Israel’s Big Lie of “Self-Defence”

Tiny disconnected bantustans divided by walls and Jewish only settlements and roads are not a contiguous state.
Netanyahu refuses a two state solution. That's why he has supported Hamas for 30 years.

This is just genocide driven by greed.

Olmert told Abbas that the majority of the settlements would go. Please tell us what Abbas proposed? He also proposed ALL of Jerusalem be a INTERNATIONAL CiTY which was rejected. Abbas made certain no deal would ever made to fruition and that the FORMAL POLICY came that Jews would NOT be allowed to pray at the Western Wall Does “ Freedom of Religion “ ring a bell? Unless you can tell me what Abbas offered and what was rejected save your breath
Olmert told Abbas that the majority of the settlements would go. Please tell us what Abbas proposed? He also proposed ALL of Jerusalem be a INTERNATIONAL CiTY which was rejected. Abbas made certain no deal would ever made to fruition and that the FORMAL POLICY came that Jews would NOT be allowed to pray at the Western Wall Does “ Freedom of Religion “ ring a bell? Unless you can tell me what Abbas offered and what was rejected save your breath

They do pray at the Western Wall since 1500 AD. It's all that remains of the Fortress Antonia. Jews are not the victims here. Never have been.

This is all about greed. Always has been.

The Syrians opposite them were soldiers who shot at them, and they certainly didn't like that. But I can say with absolute certainty that the delegation that came to convince Eshkol to ascend the Golan did not think about these things. They thought about the land of the Golan.

"I know what went on. I saw them, and I spoke with them. They didn't even try to hide their lust for that soil. That's what guided them."
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Yeah, Israel's right and the world is wrong? Fuck you! You are disgusting! Nothing you can say changes the fact that there were people living there BEFORE you MOVED into the area and they have rights.
Of course the Palestinians have rights! They have rights to equal treatment as Israeli citizens in Israel AND they have rights to self-determination and sovereignty on some portion of the territory. I am FOR the more states solution. (At least I was until October 7). We've already agreed on this.

What I'm trying to get at with the "1967 borders" nonsense is:

1. that you (you specifically; people generally; the international governing bodies) misrepresent international law and apply international law differently to Israel than you do to the rest of the world. This is a problem. The law must apply equally to everyone and every State.

2. it sets up an expectation that strangles any hope of a solution by creating pre-conditions and standards which have to be enacted as a precursor to peace, instead of starting with an open territory upon which ANY borders can be drawn in a peace treaty.

3. it paints Israel - inaccurately - in a bad light as violators, when, in fact, Israel has consistently shown that it will give up its own sovereign territory in order for Palestinians to have sovereignty of their own.
They do pray at the Western Wall since 1500 AD. It's all that remains of the Fortress Antonia. Jews are not the victims here. Never have been.

This is all about greed. Always has been.
Why don’t you stop lying and educate yourself?? The PLO FORMALLY came out and said Jews will NOT be permitted at the Western Wall. . Jordan let the Israelis pray at their religious sites? You’re a Liar . Greed started in 67 when Nasser closed the Straits STILL haven’t told me what offer Abbas put forth that was rejected
Tiny disconnected bantustans divided by walls and Jewish only settlements and roads are not a contiguous state.
The use of derogatory language like this is not helpful. Aside from this not being factual, it is intended to demonize Israel.

The Olmert plan included a contiguous Palestine with a connecting corridor to an expanded Gaza. The end result would have been two entirely separate self-determining and sovereign States with a border between them, with Israeli citizens living in Israel and Palestinian citizens living in Palestine. The State of Israel would have Jews and Arabs both, the Palestinian State would be (most likely as this has been the demand of every leader on the Palestinian side) entirely emptied of Jews.

If you stop using language as a weapon against Israel, peace will come a lot faster.
Of course the Palestinians have rights! They have rights to equal treatment as Israeli citizens in Israel AND they have rights to self-determination and sovereignty on some portion of the territory. I am FOR the more states solution. (At least I was until October 7). We've already agreed on this.

What I'm trying to get at with the "1967 borders" nonsense is:

1. that you (you specifically; people generally; the international governing bodies) misrepresent international law and apply international law differently to Israel than you do to the rest of the world. This is a problem. The law must apply equally to everyone and every State.

2. it sets up an expectation that strangles any hope of a solution by creating pre-conditions and standards which have to be enacted as a precursor to peace, instead of starting with an open territory upon which ANY borders can be drawn in a peace treaty.

3. it paints Israel - inaccurately - in a bad light as violators, when, in fact, Israel has consistently shown that it will give up its own sovereign territory in order for Palestinians to have sovereignty of their own.
He’s too stupid to know any better Olmert have him almost everything Abbas demanded. He’s not capable of understanding the proposal
Was it okay for Germany to annex Poland?

"okay"? Are we on to "okays" now?

Before it was "rights"

I'm sure some Nazis thought it was "okay" to annex Poland. I'm sure Russia also though it was a great idea.

And Germany and Russia had the power to do it, so they did it.
Of course the Palestinians have rights! They have rights to equal treatment as Israeli citizens in Israel AND they have rights to self-determination and sovereignty on some portion of the territory. I am FOR the more states solution. (At least I was until October 7). We've already agreed on this.

What I'm trying to get at with the "1967 borders" nonsense is:

1. that you (you specifically; people generally; the international governing bodies) misrepresent international law and apply international law differently to Israel than you do to the rest of the world. This is a problem. The law must apply equally to everyone and every State.

2. it sets up an expectation that strangles any hope of a solution by creating pre-conditions and standards which have to be enacted as a precursor to peace, instead of starting with an open territory upon which ANY borders can be drawn in a peace treaty.

3. it paints Israel - inaccurately - in a bad light as violators, when, in fact, Israel has consistently shown that it will give up its own sovereign territory in order for Palestinians to have sovereignty of their own.

The right to free food, the right to blue skies, the right to chocolate... everyone has "rights".

Though it seems you don't know what rights are.
"okay"? Are we on to "okays" now?

Before it was "rights"

I'm sure some Nazis thought it was "okay" to annex Poland. I'm sure Russia also though it was a great idea.

And Germany and Russia had the power to do it, so they did it.
He’s a IMBECILE. Germany INITIATED the War
Why don’t you stop lying and educate yourself?? The PLO FORMALLY came out and said Jews will NOT be permitted at the Western Wall. . Jordan let the Israelis pray at their religious sites? You’re a Liar . Greed started in 67 when Nasser closed the Straits STILL haven’t told me what offer Abbas put forth that was rejected

When Nasser closed the straits he called for a summit. Read Moishe Dayan. Israel wanted the war because they wanted their land. Egyptian troops were fighting in Yemen. They are freeloaders and thieves who have betrayed every US president and broken every promise they made to be given the piece of the mandate.
When Nasser closed the straits he called for a summit. Read Moishe Dayan. Israel wanted the war because they wanted their land. Egyptian troops were fighting in Yemen. They are freeloaders and thieves who have betrayed every US president and broken every promise they made to be given the piece of the mandate.
You keep parroting he asked for a “ summit” What was the purpose of this “ summit?” You claim the Egyptian Troops were fighting in Yemen? Is that why he sent the “ UN Peacekeeping Force” away? Is that why Nasser bragged he was going to destroy the “ Zionist entity? You’re a liar Your “ claim “ they betrayed every US President is a lie. Give me just ONE example of a proposal a President put forth; Israel rejected while the Palestinians accepted The Mandate clearly says” Live in Peace with your Neighbors “ Yea; I can just see Palestinians PEACEFULLY accepting a Jewish majority
You keep parroting he asked for a “ summit” What was the purpose of this “ summit?” You claim the Egyptian Troops were fighting in Yemen? Is that why he sent the “ UN Peacekeeping Force” away? Is that why Nasser bragged he was going to destroy the “ Zionist entity? You’re a liar Your “ claim “ they betrayed every US President is a lie. Give me just ONE example of a proposal a President put forth; Israel rejected while the Palestinians accepted The Mandate clearly says” Live in Peace with your Neighbors “ Yea; I can just see Palestinians PEACEFULLY accepting a Jewish majority

Nasser called for a meeting with the israelis.

The false report of Egyptian troops amassed on the border came from the Soviets.

Egyptian troops were deployed in Yemen from 1962-1970.

Read Moishe Dayan.

They betrayed Eisenhower with the Lavon Affair. They betrayed LBJ with the attack on the USS Liberty, They betrayed Reagan with the Sabra and Shatilla massacre.

How's that for starters, you unAmerican
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Nasser called for a meeting with the israelis.

The false report of Egyptian troops amassed on the border came from the Soviets.

Egyptian troops were deployed in Yemen from 1962-1970.

Read Moishe Dayan.

They betrayed Eisenhower with the Lavon Affair. They betrayed LBJ with the attack on the USS Liberty, They betrayed Reagan with the Sabra and Shatilla massacre.

How's that for starters, you unAmerican
Re; Lavon Affair; They wanted GB to keep control over the Suez Canal; turned out they were right!
Sabra and Shatila Massacre; Hmmm . Wasn’t that the CHRISTIAN LEBANESE ? Why was Israel there? MAYBE because of the PLO?
Give me the “ reason “ Israel would deliberately attack a US ship
STILL haven’t told us what the purpose of the “ summit “ was . You repetitive bag 💼 of Wind 💨
When Nasser closed the straits he called for a summit. Read Moishe Dayan. Israel wanted the war because they wanted their land. Egyptian troops were fighting in Yemen. They are freeloaders and thieves who have betrayed every US president and broken every promise they made to be given the piece of the mandate.

When Nasser closed the straits he called for a summit.

He should have called a summit instead of closing the straits.

Egyptian troops were fighting in Yemen. They are freeloaders and thieves who have betrayed every US president and broken every promise they made to be given the piece of the mandate.

Yes, and their leader, Nasser, was a moron.
Re; Lavon Affair; They wanted GB to keep control over the Suez Canal; turned out they were right!
Sabra and Shatila Massacre; Hmmm . Wasn’t that the CHRISTIAN LEBANESE ? Why was Israel there? MAYBE because of the PLO?
Give me the “ reason “ Israel would deliberately attack a US ship
STILL haven’t told us what the purpose of the “ summit “ was . You repetitive bag 💼 of Wind 💨

Israel surrounded the villages to keep anyone from escaping. Israel armed the philangists. Israel set up the false flag to stop Eisenhower from financing the Aswan dam. Nasser nationalized the Suez canal to pay for the Aswan dam. He also paid the British and the French for the canal..

How's could you be an officer in the Air Force and have no education?
When Nasser closed the straits he called for a summit.

He should have called a summit instead of closing the straits.

Egyptian troops were fighting in Yemen. They are freeloaders and thieves who have betrayed every US president and broken every promise they made to be given the piece of the mandate.

Yes, and their leader, Nasser, was a moron.
You must be a kid .

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