Israeli Torture And Rape

She based that off numbers that were several times what the HAMAS terrorists claim.

And that’s why Israel was concerned about a bias from the UN.
Yet you believe Hamas. How convenient, yet you hate them.

You’re very confused. PYSCHO!
Do you realize how ridiculous this sounds?

There might be 50, 000 dead in the future! No, maybe 186,000 dead! No wait, it's 355,000 dead according to my crystal ball. But MY crystal ball says it will be 20% of the population?! No, wait, predictions by an "expert" (cough) say that nearly the entire population of Gaza will be exterminated at some time in the future.

and then the "expert" (cough) claims that she doesn't know how the world could possibly allow Israel to exterminate an entire peoples in her imagination. Like, how does that even work?

Oh, wait. I'm sensing a new legal term: "imaginary extermination". ICJ opinion 2025, "This does not fit the legal definition of a genocide, but given that it is an "imaginary extermination", we find Israel to be in contravention of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide". Because, well, it could happen. Maybe. Depending on 382 different unpredictable factors. But still.

This, btw, is a blood libel. In the sense that it assigns evil acts of killing that have not taken place.
Justifying and supporting genocide because it’s not that bad, is the act of a psychopath.

Have you done any research into the destruction of Gaza?
How long will that take, at fewer than 4000 a month?
The Lancet medical journal recently published an estimate of deaths in Gaza from several respected scientists, who outline their process of estimation (comparison with similar conflicts) and final numbers. They estimate that about 186,000 total deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza, which is roughly 7.9% of its population, by mid-June 2024. This high number is despite various ceasefire agreements over the past six months. If deaths continue at this rate – about 23,000 a month – there would be an additional 149,500 deaths by the end of the year, some six and half months from the initial mid-June estimate. Using the method, the total deaths since the conflict began would be estimated at about 335,500 in total.

….but there are still lots of Palestinians alive, so it’s okay…think dumb MFers on this board.
Yet you believe Hamas. How convenient, yet you hate them.

You’re very confused. PYSCHO!
No I don’t believe Hamas. Not sure how you could manage to arrive at that conclusion…..

Just because I don’t trust the terrorists HAMAS to give accurate numbers, doesn’t mean I think they are giving low estimates. Why would they even do that? Make it make sense.
Justifying and supporting genocide because it’s not that bad, is the act of a psychopath.

Have you done any research into the destruction of Gaza?
Accusing Israel of “genocide” is a modern blood libel - and is essentially accusing Israel of acting like Germany. Clearly antisemitic.

No I don’t believe Hamas. Not sure how you could manage to arrive at that conclusion…..

Just because I don’t trust the terrorists HAMAS to give accurate numbers, doesn’t mean I think they are giving low estimates. Why would they even do that? Make it make sense.
The posters spewing antisemitic venom put Israel on the same moral level as Islamic terrorists. Naturally, they would believe HAMAS.
Accusing Israel of “genocide” is a modern blood libel - and is essentially accusing Israel of acting like Germany. Clearly antisemitic.

Yes Israel is acting exactly like Nazi Germany. The thing you oppose you’ve become. As a fanatic Zionist, you aren’t any different than a fanatical Nazi.

Be honest for once, how many Palestinians can your country murder before you oppose it? I suspect if your country of Israel murders all the Palestinians, you’d still support it unconditionally.
No I don’t believe Hamas. Not sure how you could manage to arrive at that conclusion…..

Just because I don’t trust the terrorists HAMAS to give accurate numbers, doesn’t mean I think they are giving low estimates. Why would they even do that? Make it make sense.
Many have suggested Hamas is low balling the death toll, because they don’t want to lose support. It’s only hard for fanatical Zionists (aka Nazis) like you to understand. No doubt you’ve never heard this, because you get all your information from Zionist sources.
Many have suggested Hamas is low balling the death toll, because they don’t want to lose support. It’s only hard for fanatical Zionists (aka Nazis) like you to understand. No doubt you’ve never heard this, because you get all your information from Zionist sources.
I said to make it make sense.

So now after you post a headline claiming Israel is on track to exterminate the entire population, you accuse me of getting my information from “Zionist sources” because I don’t believe HAMAS is downplaying Palestinian casualties. Huh?

So is the headline you posted “Zionist propaganda” then?

Make it make sense.
I said to make it make sense.

So now after you post a headline claiming Israel is on track to exterminate the entire population, you accuse me of getting my information from “Zionist sources” because I don’t believe HAMAS is downplaying Palestinian casualties. Huh?

So is the headline you posted “Zionist propaganda” then?

Make it make sense.
Claiming Israel is on track to exterminate the entire population, when only 0.5% have been killed, and at least half that Islamic terrorist cockroaches, is the genocide lie. It’s blood libel, accusing Israel of doing what the Nazis did to the Jews, and is BLATANTLY ANTISEMITIC.

The anti-semitic contingent here is trying to push through as much blood libel against the Jewish state as possible, with some anti-Israel liberals rushing to say it’s all just criticism of Israeli policy, when in fact the comments meet the definition of antisemitism.

Sad how liberals will jump down someone’s throat and scream “raaaaacist” if they object to deciding whether to hire someone based primarily on skin color, but then insist the most disgusting personal attacks about “Zionists” are merely criticism of Israel.

I for one am fighting to stop the spread of antisemitism via the anti-Israel propaganda being advanced by foreign actors.
Claiming Israel is on track to exterminate the entire population, when only 0.5% have been killed, and at least half that Islamic terrorist cockroaches, is the genocide lie. It’s blood libel, accusing Israel of doing what the Nazis did to the Jews, and is BLATANTLY ANTISEMITIC.

The anti-semitic contingent here is trying to push through as much blood libel against the Jewish state as possible, with some anti-Israel liberals rushing to say it’s all just criticism of Israeli policy, when in fact the comments meet the definition of antisemitism.

Sad how liberals will jump down someone’s throat and scream “raaaaacist” if they object to deciding whether to hire someone based primarily on skin color, but then insist the most disgusting personal attacks about “Zionists” are merely criticism of Israel.

I for one am fighting to stop the spread of antisemitism via the anti-Israel propaganda being advanced by foreign actors.
And, as if HAMAS is downplaying civilian casualties. Like the terrorists who hide behind civilians are worried about losing support if Israel kills to many civilians (?). All these terrorist-lovers here support them specifically because it’s a “genocide” and the “dead babies”.

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