Israeli foreign minister says disloyal Arabs should be beheaded

No, anyone that wants to get rid of israel as a jewish state or leave it open to exterminationist islamic terrorists is a nazi or a nazi sympathizer trying to finish hitler's work.

That's a bit of a logical fallacy. Supporting democracy based on variables outside of ethnic identity doesn't make one a Nazi. Hell, that's the model that we as a country tend to support for ourselves. That hardly makes everyone who supports US democracy Nazis.
That is a dishonest framing of the issue and typical nazi obfuscation. No one said the US was a nazi state. But anyone who opposes the right of self determination and statehood for the jewish people is a nazi or anti semite or both. Denying the Jews to have an explicitly jewish state, ethnically and religiously is antisemitic. Why is every other group allowed this self determination and preservation of their identity accept for jews?

Talk about a dishonest framing. Being apposed to basing national identity and potentially citizenship on a single ethnic or religious identity is not the same as being a Nazi. I'm not a fan of ethnic or religious based national identity. Growing up in a country that brought forth a new style of nation (one of a melting pot and of a political rather than strict ethnic or religious national identity) I don't find the Israeli Jewish state that appealing, much in the same way that I don't find Saudi Arabia's Islamic based state very appealing as an institution. I'm not a big fan of discriminatory states along ethnic and religious lines. Suggesting that such a preference makes one a Nazi or antisemitic reeks of desperation and intellectual dishonesty.
If you oppose jews being able to preserve themselves as a ethnic and religious identity, and securing this through a state, you are anti semitic. It is that simple.

That makes a lot of Jews apparently antisemitic. My opposition to the Israeli state in its current expression has nothing to do with its citizens specific ethinicities or religions; it has to do with its violation of my basic standards of governmental rule and its related institutions.

If anyone denied this right to any other group, say kosovars, ukrainians, irish, vietnamese, african nations etc, that would be considered antagonistic prejudiced and chauvinist towards that group of people.

We literally do this all of the time. Nigeria for example has around 250 different ethno-linguistic groups alone and they don't get to have their own independent discriminatory states.

To borrow from Thomas Friedman's writings, Israel has three main overarching goals:

1.) Democracy
2.) Maintaining a Jewish nature (being a Jewish state)
3.) Expansion into greater Israel

It gets to pick two. Personally I am more partial to democracy than I am to exclusionary states based on ethnic identity or religion. The very notion of having a state based on ethnic or religious identity goes completely against what the United States stands for as a political and national entity.
No, anyone that wants to get rid of israel as a jewish state or leave it open to exterminationist islamic terrorists is a nazi or a nazi sympathizer trying to finish hitler's work.

That's a bit of a logical fallacy. Supporting democracy based on variables outside of ethnic identity doesn't make one a Nazi. Hell, that's the model that we as a country tend to support for ourselves. That hardly makes everyone who supports US democracy Nazis.
That is a dishonest framing of the issue and typical nazi obfuscation. No one said the US was a nazi state. But anyone who opposes the right of self determination and statehood for the jewish people is a nazi or anti semite or both. Denying the Jews to have an explicitly jewish state, ethnically and religiously is antisemitic. Why is every other group allowed this self determination and preservation of their identity accept for jews?
You're a fraud. You refuse to capitalize Jews, so you obviously have no respect for them. Are you a plant from Stormfront?
Palestinians target buses, businesses, all public places fully well knowing that children are present and will be killed in one of their attacks.

Israeli's are insane to let non-Jews live in their country since they know that non-Jews are almost always an enemy.
Yea. These anti-semites don't believe in a jewish state. It is amusing to hear them say they aren't anti semitic they just oppose jews having a country of their own. :lol:
Since you're an imbecile, I will try again. Read it slowly.

Being opposed to Israeli government policies does not make one an anti-Semite. And 'Semite' is capitalized, imbecile.

The Israeli government is a secular government. Look up 'secular'.

I do not oppose Jews having their own state, but I also don't think they deserve their own state any more than Mormons, Hindus, or Scientologists deserve to have their own state.

And 'Jews' is capitalized, imbecile. You show your disrespect by not capitalizing it, just as people show their disrespect by not capitalizing Marines.

Unless it's just more of your ignorance, of which you have an ample supply.

Anything left unsaid, imbecile?
You must be talking to that fraud from Stormfront, masquerading as a Jew.
So what is it about beheading people that is so attractive to Israelis and Arabs?
Hey you lying nazi piece of shit. Name one innocent arab beheaded by jews. Better yet, name one Hamas or PLO terrorist whom you scum support who has been beheaded?
You always know when someone can't defend their argument when they go straight for the .

It is horrific that we sponsor the Israeli Apartheid state. This repulsive statement by its foreign minister reveals just who and what our allies are. We should immediately stop all financial support for them and refuse any military alliance. They are no better than ISIS, and just as murderous.
You are a liar and vicious anti-semite.

Israel is one with America, so opposition to Israel is un-American as well as anti-semitic.
Israel is not one with America. Israel is a parasite that sucks off the American taxpayer teat. It is a criminal government.

But the Jewish people are the salt of the Earth, present company excepted.
Hey Adolf, don't you have any original material instead of just calling jews parasites? Looks like we are getting into mein kampf reruns now. :lol:

No, anyone that wants to get rid of israel as a jewish state or leave it open to exterminationist islamic terrorists is a nazi or a nazi sympathizer trying to finish hitler's work.

That's a bit of a logical fallacy. Supporting democracy based on variables outside of ethnic identity doesn't make one a Nazi. Hell, that's the model that we as a country tend to support for ourselves. That hardly makes everyone who supports US democracy Nazis.
That is a dishonest framing of the issue and typical nazi obfuscation. No one said the US was a nazi state. But anyone who opposes the right of self determination and statehood for the jewish people is a nazi or anti semite or both. Denying the Jews to have an explicitly jewish state, ethnically and religiously is antisemitic. Why is every other group allowed this self determination and preservation of their identity accept for jews?

Talk about a dishonest framing. Being apposed to basing national identity and potentially citizenship on a single ethnic or religious identity is not the same as being a Nazi. I'm not a fan of ethnic or religious based national identity. Growing up in a country that brought forth a new style of nation (one of a melting pot and of a political rather than strict ethnic or religious national identity) I don't find the Israeli Jewish state that appealing, much in the same way that I don't find Saudi Arabia's Islamic based state very appealing as an institution. I'm not a big fan of discriminatory states along ethnic and religious lines. Suggesting that such a preference makes one a Nazi or antisemitic reeks of desperation and intellectual dishonesty.
If you oppose jews being able to preserve themselves as a ethnic and religious identity, and securing this through a state, you are anti semitic. It is that simple. If anyone denied this right to any other group, say kosovars, ukrainians, irish, vietnamese, african nations etc, that would be considered antagonistic prejudiced and chauvinist towards that group of people. So this just exposes your prejudice and double standards. Every other group is allowed a homeland but the jews? You are a chauvinist and antisemitic because your ideology commands jews have their identity and sovereignty denied, this is textbook antisemitism.
The huge difference being that those countries weren't carved out of someone else's country, fraud-boy.
Palestinians target buses, businesses, all public places fully well knowing that children are present and will be killed in one of their attacks.

Israeli's are insane to let non-Jews live in their country since they know that non-Jews are almost always an enemy.
Yea. These anti-semites don't believe in a jewish state. It is amusing to hear them say they aren't anti semitic they just oppose jews having a country of their own. :lol:
Since you're an imbecile, I will try again. Read it slowly.

Being opposed to Israeli government policies does not make one an anti-Semite. And 'Semite' is capitalized, imbecile.

The Israeli government is a secular government. Look up 'secular'.

I do not oppose Jews having their own state, but I also don't think they deserve their own state any more than Mormons, Hindus, or Scientologists deserve to have their own state.

And 'Jews' is capitalized, imbecile. You show your disrespect by not capitalizing it, just as people show their disrespect by not capitalizing Marines.

Unless it's just more of your ignorance, of which you have an ample supply.

Anything left unsaid, imbecile?
You must be talking to that fraud from Stormfront, masquerading as a Jew.

No, anyone that wants to get rid of israel as a jewish state or leave it open to exterminationist islamic terrorists is a nazi or a nazi sympathizer trying to finish hitler's work.

That's a bit of a logical fallacy. Supporting democracy based on variables outside of ethnic identity doesn't make one a Nazi. Hell, that's the model that we as a country tend to support for ourselves. That hardly makes everyone who supports US democracy Nazis.
That is a dishonest framing of the issue and typical nazi obfuscation. No one said the US was a nazi state. But anyone who opposes the right of self determination and statehood for the jewish people is a nazi or anti semite or both. Denying the Jews to have an explicitly jewish state, ethnically and religiously is antisemitic. Why is every other group allowed this self determination and preservation of their identity accept for jews?

Talk about a dishonest framing. Being apposed to basing national identity and potentially citizenship on a single ethnic or religious identity is not the same as being a Nazi. I'm not a fan of ethnic or religious based national identity. Growing up in a country that brought forth a new style of nation (one of a melting pot and of a political rather than strict ethnic or religious national identity) I don't find the Israeli Jewish state that appealing, much in the same way that I don't find Saudi Arabia's Islamic based state very appealing as an institution. I'm not a big fan of discriminatory states along ethnic and religious lines. Suggesting that such a preference makes one a Nazi or antisemitic reeks of desperation and intellectual dishonesty.
If you oppose jews being able to preserve themselves as a ethnic and religious identity, and securing this through a state, you are anti semitic. It is that simple.

That makes a lot of Jews apparently antisemitic. My opposition to the Israeli state in its current expression has nothing to do with its citizens specific ethinicities or religions; it has to do with its violation of my basic standards of governmental rule and its related institutions.

If anyone denied this right to any other group, say kosovars, ukrainians, irish, vietnamese, african nations etc, that would be considered antagonistic prejudiced and chauvinist towards that group of people.

We literally do this all of the time. Nigeria for example has around 250 different ethno-linguistic groups alone and they don't get to have their own independent discriminatory states.

To borrow from Thomas Friedman's writings, Israel has three main overarching goals:

1.) Democracy
2.) Maintaining a Jewish nature (being a Jewish state)
3.) Expansion into greater Israel

It gets to pick two. Personally I am more partial to democracy than I am to exclusionary states based on ethnic identity or religion. The very notion of having a state based on ethnic or religious identity goes completely against what the United States stands for as a political and national entity.
Now you admit it plainly. Your views deny Jews the ability of self determination and preservation. No matter how you obfuscate it with words like democracy. It is antisemitic. What gives you the right as a goy to tell the chosen people what to do?
Palestinians target buses, businesses, all public places fully well knowing that children are present and will be killed in one of their attacks.

Israeli's are insane to let non-Jews live in their country since they know that non-Jews are almost always an enemy.
Yea. These anti-semites don't believe in a jewish state. It is amusing to hear them say they aren't anti semitic they just oppose jews having a country of their own. :lol:
Since you're an imbecile, I will try again. Read it slowly.

Being opposed to Israeli government policies does not make one an anti-Semite. And 'Semite' is capitalized, imbecile.

The Israeli government is a secular government. Look up 'secular'.

I do not oppose Jews having their own state, but I also don't think they deserve their own state any more than Mormons, Hindus, or Scientologists deserve to have their own state.

And 'Jews' is capitalized, imbecile. You show your disrespect by not capitalizing it, just as people show their disrespect by not capitalizing Marines.

Unless it's just more of your ignorance, of which you have an ample supply.

Anything left unsaid, imbecile?
You must be talking to that fraud from Stormfront, masquerading as a Jew.
You would know a lot about stormfront wouldn't you Adolf :lol:. Waiting for more of their talking points?

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