dead are Gentiles.
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Israeli forces using Hebron Muslim cemetery for military drills

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- "Israeli troops have been using a Muslim cemetery in Hebron as a location for military drills and practice, Israeli human rights group Yesh Din said on Wednesday.Yesh Din captured footage of the soldiers carrying out military exercises inside the Palestinian cemetery near the southern West Bank city of Hebron."*

Israeli forces using Hebron Muslim cemetery for military drills | Maan News Agency

Zionist have no respect for the dead when the dead are Gentiles.

Whenever a poster indulges themselves in such asinine hyperbole - they may as well scream "I'm an Islamist fucktard!"......certainly nobody who posts that kind of swill can retain a shred of credibility.
Israeli forces using Hebron Muslim cemetery for military drills

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- "Israeli troops have been using a Muslim cemetery in Hebron as a location for military drills and practice, Israeli human rights group Yesh Din said on Wednesday.Yesh Din captured footage of the soldiers carrying out military exercises inside the Palestinian cemetery near the southern West Bank city of Hebron."*

Israeli forces using Hebron Muslim cemetery for military drills | Maan News Agency

Zionist have no respect for the dead when the dead are Gentiles.

Whenever a poster indulges themselves in such asinine hyperbole - they may as well scream "I'm an Islamist fucktard!"......certainly nobody who posts that kind of swill can retain a shred of credibility.

Since Mrs. Sherri doesn't seem concerned with the Muslims lack of respect for the dead when it comes to "non believers," perhaps these are the guys for her.

[ame=]Pakistani Men eat Dead Bodies, Murda Khor in Darya Khan (Bhakkar) Fresh Interview - YouTube[/ame]
"Think of the scandal we'd see if Palestinian policemen, or other foreign troops, were to use a Jewish cemetery for practice purposes; is it even conceivable for the IDF to use a Jewish graveyard for training purposes?"
"Think of the scandal we'd see if Palestinian policemen, or other foreign troops, were to use a Jewish cemetery for practice purposes; is it even conceivable for the IDF to use a Jewish graveyard for training purposes?"

I guess Mr. H. wasn't aware that the Muslims did this: Over 75% of the tombstones at the holiest Jewish cemetery, on Mount Olive, were ripped out and used for pavements and public urinals. As wrong as it is to use graveyards for training purposes, it is certainly wrong to desecrate the war graves such as those of the World War II British soldiers in the cemetary in Libya.
The issue is the atrocities Israel is presently daily carrying out in her Occupation in Palestine that needs to end.

Not fantasies of Zionists about alleged acts of others In another time and another place.
Israeli forces using Hebron Muslim cemetery for military drills

Easy one to work out.
The extremist Israelis cause conflict then, when the defending Palestinians attack them, the mussies are terrorist scum so Israel must kick them out or build walls around them.

It makes great propaganda....until people find out the truth of Israeli government evil.
Respect for "shrines" must be an international concern and absolutely equitable.
Jews lived in the city of YATHRIB----for more than 1000 years before the birth of
the rapist pig who was born in mecca. They had cemetaries, synagogues and
yeshivas there. A careful examination of the city WOULD reveal their locations. ---
unfortunately ----disgusting dogs have actually BARRED all jews from their own city--
their own shrines etc etc and planted the carcass of the rapist pig of mecca in
that city. Logically the pig should be removed Hebron the first capital of
the land of israel -----it is a HOLY CITY FOR JEWS. LOGICALLY---since jews are
barred from the dity of yathrib in which jews lived for more than 1000 years----
muslims should be COMPLTELY barred from Hebron. Fair is Fair.
Isa respecters have no ---respect for decency
Respect for "shrines" must be an international concern and absolutely equitable.
Jews lived in the city of YATHRIB----for more than 1000 years before the birth of
the rapist pig who was born in mecca. They had cemetaries, synagogues and
yeshivas there. A careful examination of the city WOULD reveal their locations. ---
unfortunately ----disgusting dogs have actually BARRED all jews from their own city--
their own shrines etc etc and planted the carcass of the rapist pig of mecca in
that city. Logically the pig should be removed Hebron the first capital of
the land of israel -----it is a HOLY CITY FOR JEWS. LOGICALLY---since jews are
barred from the dity of yathrib in which jews lived for more than 1000 years----
muslims should be COMPLTELY barred from Hebron. Fair is Fair.
Isa respecters have no ---respect for decency

That rubbish is exactly why so many people hate Israel and Jews.
You're a fucking idiot.
The issue is the atrocities Israel is presently daily carrying out in her Occupation in Palestine that needs to end.

Not fantasies of Zionists about alleged acts of others In another time and another place.

Notice that Frau Sheri has occasionally commented on other things then the thread presented yet when someone else does it she objects? It's called Double Standard. " palestine" doesn't exist. Ask " jesus". Fantasies of alledged Acts? None of the incidents below ( among others) never happened? I forgot..... " jesus" :lol:forbids you from talking about them. Does he also forbid you from Denying them? Deny all you want; You Psychotic Fool. There are those who deny the Holocaust ever happened. Join them. :smiliehug:

Muslim Tolerance in Action: Desecrating Jewish Graves

Desecration - Introduction
Zionist fantasies written of on Zionist Hate websites are not worth my time, I leave them for Zionists to revel in.

And as always, pv has nothing to say about the thread topic.

pv likely celebrates such Zionist fascist happenings.
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Respect for "shrines" must be an international concern and absolutely equitable.
Jews lived in the city of YATHRIB----for more than 1000 years before the birth of
the rapist pig who was born in mecca. They had cemetaries, synagogues and
yeshivas there. A careful examination of the city WOULD reveal their locations. ---
unfortunately ----disgusting dogs have actually BARRED all jews from their own city--
their own shrines etc etc and planted the carcass of the rapist pig of mecca in
that city. Logically the pig should be removed Hebron the first capital of
the land of israel -----it is a HOLY CITY FOR JEWS. LOGICALLY---since jews are
barred from the dity of yathrib in which jews lived for more than 1000 years----
muslims should be COMPLTELY barred from Hebron. Fair is Fair.
Isa respecters have no ---respect for decency

That rubbish is exactly why so many people hate Israel and Jews.
You're a fucking idiot.

what "rubbish" ? ----YOU have declared my post "rubbish"----on what basis?
your creed??? Is there a statement of fact that you wish to dispute?.
The worshippers of the rapist murdering pig hate jews because jews rejected
the claim by the rapist pig that HE was "divine" and now consider themselves
UBBER ALLES----as you have so clearly demonstrated in your post and as have
your co-religionists thru 1400 years of murder, rape and pillage ---AND COUNTING
some things never change

as to "drilling" in a cemetary-----just what does that mean? the term
"drill" is very non specific I have been in situations called "drills" which
merely involved handing out medications

I have ---very simply----stated that all shrines and cemetaries thruout the world
are entitled to THE SAME LEVEL of respect------is that the concept that so
rankles you and your co-religionists?
"Think of the scandal we'd see if Palestinian policemen, or other foreign troops, were to use a Jewish cemetery for practice purposes; is it even conceivable for the IDF to use a Jewish graveyard for training purposes?"

all of the jewish graveyards in jihado cesspits have been trashed by the pigs and dogs
who worship the rapist of mecca
Zionist fantasies written of on Zionist Hate websites are not worth my time, I leave them for Zionists to revel in.

And as always, pv has nothing to say about the thread topic.

pv likely celebrates such Zionist fascist happenings.

As always, the Frau totally ignores threads concerning Muslim atrocities or when proof is put in front of her pertaining to the Jews she calls them lies. This is from the " christian" who claims that the Israelis were the Gunmen in Kenya. :cuckoo:
Zionist fantasies written of on Zionist Hate websites are not worth my time, I leave them for Zionists to revel in.

And as always, pv has nothing to say about the thread topic.

pv likely celebrates such Zionist fascist happenings.

No, your time is best spent trolling the bowels of the internet for the islamist propaganda sites you regularly cut and paste from.
Zionist fantasies written of on Zionist Hate websites are not worth my time, I leave them for Zionists to revel in.

And as always, pv has nothing to say about the thread topic.

pv likely celebrates such Zionist fascist happenings.

No, your time is best spent trolling the bowels of the internet for the islamist propaganda sites you regularly cut and paste from.

Veteran you have been accused of "CELEBRATING" a report that IDF
soldiers did some "drills" in a muslim cemetary. Gee -----you have
been INSULTED-------your accuser asserts that you life is SOOOO dull-----
that you celebrate ---------nothingness

I am still curious as to what the "drills" were. I am fully aware of the fact
that muslims consider public prayers by jews to be an AFFRONT to their
perverse "gods" -------but what is wrong with "drills"? -------singing christmas
carols ----even in a private home is ILLEGAL in saudi arabia ------maybe the soldiers
<gasp> SANG!!!!!!!! ~~~la la la al FROM THE HALLS OF MONTEZUMA---

I would love to hear the BATTLE HYMN of THE REPUBLIC-----blared out
in Mecca during the HAJJ thing its an excellent marching song

I love to hear the boys chant when they march ANCHORS AWAY MY BOYS~~~
The posts have to do with a CHRISTIAN FAMILY found dead in a Syrian Well. Of course, she doesn't address it; She changes the subject. Then she accuses me and others of doing it ? lol

Quote: Originally Posted by Sally View Post
Mrs. Sherri, you can read Matthew all you want to if that is your bag, and regardless of how many times you read it, it is not going to change the fact that Muslims have been busy murdering non believers and even other Muslims since the 7th century and they are still murdering them in the name of their religion. If if makes you happy to close your eyes to this, be my guest. It will not affect my life one way or other. However, instead of constantly throwing out Scripture, it would be far better if you would mobilize the church ladies to start collecting clothing and other necessities plus money to help the Christians in Syria. At least then you will be doing some good.
I really am aurprised that Mrs. Sherri said nothing to Sunni Man about his having no problem with the Shia being eliminated since she has connections in Iran. As long as Sunni Man hates the "Zionists" as much as she does, this must be a trivial matter for her.
What I see when I look at History is that from the beginning, people have been killing one another because of perceived differences that lead them to hate one another. I do not see any one group with some greater capacity to hate than others.

The nation who kills more people in other nations far more than any other nation is the US. It certainly seems to reflect a whole lot of hate in the hearts of Americans.

Why is Sally so unconcerned about America's killings and hate?


Never knew we went around killing Muslims !


Quote: Originally Posted by proudveteran06 View Post
Quote: Originally Posted by Sally View Post
Why not tell us, Mrs. Sherri, how outraged you are by the Muslim violence which appears to happen in many various spots in this world. Don't you think they must be controlled by the Devil to commit all this violence in the name of their religion? It's very strange that you never bring this up.
This fake phony " Christian" never speaks up about Muslims murdering her own brethren . Apparently she was absent when "Jesus" taught that course.
You apparently do not know the Jesus story.

His response to Injustice was to offer His life as sacrifice on a cross for sin.

He embraced martyrdom.

He did not run from it.

That is the example He sets for His followers to follow.

Apparently she suddenly remembered " jesus" . He forbids her to even mention the atrocities they impose on Christians. However, when it comes to her own paranoid illusions of the " atrocities" Israelis impose on Palestinians " jesus" ceases to exist lol
Muslims take the time to bury their dead?

yes----they do. people in the middle east do bury their dead. christians lived in
saudi arabia, for at least 400 years before the rapist pig was born-----zoroastrians---
probably for more than 1000 years, and jews for more than 1000 years. Saudi
arabia is CHOCK full of cemetaries. I don't know what zoroastrians do with their
dead----but jews and christians do have cemetaries. I support an international
search comission for to find the CEMETARIES OF SAUDI ARABIA
Muslims take the time to bury their dead?

Not always.

Frequently, moslems employ a novel method of cremation for their fellow moslems. A car packed with explosives is parked in an area busy with shoppers. A bright orange flash followed by red hot shrapnel flying through the air at supersonic speeds… and well… a celebratory islamo “high-five” and break out those prayer mats.

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