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Israel's Apartheid Laws

It would seem you clearly don't know what apartheid means.

Apartheid means racial discrimination based in official policy.
The laws you have mentioned have nothing to do with race.
Race never mentioned in them and is not a factor.
Thus those lows has nothing to do with an apartheid regime.
Playing semantics doesn't change the fact that these laws descriminate against Palestinian's and make them second class citizens. In an actual democracy, the laws are applied to everyone equally. In this country, if Congress try's to make a law against a specific entity (like the republican's wanted to do with ACORN a few years ago), SCOTUS would rule it un-Constitutional, because it doesn't apply to everyone.

What they're doing in Israel right now, is the jewish version of the Final Solution.
Arab-American Dr. Wafa Sultan, Human Rights Activist, Among "Time Magazine's 100 Heroes and Pioneers Whose Power, Talent Or Moral Example Is Transforming Our World"

Wafa Sultan - The 2006 TIME 100 - TIME.

Israel - The One And The Only Free Democratic Country In The Entire Middle East.
I believe that any nation that grants equal opportunity to every citizen, regardless of race, religion, political affiliation, or gender, thereby, establishes its moral legitimacy. According to this principle, Israel stands alone in the Middle East region, as a nation with moral legitimacy: it grants all citizens equal rights for men and women alike, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech and of the press. Not a single Arab or Muslim country in the surrounding region does the same. Nor do any of those Arab and Muslim nations allow their citizens personal freedom, or the right to maintain and express opposing points of view.

These essential qualities of life provide oxygen for the human soul; they are the kind of basic nourishment that is desperately missing in all of Israel's Muslim neighbors. Yet, the so-called humanitarian aid organizations at the United Nations direct all their energy to act against anything and everything Israel does. Let me ask: as every human being deserves to live in dignity, why has an enormous unbalanced portion of global aid gone mostly to Palestinians, while millions of underprivileged people all over the world suffer genuine, life-threatening deprivation? Here is why: The United Nations time and again focuses its power on the perpetual manufacturing of false anti-Israel accusations. Painting Palestinians as perennial underdogs provides the perfect cover for their subversive effort. Without doubt, this trend encourages hatred and violence against the Jewish people in Israel and everywhere else. And that is exactly its point.

A Palestinian women's organization reported that Muslim men perpetrate some 40 honor killings annually in the West Bank alone, not including the vast majority of honor killing and abuse of women that go unreported -- as Islamic society maintains secrecy in upholding the popular belief that those "cursed with a sin, [should] hide it."

According to recent face-to-face surveys by prominent international pollsters, more Palestinians in East Jerusalem would prefer to be citizens of Israel than citizens of a new Palestinian state -- and 40% would probably or definitely move to avoid Palestinian rule.

Those who love liberty and life will strengthen their ties and warm relations with Israel, and stand with her. Israel will continue to shine its light among all nations.

The United Nations and Human Rights Abuse | EuropeNews
Global Research site! LOL, why not just quote electric intifada!!! First, this same site quotes as FACT 9/11 was caused by the Jews and that the Holocaust didn't happen! Second, they are notorious for making up "facts," not quoting sources (as they did in you hack piece) and outright lie.

The biggest lie is at the bottom. It says Arabs don't have rights! What a crock of shit! Arabs have all the rights Jews have!

Neg (one of the many to come)

Israel is not a democracy. The following laws the Knesset has created show modern day Israel is as fascist as nazi Germany.

Recently passed laws...

(1) the Law to Prevent Infiltration permits imprisoning refugees and asylum seekers. It deters entering Israel to keep it ethnically/religiously pure.

(2) the Preventing Harm to the State of Israel by Means of Boycott allows civil suits against anyone advocating boycotts of settlement products. It sanctions participating NGOs. It strips their tax exempt status.

(3) The Entry into Israel Law limits work permits given migrant workers residing in Israel. It binds them to one employer. Calling the practice illegal, Israel's High Court equated it to modern-day slavery.

(4) The Revoking Citizenship for Persons Convicted of Terrorism and Espionage lets courts strip it for persons convicted without evidence. Denying it eliminates other basic rights.

(5) the Nakba Law lets the Finance Minister reduce or prohibit funding any institution under the following conditions:

refusal to support Israel as a Jewish state;

racist, violent or terrorist incitement;

support for any nation, group or entity Israel calls an enemy or terrorist organization;

mourning Israel's Independence Day; and/or

committing vandalism or physical desecration dishonoring Israel's flag or symbols.

In other words, mourning Palestine's worst ever catastrophe's illegal.​

(6) The Acceptance to Communities Law lets villages and communities deny individuals admittance for "fail(ing) to meet the fundamental views of the community," its social fabric, and other characteristics. In other words, for not being Jewish.

(7) the Funding from Foreign State Entities law requires foreign state NGO supporters submit quarterly financial reports. At issue is delegitimizing and curtailing legitimate activities, not legislating transparency. Human rights and other civil groups are targeted for supporting rights Israel opposes.

(8) The Extending Arrest of Persons Suspected of Security Offenses permits arresting suspects in security related cases for longer periods without judicial oversight. Extending arrests without their presence is also authorized.

(9) the Pardoning Protesters of Gaza Disengagement distinguishes between political and ideological activists. Instead of general principles, the political agenda of Israel's elected majority's promoted.

(10) the Abu Basma Bill on Regional Council Elections lets the Interior Minister postpone democratic regional council elections indefinitely.

In January, Israel's High Court rejected a challenge to Israel'sIsrael's Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law.

It denies citizenship rights to Palestinians with Israeli spouses. Enacted in 2003 as temporary legislation, it was extended twice after its initial expiration date.

The law lets the interior minister grant citizenship only if affected Palestinians identify strongly and cooperate with Israel. They must also contribute to national security. As a result, few qualify.

In addition, potential eligibility's limited to Palestinian husbands 36 or older and Palestinian wives at least 26.

A Qara village attorney called the decision a "declaration of war on Israeli Arabs." A mixed couple said the decision "will lead to the expulsion of thousands of families from the country."

Proposed bills include:

prohibiting the word Nazi and Third Reich symbols;

authorizing libel without proof of damages;

restricting support from foreign state entities;

depriving human rights NGOs getting foreign state funding of their tax exempt status and taxes them at a punitively high rate;

permitting libel suits and criminal prosecutions of anyone slandering Israel and/or its official bodies;

extending preferential civil service treatment for persons with military service;

requiring foreigners seeking Israeli citizenship pledge allegiance to the State of Israel as a Jewish, democratic, Zionist state and serve a term of military or national service;

imprisoning persons publishing a call that denies the existence of Israel as a Jewish, democratic state;

establishing a tribunal for non-Jewish foreigners seeking legal status in Israel;

prohibiting organizations deemed harmful to Israel from operating;

requiring anyone receiving an ID card, passport, driver's license, or other official document declare loyalty to Israel as a Jewish, democratic state;

declaring Israel "the national home of the Jewish people," no longer permitting Arabic as an official language;

prohibiting entry into Israel of anyone involved in boycotts, suing the government or military, or denying the holocaust; and

requiring civil servants and council members swear loyalty to Israel as a Jewish, democratic state, among other proposed measures​
We've come full circle. Israeli's treat arabs like the nazis treated the jews. Arabs in Israel are treated as second class citizens. Just like nazi Germany in the 30's, the Israeli's are practicing their own version of "ethnic cleansing". We need to go no further than this message board to see Israel's counterpart to Josef Goebbles, in the posts of JStone.

With people like this and laws like that, Israel doesn't deserve a country. People this fucked should be in jail, not running governments or treated as though their somehow special to planet earth. They're as special to humanity as Charles Manson was to Sharon Tate.
Yes Jstone, apparently we have a poster who calls himself "Sunni Man" who knows squat about his own religion or what life is like in Muslim countries.
Global Research site! LOL, why not just quote electric intifada!!! First, this same site quotes as FACT 9/11 was caused by the Jews and that the Holocaust didn't happen! Second, they are notorious for making up "facts," not quoting sources (as they did in you hack piece) and outright lie.

The biggest lie is at the bottom. It says Arabs don't have rights! What a crock of shit! Arabs have all the rights Jews have!

Does electronic intifada do electronic suicide bombings? Because, if so, I won't post wearing my nice clothes :badgrin:
Global Research site! LOL, why not just quote electric intifada!!! First, this same site quotes as FACT 9/11 was caused by the Jews and that the Holocaust didn't happen! Second, they are notorious for making up "facts," not quoting sources (as they did in you hack piece) and outright lie.

The biggest lie is at the bottom. It says Arabs don't have rights! What a crock of shit! Arabs have all the rights Jews have!

Neg (one of the many to come)
Didn't mommy ever tell you, ad hominem's are not valid rebuttal's?

And making claims without any corroborating evidence just shows your objection is frivolous and would be thrown out in a court of law.
Barack Obama...
The bond between the United States and Israel is unbreakable. It encompasses our national security interests, our strategic interests, but most importantly, the bond of two democracies who share a common set of values."
Remarks by President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu

United States Senator Daniel Inouye, President Pro Tempore of the US Senate, Awarded Medal of Honor, Purple Heart, Distinguished Service Cross, Bronze Star...
If one looks at most of this world, especially the Middle East, one country stands out as a foundation of stability and as a pillar of democracy. And at a time like this, when you have revolution in Yemen, Bahrain, Syria, Egypt, Tunisia and Jordan, thank God we have Israel.
Top senator: An attack on Israel is an a... JPost - International

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton...
On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, I am delighted to send best wishes to the people of Israel on your 63rd National Day this May 10 – a young nation, but a rich history that holds deep meaning for so many. Your achievements are a testament to your hardworking citizens, innovative economy, and commitment to democratic institutions. Israel has been a beacon of hope and freedom for so many around the world.

Sixty-three years ago the United States was the first country to recognize Israel's independence, and that spirit of kinship continues to guide us today. Our two countries are united by a deep, unshakable friendship and bond. We are bound together by our shared values and history pursuing freedom, equality and democracy. And this relationship is deepening every day. Whether it’s our security partnerships or the expanding economic and trade collaborations – our work together is securing a brighter future for all our people.

As you celebrate your independence, the Middle East is experiencing rapid change. This is a moment of uncertainty, but also of opportunity. The security of Israel is - and will remain - a cornerstone of U.S. foreign policy, and we will continue to strive for a comprehensive peace between Israel and all of its neighbors.
Israel's National Day
It would seem you clearly don't know what apartheid means.

Apartheid means racial discrimination based in official policy.
The laws you have mentioned have nothing to do with race.
Race never mentioned in them and is not a factor.
Thus those lows has nothing to do with an apartheid regime.
Playing semantics doesn't change the fact that these laws descriminate against Palestinian's and make them second class citizens. In an actual democracy, the laws are applied to everyone equally. In this country, if Congress try's to make a law against a specific entity (like the republican's wanted to do with ACORN a few years ago), SCOTUS would rule it un-Constitutional, because it doesn't apply to everyone.

What they're doing in Israel right now, is the jewish version of the Final Solution.

that's exactly what I said. In Israel the law applies to everyone equally.
The distinction is between citizen and non citizen, like any other country.it has nothing to do with Palestinians on non-Palestinians.

The Palestinians you talk about whom are being "discriminated against", are not Israeli citizens, thus they don't enjoy the same rights as Israeli citizens.

In the USA do citizens and noncitizens have the same rights?Clearly not.
So does it make the USA and apartheid state? Of course not.

Palestinians who are Israeli citizens, enjoyed the same exact rights as Jewish Israeli citizens.

Israeli law does not differentiate between racial or social groups, or any other groups for that matter as long as they are citizens of the state.
Not even a single law you have posted, can dispute that fact.
Tashbih Sayyed, Muslim Pakistani Scholar, Journalist, Author and Former Editor in Chief of Our Times, Pakistan Today, and The Muslim World Today Muslim World Today: Front Page 1222005

A Muslim In A Jewish Land

I tried very hard to find any Muslim state that has true democracy and where religious minorities are accorded equal democratic rights, but failed. The map of the Muslim world is too crowded with kings, despots, dictators, sham democrats and theocratic autocrats and the persecution of minorities is an essential part of Islamist social behavior.

Here, protected by Israel's democratic principles, the Muslim Arab citizens of Israel are afforded all the rights and privileges of Israeli citizenship. When the first elections to the Knesset were held in February 1949, Israeli Arabs were given the right to vote and to be elected along with Israeli Jews. Today, Israel's Arab citizens are accorded full civil and political rights entitled to complete participation in Israeli society. They are active in Israeli social, political and civic life and enjoy representation in Israel's Parliament, Foreign Service and judicial system.

Large Arab residences, wide spread construction activity and big cars underlined the prosperity and affluence of Palestinians living under the Star of David. The big houses owned by Arab Israelis and the amount of construction that was going on in the Arab towns exposed the falsity of propaganda that Israel discriminates against Israeli Arabs from buying lands. The Arab Waqf owns land that is for the express use and benefit of Muslim Arabs. Government land can be leased by anyone, regardless of race, religion or sex. All Arab citizens of Israel are eligible to lease government land.

On my way from the city of David to the Royal Prima hotel in Jerusalem, I asked my Palestinian taxi driver how he feels about moving to the territories under Palestinian Authority. He said that he could never think of living outside Israel. His answer blasted the myth spread by anti-Semites that Israel's Arab citizens are not happy there. Another Israeli Arab informed me that Arabs in Israel have equal voting rights. In fact, Israel is one of the few countries in the Middle East where Arab women can vote. In contrast to the non-Israeli Arab world, Arab women in Israel enjoy the same status as men. Muslim women have the right to vote and to be elected to public office. Muslim women, in fact are more liberated in Israel than in any Muslim country. Israeli law prohibits polygamy, child marriage, and the barbarity of female sexual mutilation. Moreover, I found out that there are no incidences of honor killings in Israel. The status of Muslim women in Israel is far above that of any country in the region. Israeli health standards are by far the highest in the Middle East and Israeli health institutions are freely open to all Arabs, on the same basis as they are to Jews.

Israel's Arabic press is the most vibrant and independent of any country in the region. There are more than 20 Arabic periodicals. Today, there are hundreds of Arab schools. Israeli universities are renowned centers of learning in the history and literature of the Arab Middle East.
Aware of the constraints that a non-Wahhabi is faced with while performing religious rituals in Saudi Arabia, Kiran (my wife) could not hide her surprise at the freedoms and ease with which peoples of all religions and faiths were carrying out their religious obligations at the Church of the holy Sepulcher, Garden Tomb, Sea of Galilee, newly discovered Western Wall Tunnels, Western Wall, tomb of King David and all the other holy places we visited.

My first visit to Israel has not only consolidated my belief that Israel is vital for the stability of the region but has also convinced me that the existence of Israel will one day convince the Muslims of the necessity of reformation in their theology as well as sociology. Looking at the development and transformation that the land has gone through because of the Jewish innovative spirit, hard labor and commitment to freedoms for all times to come, I am convinced that it is true that God created this earth but it is also a fact that only an Israel can keep this earth from dying.
That is the hi-way leading to Mecca.

Mecca is not a tourist attraction; but an Islamic religious site.

Ten's of millions of muslims go there every year to worship.

It is so crowded with people that they had to restrict the area to only muslims.

No way could the Mecca mosque complex accomodate an additional several million tourists.

The restriction has nothing to do with racism or apartheid.

Because any muslim regardless of race or nationalism is allow to visit Mecca all year long.

It's extremely funny how hypocritical you are:

When France banned the Islamic face cover , that whole lot of you screamed "discrimination".
However when there are roads which clearly separate between Muslim and not Muslim and there are places that non-Muslims are not allowed to go, you conveniently don't consider it as a discrimination.

The restriction has nothing to do with racism or apartheid.

Because any muslim regardless of race or nationalism is allow to visit Mecca all year long.
How interesting, Israel also doesn't discriminate based on race, there is not a single Israeli law that differentiates between races.
But you still called it apartheid - that's hypocrisy for you.
It's extremely funny how hypocritical you are:

When France banned the Islamic face cover , that whole lot of you screamed "discrimination".
However when there are roads which clearly separate between Muslim and not Muslim and there are places that non-Muslims are not allowed to go, you conveniently don't consider it as a discrimination.
It is ONE road that leads to ONE mosque.

Not place(s) or road(s) in the plural as you posted.

And is in effect for crowd control and public safety. Nothing else.
that's exactly what I said. In Israel the law applies to everyone equally.
The distinction is between citizen and non citizen, like any other country.it has nothing to do with Palestinians on non-Palestinians.

The Palestinians you talk about whom are being "discriminated against", are not Israeli citizens, thus they don't enjoy the same rights as Israeli citizens.

In the USA do citizens and noncitizens have the same rights?Clearly not.
So does it make the USA and apartheid state? Of course not.

Palestinians who are Israeli citizens, enjoyed the same exact rights as Jewish Israeli citizens.
Only if they reject their own culture and become psuedo-jews.

Israeli law does not differentiate between racial or social groups, or any other groups for that matter as long as they are citizens of the state.
Not even a single law you have posted, can dispute that fact.
Oh c'mon, dude! The emperor, does not have new clothes.

Here's a couple of examples...

Israel Arrests its Own Citizen, a Human Rights Director

[Ramallah, 6 May 2010] This morning at 3:10 a.m., Israeli Security Agency (GSS) agents accompanied by Israeli police raided Ameer Makhoul’s family home in Haifa and arrested him. Mr. Makhoul is a human rights defender and serves as the general director of Ittijah – The Union of Arab Community-Based Associations and as the Chairman of the Public Committee for the Defense of Political Freedom in the framework of the High Follow-up Committee for the Arab Citizens of Israel.

Mr. Makhoul’s case is only one example amidst a recent escalated campaign by Israeli authorities against Palestinian human rights defense and civil resistance. In addition to arbitrary arrest and detention, Israeli authorities have met Palestinian human rights activism in recent months with a variety of measures, including raids, deportations, travel bans, visa denials and media attacks against NGOs. Moreover, Palestinian communities involved in grassroots human rights defense efforts are frequently levied with collective punishment measures in the form of curfews, sieges, and destruction of property, threats to individuals and the community as a whole, beatings, the use of lethal and “non-lethal” ammunition, including 40mm high velocity tear gas canisters, denial of permits, tear-gassing, army incursions and intentional injury and killings.
These are groups within Israel. They are arab-Israeli's.

Trying to argue these laws don't discriminate against arabs, is like arguing gravity plays no role in plane crashes.
that's exactly what I said. In Israel the law applies to everyone equally.
The distinction is between citizen and non citizen, like any other country.it has nothing to do with Palestinians on non-Palestinians.

The Palestinians you talk about whom are being "discriminated against", are not Israeli citizens, thus they don't enjoy the same rights as Israeli citizens.

In the USA do citizens and noncitizens have the same rights?Clearly not.
So does it make the USA and apartheid state? Of course not.

Palestinians who are Israeli citizens, enjoyed the same exact rights as Jewish Israeli citizens.
Only if they reject their own culture and become psuedo-jews.

You absolutely have no clue of what you're talking about, Israeli Arabs do not forsake their culture. Under the law there is no differentiation between race, religion, or gender.

If you have any evidence for that false statement you just made I would be more than happy to discuss it, otherwise it's just hearsay without any sort of proof and does not deserve anyone's attention.

Israeli law does not differentiate between racial or social groups, or any other groups for that matter as long as they are citizens of the state.
Not even a single law you have posted, can dispute that fact.
Oh c'mon, dude! The emperor, does not have new clothes.

Here's a couple of examples...

Israel Arrests its Own Citizen, a Human Rights Director

[Ramallah, 6 May 2010] This morning at 3:10 a.m., Israeli Security Agency (GSS) agents accompanied by Israeli police raided Ameer Makhoul’s family home in Haifa and arrested him. Mr. Makhoul is a human rights defender and serves as the general director of Ittijah – The Union of Arab Community-Based Associations and as the Chairman of the Public Committee for the Defense of Political Freedom in the framework of the High Follow-up Committee for the Arab Citizens of Israel.

Mr. Makhoul’s case is only one example amidst a recent escalated campaign by Israeli authorities against Palestinian human rights defense and civil resistance. In addition to arbitrary arrest and detention, Israeli authorities have met Palestinian human rights activism in recent months with a variety of measures, including raids, deportations, travel bans, visa denials and media attacks against NGOs. Moreover, Palestinian communities involved in grassroots human rights defense efforts are frequently levied with collective punishment measures in the form of curfews, sieges, and destruction of property, threats to individuals and the community as a whole, beatings, the use of lethal and “non-lethal” ammunition, including 40mm high velocity tear gas canisters, denial of permits, tear-gassing, army incursions and intentional injury and killings.
These are groups within Israel. They are arab-Israeli's.
It should be noted that the site you quote from is not completely objective isn't it?

But leaving the bias of the site aside, there is no mention here about any law discriminates.

Raids is what the police do, it's their job like in any other country. The police raids Jewish criminals, Arab criminals and any other criminals.
The same thing happens all around the world.
You want to tell me that American police teams don't ever raid homes or property of American civilians?
What do you mean to tell me that when citizen don't cooperate with the police in the USA the police just does nothing?

In conclusion, the story does not prove anything beyond the fact that police is making arrests and raids which is their job. There is no single world here about racial discrimination, if you could show me that the police does not raid Jewish criminals property or houses then it will prove discrimination. As it stands now you don't have nothing.

Trying to argue these laws don't discriminate against arabs, is like arguing gravity plays no role in plane crashes.
Are you serious?

I only watched a few minutes of this video, but I don't know what you think it proves. Taping a bunch of racists and bigots does not constitute an apartheid regime.

If you go to the state of Kentucky and film a bunch of white supremacist rednecks talking about what they feel for Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and Jews. Will that prove that the USA is a racist apartheid state? I think not.

Apartheid is an official policy, not the personal opinion a few individuals.

If you have proof, that discrimination exists on the official policy level let's see it. Otherwise you have no case.
(And I don't mean in the form of a video, if you have proof bring it in written from ).
That is the hi-way leading to Mecca.

Mecca is not a tourist attraction; but an Islamic religious site.

Ten's of millions of muslims go there every year to worship.

It is so crowded with people that they had to restrict the area to only muslims.

No way could the Mecca mosque complex accomodate an additional several million tourists.

The restriction has nothing to do with racism or apartheid.

Because any muslim regardless of race or nationalism is allow to visit Mecca all year long.

So it's because it's so "crowded"...:doubt:

I bet that Millions over millions come to Jerusalem every year too. Yet when Muslims cannot always pray there because of SECURITY issues, they start bullying and throwing stones.

And if it someplace is a worship place, much more it is needed that all people of the world will be able to come and see, especially when Islam says it's "truth" while others are "infidels" and all that.

It is not an apartheid because it's MUSLIMS who are doing it. don't twist words around. it's ok to admit it.
Trying to argue these laws don't discriminate against arabs, is like arguing gravity plays no role in plane crashes.
Trying to have a rational discourse with a modern day Zionist; isn't much different than having a debate with an SS Nazi in pre-war Germany.

You can point out the evilness and fascism in their government system and ideology till you turn blue in the face.

But they just won't get it.

Their indoctrination is too deeply rooted to ever change or see the other side of the issue.
Trying to argue these laws don't discriminate against arabs, is like arguing gravity plays no role in plane crashes.
Trying to have a rational discourse with a modern day Zionist; isn't much different than having a debate with an SS Nazi in pre-war Germany.

You can point out the evilness and fascism in their government system and ideology till you turn blue in the face.

But they just won't get it.

Their indoctrination is too deeply rooted to ever change or see the other side of the issue.

You compare zionists with Nazi Germany and then are expected to be discussed with rationally.

and besides, the government laws, exept those who are left from the Mandate, are the same as in America and USA.

Do you complain about that as well?

the Israeli high court does more justice with Arabs then any Arab country ON THIS PLANET.

It favours Arabs over Jews.

rediculously so.
That is the hi-way leading to Mecca.

Mecca is not a tourist attraction; but an Islamic religious site.

Ten's of millions of muslims go there every year to worship.

It is so crowded with people that they had to restrict the area to only muslims.

No way could the Mecca mosque complex accomodate an additional several million tourists.

The restriction has nothing to do with racism or apartheid.

Because any muslim regardless of race or nationalism is allow to visit Mecca all year long.

So it's because it's so "crowded"...:doubt:

I bet that Millions over millions come to Jerusalem every year too. Yet when Muslims cannot always pray there because of SECURITY issues, they start bullying and throwing stones.

And if it someplace is a worship place, much more it is needed that all people of the world will be able to come and see, especially when Islam says it's "truth" while others are "infidels" and all that.

It is not an apartheid because it's MUSLIMS who are doing it. don't twist words around. it's ok to admit it.
The authorities built a gigantic complex in Mecca a few years ago and it's still not big enough to accomodate the massive crowds that come there to worship.

You are being very disingenuous because the number of Muslims that come to Mecca during the week of Hajj alone; is far greater than the numbers of people who come to visit all the Holy sites in Jerusalem in one year.

Non muslims are allowed to visit Mecca during certain times with prior arrangement.

So your apartheid allegation is totally bogus.
That is the hi-way leading to Mecca.

Mecca is not a tourist attraction; but an Islamic religious site.

Ten's of millions of muslims go there every year to worship.

It is so crowded with people that they had to restrict the area to only muslims.

No way could the Mecca mosque complex accomodate an additional several million tourists.

The restriction has nothing to do with racism or apartheid.

Because any muslim regardless of race or nationalism is allow to visit Mecca all year long.

So it's because it's so "crowded"...:doubt:

I bet that Millions over millions come to Jerusalem every year too. Yet when Muslims cannot always pray there because of SECURITY issues, they start bullying and throwing stones.

And if it someplace is a worship place, much more it is needed that all people of the world will be able to come and see, especially when Islam says it's "truth" while others are "infidels" and all that.

It is not an apartheid because it's MUSLIMS who are doing it. don't twist words around. it's ok to admit it.
The authorities built a gigantic complex in Mecca a few years ago and it's still not big enough to accomodate the massive crowds that come there to worship.

You are being very disingenuous because the number of Muslims that come to Mecca during the week of Hajj alone; is far greater than the numbers of people who come to visit all the Holy sites in Jerusalem in one year.

Non muslims are allowed to visit Mecca during certain times with prior arrangement.

So your apartheid allegation is totally bogus.

People are madly IN LOVE with the word "apartheid" I see. LMAO.:D

Israel is not an apartheid, lil sunny man.

All are allowed to Jerusalem, women have rights, ARABS have rights. all Israeli citizens have the same rights and debts.

In Europe Muslim women cannot go with Hijab. in Israel they can.

In Europe they restrict mosque buildings. In Israel it's not happening.

In Europe bigots attack Muslims because they're Muslims. In Israel the amount of civilized hatred toward Muslims is extremely low.

But keep complaining about Israel.

I take my guess that you have never even BEEN in Israel to start with.

apartheid. LOL
loinboy, just for your information, I did a quick search for "Ameer Makhoul" from your "Israel arrest its own citizens " story.

My search revealed that your "human rights activist" Mr. M was accused and confessed to being a spy for the Hezbollah during a time of war.

In October 2010, Makhoul admitted to contacting a foreign agent, conspiring to assisting an enemy in a time of war, and aggravated espionage for Hezbollah, as part of a plea bargain.[8] The most serious charge, "assisting an enemy in war", which could have carried a life sentence, was dropped by the prosecution as a result of the bargain.
Ameer Makhoul - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm surprised your "objective" site did not mention this…
But now I can clearly see the discrimination, how does Israel dare to arrest a spy ?

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