Israel’s Big Lie of “Self-Defence”

Oh no it isn’t self defense when Palestinian animals stick a newborn in an oven, tie the father to a chair and then gang rape the mother in front of the father while the baby is cooking. Finishing off the act by burning the father and mother alive.

Around 1400 Israelis were killed in more or less the same fashion. The animals made it a point for the world to see who Palestinians truly are.
I recall that's what the Nazis called the Jews. "Animals". Boy, you really love being a Nazi! Josef Goebbles would love you!
The second reason is that Israel is actively contravening UN Security Council resolutions and the UN Charter is very clear on the fact that the right to self-defence exists “until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security.” A state that works to thwart UNSC measures to maintain peace and security cannot logically be extended the unimpaired right to self defence.

Fuck the UN and their resolutions.

On the third count Israel is an occupying power and the occupied have a legal right to armed resistance. It would be nonsensical to accord a legal right to use arms to defend against another’s legal resistance.

They aren't occupying Gaza or any place else.
Show me one country that says that land is Israel's. Just one!
The situation in Gaza is unique. The ruling body in Gaza has (a) stated in its founding documents the firm intention to eradicate all Jews from the territory in question, and has (b) continually for more than a decade mounted terroristic attacks - mainly in the form of missiles fired into civilian enclaves - against the State of Israel. Thousands of missiles over more than a decade.

Even now, the military forces attacking Israel could bring hostilities to a close almost immediately if they would release the hostages and stop their attacks. Indeed ALL of Israel's military actions have been reactive to stop "Palestinian" military initiatives.

As long as Hamas and its allies continue their attacks, Israel's action are defensive.
Yeah it was all rainbows and butterflies before Hamas
Oh yes they did! There are over 1 million homeless because of Israeli air strikes and you still have not shown any proof of "baked babies"! God, you guys a pussies! You talk all this shit and you still can't back it up with evidence.

You put your boots under the bed of a terrorist, don’t think you won’t face the victims wrath along with your lover.
No it wasn't! It is the 16 year blockade and 56 year occupation which started this.

Do Palestinians have a right to defend themselves?
Israel does not occupy Gaza

But that may have to change after all this

There is no blockade

If there were Hamas would not have thousands of rockets in tunnels
The situation in Gaza is unique. The ruling body in Gaza has (a) stated in its founding documents the firm intention to eradicate all Jews from the territory in question, and has (b) continually for more than a decade mounted terroristic attacks - mainly in the form of missiles fired into civilian enclaves - against the State of Israel. Thousands of missiles over more than a decade.

Even now, the military forces attacking Israel could bring hostilities to a close almost immediately if they would release the hostages and stop their attacks. Indeed ALL of Israel's military actions have been reactive to stop "Palestinian" military initiatives.

As long as Hamas and its allies continue their attacks, Israel's action are defensive.
You weren't supposed to notice any of that.

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