Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu dismayed over 'dangerous' agreement: Fuck Israel

Words spoken before a Genocide Tribunal about Israel's crime of genocide in Palestine.

"As documented by Israeli historian Ilan Pappe in his seminal book The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (2006), Israel’s genocidal policy against the Palestinians has been unremitting, extending from before the very foundation of the State of Israel in 1948, and is ongoing and even now intensifying against the 1.75 million Palestinians living in Gaza as this Tribunal convenes here today. As Pappe’s analysis established, Zionism’s “final solution” to Israel’s much-touted and racist “demographic threat” allegedly posed by the very existence of the Palestinians has always been genocide, whether slow-motion or in blood-thirsty spurts of violence. Indeed, the very essence of Zionism requires ethnic cleansing and acts of genocide against the Palestinians. "

Cast Lead is addressed, as the 2008-2009 Israeli slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza, and it is pointed out that U.N. General Assembly President Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann, the former Foreign Minister of Nicaragua during the Reagan administration’s contra-terror war of aggression against that country which was condemned by the World Court, condemned it as “genocide.”

It is pointed out that certainly, Israel and its predecessors, the Zionist agencies, forces, and terrorist gangs, have committed genocide against the Palestinian people that actually started on or about 1948 and has continued apace until today in violation of the Genocide Convention Articles II(a), (b), and (c).

It is pointed out that for over the past 6 1/2 decades, ( that translates into 65 years) "the Israeli government and its predecessors-in-law—the Zionist agencies, forces, and terrorist gangs—have ruthlessly implemented a systematic and comprehensive military, political, religious, economic, and cultural campaign with the intent to destroy in substantial part the national, ethnical, racial, and different religious group (Jews versus Muslims and Christians) constituting the Palestinian people. "

It is pointed out that the Zionist/Israeli campaign in Palestine has consisted of killing members of the Palestinian people in violation of Genocide Convention Article II(a).

It is further pointed out that the Zionist/Israeli campaign has also caused serious bodily and mental harm to the Palestinian people in violation of Genocide Convention Article II(b).

It is finally pointed out that the Zionist/Israeli campaign in Palestine has also deliberately inflicted on the Palestinian people conditions of life calculated to bring about their physical destruction in substantial part in violation of Article II(c) of the Genocide Convention.

The Palestinian Genocide By Israel By Professor Francis A. Boyle
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We've debunked all this lying BS before. Your denial of facts and your favoring of extremely derogatory name-calling as 'argument' doesn't augur for good judgment on your part..... nor any understanding of what 'debate' is all about.
You haven't debunked shit!

Don't talk to me about name-calling! You fuckers constantly call me a jew-hater, yet none of you fuckers can ever explain why? I ask you repeatedly to tell me why you think I hate jews. But none of you fuckers have the balls to answer that question. So you just name-call.

All you do, is say shit and trash people. Then act like someone you're not.
The human shield Zionist lie has been debunked for the lie it is, by Amnesty Intl and other human rights groups.

Israel alone is responsible for her killings in Palestine.

Wrong. The human shields used by Hamas is very much the truth and I have shown you in the past how Shamnesty International lies.

[ame=]Hamas Exploitation of Civilians as Human Shields - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Hamas - Human Shield Confession - YouTube[/ame]

Elliott Abrams, writing about the November 2012 Israeli military response in Gaza, says that AI treats "Hamas and other terrorist groups" "with an 'evenhandedness' that bespeaks deep biases," citing NGO Monitor's detailed research.[23]

The Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs criticised the May 2012 report on administrative detention saying it was "one sided,” and “not particularly serious,” and "that it seemed little more than a public relations gimmick.” Gerald Steinberg, of NGO Monitor, said that the report was tied to the recent Palestinian hunger strikes and that AI “jumped on the bandwagon to help their Palestinian allies.”[24] Steinberg also pointed out that one of the researchers, Deborah Hyams was not a neutral party, saying that “Hyams has volunteered as a ‘human shield’ in Beit Jala (near Bethlehem) to deter Israeli military responses to gunfire and mortars targeting Jewish civilians in Jerusalem,” and that “in 2008 she signed a letter claiming Israel is 'a state founded on terrorism, massacres and the dispossession of another people from their land.'[25] The Israeli embassy in London called AI “ridiculous”. AI admitted that this report “is not intended to address violations of detainees’ rights by the Palestinian Authority, or the Hamas de facto administration. These violations have been and will continue to be addressed separately by the organisation”.[26]

In May 2012, NGO Monitor criticized AI's 2012 World Report in a few areas:

AI criticized Israel's blockade on Gaza without mentioning that the blockade was in place "to stop the smuggling of weapons and rockets used to target Israeli citizens." NGO Monitor continued and said that "UN Secretary General’s Palmer Committee declared in September 2011 that the blockade is legal under international law."
AI "failed to mention the thousands of tons of goods provided by Israel to Gaza each week."
NGO Monitor also pointed out that AI's report "mentions Israel 137 times, while making only 74 mentions of the Syrian regime," during a year in which thousands of people have been killed by the Syrian government.[27]
AI allowed a speaking event to take place in London in May 2011, organized by the magazine Middle East Monitor Online (MEMO) and the Palestine Solidarity Campaign. Much controversy surrounded this event since one of the speakers included Abdel Bari Atwan, editor of the London-based al-Quds al-Arabi newspaper. In the past, Atwan has said that "he would “dance with delight” in Trafalgar Square if Iran attacked Israel, "and that the terrorist attack on the Mercaz HaRav yeshiva, in which eight students were killed, “was justified” as it was responsible for “hatching Israeli extremists and fundamentalists.” Amnesty responded by saying that "while we did have concerns about the way the event had originally been organized, these have been resolved."[28]

Criticism of Amnesty International - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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AI criticized Israel's blockade on Gaza without mentioning that the blockade was in place "to stop the smuggling of weapons and rockets used to target Israeli citizens."
That's bullshit!

The blockade was started to punish Gazans for electing Hamas.

Israel didn't like who they chose to represent them.

Like it was any of Israel's god-damn business.
AI criticized Israel's blockade on Gaza without mentioning that the blockade was in place "to stop the smuggling of weapons and rockets used to target Israeli citizens."
That's bullshit!

The blockade was started to punish Gazans for electing Hamas.

Israel didn't like who they chose to represent them.

Like it was any of Israel's god-damn business.

Why would Israel want to punish Gazans for electing Hamas. It is none of Israel's business who the Gazans elect. Israel wiped its hands off Gaza in August 2005.
Why would Israel want to punish Gazans for electing Hamas.
Hamas won't kiss their ass like the PA does.

It is none of Israel's business who the Gazans elect.
Unfortunately, the Likud Party doesn't feel that way.

Israel wiped its hands off Gaza in August 2005.
They ended their physical presence. But they still control 80% of everything that goes into Gaza. And that is considered "effective control" of the area, which satisfies the definition of an occupation.
No doubt but that Israel carries out the crime of genocide in Palestine.

"In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in*part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or inpart;*(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."

Article 3 provides the following acts are punishable: Genocide; Conspiracy to commit genocide; Direct and public incitement to commit genocide; Attempt to commit genocide; and Complicity in genocide

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Nothing in that long cut and paste applies to Israel's treatment of the beggars and squatters in the Palestinian territories.

You should take the time to understand that Israel withdrew from Gaza in the hope that the "Palestinian" arabs would attempt some minor effort at building a working society.

I suppose the advantage of a UN sponsored welfare agency solely dedicated to maintaining an islamic terrorist led collection of whiners and complainers is just too good to pass up.
Why would Israel want to punish Gazans for electing Hamas.
Hamas won't kiss their ass like the PA does.

It is none of Israel's business who the Gazans elect.
Unfortunately, the Likud Party doesn't feel that way.

Israel wiped its hands off Gaza in August 2005.
They ended their physical presence. But they still control 80% of everything that goes into Gaza. And that is considered "effective control" of the area, which satisfies the definition of an occupation.

80% control of Islamic Death Cultists who are 100% dedicated to slitting your throat and bombing your homes is barely adequate.

Islamic Death Cultists need 100% eradication.
AI criticized Israel's blockade on Gaza without mentioning that the blockade was in place "to stop the smuggling of weapons and rockets used to target Israeli citizens."
That's bullshit!

The blockade was started to punish Gazans for electing Hamas.

Israel didn't like who they chose to represent them.

Like it was any of Israel's god-damn business.

The blockade was a response to Islamic Death Cultists who share an oath to mass murder Israelis to further their Reich..... I mean Ummah.
I have addressed the genocide statute and shown how Israel violates it's provisions.

Multiple acts Israel has been engaging in continously for the past 65 years constitute genocide under international law.

Zionists are obviously completely free to continue defending genocidal acts of Israel, there have always been people defending genocidal acts of nations.

You show yourself to be a defender of genocidal baby killers.

If that is who any person chooses to be in their lives, who am I to stop them?
The Blockade of Gaza is collective punishment and a war crime under international law.

All the international legal authorities are in agreement, to include the UN and the International Red Cross and human rights groups.
I have addressed the genocide statute and shown how Israel violates it's provisions.

Multiple acts Israel has been engaging in continously for the past 65 years constitute genocide under international law.

Zionists are obviously completely free to continue defending genocidal acts of Israel, there have always been people defending genocidal acts of nations.

You show yourself to be a defender of genocidal baby killers.

If that is who any person chooses to be in their lives, who am I to stop them?

The first act that establishes genocide is the killing of a specific group of people. Israel's killing campaign against Palestinians has been ongoing and a nonstop killing operation for 65 years now.

We have extensive data to back up the fact this killing operation exists, in UN documents and reports filed and recorded on the UNISPAL website.

We have the names of over 8000 Palestinians Israel has killed in her genocidal operation in Palestine identified on the website of Btselem, since the beginning of the First Intifada along with how Israel killed each of those over 8000 Palestinians in her genocidal operation in Palestine.

FACT: Israel carries out a genocidal killing operation in Palestine ongoing since 1948.

The Zionist/Israeli campaign in Palestine has consisted of killing members of the Palestinian people in violation of Genocide Convention Article II(a).
I have addressed the genocide statute and shown how Israel violates it's provisions.

Multiple acts Israel has been engaging in continously for the past 65 years constitute genocide under international law.

Zionists are obviously completely free to continue defending genocidal acts of Israel, there have always been people defending genocidal acts of nations.

You show yourself to be a defender of genocidal baby killers.

If that is who any person chooses to be in their lives, who am I to stop them?

The first act that establishes genocide is the killing of a specific group of people. Israel's killing campaign against Palestinians has been ongoing and a nonstop killing operation for 65 years now.

We have extensive data to back up the fact this killing operation exists, in UN documents and reports filed and recorded on the UNISPAL website.

We have the names of over 8000 Palestinians Israel has killed in her genocidal operation in Palestine identified on the website of Btselem, since the beginning of the First Intifada along with how Israel killed each of those over 8000 Palestinians in her genocidal operation in Palestine.

FACT: Israel carries out a genocidal killing operation in Palestine ongoing since 1948.

The Zionist/Israeli campaign in Palestine has consisted of killing members of the Palestinian people in violation of Genocide Convention Article II(a).

Israel does NOT commit genocide. On the contrary it is Israel's Gazan neighbors trying to commit genocide. How about looking up the definition of the word for once.

B'selem is a antisemitic joke of an organization just like all the other organizations and links you show us.

You know, the more you type on here the more your posts are a laughing stock to everyone. Give it up and go and concentrate on matters that are really important in this world.
We've debunked all this lying BS before. Your denial of facts and your favoring of extremely derogatory name-calling as 'argument' doesn't augur for good judgment on your part..... nor any understanding of what 'debate' is all about.
You haven't debunked shit!

Don't talk to me about name-calling! You fuckers constantly call me a jew-hater, yet none of you fuckers can ever explain why? I ask you repeatedly to tell me why you think I hate jews. But none of you fuckers have the balls to answer that question. So you just name-call.

All you do, is say shit and trash people. Then act like someone you're not.

Man, you are such a fuckin whiner.

:boohoo: :boohoo:

Does it make you feel better about yourself to talk shit and act tough behind your keyboard, Loiney Boy.
80% control of Islamic Death Cultists who are 100% dedicated to slitting your throat and bombing your homes is barely adequate.

Islamic Death Cultists need 100% eradication.
Keep on making up that bigoted bullshit, because it clearly shows the entire world that the problem is Israel.

You're just a fucked human who enjoys terrorizing innocent civilians.

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