Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu dismayed over 'dangerous' agreement: Fuck Israel

And that's just my humble opinion... the hell with Benjamin Netanyahu and what he thinks. If Israel doesn't like the agreement Obama stuck up with Iran than Israel can go on it's own and renounce America and all of it's billions of dollars in aid America provides in tax-payers hand-outs to prop up Israel. I'm not alone in feeling this way either.

Iran nuclear deal: Israel dismayed over 'dangerous' agreement - World News

JERUSALEM — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu deplored the agreement reached Sunday in Geneva, saying the deal with Iran is a "historical mistake" to which Israel is not bound.

It's not just Israel you mental midget. Saudi Arabia has annouced it's starting it's own nuke program. Egypt made a similar threat. After that it will be Syria, Turkey, IRAQ etc. All these countries will go nuclear and it will only be a matter of time before one goes off!
U.S. Cites 1991 U.N. Cease-Fire Resolution as the Legal Basis for Its Invasion

March 21, 2003|From Reuters

UNITED NATIONS — The United States gave its official reasons for invading Iraq to the U.N. Security Council late Thursday, saying Baghdad had broken a cease-fire resolution adopted after the 1991 Persian Gulf War.

Britain and Australia, two other nations in the U.S.-led coalition, wrote similar, shorter, letters to the 15-member council. None of the letters mentioned "regime change," an aim of the invasion but never authorized in any council resolution.

U.S. Cites 1991 U.N. Cease-Fire Resolution as the Legal Basis for Its Invasion - Los Angeles Times
When the UNSC ends a resolution with the words, "we remain seized on the matter", do you know what that means? They're saying they have jurisdiction on the issue and any perceived violations of the resolution shall be referred back to the Security Council for review. Bush did not have the authority to unilaterally decide for the UN whether or not Hussein violated the ceasefire. The one person whose job it was to determine that, was Hans Blix. And none of his reports to the UN, said Iraq was in violation of any of the applicable resolutions.

As for violating the ceasefire, I assume you're referring to Iraq shooting at our planes in the no-fly zone. That's not a ceasefire violation, when you consider we were using the no-fly zone enforcement rules, to bomb the shit out of them. If someone shoots at you, you have a right to shoot back.

Bush actually submitted a resolution to authorize military force, but withdrew it when it was obvious it wouldn't pass.

The Iraq war was the most cowardly act this nation has ever committed. You force a country to disarm, then attack with more fire power than all the bombs dropped in WWII.
Regardless if the war was illegal, your friendly Muslim insurgents flowed into Iraq because they didn't want to see a democracy there. Couldn't they just have stayed in their own countries and let the Iraqi people decide their own fate? We see the way the insurgents are pouring into Syria right now. They just couldn't leave the FSA attempt to achieve what they wished to accomplish; they had to join in the fighting also.
The only reason they went to Iraq, was to kill American's.

"Regardless if the war was illegal..."

You're not an American, are you?
We aren't ALWAYS right. But on this we were.
Oh really?

This war cost us over $4 trillion, over 4000 American lives, our reputation around the world, our economy and our American heritage and what did we get in return?

Fuckin' nothing!

You think that's the right thing to do? Spend that much and get absolutely nothing in return for that investment?
Iraq war was illegal and breached UN charter, says Annan

"The United Nations secretary general, Kofi Annan, declared explicitly for the first time last night that the US-led war on Iraq was illegal.Mr Annan said that the invasion was not sanctioned by the UN security council or in accordance with the UN's founding charter. In an interview with the BBC World Service broadcast last night, he was asked outright if the war was illegal. He replied: "Yes, if you wish."

Iraq war was illegal and breached UN charter, says Annan | World news | The Guardian

Regardless if the war was illegal, your friendly Muslim insurgents flowed into Iraq because they didn't want to see a democracy there. Couldn't they just have stayed in their own countries and let the Iraqi people decide their own fate? We see the way the insurgents are pouring into Syria right now. They just couldn't leave the FSA attempt to achieve what they wished to accomplish; they had to join in the fighting also.

The fact is the US invasion of Iraq brought insurgents and suicide bombings to Iraq and caused the death of over 1 million Iraqis.
And that's just my humble opinion... the hell with Benjamin Netanyahu and what he thinks. If Israel doesn't like the agreement Obama stuck up with Iran than Israel can go on it's own and renounce America and all of it's billions of dollars in aid America provides in tax-payers hand-outs to prop up Israel. I'm not alone in feeling this way either.

Iran nuclear deal: Israel dismayed over 'dangerous' agreement - World News

JERUSALEM — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu deplored the agreement reached Sunday in Geneva, saying the deal with Iran is a "historical mistake" to which Israel is not bound.

It's not just Israel you mental midget. Saudi Arabia has annouced it's starting it's own nuke program. Egypt made a similar threat. After that it will be Syria, Turkey, IRAQ etc. All these countries will go nuclear and it will only be a matter of time before one goes off![/QUOTE]

But I have been reading Israel is forming an alliance with Saudi Arabia and wants Saudi Arabia to have nuclear weapons.
U.S. Cites 1991 U.N. Cease-Fire Resolution as the Legal Basis for Its Invasion

March 21, 2003|From Reuters

UNITED NATIONS — The United States gave its official reasons for invading Iraq to the U.N. Security Council late Thursday, saying Baghdad had broken a cease-fire resolution adopted after the 1991 Persian Gulf War.

Britain and Australia, two other nations in the U.S.-led coalition, wrote similar, shorter, letters to the 15-member council. None of the letters mentioned "regime change," an aim of the invasion but never authorized in any council resolution.

U.S. Cites 1991 U.N. Cease-Fire Resolution as the Legal Basis for Its Invasion - Los Angeles Times
When the UNSC ends a resolution with the words, "we remain seized on the matter", do you know what that means? They're saying they have jurisdiction on the issue and any perceived violations of the resolution shall be referred back to the Security Council for review. Bush did not have the authority to unilaterally decide for the UN whether or not Hussein violated the ceasefire. The one person whose job it was to determine that, was Hans Blix. And none of his reports to the UN, said Iraq was in violation of any of the applicable resolutions.

As for violating the ceasefire, I assume you're referring to Iraq shooting at our planes in the no-fly zone. That's not a ceasefire violation, when you consider we were using the no-fly zone enforcement rules, to bomb the shit out of them. If someone shoots at you, you have a right to shoot back.

Bush actually submitted a resolution to authorize military force, but withdrew it when it was obvious it wouldn't pass.

The Iraq war was the most cowardly act this nation has ever committed. You force a country to disarm, then attack with more fire power than all the bombs dropped in WWII.

Hey, what about the Arabs in the region from what, five nations, all joining in to destroy the infant State of Israel in 1948 AFTER THE UNITED NATIONS GRANTED IT STATEHOOD!!!

You just use the UN as a way of whitewashing your bigoted opposition to Jews.

You care nothing about what the U.N. stands for. Only for what you can GET from it.

Just like American ghetto inhabitants of my youth who'd try to 'beat the system' any and every chance they got.
Hey, what about the Arabs in the region from what, five nations, all joining in to destroy the infant State of Israel in 1948 AFTER THE UNITED NATIONS GRANTED IT STATEHOOD!!!
First off, the UN didn't grant Israel statehood. Zionists stood up one day in '48 and unilaterally declared themselves a nation, when they only owned 7% of the land. And secondly, the arab nations went in to ensure the inalienable rights of indigenous arabs, that were being systematically taken from them by jewish terrorist groups like Irgun. Over 750,000 arab residents were driven from their homes by Zionists and the arab nations went in to put a stop to it, not destroy Israel.

You just use the UN as a way of whitewashing your bigoted opposition to Jews.
Why would I oppose jews?

You care nothing about what the U.N. stands for.
That was harsh!

Only for what you can GET from it.
I don't get anything from the UN.

Just like American ghetto inhabitants of my youth who'd try to 'beat the system' any and every chance they got.
I have no idea what you're talking about here.
We aren't ALWAYS right. But on this we were.
Oh really?

This war cost us over $4 trillion, over 4000 American lives, our reputation around the world, our economy and our American heritage and what did we get in return?

Fuckin' nothing!

You think that's the right thing to do? Spend that much and get absolutely nothing in return for that investment?

Iraq has nothing to do with Israel no matter how much you mental midget naive antisemites like to believe it is. Sadam wasn't a friend of Israel, but he was a polarizing and STRONG Sunni force against Israel's true enemy in the Iran. The boneheaded and foolish Iraq War ended that polarizing force and brought a Shia leadership to Iraq.

Any semi-educated person could see that a Shia lead Iraq is not something Israel would desire. It's the exact same reason Israel doesn't desire AAAASSSSSSad to fall.

Get an education dumb fuck!
Iraq war was illegal and breached UN charter, says Annan

"The United Nations secretary general, Kofi Annan, declared explicitly for the first time last night that the US-led war on Iraq was illegal.Mr Annan said that the invasion was not sanctioned by the UN security council or in accordance with the UN's founding charter. In an interview with the BBC World Service broadcast last night, he was asked outright if the war was illegal. He replied: "Yes, if you wish."

Iraq war was illegal and breached UN charter, says Annan | World news | The Guardian

Regardless if the war was illegal, your friendly Muslim insurgents flowed into Iraq because they didn't want to see a democracy there. Couldn't they just have stayed in their own countries and let the Iraqi people decide their own fate? We see the way the insurgents are pouring into Syria right now. They just couldn't leave the FSA attempt to achieve what they wished to accomplish; they had to join in the fighting also.

The fact is the US invasion of Iraq brought insurgents and suicide bombings to Iraq and caused the death of over 1 million Iraqis.

Too bad it isn't 10 million. Either way that country was headed to civil war. They have three opposing fractions all with a bloodlust. All America did was speed up that time table and YES stabilized the bloodshed!
Regardless if the war was illegal, your friendly Muslim insurgents flowed into Iraq because they didn't want to see a democracy there. Couldn't they just have stayed in their own countries and let the Iraqi people decide their own fate? We see the way the insurgents are pouring into Syria right now. They just couldn't leave the FSA attempt to achieve what they wished to accomplish; they had to join in the fighting also.

The fact is the US invasion of Iraq brought insurgents and suicide bombings to Iraq and caused the death of over 1 million Iraqis.

Too bad it isn't 10 million. Either way that country was headed to civil war. They have three opposing fractions all with a bloodlust. All America did was speed up that time table and YES stabilized the bloodshed!

I find it so disgusting how invading and killing 1 million people in a foreign land leads some Americans to hate our victims and their people so very much. The same was true about Vietnam.

And they were not headed for a civil war, we pushed them into a civil war.

But we gave Iran a new ally in the Region.

We created new friendships and alliances between neighboring nations, when before there was great hate and hostility.

We see illustrated here God creating good from our bad acts.

Thank you, God, for your ability to always do this, take our sin and create good from it, good arising in the most unexpected fashions.

I am counting my Blessings as we come up to Thanksgiving Day.
We aren't ALWAYS right. But on this we were.
Oh really?

This war cost us over $4 trillion, over 4000 American lives, our reputation around the world, our economy and our American heritage and what did we get in return?

Fuckin' nothing!

You think that's the right thing to do? Spend that much and get absolutely nothing in return for that investment?

Iraq has nothing to do with Israel no matter how much you mental midget naive antisemites like to believe it is. Sadam wasn't a friend of Israel, but he was a polarizing and STRONG Sunni force against Israel's true enemy in the Iran. The boneheaded and foolish Iraq War ended that polarizing force and brought a Shia leadership to Iraq.

Any semi-educated person could see that a Shia lead Iraq is not something Israel would desire. It's the exact same reason Israel doesn't desire AAAASSSSSSad to fall.

Get an education dumb fuck!

Hey, ignorant illiterate Asshole, Israel does desire Assad to fall. Thats why they keep attacking his forces and tried to pressure the US to carry out strikes against Assad. But that last plan was such a sweet colossal Zionist failure, I have to see that as a Blessing from God too, something to be thankful to God for this Thanksgiving.
Hey, what about the Arabs in the region from what, five nations, all joining in to destroy the infant State of Israel in 1948 AFTER THE UNITED NATIONS GRANTED IT STATEHOOD!!!
First off, the UN didn't grant Israel statehood. Zionists stood up one day in '48 and unilaterally declared themselves a nation, when they only owned 7% of the land. And secondly, the arab nations went in to ensure the inalienable rights of indigenous arabs, that were being systematically taken from them by jewish terrorist groups like Irgun. Over 750,000 arab residents were driven from their homes by Zionists and the arab nations went in to put a stop to it, not destroy Israel.

You just use the UN as a way of whitewashing your bigoted opposition to Jews.
Why would I oppose jews?

That was harsh!

Only for what you can GET from it.
I don't get anything from the UN.

Just like American ghetto inhabitants of my youth who'd try to 'beat the system' any and every chance they got.
I have no idea what you're talking about here.

That is the biggest fuckin lie I have ever seen here ! Wow. Find me a link please to this jibberish you just wrote
That is the biggest fuckin lie I have ever seen here !
You're making emotional, hysterical statements, completely void of factual substance.

If I am wrong, then tell me why you think that was a lie?

Wow. Find me a link please to this jibberish you just wrote
You got it...

By 1948, the UN was trying to diffuse the hostilities between jewish and arab forces and the US tried to submit a solution of a trusteeship, but Zionists would not agree to it...
as the hostilities in Palestine escalated, efforts intensified in the United Nations to find ways to stop the violence. A United States proposal to place Palestine under temporary United Nations trusteeship met strong opposition from Zionist leaders...
So then they went to plan B, which was a temporary truce, with the understanding that no political decision would be made during this period by either side.

When it became clear in the Assembly that the trusteeship plan could not be adopted, another delaying formula was devised - a 'temporary truce': both parties were to cease fire, no political decision was to be taken, a limited Jewish immigration was to be permitted for a few months, and in exchange for this transient and dubious security the Jews were to refrain from proclaiming their State in accordance with the November decision...
That's when Zionists stood up and declared Israel's independence.

Israel declared its independence on 14 May 1948. The departure of the British High Commissioner the next day ceremonially signalled the end of the Mandate.
Following this, jewish forces started taking over territory that was allocated for the arab state in the Mandate.

During the months preceding the end of the Mandate, Jewish forces had moved to occupy key cities and areas in the territory designated for the Arab State.
It was then, the arab league moved their forces into Palestine and sent a cable to the UN as to their reasons why...

The recent disturbances in Palestine further constitute a serious and direct threat to peace and security within the territories of the Arab States themselves. For these reasons, and considering that the security of Palestine is a sacred trust for them, and out of anxiousness to check the further deterioration of the prevailing conditions and to prevent the spread of disorder and lawlessness into the neighboring Arab lands, and in order to fill the vacuum created by the termination of the Mandate and the failure to replace it by any legally constituted authority, the Arab Governments find themselves compelled to intervene for the sole purpose of restoring peace and security and establishing law and order in Palestine.
So they moved in to restore order, not wipe out Israel.

You'll notice the link is from the UN website and from an official UN report.

Now, why is it a lie?
Iraq has nothing to do with Israel no matter how much you mental midget naive antisemites like to believe it is.
I never said it was. Someone else started the Iraqi sidebar and said some things I couldn't let go.

I wouldn't be calling people "mental midgets", with a comprehension level as low as yours.

Sadam wasn't a friend of Israel, but he was a polarizing and STRONG Sunni force against Israel's true enemy in the Iran. The boneheaded and foolish Iraq War ended that polarizing force and brought a Shia leadership to Iraq.

Any semi-educated person could see that a Shia lead Iraq is not something Israel would desire. It's the exact same reason Israel doesn't desire AAAASSSSSSad to fall.

Get an education dumb fuck!
You're unable to make a lucid point, yet claim I need the education!
That is the biggest fuckin lie I have ever seen here !
You're making emotional, hysterical statements, completely void of factual substance.

If I am wrong, then tell me why you think that was a lie?

Wow. Find me a link please to this jibberish you just wrote
You got it...

By 1948, the UN was trying to diffuse the hostilities between jewish and arab forces and the US tried to submit a solution of a trusteeship, but Zionists would not agree to it...
So then they went to plan B, which was a temporary truce, with the understanding that no political decision would be made during this period by either side.

That's when Zionists stood up and declared Israel's independence.

Following this, jewish forces started taking over territory that was allocated for the arab state in the Mandate.

During the months preceding the end of the Mandate, Jewish forces had moved to occupy key cities and areas in the territory designated for the Arab State.
It was then, the arab league moved their forces into Palestine and sent a cable to the UN as to their reasons why...

The recent disturbances in Palestine further constitute a serious and direct threat to peace and security within the territories of the Arab States themselves. For these reasons, and considering that the security of Palestine is a sacred trust for them, and out of anxiousness to check the further deterioration of the prevailing conditions and to prevent the spread of disorder and lawlessness into the neighboring Arab lands, and in order to fill the vacuum created by the termination of the Mandate and the failure to replace it by any legally constituted authority, the Arab Governments find themselves compelled to intervene for the sole purpose of restoring peace and security and establishing law and order in Palestine.
So they moved in to restore order, not wipe out Israel.

You'll notice the link is from the UN website and from an official UN report.

Now, why is it a lie?

Understanding the Arab-Israeli Conflict

Read the quotes on the top from those who were involved in the war.
Oh and BTW, you still proved nothing.
Go read up on the 1948 Arab - Israeli war, because you know nothing about it.

The Arab states went in to destroy the newly founded state. They invaded THE DAY AFTER Israel declared independence. They entered the territory from all sides. With tanks, soldiers and other military machines. Ya, really sounds like 'restoring lawlesness' :rolleyes:

Your other lie was that Israel expelled ALL the 750 000 Palestinians.
That is the biggest fuckin lie I have ever seen here !
You're making emotional, hysterical statements, completely void of factual substance.

If I am wrong, then tell me why you think that was a lie?

Wow. Find me a link please to this jibberish you just wrote
You got it...

By 1948, the UN was trying to diffuse the hostilities between jewish and arab forces and the US tried to submit a solution of a trusteeship, but Zionists would not agree to it...
So then they went to plan B, which was a temporary truce, with the understanding that no political decision would be made during this period by either side.

That's when Zionists stood up and declared Israel's independence.

Following this, jewish forces started taking over territory that was allocated for the arab state in the Mandate.

During the months preceding the end of the Mandate, Jewish forces had moved to occupy key cities and areas in the territory designated for the Arab State.
It was then, the arab league moved their forces into Palestine and sent a cable to the UN as to their reasons why...

The recent disturbances in Palestine further constitute a serious and direct threat to peace and security within the territories of the Arab States themselves. For these reasons, and considering that the security of Palestine is a sacred trust for them, and out of anxiousness to check the further deterioration of the prevailing conditions and to prevent the spread of disorder and lawlessness into the neighboring Arab lands, and in order to fill the vacuum created by the termination of the Mandate and the failure to replace it by any legally constituted authority, the Arab Governments find themselves compelled to intervene for the sole purpose of restoring peace and security and establishing law and order in Palestine.
So they moved in to restore order, not wipe out Israel.

You'll notice the link is from the UN website and from an official UN report.

Now, why is it a lie?

So, did they succeed in restoring order ??
But I have been reading Israel is forming an alliance with Saudi Arabia and wants Saudi Arabia to have nuclear weapons.

Israel wants Saudi Arabia to have nukes? Link please.

Recognizing Iran's intention to build nuclear weapons -

Here is one article addressing this new alliance between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

I mean a link to your claim that Israel wants Saudi Arabia to have nukes.

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