Israel’s Big Lie of “Self-Defence”

He is an anti-Semite and such imbecility comes naturally to him since he’s one of the dumbest scumbags polluting this Board.
I see the imbecile Surada has registered a “disagree.”

:rofl: :laughing0301:

Don’t worry, little Ms. M. You’re quite the retard, too. 👍
The situation in Gaza is unique. The ruling body in Gaza has (a) stated in its founding documents the firm intention to eradicate all Jews from the territory in question, and has (b) continually for more than a decade mounted terroristic attacks - mainly in the form of missiles fired into civilian enclaves - against the State of Israel. Thousands of missiles over more than a decade.

Even now, the military forces attacking Israel could bring hostilities to a close almost immediately if they would release the hostages and stop their attacks. Indeed ALL of Israel's military actions have been reactive to stop "Palestinian" military initiatives.

As long as Hamas and its allies continue their attacks, Israel's action are defensive.

Read there last charter.
Israel surrounded the villages to keep anyone from escaping. Israel armed the philangists. Israel set up the false flag to stop Eisenhower from financing the Aswan dam. Nasser nationalized the Suez canal to pay for the Aswan dam. He also paid the British and the French for the canal..

How's could you be an officer in the Air Force and have no education?
MAYBE if the PLO wasn’t there Israel wouldn’t have been there in the first place. Notice you have NOTHING to say about the LEBANESE No evidence to your claim Re; the Dam
Of course the Palestinians have rights! They have rights to equal treatment as Israeli citizens in Israel AND they have rights to self-determination and sovereignty on some portion of the territory. I am FOR the more states solution. (At least I was until October 7). We've already agreed on this.

What I'm trying to get at with the "1967 borders" nonsense is:

1. that you (you specifically; people generally; the international governing bodies) misrepresent international law and apply international law differently to Israel than you do to the rest of the world. This is a problem. The law must apply equally to everyone and every State.

2. it sets up an expectation that strangles any hope of a solution by creating pre-conditions and standards which have to be enacted as a precursor to peace, instead of starting with an open territory upon which ANY borders can be drawn in a peace treaty.

3. it paints Israel - inaccurately - in a bad light as violators, when, in fact, Israel has consistently shown that it will give up its own sovereign territory in order for Palestinians to have sovereignty of their own.
Okay. What law are you speaking of specifically and how is Israel treated different? Give me an example.

In a show of good faith, I'll name one. One of the UN resolutions tells Israel to stop doing business with apartheid South Africa. Is that prejudicial to Israel?
MAYBE if the PLO wasn’t there Israel wouldn’t have been there in the first place. Notice you have NOTHING to say about the LEBANESE No evidence to your claim Re; the Dam

The PLO wasn't there. You're really ignorant. Israel was stealing topsoil from Lebanon all through the 1950s.

The Israelis were damaged people. Hitler really did a number on them. There was no decency or morality.
"okay"? Are we on to "okays" now?

Before it was "rights"

I'm sure some Nazis thought it was "okay" to annex Poland. I'm sure Russia also though it was a great idea.

And Germany and Russia had the power to do it, so they did it.
Stop being a pussy and just answer question!
The PLO wasn't there. You're really ignorant. Israel was stealing topsoil from Lebanon all through the 1950s.

The Israelis were damaged people. Hitler really did a number on them. There was no decency or morality.
Sorry but the PLO was there which was why Israel was there. Keep trying 👍
Probably not as long as Egypt and Jordan are not in the war

But russia and iran are powerful enemies
You've got to be kidding? Russia? After their performance in Ukraine? I'd say, the only countries on the entire planet capable of taking Israel out, would be the US and China.

And since Israel falls under the US nuclear umbrella, that brings the number of countries down to "0".
The little "chosen" gods, George Soros & Klaus Schwab are all for "diversity" as long as it doesn't affect them, personally.

Oops ... I criticized Soros and Schwab. Does that make me an "anti-Semite?" Oh hell ... who gives a shit if it does!
Okay. What law are you speaking of specifically and how is Israel treated different? Give me an example.

In a show of good faith, I'll name one. One of the UN resolutions tells Israel to stop doing business with apartheid South Africa. Is that prejudicial to Israel?
Sigh. The "1967 borders" IS the example I've been trying to get you to understand. That - specifically - is how international law treats Israel differently than any other state in the world.

Apartheid South Africa isn't exactly my area of expertise, but I'll take a go. Why was Israel the ONLY state that had a specific resolution against it? Maybe there is a reason for it, but it also seems to be routine in the UN for decades that only Israel is called out. Educate me on the reason for it, if there is one, for this specific resolution.

Israel’s Big Lie of “Self-Defence”​

Israel never claimed Self-Defence, they claimed self defense.

The Israelites are not occupiers, their presence can be traced back at least a good 1500 years before the first historical mention of a Palestinian presence in the region, but a study of the genetic haplogroups suggests that the Palestinian people and Jews are cousins to each other, the Palestinians being much like a bastardized bunch of mutts, genetically, it seems their beginnings came from Arab slave trade of women from northern Africa brought up and over time, mixed and merged with the various other Arab, Persian, Jewish, European influences in the region, loosely termed "Palestinians."
The little "chosen" gods, George Soros & Klaus Schwab are all for "diversity" as long as it doesn't affect them, personally.

Oops ... I criticized Soros and Schwab. Does that make me an "anti-Semite?" Oh hell ... who gives a shit if it does!
Thank you for your extremely ignorant post. If you don’t know what AntiSemitism is; Small ex; Jews being assaulted, swastika’s painted on college dorms, personal property, Jews actually being warned not to. Wear anything that ID’s them as being Jewish, being ostracized within Schools, Jobs, etc You’re nothing but a illiterate Moron
Sigh. The "1967 borders" IS the example I've been trying to get you to understand. That - - is how international law treats Israel differently than any other state in the world.

Apartheid South Africa isn't exactly my area of expertise, but I'll take a go. Why was Israel the ONLY state that had a specific resolution against it? Maybe there is a reason for it, but it also seems to be routine in the UN for decades that only Israel is called out. Educate me on the reason for it, if there is one, for this specific resolution.
Israel was not the only nation in the UN resolution. But it kept doing business with South Africa and that required an additional resolution telling Israel to stop that.

I asked you specifically to name me a resolution you take issue with and you did not reply! Which leads me to believe, you are just blowing smoke up my ass!

Name me a resolution that is unfair to Israel, or shut your goddamn lying mouth!
Israel was not the only nation in the UN resolution. But it kept doing business with South Africa and that required an additional resolution telling Israel to stop that.

I asked you specifically to name me a resolution you take issue with and you did not reply! Which leads me to believe, you are just blowing smoke up my ass!

Name me a resolution that is unfair to Israel, or shut your goddamn lying mouth!
In the resolution I think you are referring to, only Israel has a separate resolution calling her out specifically. In the timeframe I was looking at, it seems that several other countries and organizations were still doing business with SA. All states were instructed to stop collaborating with SA, but as far as I can see, only Israel was called out specifically.

But it's not just UN resolutions, it is international law in it's entirety. For example, every other State created in world upon the dissolutions of various empires followed the exact same laws and procedures. Except Israel. Every state in the world recognizes international borders in the same way. Except Israel. Why is that?
In the resolution I think you are referring to, only Israel has a separate resolution calling her out specifically. In the timeframe I was looking at, it seems that several other countries and organizations were still doing business with SA. All states were instructed to stop collaborating with SA, but as far as I can see, only Israel was called out specifically.

But it's not just UN resolutions, it is international law in it's entirety. For example, every other State created in world upon the dissolutions of various empires followed the exact same laws and procedures. Except Israel. Every state in the world recognizes international borders in the same way. Except Israel. Why is that?
Do you care to comment on the following?

"...the Zionist pioneers believed that] the only language the Arabs understand is that of force ..... [They] behave towards the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, trespass unjustly upon their boundaries, beat them shamefully without reason and even brag about it, and nobody stands to check this contemptible and dangerous tendency." (Expulsion Of The Palestinians, p. 7)
- Ahad Ha'am
Do you care to comment on the following?

"...the Zionist pioneers believed that] the only language the Arabs understand is that of force ..... [They] behave towards the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, trespass unjustly upon their boundaries, beat them shamefully without reason and even brag about it, and nobody stands to check this contemptible and dangerous tendency." (Expulsion Of The Palestinians, p. 7)
- Ahad Ha'am
Nice dodge.

But sure, shrug. It's the opinion of one dude. Lots of people have opinions. (Look where we are here on USMB). Are those opinions accurate? Sometimes. Sometimes not.

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