Israeli illegal settlements

The Israeli parliament has given preliminary approval to a controversial bill that would legalise thousands of homes built in the occupied West Bank.

The bill's main backer, Education Minister Naftali Bennett, called it the start of Israel's annexation of most of the territory, which is disputed between Israelis and Palestinians.

Critics of Israel and Palestinians have called it a land grab.
A clause mentioning Amona by name has since been deleted, meaning that this area will not be legalised. It is due to be evacuated on 25 December.

Israel advances bill to legalise West Bank settlements - BBC News

is an Israeli outpost in the central West Bank. Located on a hill overlooking Ofra within the municipal boundaries of the Mateh Binyamin Regional Council, the village was founded in 1995 on privately owned Palestinian land.

There is no hater like a Jew hater.
Personally, for the 50,000 Arab Palestinians living in little villages in Area C which are not overspills from Area B, I think Israel should just go ask them -- how much of this do you think is your private property? Then give them two options: 1. Become an Israeli citizen, and this land is yours or 2. Take this exceedingly generous amount of money and this lovely new property on the edge of Area B, which we will cede to Palestine when it becomes a State.

As far as I'm concerned, Israel needs to stop fooling around and start taking the land it intends to take and withdrawing from the land it does not.
Of course that would be illegal. But then again Israel never gave a rat's ass about any law.

No it wouldn't as the arab muslims made it international law back in the early 20C. You even posted it yourself 2 weeks ago. It was also part of the LoN mandate of palestine
The irony is that if the Jews had done what the Arabs did in the 1940s and 1950s, Israel would be as empty of Arab Muslims are as the Arab Muslim nations are of Jews and the conflict would have been over sixty years ago. And, while ethnic cleansing is morally wrong no matter who does it, I do sometimes wonder if it might have been the better, more practical outcome in the long term.

Yes, morally wrong - the allies were "morally wrong" for bombing Dresden and Tokyo, but with arab muslims, whose governments share the same goals of total annihilation of others cultures as their peoples do, war and violence are sometimes absolutely necessary to solve a problem, like the Arab Muslim Problem. Had the Allies had to fight WW2 with scum like the UN, HRW, Amnesty Int'l, etc, over their shoulders preventing them from doing what was necessary to decively win the conflict, we'd still be fighting Nazi elements in 2016. The level of support the German public had for their regime and its military attacks/imperialism subjugating other countries was widespread, and the total destruction of nazi germany was needed to avoid that.

It is the liberals/leftists and their sickening, infantile bleeding heart morals that have caused FAR more deaths in many conflicts that should have been solved decades ago. Think of how many Israelis would still be alive and spared from terrorist attacks had the arab muslim invaders from syria/jordan/egypt been rightly expelled after their brothers attacked in 1948. THOUSANDS. And one of those people killed by arab muslim terrorism could have been the one to cure cancer.

At this point, there really isn't much appealing about arab muslims or their culture, and if there was an eject button to launch them all into space or another planet - I'd hit it in a heartbeat. So many problems on earth would be solved instantly.
Personally, for the 50,000 Arab Palestinians living in little villages in Area C which are not overspills from Area B, I think Israel should just go ask them -- how much of this do you think is your private property? Then give them two options: 1. Become an Israeli citizen, and this land is yours or 2. Take this exceedingly generous amount of money and this lovely new property on the edge of Area B, which we will cede to Palestine when it becomes a State.

As far as I'm concerned, Israel needs to stop fooling around and start taking the land it intends to take and withdrawing from the land it does not.

Already tried that in Gaza, and how did that work out? What did the arab muslim filth do with the greenhouses? Did they build up a lovely community of hotels and beaches generating massive tourist dollars given how incredible the weather is for that region? Did they do anything positive at all? The arab muslim does not build, he destroys.
The Israeli parliament has given preliminary approval to a controversial bill that would legalise thousands of homes built in the occupied West Bank.

The bill's main backer, Education Minister Naftali Bennett, called it the start of Israel's annexation of most of the territory, which is disputed between Israelis and Palestinians.

Critics of Israel and Palestinians have called it a land grab.
A clause mentioning Amona by name has since been deleted, meaning that this area will not be legalised. It is due to be evacuated on 25 December.

Israel advances bill to legalise West Bank settlements - BBC News

is an Israeli outpost in the central West Bank. Located on a hill overlooking Ofra within the municipal boundaries of the Mateh Binyamin Regional Council, the village was founded in 1995 on privately owned Palestinian land.

There is no hater like a Jew hater.

There is no hater like an Muslim hater.
Personally, for the 50,000 Arab Palestinians living in little villages in Area C which are not overspills from Area B, I think Israel should just go ask them -- how much of this do you think is your private property? Then give them two options: 1. Become an Israeli citizen, and this land is yours or 2. Take this exceedingly generous amount of money and this lovely new property on the edge of Area B, which we will cede to Palestine when it becomes a State.

As far as I'm concerned, Israel needs to stop fooling around and start taking the land it intends to take and withdrawing from the land it does not.

Already tried that, in Gaza, and how did that work out? What did the arab muslim filth do with the greenhouses? Did they build up a lovely community of hotels and beaches generating massive tourist dollars given how incredible the weather is for that region? Did they do anything positive at all? The arab muslim does not build, he destroys.

Right, closing the airport, declaring Israeli sovereignty over Gaza air space and Gaza territorial sea made it real easy for Gaza to develop the tourist industry.

"The arab muslim does not build, he destroys"

Of course he does. LOL

What would be illegal?
It is illegal to annex occupied territory.

Annex what occupied territory? Israel is in full control of Area C, by treaty. And she's going to give some of that away to "Palestine". The rest will remain under her control until there is another treaty or until "Palestine" fades away into the history books. She doesn't have to annex anything.
Already tried that in Gaza, and how did that work out?

For Israel? I'd say in many ways it actually worked out pretty good. There is a low-level risk of terrorist attacks, but its pretty manageable. For the most part, we can just wait it out.

The difficulty with the West Bank is going to be in managing the other Muslim States and ensuring they don't get involved on the wrong side. And I think that is coming along nicely. Especially if Israel is overly generous with permitting access to the Temple Mount and doesn't rock that boat too much.
Right, closing the airport, declaring Israeli sovereignty over Gaza air space and Gaza territorial sea made it real easy for Gaza to develop the tourist industry.

Tantruming two-year olds correct their bad behaviour then are rewarded, not the other way around. If Gaza wants tourism, Gaza needs to calm down, stop crying and yelling, stop pounding her fists on the floor and tearing out her hair and start funneling her resources toward productive and peaceful avenues. Its not rocket science. What's stopping her?

The problem is that their ideology of resistance against Jewish sovereignty and their martyrdom is so powerful as to literally have them prefer to die or live in poverty rather than build something. Its appalling.
Right, closing the airport, declaring Israeli sovereignty over Gaza air space and Gaza territorial sea made it real easy for Gaza to develop the tourist industry.

Tantruming two-year olds correct their bad behaviour then are rewarded, not the other way around. If Gaza wants tourism, Gaza needs to calm down, stop crying and yelling, stop pounding her fists on the floor and tearing out her hair and start funneling her resources toward productive and peaceful avenues. Its not rocket science. What's stopping her?

The problem is that their ideology of resistance against Jewish sovereignty and their martyrdom is so powerful as to literally have them prefer to die or live in poverty rather than build something. Its appalling.
You read too much Israeli propaganda.
Personally, for the 50,000 Arab Palestinians living in little villages in Area C which are not overspills from Area B, I think Israel should just go ask them -- how much of this do you think is your private property? Then give them two options: 1. Become an Israeli citizen, and this land is yours or 2. Take this exceedingly generous amount of money and this lovely new property on the edge of Area B, which we will cede to Palestine when it becomes a State.

As far as I'm concerned, Israel needs to stop fooling around and start taking the land it intends to take and withdrawing from the land it does not.

Already tried that, in Gaza, and how did that work out? What did the arab muslim filth do with the greenhouses? Did they build up a lovely community of hotels and beaches generating massive tourist dollars given how incredible the weather is for that region? Did they do anything positive at all? The arab muslim does not build, he destroys.

Right, closing the airport, declaring Israeli sovereignty over Gaza air space and Gaza territorial sea made it real easy for Gaza to develop the tourist industry.

"The arab muslim does not build, he destroys"

Of course he does. LOL


LIAR as Israel did no such thing,the placed a legal blockade on the place.

They were not under blockade until 2 years after the Jews left as part of Oslo 2 so dont LIE about them not having the chance
Right, closing the airport, declaring Israeli sovereignty over Gaza air space and Gaza territorial sea made it real easy for Gaza to develop the tourist industry.

Tantruming two-year olds correct their bad behaviour then are rewarded, not the other way around. If Gaza wants tourism, Gaza needs to calm down, stop crying and yelling, stop pounding her fists on the floor and tearing out her hair and start funneling her resources toward productive and peaceful avenues. Its not rocket science. What's stopping her?

The problem is that their ideology of resistance against Jewish sovereignty and their martyrdom is so powerful as to literally have them prefer to die or live in poverty rather than build something. Its appalling.
You read too much Israeli propaganda.

And you dont read enough Israeli facts and rely on islamonazi LIES and propaganda
Right, closing the airport, declaring Israeli sovereignty over Gaza air space and Gaza territorial sea made it real easy for Gaza to develop the tourist industry.

Tantruming two-year olds correct their bad behaviour then are rewarded, not the other way around. If Gaza wants tourism, Gaza needs to calm down, stop crying and yelling, stop pounding her fists on the floor and tearing out her hair and start funneling her resources toward productive and peaceful avenues. Its not rocket science. What's stopping her?

The problem is that their ideology of resistance against Jewish sovereignty and their martyrdom is so powerful as to literally have them prefer to die or live in poverty rather than build something. Its appalling.

The resistance is in response to the Israeli control of the airspace and territorial sea. But more to the point, when has any people achieved independence without resistance (and violence)? The Zionists used violence, for example.
Right, closing the airport, declaring Israeli sovereignty over Gaza air space and Gaza territorial sea made it real easy for Gaza to develop the tourist industry.

Tantruming two-year olds correct their bad behaviour then are rewarded, not the other way around. If Gaza wants tourism, Gaza needs to calm down, stop crying and yelling, stop pounding her fists on the floor and tearing out her hair and start funneling her resources toward productive and peaceful avenues. Its not rocket science. What's stopping her?

The problem is that their ideology of resistance against Jewish sovereignty and their martyrdom is so powerful as to literally have them prefer to die or live in poverty rather than build something. Its appalling.

The resistance is in response to the Israeli control of the airspace and territorial sea. But more to the point, when has any people achieved independence without resistance (and violence)? The Zionists used violence, for example.
Nonsense. The Hamas charter is a broad reiteration of Islamic fascism. It reiterates any number of Islamic fascist principles and makes specific references to offensive gee-had. The Islamists™ are very specific about their motivations for Jew killing, gee-had and re-claiming the land that is sovereign to Israel as an Islamist waqf.

Your juvenile propaganda refutes itself.

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