Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu dismayed over 'dangerous' agreement: Fuck Israel

It's the US and the rest of the civilized world that will be fucked when Iran gets nukes.

Obama is a naive douchebag who should go back to being a community organizer.
You haven't even proven they're building one.
Don't make any difference. Ask Syria how they liked to digest bunker busters. Iran will get theirs, toot sweet.
Bullshit. They are noted for launching rockets from civilian areas using women and children as shields. Cowards! And before the wall when the animals sent suicide bombers to intentionally murder Israeli children, it was their kids they sent. They are cowards! They sent their kids to murder kids. And their men hide behinds their women's skirts and then whine like pigs when the IDF bitch slaps them.
Prove it! Let's see your evidence?

The only thing I see right now, is your big fucking, lying-ass mouth!

Awww...poor little girl got her panties in a wad cause someone tells the truth about her terrorist heroes. How can you see anything by hiding under your burqa?

During the Second Intifada (2000–2005) Palestinian gunmen used civilians and children as human shields, by surrounding themselves with children while shooting on IDF forces.[14]

In November 2006, Palestinian women volunteered as human shields to allow the escape of Hamas gunmen from Israeli forces in Beit Hanoun in the Gaza Strip. The armed Palestinians had barricaded themselves in a mosque, which was surrounded by Israeli troops and tanks. According to a Hamas spokesman, a crowd of women gathered outside the mosque in response to an appeal on the local radio station for women to protect the Hamas fighters. The Palestinian gunmen escaped by dressing in women's clothes and hiding in the large group.[15]

Also in the same month, the Israeli Air Force warned Mohammed Weil Baroud, a Palestinian leader said to be responsible for firing Qassam rockets at Israel, to evacuate his home in Beit Lahia in the Gaza Strip in advance of an airstrike. Instead, hundreds of Palestinians, including many women and children, gathered outside Baroud's house. Israel suspended the airstrike out of fear that the human shields would be killed or injured. In response to Israel's reaction, another Palestinian leader said: "We have won. From now on we will form human chains around every house that is threatened with demolition."[16]

On October 29, 2007, in response to criticism of Israel's bombing of a Beit Hanoun Elementary School for boys run by UNRWA, the Israel Defense Forces released drone footage of mortars shot from a street adjacent to the school. Israel warned Ban Ki Moon about the danger and requested an investigation.[17] Local eyewitnesses later confirmed that Hamas militants had fired at Israeli troops from adjacent a UN school for girls where hundreds of Palestinians had sought refuge.[18][19] Forty-three Palestinians were reported killed when a street outside the school was hit by return fire.[20] Israel accused Hamas of using civilians as human shields. A report from the IDF brigade responsible for the attack stated that militants had launched a rocket into Israel from a yard adjacent to the UN building and the paratroop brigade had fired three rounds of mortars at the position. A GPS error led to one of the mortars hitting the building
You can't refute it so you're left to your best efforts at being a blowhard.
The only thing you said that was true, was Israel's responsibility to protect its citizens.

However, where your fucked in the head, is that you don't think the Palestinian's have a right to protect theirs.

How are "Palestinian" arabs defending their citizens by lobbing rockets (an act of war) directed at Israel?

You're more confused by the minute.
Awww...poor little girl got her panties in a wad cause someone tells the truth about her terrorist heroes. How can you see anything by hiding under your burqa?

During the Second Intifada (2000–2005) Palestinian gunmen used civilians and children as human shields, by surrounding themselves with children while shooting on IDF forces.[14]

In November 2006, Palestinian women volunteered as human shields to allow the escape of Hamas gunmen from Israeli forces in Beit Hanoun in the Gaza Strip. The armed Palestinians had barricaded themselves in a mosque, which was surrounded by Israeli troops and tanks. According to a Hamas spokesman, a crowd of women gathered outside the mosque in response to an appeal on the local radio station for women to protect the Hamas fighters. The Palestinian gunmen escaped by dressing in women's clothes and hiding in the large group.[15]

Also in the same month, the Israeli Air Force warned Mohammed Weil Baroud, a Palestinian leader said to be responsible for firing Qassam rockets at Israel, to evacuate his home in Beit Lahia in the Gaza Strip in advance of an airstrike. Instead, hundreds of Palestinians, including many women and children, gathered outside Baroud's house. Israel suspended the airstrike out of fear that the human shields would be killed or injured. In response to Israel's reaction, another Palestinian leader said: "We have won. From now on we will form human chains around every house that is threatened with demolition."[16]

On October 29, 2007, in response to criticism of Israel's bombing of a Beit Hanoun Elementary School for boys run by UNRWA, the Israel Defense Forces released drone footage of mortars shot from a street adjacent to the school. Israel warned Ban Ki Moon about the danger and requested an investigation.[17] Local eyewitnesses later confirmed that Hamas militants had fired at Israeli troops from adjacent a UN school for girls where hundreds of Palestinians had sought refuge.[18][19] Forty-three Palestinians were reported killed when a street outside the school was hit by return fire.[20] Israel accused Hamas of using civilians as human shields. A report from the IDF brigade responsible for the attack stated that militants had launched a rocket into Israel from a yard adjacent to the UN building and the paratroop brigade had fired three rounds of mortars at the position. A GPS error led to one of the mortars hitting the building
From your same link...

The IDF admittedly used Palestinians as human shields, a practice subsequently banned by Israel's High Court of Justice. The Israeli Defense Ministry appealed this decision.

Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch said the Israel Defense Forces used Palestinian civilians as human shields during the 2002 Battle of Jenin. The Israeli human rights group B'Tselem said that "for a long period of time following the outbreak of the second intifada, particularly during Operation Defensive Shield, in April 2002, the IDF systematically used Palestinian civilians as human shields, forcing them to carry out military actions which threatened their lives". Al Mezan reported the systematic use of "human shields" during the invasion of Beit Hanoun in 2004.

The practice was outlawed by the Supreme Court of Israel in 2005 but human rights groups say the IDF continues to use it, although they say the number of instances has dropped sharply. In 2006, the IDF again used civilians as human shields in Beit Hanun. In February 2007, Associated Press Television News released footage of an incident involving Sameh Amira, a 24-year-old Palestinian. The video appears to show the West Bank resident serving as a human shield for a group of Israeli soldiers.
BTW, the Goldstone Report found no evidence of Hamas using human shields, but did find 11 instances of the IDF's use of "johnnies".

So apparently, you're a fucking hypocrite as well as a big-mouth asshole.
Awww...poor little girl got her panties in a wad cause someone tells the truth about her terrorist heroes. How can you see anything by hiding under your burqa?

During the Second Intifada (2000–2005) Palestinian gunmen used civilians and children as human shields, by surrounding themselves with children while shooting on IDF forces.[14]

In November 2006, Palestinian women volunteered as human shields to allow the escape of Hamas gunmen from Israeli forces in Beit Hanoun in the Gaza Strip. The armed Palestinians had barricaded themselves in a mosque, which was surrounded by Israeli troops and tanks. According to a Hamas spokesman, a crowd of women gathered outside the mosque in response to an appeal on the local radio station for women to protect the Hamas fighters. The Palestinian gunmen escaped by dressing in women's clothes and hiding in the large group.[15]

Also in the same month, the Israeli Air Force warned Mohammed Weil Baroud, a Palestinian leader said to be responsible for firing Qassam rockets at Israel, to evacuate his home in Beit Lahia in the Gaza Strip in advance of an airstrike. Instead, hundreds of Palestinians, including many women and children, gathered outside Baroud's house. Israel suspended the airstrike out of fear that the human shields would be killed or injured. In response to Israel's reaction, another Palestinian leader said: "We have won. From now on we will form human chains around every house that is threatened with demolition."[16]

On October 29, 2007, in response to criticism of Israel's bombing of a Beit Hanoun Elementary School for boys run by UNRWA, the Israel Defense Forces released drone footage of mortars shot from a street adjacent to the school. Israel warned Ban Ki Moon about the danger and requested an investigation.[17] Local eyewitnesses later confirmed that Hamas militants had fired at Israeli troops from adjacent a UN school for girls where hundreds of Palestinians had sought refuge.[18][19] Forty-three Palestinians were reported killed when a street outside the school was hit by return fire.[20] Israel accused Hamas of using civilians as human shields. A report from the IDF brigade responsible for the attack stated that militants had launched a rocket into Israel from a yard adjacent to the UN building and the paratroop brigade had fired three rounds of mortars at the position. A GPS error led to one of the mortars hitting the building
From your same link...

The IDF admittedly used Palestinians as human shields, a practice subsequently banned by Israel's High Court of Justice. The Israeli Defense Ministry appealed this decision.

Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch said the Israel Defense Forces used Palestinian civilians as human shields during the 2002 Battle of Jenin. The Israeli human rights group B'Tselem said that "for a long period of time following the outbreak of the second intifada, particularly during Operation Defensive Shield, in April 2002, the IDF systematically used Palestinian civilians as human shields, forcing them to carry out military actions which threatened their lives". Al Mezan reported the systematic use of "human shields" during the invasion of Beit Hanoun in 2004.

The practice was outlawed by the Supreme Court of Israel in 2005 but human rights groups say the IDF continues to use it, although they say the number of instances has dropped sharply. In 2006, the IDF again used civilians as human shields in Beit Hanun. In February 2007, Associated Press Television News released footage of an incident involving Sameh Amira, a 24-year-old Palestinian. The video appears to show the West Bank resident serving as a human shield for a group of Israeli soldiers.
BTW, the Goldstone Report found no evidence of Hamas using human shields, but did find 11 instances of the IDF's use of "johnnies".

So apparently, you're a fucking hypocrite as well as a big-mouth asshole.

So you use a part of the link that favors your terrorist buddies but disregard the part that show your terrorist buddies to be the girlie cowards they are. Girlie cowards stick together so they say.

"Fuck Israel!"

No wonder the members of the IDF sometimes lose control.

That level of bigotry and hatred is not very attractive.


I SHALL never stop saying Fuck Israel to a terrorist state like Israel, who has murdered 1519 children in Palestine since 9/30/2000.

I do not support baby killing terrorist states!

Why do you support baby killing?

Don't you?

If you support Hamas or Hezbollah or al Qaeda or the PLO or any of dozens of Islamic Jihadist organizations which routinely attack Israeli civilians whenever possible you certainly do support baby killing terrorists.

The idea is to do what you can to stop BOTH sides from killing babies.

Unless you do that you are just dancing around the cause of the baby killing.

When you are ready for peace the Israelis will meet you at least half way.

Fuck Israel?

No. Fuck your idiotic stand on this matter.

You are just jerking yourself off.
You made a blank generic statement and I called you on it. Go crawl back under your rock.
I did nothing of the kind. I posted an article that said legal groups have identified 57 apartheid laws. That's not generic. One of them is the Nakba Law.

If you don't care for my answer, just remember this, at least I had the balls to answer your question. You're still too pussy to answer mine!

Genocide implies destruction of an ethnic group, if Israel has palestinians as citizens and gives them the same rights as its other citizens, how can it be called genoicde?

The palestinians who are not citizens are those and the descendants of those who made the political decsion to either leave israel, or had the misfortune of being in an occupied area when the Israelis finished wars the Arabs started.

None of this reaches the level of genocide, and aparthied is basically a nice propaganda word you use to invoke feelings of the resitance to South Africa's ACTUAL aparthied.

Still full of fail.


Genocide implies destruction of an ethnic group, if Israel has palestinians as citizens and gives them the same rights as its other citizens, how can it be called genoicde?
As long as there are jew-only roads and jew-only communities, they don't have the same rights.

And as far as Palestinian's in the OPT, over 750,000 of them were driven from their homes as the target of jewish terrorism. That's pretty genocidal to me.

The palestinians who are not citizens are those and the descendants of those who made the political decsion to either leave israel, or had the misfortune of being in an occupied area when the Israelis finished wars the Arabs started.
Zionists started the wars when they refused to respect the inalienable rights of indigenous arabs.

Zionists are selfish pieces of shit that are nothing but a cancer to this planet.

None of this reaches the level of genocide, and aparthied is basically a nice propaganda word you use to invoke feelings of the resitance to South Africa's ACTUAL aparthied.

Still full of fail.
Are you going to answer my question? Yes or no? Are you that big of a fucking pussy, that you can't answer direct questions? I answered yours and you're to big of a pussy to answer a simple one of mine. And we both know why you won't answer it.
So you use a part of the link that favors your terrorist buddies but disregard the part that show your terrorist buddies to be the girlie cowards they are. Girlie cowards stick together so they say.
Nice try, junior, you need to grow a pair.
What research, Princess? All you ever post is baseless camel crap.
It's not baseless. I post my evidence.

I'm not like these pussy's who call me a "jew-hater", yet can't say why?

There's something mentally retarded about people who think things for no reason.
Genocide implies destruction of an ethnic group, if Israel has palestinians as citizens and gives them the same rights as its other citizens, how can it be called genoicde?
As long as there are jew-only roads and jew-only communities, they don't have the same rights.

And as far as Palestinian's in the OPT, over 750,000 of them were driven from their homes as the target of jewish terrorism. That's pretty genocidal to me.

The palestinians who are not citizens are those and the descendants of those who made the political decsion to either leave israel, or had the misfortune of being in an occupied area when the Israelis finished wars the Arabs started.
Zionists started the wars when they refused to respect the inalienable rights of indigenous arabs.

Zionists are selfish pieces of shit that are nothing but a cancer to this planet.

None of this reaches the level of genocide, and aparthied is basically a nice propaganda word you use to invoke feelings of the resitance to South Africa's ACTUAL aparthied.

Still full of fail.
Are you going to answer my question? Yes or no? Are you that big of a fucking pussy, that you can't answer direct questions? I answered yours and you're to big of a pussy to answer a simple one of mine. And we both know why you won't answer it.

We've debunked all this lying BS before. Your denial of facts and your favoring of extremely derogatory name-calling as 'argument' doesn't augur for good judgment on your part..... nor any understanding of what 'debate' is all about.
No doubt but that Israel carries out the crime of genocide in Palestine.

"In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in*part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or inpart;*(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."

Article 3 provides the following acts are punishable: Genocide; Conspiracy to commit genocide; Direct and public incitement to commit genocide; Attempt to commit genocide; and Complicity in genocide

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