Israeli Satellites Providing Pentagon with ISIS Intel


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Well here is one country helping the U.S. fight ISIS.

Israeli Satellites Providing Pentagon with ISIS Intel
By Lea Speyer September 9, 2014 , 12:07 pm


Members of ISIS. (Photo: YouTube Screenshot)

Israel has been providing the US with sensitive intelligence and satellite imagery on ISIS positions in the Middle East as part of Washington’s call on allies to assist in combating the radical Islamic terror organization, Reuters reported.

Israeli spy satellites have better access to the Middle East than those of the US. According to an anonymous Western official, the Pentagon has relied on Israeli imagery to “fill out its information and get a better battle damage assessment” in the aftermath of airstrikes.

Last week, US Secretary of State John Kerry called on Israel and other international allies to form an ad-hoc alliance to combat ISIS. The move came two days after a video showing the beheading of American-Israeli journalist Steven Sotloff by ISIS surfaced on the internet.

State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said that more than 40 countries have expressed a willingness to join the US in combating ISIS, who have conquered vast areas of land in Syria and Iraq.

“What the goal of the coalition is, is to coordinate on the threat that ISIL poses,” Psaki said.

She explained that each country’s role would vary and not all would be involved in direct military support in Iraq. “There are obviously a range of capabilities or capacities that different countries have,” Psaki said.

The spokeswoman added that the main goal of the coalition is to cut off funding to ISIS as well as stop the flow of foreign fights and ideological support to the terror group.

In order to avoid conflict over sharing sensitive information with non-aligned countries, the report stated that the US made sure Israel’s role in gathering the intelligence was kept secret. Before handing over satellite imagery to Turkey and other Arab countries, all information linking Israel to the intelligence was cleared.


Israeli Satellites Providing Pentagon with ISIS Intel - Israel News
Time to take Israel OFF THE BOTTLE. She's sucking America dry and Netanyahu's the guy who has his hand in America's pockets. Israel has abused America's trust and committed genocide with our weapon's. We won't mention the munitions Israel TOOK without America's permission.
America doesn't need Israel's "help" in the Middle East. Screw AIPAC.
What Israel REALLY says to the US:

"On Sunday, while the world was distracted by Putin and ISIS, Israel grabbed another chunk. Its army announced that 988 acres near Bethlehem—many of which, according to Palestinian officials, are planted with olive trees and belong to Palestinian families—are now Israeli land.

This isn’t a Putin-style invasion or an ISIS-level bloodbath. But it’s offensive for many reasons.

"It’s a slap at the United States, which stood with Israel in its latest war in Gaza, and at European countries that cut Israel lots of slack during the lopsided conflict.

"It’s a thumb in the eye of Secretary of State John Kerry, who keeps trying to restart peace talks. And it discredits Abbas, sending every Palestinian a message that negotiation is for suckers.

Time for all good Jews to sink or swim?

Israel rsquo s illegal land grab in West Bank The Israeli rationale is no different than Vladimir Putin rsquo s in Ukraine.
Time to take Israel OFF THE BOTTLE. She's sucking America dry and Netanyahu's the guy who has his hand in America's pockets. Israel has abused America's trust and committed genocide with our weapon's. We won't mention the munitions Israel TOOK without America's permission.
America doesn't need Israel's "help" in the Middle East. Screw AIPAC.

If you still pay taxes, which I doubt, I will be glad to send you the $3.00 which Israel is costing you. As you all can see, this two-bit anti-Semite doesn't care one bit about the tens of thousands of innocent people who have died in the last three three and no doubt the thousands and thousands of wounded. Nor does he care about the refugee crisis -- the biggest one since World War II. It is always Israel, Israel, Israel as is the habit of these anti-Semites. Go ask the average man on the street who he is concerned about more -- the measly amount which goes to Israel or the Muslim terrorists who wouldn't mind beheating us, and that includes you. Now how about once in a while you give us some actual news coming out of the other Middle East countries when you crawl out of the woodwork.
If you still pay taxes, which I doubt, I will be glad to send you the $3.00 which Israel is costing you. As you all can see, this two-bit anti-Semite doesn't care one bit about the tens of thousands of innocent people who have died in the last three three and no doubt the thousands and thousands of wounded. Nor does he care about the refugee crisis -- the biggest one since World War II. It is always Israel, Israel, Israel as is the habit of these anti-Semites. Go ask the average man on the street who he is concerned about more -- the measly amount which goes to Israel or the Muslim terrorists who wouldn't mind beheating us, and that includes you. Now how about once in a while you give us some actual news coming out of the other Middle East countries when you crawl out of the woodwork.

And you think you've "earned" America's massive flow of money into Israel? NO. It's all a waste and encourages Israel to act with unbridled aggression instead of compromising. You've gone rogue.
Israel must deal with all its problems on its own. Make peace with your neighbors or ally yourselves with Russia or China if you want a protector. Be prepared to pay up...or shut up and make peace.
Can't wait till Israel, Russia and China carpet bomb the Muslims.
Russia and China hate Muslims.
Resourceful, useful Jews. :thup:

We should simultaneously target 100 ISIL positions and obliterate them at the same moment. It could be done, and it would really fuck with their heads.
If you still pay taxes, which I doubt, I will be glad to send you the $3.00 which Israel is costing you. As you all can see, this two-bit anti-Semite doesn't care one bit about the tens of thousands of innocent people who have died in the last three three and no doubt the thousands and thousands of wounded. Nor does he care about the refugee crisis -- the biggest one since World War II. It is always Israel, Israel, Israel as is the habit of these anti-Semites. Go ask the average man on the street who he is concerned about more -- the measly amount which goes to Israel or the Muslim terrorists who wouldn't mind beheating us, and that includes you. Now how about once in a while you give us some actual news coming out of the other Middle East countries when you crawl out of the woodwork.

And you think you've "earned" America's massive flow of money into Israel? NO. It's all a waste and encourages Israel to act with unbridled aggression instead of compromising. You've gone rogue.
Israel must deal with all its problems on its own. Make peace with your neighbors or ally yourselves with Russia or China if you want a protector. Be prepared to pay up...or shut up and make peace.

Peace with a neighbor who wants to destroy you and take over everything to be ruled by them? Peace with a neighbor who has shot thousands of rockets into your country? Can you tell us how anyone can do that? Instead of listening to you blabbering on about Israel while so many innocent people are still being killed elsewhere, I think I will bring to mind what a retired poster, a Naval Intelligence officer, once said -- that if Americans knew just how much Israel has helped America they wouldn't begrudge Israel anything. Unlike him, you and I were not privy to everything that went on. I know it sticks in your craw that those you hate get anything. The truth is that you, along with other anti-Semites. would celebrate if you saw Israel destroyed. Meanwhile, you probably have no problem with the ton of money which has been given for years to people who hate us and so much of the money is kept by the dictator or tyrant leading those countries. It is just the Jews you hate seeing get money which is used to buy products from our own defense industries.. As an aside, I think you should read closely what the poster Rocco tells you. He, unlike most of us, really knows the nitty gritty of what goes on in the Middle East and all the documentation that goes with it.
Resourceful, useful Jews. :thup:

We should simultaneously target 100 ISIL positions and obliterate them at the same moment. It could be done, and it would really fuck with their heads.

Uh, that's not resourceful or useful. More of a overly-simplistic "video game" type of analysis of the situation. But hey, if it makes you feel smart, go with it I guess.
Resourceful, useful Jews. :thup:

We should simultaneously target 100 ISIL positions and obliterate them at the same moment. It could be done, and it would really fuck with their heads.

Uh, that's not resourceful or useful. More of a overly-simplistic "video game" type of analysis of the situation. But hey, if it makes you feel smart, go with it I guess.
Your grasp of militaristic stratagem is sorely lacking.

You have earned yourself one bitch-slap. :slap:
Peace with a neighbor who wants to destroy you and take over everything to be ruled by them? Peace with a neighbor who has shot thousands of rockets into your country? Can you tell us how anyone can do that? Instead of listening to you blabbering on about Israel while so many innocent people are still being killed elsewhere, I think I will bring to mind what a retired poster, a Naval Intelligence officer, once said -- that if Americans knew just how much Israel has helped America they wouldn't begrudge Israel anything. Unlike him, you and I were not privy to everything that went on. I know it sticks in your craw that those you hate get anything. The truth is that you, along with other anti-Semites. would celebrate if you saw Israel destroyed. Meanwhile, you probably have no problem with the ton of money which has been given for years to people who hate us and so much of the money is kept by the dictator or tyrant leading those countries. It is just the Jews you hate seeing get money which is used to buy products from our own defense industries.. As an aside, I think you should read closely what the poster Rocco tells you. He, unlike most of us, really knows the nitty gritty of what goes on in the Middle East and all the documentation that goes with it.
A little FYI. I've been reading "closely" what Rocco posted and I replied. I've also read closely my own sources. Israel committed numerous serious violations of the Geneva Conventions, whether under Rule 9 or Article 33.
He wants to split hairs and muddy the water regarding the Fourth Geneva Convention and Israel's violations regarding its applicability to the Gaza slaughter. Go read it if you want. No matter which Article or Rule, there were still gross violations made by Israel and you know it. Israel should pay for the rebuilding.
Peace with a neighbor who wants to destroy you and take over everything to be ruled by them? Peace with a neighbor who has shot thousands of rockets into your country? Can you tell us how anyone can do that? Instead of listening to you blabbering on about Israel while so many innocent people are still being killed elsewhere, I think I will bring to mind what a retired poster, a Naval Intelligence officer, once said -- that if Americans knew just how much Israel has helped America they wouldn't begrudge Israel anything. Unlike him, you and I were not privy to everything that went on. I know it sticks in your craw that those you hate get anything. The truth is that you, along with other anti-Semites. would celebrate if you saw Israel destroyed. Meanwhile, you probably have no problem with the ton of money which has been given for years to people who hate us and so much of the money is kept by the dictator or tyrant leading those countries. It is just the Jews you hate seeing get money which is used to buy products from our own defense industries.. As an aside, I think you should read closely what the poster Rocco tells you. He, unlike most of us, really knows the nitty gritty of what goes on in the Middle East and all the documentation that goes with it.
A little FYI. I've been reading "closely" what Rocco posted and I replied. I've also read closely my own sources. Israel committed numerous serious violations of the Geneva Conventions, whether under Rule 9 or Article 33.
He wants to split hairs and muddy the water regarding the Fourth Geneva Convention and Israel's violations regarding its applicability to the Gaza slaughter. Go read it if you want. No matter which Article or Rule, there were still gross violations made by Israel and you know it. Israel should pay for the rebuilding.

I'll take Rocco's knowledge over yours any time, and I think the majority of posters would do the same. Tell your friends that if they didn't start up, nobody would be killed and no building would have been bombed. By the way, you can always tell your friends not to hide their weaponry in schools and hospitals and not to build tunnels to sneak into Israel to kill Jews. Say, maybe you could have helped digging those tunnels and while at it sung like the 7 Drawfs -- "It's Off To Work We Go."
Well here is one country helping the U.S. fight ISIS.

Israeli Satellites Providing Pentagon with ISIS Intel
By Lea Speyer September 9, 2014 , 12:07 pm


Members of ISIS. (Photo: YouTube Screenshot)

Israel has been providing the US with sensitive intelligence and satellite imagery on ISIS positions in the Middle East as part of Washington’s call on allies to assist in combating the radical Islamic terror organization, Reuters reported.

Israeli spy satellites have better access to the Middle East than those of the US. According to an anonymous Western official, the Pentagon has relied on Israeli imagery to “fill out its information and get a better battle damage assessment” in the aftermath of airstrikes.

Last week, US Secretary of State John Kerry called on Israel and other international allies to form an ad-hoc alliance to combat ISIS. The move came two days after a video showing the beheading of American-Israeli journalist Steven Sotloff by ISIS surfaced on the internet.

State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said that more than 40 countries have expressed a willingness to join the US in combating ISIS, who have conquered vast areas of land in Syria and Iraq.

“What the goal of the coalition is, is to coordinate on the threat that ISIL poses,” Psaki said.

She explained that each country’s role would vary and not all would be involved in direct military support in Iraq. “There are obviously a range of capabilities or capacities that different countries have,” Psaki said.

The spokeswoman added that the main goal of the coalition is to cut off funding to ISIS as well as stop the flow of foreign fights and ideological support to the terror group.

In order to avoid conflict over sharing sensitive information with non-aligned countries, the report stated that the US made sure Israel’s role in gathering the intelligence was kept secret. Before handing over satellite imagery to Turkey and other Arab countries, all information linking Israel to the intelligence was cleared.


Israeli Satellites Providing Pentagon with ISIS Intel - Israel News

Be careful, Sally, my friend (((OOOPS)))) Do not commit BLASPHEMY against the HOLY CALIPHATE----
you are insulting --------someone. Keep in mind----on this messageboard ------blasphemy against the
****HOLY CALIPHATE**** is a capital crime
Israel wants all the land between the River and the sea for Jews with no more than twenty percent of the population comprised of non-Jews; that is why Jews mow the lawn in Gaza every two or three years, and their Charter proves it:

"Too much political discussion in the United States about Israel/Palestine proceeds from the premise that Palestinians have no other interest than to destroy Israel and drive the Jews into the sea.

"Therefore, it is said, well-intentioned Israel has no viable negotiating partner for peace. The political reality on the ground does not conform to such a simple-minded tale of good vs. evil.

"Israeli hardliners in power have repeatedly rejected any basis for a viable Palestinian state.

"Indeed, Prime Minister Netanyahu’s qualified statement in support of a two-state solution in 2009 – which his American apologists repeatedly invoke to demonstrate his 'moderate' bona fides – was characterized by a member of his own cabinet as 'the spin of our lives.'

"In fact. Likud leaders have said unequivocally that no two-state deal is possible. And just three weeks ago, speaking at a press conference, Netanyahu said:

“'I think the Israeli people understand now what I always say: that there cannot be a situation, under any agreement, in which we relinquish security control of the territory west of the River Jordan.'

"As David Horovitz wrote in The Times of Israel:

“'He wasn’t saying that he doesn’t support a two-state solution. He was saying that it’s impossible.'"

It's impossible because over the past forty years Jews have stolen most of the West Bank and turned Gaza into an open air prison.

The Hateful Likud Charter Calls for Destruction of Any Palestinian State Informed Comment
why 20%? would that 20% be "citizens"? or would they
be impoverished exploited dhimmi slaves like the 20% non muslims in Arabia are? I see no reason for dhimmis in
Israel AT ALL
why 20%? would that 20% be "citizens"? or would they
be impoverished exploited dhimmi slaves like the 20% non muslims in Arabia are? I see no reason for dhimmis in
Israel AT ALL
Why did the founders of your beloved Jewish state decide on a 20% maximum of non-Jews living inside the Green Line in '48?
Do you fear self-determination or equality?
why 20%? would that 20% be "citizens"? or would they
be impoverished exploited dhimmi slaves like the 20% non muslims in Arabia are? I see no reason for dhimmis in
Israel AT ALL
Why did the founders of your beloved Jewish state decide on a 20% maximum of non-Jews living inside the Green Line in '48?
Do you fear self-determination or equality?

They did not ask me---I was not there---and am unaware of
this specific DECISION ------

HOWEVER considering the Jewish experience of the prior 2000 years------it does seem reasonable The armistice lines were not called "THE GREENLINE" back then The "greenline" thing developed because the land held by the
jews became GREEN. Additionally---considering the
CUSTOMS of the Levant and most of Europe and even parts of Asia -----at that time during the prior---
2000 years------it seems a bit incautious. Demographic
control was common place and the NORM ---even in
the Americas------back then and for many centuries.

I cannot thing of a single place that did not engage in
demographic control------SOCIAL ENGINEERING
why 20%? would that 20% be "citizens"? or would they
be impoverished exploited dhimmi slaves like the 20% non muslims in Arabia are? I see no reason for dhimmis in
Israel AT ALL
Why did the founders of your beloved Jewish state decide on a 20% maximum of non-Jews living inside the Green Line in '48?
Do you fear self-determination or equality?

They did not ask me---I was not there---and am unaware of
this specific DECISION ------

HOWEVER considering the Jewish experience of the prior 2000 years------it does seem reasonable The armistice lines were not called "THE GREENLINE" back then The "greenline" thing developed because the land held by the
jews became GREEN. Additionally---considering the
CUSTOMS of the Levant and most of Europe and even parts of Asia -----at that time during the prior---
2000 years------it seems a bit incautious. Demographic
control was common place and the NORM ---even in
the Americas------back then and for many centuries.

I cannot thing of a single place that did not engage in
demographic control------SOCIAL ENGINEERING
"Green Line refers to the demarcation lines set out in the1949 Armistice Agreements between Israel and its neighbors (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria) after the 1948 Arab–Israeli War.

"The Green Line is also used to mark the line between Israel and the territories captured in the Six-Day War, including the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights andSinai Peninsula (the last has since been returned to Egypt as part of the 1979 peace treaty).

"The name derives from the green ink used to draw the line on the map while the talks were going on

Green Line Israel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

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