Israeli soldiers and rabbis tell supporters to kill Palestinian children

And I would add to your points that some of the American pro Israel people are evil. They have been provided the evidence of Jewish soldiers and religious leaders, saying “it’s fine to kill Palestinian children” . They never talk about it. They keep on rambling on with pro Israel talking points, accusing anybody who disagrees with them as being anti-Semitic(including Jews in Israel who criticize their government) And they are a disgrace to the American founding fathers, to the ideals of free speech and civility in conversation. And they have lost all credibility in this topic

Some of the pro Israel people actually support the guy above. Either that or they ignore his existence.

Good morning and thanks for your observations,

I, too, have found many apologists for Israel's atrocities, war crimes and occupation to shallow, hate filled and snarky.

Those are generally the same characteristics exhibited by anyone attempting to defend the indefensible. When their scripted talking points are debunked, they resort to hate filled insults and off topic slurs.

When discussing Israel - Palestine, I try to remain objective and look at the conflict from the perspective of an Israeli Jews but in spite of the good work of "Breaking the Silence", "Jewish Voice for Peace", B'tselem etc, the Netanyahu regime is still a criminal, brutal and internationally condemned occupier for which there is no legitimate defense.

Maybe it's because of my age but I'm still fascinated at our ability to communicate with someone thousands of miles away in a matter of seconds. Writing here is supposed to be an enjoyable and informative exercise of our endangered First Amendment rights.

I say "endangered First Amendment right" because America's gaggle of disloyal "Israel Firsters" and members of the Holocaust Industry are pressuring politicians to enact ethnically selective "Hate Speech" and "Holocaust denial laws" like those in other former democracies.

In other words, they want an America where it is fine to slander Muslims, Whites, Blacks, Germans or openly discuss tragedies like Holodomor etc but it is illegal to criticize Israel, the Jews or openly discuss the Holocaust.

I have spent plenty of time in totalitarian, third world countries and remember the warnings of one elderly woman in particular.
She said: "You Americans don't value your many freedoms and will lose them one day."
That was many decades ago but it is incumbent upon all Americans to make sure that her predictions don't come true.

Good morning and thanks for your observations,

I, too, have found many apologists for Israel's atrocities, war crimes and occupation to shallow, hate filled and snarky.

Those are generally the same characteristics exhibited by anyone attempting to defend the indefensible. When their scripted talking points are debunked, they resort to hate filled insults and off topic slurs.

When discussing Israel - Palestine, I try to remain objective and look at the conflict from the perspective of an Israeli Jews but in spite of the good work of "Breaking the Silence", "Jewish Voice for Peace", B'tselem etc, the Netanyahu regime is still a criminal, brutal and internationally condemned occupier for which there is no legitimate defense.

Maybe it's because of my age but I'm still fascinated at our ability to communicate with someone thousands of miles away in a matter of seconds. Writing here is supposed to be an enjoyable and informative exercise of our endangered First Amendment rights.

I say "endangered First Amendment right" because America's gaggle of disloyal "Israel Firsters" and members of the Holocaust Industry are pressuring politicians to enact ethnically selective "Hate Speech" and "Holocaust denial laws" like those in other former democracies.

In other words, they want an America where it is fine to slander Muslims, Whites, Blacks, Germans or openly discuss tragedies like Holodomor etc but it is illegal to criticize Israel, the Jews or openly discuss the Holocaust.

I have spent plenty of time in totalitarian, third world countries and remember the warnings of one elderly woman in particular.
She said: "You Americans don't value your many freedoms and will lose them one day."
That was many decades ago but it is incumbent upon all Americans to make sure that her predictions don't come true.

The Jews do not have to be perfect

And they arent

But the source of the violence is muslim jihad

That brings out the worst in everyone
The Jews do not have to be perfect

And they arent

But the source of the violence is muslim jihad
Have heard of that .
But apparently it is not as virulent as American Man's Jihad as especially practised by the Americam Terrorists with their Never Ending Wars Philosophy .
They have nearly 200 military missions dedicated to removing peaceful fighters for freedom and independence .
Absolutely shocking .Culturally a very backward tribe .
Good morning and thanks for your observations,

I, too, have found many apologists for Israel's atrocities, war crimes and occupation to shallow, hate filled and snarky.

Those are generally the same characteristics exhibited by anyone attempting to defend the indefensible. When their scripted talking points are debunked, they resort to hate filled insults and off topic slurs.

When discussing Israel - Palestine, I try to remain objective and look at the conflict from the perspective of an Israeli Jews but in spite of the good work of "Breaking the Silence", "Jewish Voice for Peace", B'tselem etc, the Netanyahu regime is still a criminal, brutal and internationally condemned occupier for which there is no legitimate defense.

Maybe it's because of my age but I'm still fascinated at our ability to communicate with someone thousands of miles away in a matter of seconds. Writing here is supposed to be an enjoyable and informative exercise of our endangered First Amendment rights.

I say "endangered First Amendment right" because America's gaggle of disloyal "Israel Firsters" and members of the Holocaust Industry are pressuring politicians to enact ethnically selective "Hate Speech" and "Holocaust denial laws" like those in other former democracies.

In other words, they want an America where it is fine to slander Muslims, Whites, Blacks, Germans or openly discuss tragedies like Holodomor etc but it is illegal to criticize Israel, the Jews or openly discuss the Holocaust.

I have spent plenty of time in totalitarian, third world countries and remember the warnings of one elderly woman in particular.
She said: "You Americans don't value your many freedoms and will lose them one day."
That was many decades ago but it is incumbent upon all Americans to make sure that her predictions don't come true.

These are good points. It is imperative, that freedom of speech must prevail very much. Ironically, I see some of the support of Israel have turned into far left Fanatics . I’ve seeing them complain about criticism toward Israel. Some of them apparently want to shut down the free speech of people who criticize Israel.

Regardless, of where one stands on Israel, there is literally no way they can be defeated byHamas… it’s real has a top 20 military and the strength also all of Hezbollah is overrated and they’re not even involved in the fight… plus Israel is already Ally to Egypt in Jordan, and a growing number of countries in the region.

At this point in 2023, the United States should no longer be sending money to Israel. We have way too many problems here in America.


This can be addressed of your points as well.

During World War II, the United States worked with the Russians, the English, and the Chinese, to make the world a better place. The vision of the greatest generation of Americans was one of glory and standing up for what was right. And we will get back to that vision because back in those days we had a great economy, and now today many Americans are struggling to buy food , pay rent and put gas in the car.
Have heard of that .
But apparently it is not as virulent as American Man's Jihad as especially practised by the Americam Terrorists with their Never Ending Wars Philosophy .
They have nearly 200 military missions dedicated to removing peaceful fighters for freedom and independence .
Absolutely shocking .Culturally a very backward tribe .
Its no use for you to try and change the subject

Hamas attacked Israel and murdered 1400 defenseless civilians

Thats what triggered the current violence

All the billions of dollars spent on that act of jihad could have been used to peacefully advance the condition of arab civilians in Gaza

This can be addressed of your points as well.

During World War II, the United States worked with the Russians, the English, and the Chinese, to make the world a better place. The vision of the greatest generation of Americans was one of glory and standing up for what was right. And we will get back to that vision because back in those days we had a great economy, and now today many Americans are struggling to buy food , pay rent and put gas in the car.
Excellent . Re-education camps for Americans .

I am a perfect person for the job and will be happy to beat the old message into them literally .
Just hope that Nazi blood now coursing through so many younger American's veins can be replaced by good wholesome American Old Quality Blue Blood ++

But do you think your fat slob like youngsters with their poor education can change?
Imagine for a moment, that evil Israeli soldier, chasing down women and children in Palestine. And the Palestinian men don’t have the guns to defend themselves with. That’s not right that’s not right at all. And so American policy should keep this in mind. may our Lord bring together the peaceful, loving people of Israel and Palestine against the bad people on both sides
... by supplying them all with guns. :auiqs.jpg:

There’s nothing fake about the original post. Either you watched the video or you did not or you watch the video and you don’t believe the Jewish soldier in Rabbi in front of your very eyes saying it is permissible to kill Palestinian children(they have the same ideology as Hamas). I mean I am astonished, but maybe I shouldn’t be at what these pro Israel people have been saying to threads like this.

It’s a joke it’s a disgrace. So much double speak in hypocrisy from pro Israel Americans that don’t represent the will of the majority of the American people.

Imagine the most annoying, lazy Americans, who waive the pro Israel flag. And then they’re shown the substantial proof that there are Jews in Israel, who have the same ideologies as Hamas and they say “no no that’s fake. We must stand by Israel, you’re an atisemite” …..

My message to pro Israel fanatics is take a step back and support America. How about the children every day in this country who are assaulted or die because of a gangland shoot out. Come on now.

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