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Israeli Settlers Teach Their Children To Kill Early

Sherri uses Sheherazade style creative writing in her silly attempt to PROVE----the libelous line of propaganda crap that heads this depraved thread.----not a scintilla of actual evidence

Naaaah, I think she's more like Nixon in style.......
the Settlements in Occupied Palestine, filled with Jewish Religious extremists, taught "kill them first, says the Torah." What a testimony for Judaism these girls are?

"Tapuach, red poppies in bloom, a sharp wind. The settlement sits atop a hillside above Highway 60 on the West Bank. Established by Kahanists and Yemenites, Tapuach is now home to an assortment of new Israelis—Kazakhs, Russians, Peruvians. It was the Friday before Purim and Moriya was sitting on a blue couch in the front yard of her family’s ranch house across from the town playground, painting her fingernails purple. A few years ago, Gillian had met Moriya, who of course knew of Ma’ale Levona. Her younger sister Roni was a student there. Moriya had been too homesick to stick it out—Ma’ale Levona is a boarding school—but she considers herself almost an honorary graduate. Her Facebook friends are nearly all Ma’ale Levona girls.

Moriya, who is 19, was wearing blue balloon pants, a turquoise-and-silver nose ring, and a silver Star of David around her neck emblazoned with Meir Kahane’s famous emblem—a thumb rising out of a tight fist. Roni is 14. Her nail polish was blue, and she was wearing a Snoopy T-shirt and a wooden pendant etched with the Hebrew words: “Kahane was right.” They’re fighters, these girls, each in their different way. “We called him after Benjamin Zeev Chai,” said Moriya of her 6-year-old brother. Benjamin Kahane, the son of Meir Kahane who was killed, was her father’s best friend, she said. A lot of her father’s friends were killed, she said, as she handed Benjy a candy. One of them is still in prison for killing a Palestinian.

“I was depressed all this week. I can’t smile,” she said. It had been only seven days since the murder of the Fogel family, who lived down the road. The mother, Ruthi, was Roni’s teacher. As Tamar, the Fogels’ 12-year-old daughter, told reporters, around midnight she came home from a Bnei Akiva youth meeting to find her mother Ruthi lying in a pool of blood and her home the site of a massacre—her mother, father, two younger brothers, and 3-month-old sister all slaughtered with knives. Two of her younger brothers survived.

“This week was crazy,” Moriya told me taking me inside to the living room to see her Facebook page on the family computer. “Look my friend writes: ‘Don’t be sad. Don’t give the thugs what they want.’ ”

Then Roni said that the day after the murder, everyone in Tapuach went down to the junction and threw rocks at Arabs. “We all wanted revenge. We just won’t cry and feel sorry for ourselves. We will do something about it. You know? If someone comes to kill you, then you kill them first, says the Torah.” Tapuach was notorious for “price tag” vengeance—which is nothing new in outlying settlements where Jewish vigilantes have been known to take the law into their hands. What was new to me was the vigorous and organized participation of adolescent girls."

Teenage Settlers Reshape the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict – Tablet Magazine

Notice that the racist and mendacious sherri lied in a gross and depraved manner typical of the scum of her ilk. The most GROSS OF SCUM ----so eagerly grope in the dung of their "creed" that they blatantly misquote the words of the victims of their endless hatred. The depraved hater Sherri CLAIMS that the Torah ( a word holy to the jesus she claims as her model) instructs "KILL THEM FIRST" when in fact it instructs-----"if you know that your enemy is planning to kill you and yours----rise up and make a plan to kill them before they attack" The concept is simple -----people not only have a right to defend themselves----but an OBLIGATION Sherri distorts as do all those of her disgusting ilk-----even the words that Jesus read publically in the synagogues of Israel 2000 years ago and which his own chosen style of judaism -----PHARASAICAL ----advocated Interestingly enough-----that style is the basis of his entrance into the Temple Court yard to oppose the "money changers" so to get rid of THE FOREIGN BUSINESS INTERESTS IN THE TEMPLE COURT YARD-------ie ---trash like sherri. The fight with the money changers is one of the most frequnetly cited distortions invented by the murderers of the first, second and third Reichs
"It is as certain that settlers and their children attack Palestinians, as the sun rising each day is, to those with eyes that see, that is."

Ah yes, "the humble humanitarian pacifist who judges no one" asserts yet again that only she and her very own ilk can see things clearly....... That's not a statement of her perceived superiority of everyone else, now is it?
Again - pretending as Sherri does that every last settler is a fanatic eager to shed Arab blood is NOT making any contribution to improving the situation for anyone.

But then I don't suppose Sherri really cares about anything beyond demonizing Jews.
Again - pretending as Sherri does that every last settler is a fanatic eager to shed Arab blood is NOT making any contribution to improving the situation for anyone.

But then I don't suppose Sherri really cares about anything beyond demonizing Jews.

She does it to please her "god" who she mendaciously compares to the famous Pharisee jews of 2000 years ago it is sickening
I'm an army brat.
Sue me.

Brat and pussy :D:lol:, haha remember when you told me how scared you were in the gaza war?

In how many wars did you participate?

And of course I was afraid, it was war. Only fools and liars are not afraid in times of war.

You weren't in any war quit acting like you had an airforce bombing you....or you went into combat.....haha if you think that's war...then wow....it was just an Israeli 22day shelling of gaza...I've been in war but never participated I'm only 3 years old still:lol:
Again - pretending as Sherri does that every last settler is a fanatic eager to shed Arab blood is NOT making any contribution to improving the situation for anyone.

But then I don't suppose Sherri really cares about anything beyond demonizing Jews.

All 600,000+ illegal settlers in the OPT, that includes East Jerusalem, live every single day of their lives on lands unlawfully, in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention. I think embracing such a life of Criminality, being a war criminal like that, day in and day out, does something to one's mind. and raising yolur children to live a life of crime like that, it has its effects. And so that is what is produced, we see the children produced by these illegal settlers in Girls at War, Jewish illegal settler childen who follow terrorists like Kahane.
Poor Sherri! She has some delusion about having some moral authority........ she doesn't even know that the GC doesn't apply here.
Poor Sherri! She has some delusion about having some moral authority........ she doesn't even know that the GC doesn't apply here.

Leah is so stupid, she does not even know Israel is a Signatory to the Fourth Geneva Convention.
you do not "think" sherri you spit islamo nazi propagaganda I was never a fan of Kahane----even when he was agitating a bit way back in the 1960s in New York City-------but since that time I have encountered people who knew him from childhood The bottom line is that he was a FAR FAR better person than are you. Your mentioning his name is actually nauseating------as is your mentioning the name of the Pharisee rabbi Jesus of Nazareth. An interesting reality is that the two ----were, in many ways, SIMILAR IN VIEW POINT AND PERSONALITY-----very similar.
Jesus was a criminal from the view point of the ROMANS AND THE SADDUCEES and lived a criminal life according to their definitions of crime. His agitating actions ----were motivated by that which motivated KAHANE
Sherri, that's not an 'article' - it's an entry in a blog. No more 'authoritative' or 'reliable' than any post by a poster on a chat board.

Are you so stupid you don't know the difference? Or so single-minded in your drive to demonize Israelis that you simply do not care?

Answer: all of the above.


The OP is an eyewitness writing what was personally observed by this individual in a settler attack on Palestinians. There is no better evidence of what happened at any given time or place then a person observing it, reporting on the incident.

The second link I referenced, the settler attacks were documented by human rights groups and the link to their website is provided in the article.

Palestinian Center for Human Rights


And you know this person, and know he is telling the truth? Ok...........didn't think so.
The most inaccurate accounts of any event are those of a player in a conflict -----regarding the ENEMY----and even more inaccurate are the NGO "human rights" career propagandaists. I wonder how sherri did on the standard SAT exams ---especially on the test of VOCABULARLY-----she should review the words "dispassionate" "disinterested" "objective" etc etc for the record sherri NGO's and Participants in a conflict are NONE OF THE ABOVE especially in a time frame close to the event
Let me put it simple for you Sherri. During the 6 day war in 1967, Israel captured the West Bank. Remember, this was a war of self defense. The Palestinians were also part of that war, attacking and killing Jews. Once Israel was done kicking Arab butt, the attacking countries REFUSED to surrender, so OF COURSE Israel kept the West Bank !! This is how war works.

To the victor goes the spoils
Poor Sherri! She has some delusion about having some moral authority........ she doesn't even know that the GC doesn't apply here.
Marg is so stupid, she does not even know Israel is a Signatory to the Fourth Geneva Convention.

And Sherri is still unable to realize that Israel's being a signatory to the GC or not is irrelevant when the GC is irrelevant - poor thing, she hasn't addressed the point at all!

A few pictures don't mean anything....these are all kids of literal militants as well.....I never use pictures to claim something is true its stupid

I will never forget an incident in 2006, it was right when or shortly after that 34 day war between Israel and the civilians of Lebanon was taking place, that killed 400 OR MORE children, many killed in their own homes or trying to flee the IDF.

You consider those deaths to be fodder for your propaganda mill and as tragic as those deaths were, the war was a direct response to a Hezbollah attack on Israel.
The good news is that since the war ended the border has been so quiet you can hear a pin drop. In that regard the war may actually be saving lives today.
I'm sure that news just ruined your day.
Sherri uses Sheherazade style creative writing in her silly attempt to PROVE----the libelous line of propaganda crap that heads this depraved thread.----not a scintilla of actual evidence


Have you ever watched a trial?
Have you ever participated in a trial?
The best evidence to prove something did happen or did not happen is a witness testifying as to what they observed.

Yeah, and everybody knows that just like the Internet, people only testify to the truth, right?
Sherri uses Sheherazade style creative writing in her silly attempt to PROVE----the libelous line of propaganda crap that heads this depraved thread.----not a scintilla of actual evidence


Have you ever watched a trial?
Have you ever participated in a trial?
The best evidence to prove something did happen or did not happen is a witness testifying as to what they observed.

Yeah, and everybody knows that just like the Internet, people only testify to the truth, right?

I have witnessed trials----I have served as an expert witness in many----not very important trials Someone once said "you are born alone, you die alone and you TESTIFY alone" I have testified. One takes an oath "TO TELL THE TRUTH" and then is seated ALONE knowing that telling a LIE is a FELONY----One testfies and then one testimony is tested under CROSS EXAMINATION ------remember a "LIE" is a felony Anyone can say anything to a news reporter or as an NGO worker. Sherri expresses herself as though her only real experience in life has been watching cartoons and reading fairly tales
Poor Sherri! She has some delusion about having some moral authority........ she doesn't even know that the GC doesn't apply here.
Marg is so stupid, she does not even know Israel is a Signatory to the Fourth Geneva Convention.

And Sherri is still unable to realize that Israel's being a signatory to the GC or not is irrelevant when the GC is irrelevant - poor thing, she hasn't addressed the point at all!

when the GC is irrelevant

Cool, then any Palestinian attacks against Israelis is not illegal.

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