israels fight against christian missionaries

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Missionaries Try to Lure Jews to 'Pesach' Event
The missionaries continue with their deceitful ruses, only to be foiled by Yad L'Achim. On Sunday of chol hamo'ed Pesach, a cult in Jaffa held a "Pesach event" that claimed to resemble a seder. In advertising the event, it promised to serve only kosher food and gave no hint as to its missionary nature
Yad L?Achim
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Missionaries Try to Lure Jews to 'Pesach' Event
The missionaries continue with their deceitful ruses, only to be foiled by Yad L'Achim. On Sunday of chol hamo'ed Pesach, a cult in Jaffa held a "Pesach event" that claimed to resemble a seder. In advertising the event, it promised to serve only kosher food and gave no hint as to its missionary nature
Yad L?Achim

Precedent-Setting Ruling Allows School to Break Rental Contract with Missionaries

One of the flyers of the missionary organization that tried to use a school as a base for its activities

A Tel Aviv Magistrate's Court has rejected a petition by missionaries asking that a school in Netanya be forced to honor a rental agreement with them and to pay them NIS 108,000 in damages and aggravation for breaking the agreement.

The judge also ordered the missionaries to pay court costs.

The missionaries, hiding behind the innocuous-sounding name Hamitzpeh l'Yisrael, rented classrooms from the Raziel school in Netanya during after-school hours. Shortly after signing the agreement, the school administration learned that the organization was a front for the J's Witness cult and cancelled the contract.

The missionaries petitioned the court demanding that the school be forced to honor the agreement and compensate it to the tune of NIS 108,000.

In his verdict, the judge roundly rejected the petition, saying "there can be no doubt" that had the school known beforehand that the renter represented a missionary group "no agreement would have been signed."

Precedent-Setting Ruling Allows School to Break Rental Contract with Missionaries
This suprises you from a STATE that defines itself as the Jewish Homeland?

I have it on good authority that one is NOT allowed to go door to door handing out the WATCHTOWER in the Vatican, either.
This suprises you from a STATE that defines itself as the Jewish Homeland?

I have it on good authority that one is NOT allowed to go door to door handing out the WATCHTOWER in the Vatican, either.

Haven't you left something out, and that is no one is suppose to try to convert others to his or her religion and that means Jews are not allowd to either. Now why not bring up what happens in Muslim countries when Christians try to convert the Muslims to Christianity? Are these Christians even allowed Bibles into the prison cells where they are being held under terrible conditions?

I know there are homes out here which have signs telling the Jehovah Witnesses not to bother them. People don't want to bother with hearing their talk.
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This suprises you from a STATE that defines itself as the Jewish Homeland?

I have it on good authority that one is NOT allowed to go door to door handing out the WATCHTOWER in the Vatican, either.

Haven't you left something out, and that is no one is suppose to try to convert others to his or her religion and that means Jews are not allowd to either. Now why not bring up what happens in Muslim countries when Christians try to convert the Muslims to Christianity? Are these Christians even allowed Bibles into the prison cells where they are being held under terrible conditions?

Judaism is not a proselytizing religion , people who want to become Jews are turned away an if they are accepted it takes years of study to finally be accepted an then they become part of the Jewish Community. Jews do NOT try to convert others to Judaism. In regard to missionaries, Jews are very wary of christian missionaries because of the long history of force conversions the inquisitions and the like. In Israel Jews should not have to put up with that, that is why Israel has laws against christian missionaries. see attachment to better understand Jews For Judaism | Home

If christian missionary's knowingly goes into Muslim counties to proselytize I have no sympathy for them as they knew the laws . To go into someones Home (country) and try to convert their family , it is very disrespectful.
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This suprises you from a STATE that defines itself as the Jewish Homeland?

I have it on good authority that one is NOT allowed to go door to door handing out the WATCHTOWER in the Vatican, either.

Haven't you left something out, and that is no one is suppose to try to convert others to his or her religion and that means Jews are not allowd to either. Now why not bring up what happens in Muslim countries when Christians try to convert the Muslims to Christianity? Are these Christians even allowed Bibles into the prison cells where they are being held under terrible conditions?

Judaism is not a proselytizing religion , people who want to become Jews are turned away an if they are accepted it takes years of study to finally be accepted an then they become part of the Jewish Community. Jews do NOT try to convert others to Judaism. In regard to missionaries, Jews are very wary of christian missionaries because of the long history of force conversions the inquisitions and the like. In Israel Jews should not have to put up with that, that is why Israel has laws against christian missionaries. see attachment to better understand Jews For Judaism | Home

If christian missionary's knowingly goes into Muslim counties to proselytize I have no sympathy for them as they knew the laws . To go into someones Home (country) and try to convert their family , it is very disrespectful.

Israel's fight against Christian missionaries - Baltimore Jewish |

One of Gesher Tsar’s founders is Deborah Cohen [name changed]. She said she came into contact with Christians as a tour guide during the second intifada, just under 10 years ago. She was enthralled by the outpouringof support and love these Christians showed, but quickly became perturbed by the inclination of some to proselytize Jews.

“It has come to the point where you cannot work with Christian groups without coming to the pitfall of Messianics,” Cohen said, noting that these Christians can’t understand why Jews refuse to accept them as Jewish.

“I am trying to walk this narrow bridge of being friends with Christians but getting them to understand we cannot be freinds if they ... try to proselytize me,” said Cohen. “We are working on this friendship because it is time to put an end to almost 2,000 years of persecution and because Israel needs this friendship.”

They cannot understand why we refuse to accept them as Jews. ... We are working on this friendship because it is time to put an end to almost 2,000 years of persecution and because Israel needs this friendship.”

Israel also, however, needs to preserve its Jewish identity. Israeli kids are less educated about the threat of Hebrew Christians than most Americans are, Cohen explained, most Israelis “don’t understand the Messianic thing,” and are at risk for being misled to thinking they are still practicing Judaism, when in fact they are acting as Christians.

Gesher Tsar’s guidelines, which Cohen’s group is trying to disseminate through the Ministry of Tourism and by word of mouth, include items like “relations with ... organizations or individuals who are engaged in activity that could be construed as proselytizing activity targeting Jews [and] organizations or individuals which identify themselves as Messianic Jewish [unless under certain conditions] ... should be seen as counterproductive,” that Jewish groups should not allow themselves to be associated with such groups nor should they provide a platform to any Christian who will advocate for the conversion of Jews to Christianity.

The guidelines, said Cohen are just now starting to catch on.

She said she would not be so worried about the missionaries, except that often “it starts as love and ends in the Crusades or the gas chambers,” and she does not like that Hebrew Christians consider themselves to be Jewish when, in fact, as many as 90 percent of them are not by Jewish law.

Cohen said there is now a distint danger that that the attempt to build friendships will boomerang into an attack on Israel by the very people we have been cultivating as friends, because in thier eyes, Jewish Israelis are unfairly persecuting the Messianics by not accepting them as Jewish.
Haven't you left something out, and that is no one is suppose to try to convert others to his or her religion and that means Jews are not allowd to either. Now why not bring up what happens in Muslim countries when Christians try to convert the Muslims to Christianity? Are these Christians even allowed Bibles into the prison cells where they are being held under terrible conditions?

Judaism is not a proselytizing religion , people who want to become Jews are turned away an if they are accepted it takes years of study to finally be accepted an then they become part of the Jewish Community. Jews do NOT try to convert others to Judaism. In regard to missionaries, Jews are very wary of christian missionaries because of the long history of force conversions the inquisitions and the like. In Israel Jews should not have to put up with that, that is why Israel has laws against christian missionaries. see attachment to better understand Jews For Judaism | Home

If christian missionary's knowingly goes into Muslim counties to proselytize I have no sympathy for them as they knew the laws . To go into someones Home (country) and try to convert their family , it is very disrespectful.

Israel's fight against Christian missionaries - Baltimore Jewish |

One of Gesher Tsar’s founders is Deborah Cohen [name changed]. She said she came into contact with Christians as a tour guide during the second intifada, just under 10 years ago. She was enthralled by the outpouringof support and love these Christians showed, but quickly became perturbed by the inclination of some to proselytize Jews.

“It has come to the point where you cannot work with Christian groups without coming to the pitfall of Messianics,” Cohen said, noting that these Christians can’t understand why Jews refuse to accept them as Jewish.

“I am trying to walk this narrow bridge of being friends with Christians but getting them to understand we cannot be freinds if they ... try to proselytize me,” said Cohen. “We are working on this friendship because it is time to put an end to almost 2,000 years of persecution and because Israel needs this friendship.”

They cannot understand why we refuse to accept them as Jews. ... We are working on this friendship because it is time to put an end to almost 2,000 years of persecution and because Israel needs this friendship.”

Israel also, however, needs to preserve its Jewish identity. Israeli kids are less educated about the threat of Hebrew Christians than most Americans are, Cohen explained, most Israelis “don’t understand the Messianic thing,” and are at risk for being misled to thinking they are still practicing Judaism, when in fact they are acting as Christians.

Gesher Tsar’s guidelines, which Cohen’s group is trying to disseminate through the Ministry of Tourism and by word of mouth, include items like “relations with ... organizations or individuals who are engaged in activity that could be construed as proselytizing activity targeting Jews [and] organizations or individuals which identify themselves as Messianic Jewish [unless under certain conditions] ... should be seen as counterproductive,” that Jewish groups should not allow themselves to be associated with such groups nor should they provide a platform to any Christian who will advocate for the conversion of Jews to Christianity.

The guidelines, said Cohen are just now starting to catch on.

She said she would not be so worried about the missionaries, except that often “it starts as love and ends in the Crusades or the gas chambers,” and she does not like that Hebrew Christians consider themselves to be Jewish when, in fact, as many as 90 percent of them are not by Jewish law.

Cohen said there is now a distint danger that that the attempt to build friendships will boomerang into an attack on Israel by the very people we have been cultivating as friends, because in thier eyes, Jewish Israelis are unfairly persecuting the Messianics by not accepting them as Jewish.

One wonders why Guno is so concerned with this when he claims he is a Leftist. Didn't Karl Marx say "Religion is the Opium of the Masses." If Guno is so interested in this subject, why isn't he posting about those Christians who are being killed in the Middle East because of their religious belefs. He could also post articles about those Christian pastors in Iran who have been imprisoned. Why just point out the Jews when it is against the law in Israel even for Jews to try to get people to convert to Judaism? Very, very telling, Guno, how you overlook the murder of Christians but want to concentrate on what is happening in israel where Christians certainly are not being murdered for their religious beliefs.
Judaism is not a proselytizing religion , people who want to become Jews are turned away an if they are accepted it takes years of study to finally be accepted an then they become part of the Jewish Community. Jews do NOT try to convert others to Judaism. In regard to missionaries, Jews are very wary of christian missionaries because of the long history of force conversions the inquisitions and the like. In Israel Jews should not have to put up with that, that is why Israel has laws against christian missionaries. see attachment to better understand Jews For Judaism | Home

If christian missionary's knowingly goes into Muslim counties to proselytize I have no sympathy for them as they knew the laws . To go into someones Home (country) and try to convert their family , it is very disrespectful.

Israel's fight against Christian missionaries - Baltimore Jewish |

One of Gesher Tsar’s founders is Deborah Cohen [name changed]. She said she came into contact with Christians as a tour guide during the second intifada, just under 10 years ago. She was enthralled by the outpouringof support and love these Christians showed, but quickly became perturbed by the inclination of some to proselytize Jews.

“It has come to the point where you cannot work with Christian groups without coming to the pitfall of Messianics,” Cohen said, noting that these Christians can’t understand why Jews refuse to accept them as Jewish.

“I am trying to walk this narrow bridge of being friends with Christians but getting them to understand we cannot be freinds if they ... try to proselytize me,” said Cohen. “We are working on this friendship because it is time to put an end to almost 2,000 years of persecution and because Israel needs this friendship.”

They cannot understand why we refuse to accept them as Jews. ... We are working on this friendship because it is time to put an end to almost 2,000 years of persecution and because Israel needs this friendship.”

Israel also, however, needs to preserve its Jewish identity. Israeli kids are less educated about the threat of Hebrew Christians than most Americans are, Cohen explained, most Israelis “don’t understand the Messianic thing,” and are at risk for being misled to thinking they are still practicing Judaism, when in fact they are acting as Christians.

Gesher Tsar’s guidelines, which Cohen’s group is trying to disseminate through the Ministry of Tourism and by word of mouth, include items like “relations with ... organizations or individuals who are engaged in activity that could be construed as proselytizing activity targeting Jews [and] organizations or individuals which identify themselves as Messianic Jewish [unless under certain conditions] ... should be seen as counterproductive,” that Jewish groups should not allow themselves to be associated with such groups nor should they provide a platform to any Christian who will advocate for the conversion of Jews to Christianity.

The guidelines, said Cohen are just now starting to catch on.

She said she would not be so worried about the missionaries, except that often “it starts as love and ends in the Crusades or the gas chambers,” and she does not like that Hebrew Christians consider themselves to be Jewish when, in fact, as many as 90 percent of them are not by Jewish law.

Cohen said there is now a distint danger that that the attempt to build friendships will boomerang into an attack on Israel by the very people we have been cultivating as friends, because in thier eyes, Jewish Israelis are unfairly persecuting the Messianics by not accepting them as Jewish.

One wonders why Guno is so concerned with this when he claims he is a Leftist. Didn't Karl Marx say "Religion is the Opium of the Masses." If Guno is so interested in this subject, why isn't he posting about those Christians who are being killed in the Middle East because of their religious belefs. He could also post articles about those Christian pastors in Iran who have been imprisoned. Why just point out the Jews when it is against the law in Israel even for Jews to try to get people to convert to Judaism? Very, very telling, Guno, how you overlook the murder of Christians but want to concentrate on what is happening in israel where Christians certainly are not being murdered for their religious beliefs.

Sally you are very ignorant , In Israel their are socialist and yes even communist parties, All Jews are not in lock step. Some Jews are also none religious an Atheists. A Jew who says they are atheists are still considered Jewish an accepted as part of the Jewish community and family, NOT so if a Jew converts to Christianity, they are considered dead in the eyes of the Jewish community an no longer accepted as part of the community. Why does it matter? As a Jew i take offense to Christians define Judaism through their distorted lenses an trying to convert people especially In Israel.

Judaism isn't Christianity sans your jesus.

You should do some research before you spew your ignorance
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Judaism is not a proselytizing religion , people who want to become Jews are turned away an if they are accepted it takes years of study to finally be accepted an then they become part of the Jewish Community. Jews do NOT try to convert others to Judaism. In regard to missionaries, Jews are very wary of christian missionaries because of the long history of force conversions the inquisitions and the like. In Israel Jews should not have to put up with that, that is why Israel has laws against christian missionaries. see attachment to better understand Jews For Judaism | Home

If christian missionary's knowingly goes into Muslim counties to proselytize I have no sympathy for them as they knew the laws . To go into someones Home (country) and try to convert their family , it is very disrespectful.

Israel's fight against Christian missionaries - Baltimore Jewish |

One of Gesher Tsar’s founders is Deborah Cohen [name changed]. She said she came into contact with Christians as a tour guide during the second intifada, just under 10 years ago. She was enthralled by the outpouringof support and love these Christians showed, but quickly became perturbed by the inclination of some to proselytize Jews.

“It has come to the point where you cannot work with Christian groups without coming to the pitfall of Messianics,” Cohen said, noting that these Christians can’t understand why Jews refuse to accept them as Jewish.

“I am trying to walk this narrow bridge of being friends with Christians but getting them to understand we cannot be freinds if they ... try to proselytize me,” said Cohen. “We are working on this friendship because it is time to put an end to almost 2,000 years of persecution and because Israel needs this friendship.”

They cannot understand why we refuse to accept them as Jews. ... We are working on this friendship because it is time to put an end to almost 2,000 years of persecution and because Israel needs this friendship.”

Israel also, however, needs to preserve its Jewish identity. Israeli kids are less educated about the threat of Hebrew Christians than most Americans are, Cohen explained, most Israelis “don’t understand the Messianic thing,” and are at risk for being misled to thinking they are still practicing Judaism, when in fact they are acting as Christians.

Gesher Tsar’s guidelines, which Cohen’s group is trying to disseminate through the Ministry of Tourism and by word of mouth, include items like “relations with ... organizations or individuals who are engaged in activity that could be construed as proselytizing activity targeting Jews [and] organizations or individuals which identify themselves as Messianic Jewish [unless under certain conditions] ... should be seen as counterproductive,” that Jewish groups should not allow themselves to be associated with such groups nor should they provide a platform to any Christian who will advocate for the conversion of Jews to Christianity.

The guidelines, said Cohen are just now starting to catch on.

She said she would not be so worried about the missionaries, except that often “it starts as love and ends in the Crusades or the gas chambers,” and she does not like that Hebrew Christians consider themselves to be Jewish when, in fact, as many as 90 percent of them are not by Jewish law.

Cohen said there is now a distint danger that that the attempt to build friendships will boomerang into an attack on Israel by the very people we have been cultivating as friends, because in thier eyes, Jewish Israelis are unfairly persecuting the Messianics by not accepting them as Jewish.

One wonders why Guno is so concerned with this when he claims he is a Leftist. Didn't Karl Marx say "Religion is the Opium of the Masses." If Guno is so interested in this subject, why isn't he posting about those Christians who are being killed in the Middle East because of their religious belefs. He could also post articles about those Christian pastors in Iran who have been imprisoned. Why just point out the Jews when it is against the law in Israel even for Jews to try to get people to convert to Judaism? Very, very telling, Guno, how you overlook the murder of Christians but want to concentrate on what is happening in israel where Christians certainly are not being murdered for their religious beliefs.

"Jews when it is against the law in Israel even for Jews to try to get people to convert to Judaism?"

You are really stupid aren't you, Jews don't try to convert anyone, Judaism is a non proselytizing religion as I stated before.
Judaism is not a proselytizing religion , people who want to become Jews are turned away an if they are accepted it takes years of study to finally be accepted an then they become part of the Jewish Community. Jews do NOT try to convert others to Judaism. In regard to missionaries, Jews are very wary of christian missionaries because of the long history of force conversions the inquisitions and the like. In Israel Jews should not have to put up with that, that is why Israel has laws against christian missionaries. see attachment to better understand Jews For Judaism | Home

If christian missionary's knowingly goes into Muslim counties to proselytize I have no sympathy for them as they knew the laws . To go into someones Home (country) and try to convert their family , it is very disrespectful.

Israel's fight against Christian missionaries - Baltimore Jewish |

One of Gesher Tsar’s founders is Deborah Cohen [name changed]. She said she came into contact with Christians as a tour guide during the second intifada, just under 10 years ago. She was enthralled by the outpouringof support and love these Christians showed, but quickly became perturbed by the inclination of some to proselytize Jews.

“It has come to the point where you cannot work with Christian groups without coming to the pitfall of Messianics,” Cohen said, noting that these Christians can’t understand why Jews refuse to accept them as Jewish.

“I am trying to walk this narrow bridge of being friends with Christians but getting them to understand we cannot be freinds if they ... try to proselytize me,” said Cohen. “We are working on this friendship because it is time to put an end to almost 2,000 years of persecution and because Israel needs this friendship.”

They cannot understand why we refuse to accept them as Jews. ... We are working on this friendship because it is time to put an end to almost 2,000 years of persecution and because Israel needs this friendship.”

Israel also, however, needs to preserve its Jewish identity. Israeli kids are less educated about the threat of Hebrew Christians than most Americans are, Cohen explained, most Israelis “don’t understand the Messianic thing,” and are at risk for being misled to thinking they are still practicing Judaism, when in fact they are acting as Christians.

Gesher Tsar’s guidelines, which Cohen’s group is trying to disseminate through the Ministry of Tourism and by word of mouth, include items like “relations with ... organizations or individuals who are engaged in activity that could be construed as proselytizing activity targeting Jews [and] organizations or individuals which identify themselves as Messianic Jewish [unless under certain conditions] ... should be seen as counterproductive,” that Jewish groups should not allow themselves to be associated with such groups nor should they provide a platform to any Christian who will advocate for the conversion of Jews to Christianity.

The guidelines, said Cohen are just now starting to catch on.

She said she would not be so worried about the missionaries, except that often “it starts as love and ends in the Crusades or the gas chambers,” and she does not like that Hebrew Christians consider themselves to be Jewish when, in fact, as many as 90 percent of them are not by Jewish law.

Cohen said there is now a distint danger that that the attempt to build friendships will boomerang into an attack on Israel by the very people we have been cultivating as friends, because in thier eyes, Jewish Israelis are unfairly persecuting the Messianics by not accepting them as Jewish.

One wonders why Guno is so concerned with this when he claims he is a Leftist. Didn't Karl Marx say "Religion is the Opium of the Masses." If Guno is so interested in this subject, why isn't he posting about those Christians who are being killed in the Middle East because of their religious belefs. He could also post articles about those Christian pastors in Iran who have been imprisoned. Why just point out the Jews when it is against the law in Israel even for Jews to try to get people to convert to Judaism? Very, very telling, Guno, how you overlook the murder of Christians but want to concentrate on what is happening in israel where Christians certainly are not being murdered for their religious beliefs.

Instead of listening to some semi literate bible thumping uneducated yahoo "pastor" for information on Jews,try to educate and investigating for yourself

Jewish atheism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jews are a people
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Judaism is not a proselytizing religion , people who want to become Jews are turned away an if they are accepted it takes years of study to finally be accepted an then they become part of the Jewish Community. Jews do NOT try to convert others to Judaism. In regard to missionaries, Jews are very wary of christian missionaries because of the long history of force conversions the inquisitions and the like. In Israel Jews should not have to put up with that, that is why Israel has laws against christian missionaries. see attachment to better understand Jews For Judaism | Home

If christian missionary's knowingly goes into Muslim counties to proselytize I have no sympathy for them as they knew the laws . To go into someones Home (country) and try to convert their family , it is very disrespectful.

Israel's fight against Christian missionaries - Baltimore Jewish |

One of Gesher Tsar’s founders is Deborah Cohen [name changed]. She said she came into contact with Christians as a tour guide during the second intifada, just under 10 years ago. She was enthralled by the outpouringof support and love these Christians showed, but quickly became perturbed by the inclination of some to proselytize Jews.

“It has come to the point where you cannot work with Christian groups without coming to the pitfall of Messianics,” Cohen said, noting that these Christians can’t understand why Jews refuse to accept them as Jewish.

“I am trying to walk this narrow bridge of being friends with Christians but getting them to understand we cannot be freinds if they ... try to proselytize me,” said Cohen. “We are working on this friendship because it is time to put an end to almost 2,000 years of persecution and because Israel needs this friendship.”

They cannot understand why we refuse to accept them as Jews. ... We are working on this friendship because it is time to put an end to almost 2,000 years of persecution and because Israel needs this friendship.”

Israel also, however, needs to preserve its Jewish identity. Israeli kids are less educated about the threat of Hebrew Christians than most Americans are, Cohen explained, most Israelis “don’t understand the Messianic thing,” and are at risk for being misled to thinking they are still practicing Judaism, when in fact they are acting as Christians.

Gesher Tsar’s guidelines, which Cohen’s group is trying to disseminate through the Ministry of Tourism and by word of mouth, include items like “relations with ... organizations or individuals who are engaged in activity that could be construed as proselytizing activity targeting Jews [and] organizations or individuals which identify themselves as Messianic Jewish [unless under certain conditions] ... should be seen as counterproductive,” that Jewish groups should not allow themselves to be associated with such groups nor should they provide a platform to any Christian who will advocate for the conversion of Jews to Christianity.

The guidelines, said Cohen are just now starting to catch on.

She said she would not be so worried about the missionaries, except that often “it starts as love and ends in the Crusades or the gas chambers,” and she does not like that Hebrew Christians consider themselves to be Jewish when, in fact, as many as 90 percent of them are not by Jewish law.

Cohen said there is now a distint danger that that the attempt to build friendships will boomerang into an attack on Israel by the very people we have been cultivating as friends, because in thier eyes, Jewish Israelis are unfairly persecuting the Messianics by not accepting them as Jewish.

One wonders why Guno is so concerned with this when he claims he is a Leftist. Didn't Karl Marx say "Religion is the Opium of the Masses." If Guno is so interested in this subject, why isn't he posting about those Christians who are being killed in the Middle East because of their religious belefs. He could also post articles about those Christian pastors in Iran who have been imprisoned. Why just point out the Jews when it is against the law in Israel even for Jews to try to get people to convert to Judaism? Very, very telling, Guno, how you overlook the murder of Christians but want to concentrate on what is happening in israel where Christians certainly are not being murdered for their religious beliefs.

"He could also post articles about those Christian pastors in Iran who have been imprisoned."
If a missionary goes into a country where Proselytizing is forbidden then they get what they deserve . No love lost for christian missionaries .
One of Gesher Tsar’s founders is Deborah Cohen [name changed]. She said she came into contact with Christians as a tour guide during the second intifada, just under 10 years ago. She was enthralled by the outpouringof support and love these Christians showed, but quickly became perturbed by the inclination of some to proselytize Jews.

“It has come to the point where you cannot work with Christian groups without coming to the pitfall of Messianics,” Cohen said, noting that these Christians can’t understand why Jews refuse to accept them as Jewish.

“I am trying to walk this narrow bridge of being friends with Christians but getting them to understand we cannot be freinds if they ... try to proselytize me,” said Cohen. “We are working on this friendship because it is time to put an end to almost 2,000 years of persecution and because Israel needs this friendship.”

They cannot understand why we refuse to accept them as Jews. ... We are working on this friendship because it is time to put an end to almost 2,000 years of persecution and because Israel needs this friendship.”

Israel also, however, needs to preserve its Jewish identity. Israeli kids are less educated about the threat of Hebrew Christians than most Americans are, Cohen explained, most Israelis “don’t understand the Messianic thing,” and are at risk for being misled to thinking they are still practicing Judaism, when in fact they are acting as Christians.

Gesher Tsar’s guidelines, which Cohen’s group is trying to disseminate through the Ministry of Tourism and by word of mouth, include items like “relations with ... organizations or individuals who are engaged in activity that could be construed as proselytizing activity targeting Jews [and] organizations or individuals which identify themselves as Messianic Jewish [unless under certain conditions] ... should be seen as counterproductive,” that Jewish groups should not allow themselves to be associated with such groups nor should they provide a platform to any Christian who will advocate for the conversion of Jews to Christianity.

The guidelines, said Cohen are just now starting to catch on.

She said she would not be so worried about the missionaries, except that often “it starts as love and ends in the Crusades or the gas chambers,” and she does not like that Hebrew Christians consider themselves to be Jewish when, in fact, as many as 90 percent of them are not by Jewish law.

Cohen said there is now a distint danger that that the attempt to build friendships will boomerang into an attack on Israel by the very people we have been cultivating as friends, because in thier eyes, Jewish Israelis are unfairly persecuting the Messianics by not accepting them as Jewish.

One wonders why Guno is so concerned with this when he claims he is a Leftist. Didn't Karl Marx say "Religion is the Opium of the Masses." If Guno is so interested in this subject, why isn't he posting about those Christians who are being killed in the Middle East because of their religious belefs. He could also post articles about those Christian pastors in Iran who have been imprisoned. Why just point out the Jews when it is against the law in Israel even for Jews to try to get people to convert to Judaism? Very, very telling, Guno, how you overlook the murder of Christians but want to concentrate on what is happening in israel where Christians certainly are not being murdered for their religious beliefs.

Instead of listening to some semi literate bible thumping yahoo for information on Jews sunday morning try to educate and investigating for yourself

Jewish atheism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of political parties in Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jews are a people

We all know that Jews are human beings of many different backgrounds -- the Bnai Menashe Jews from India, the Ethiopian Jews, even Jews from Kenya -- even those Leftist Jews who want to see Israel roll over for the Arabs.. However, you appear to be so obsessed with people not being able to missionize in israel when there is actually a law against any religion doing this. Naturally, I don't think anyone has seen you get so uptight on the enormous amount of Christians being murdered in the Middle Eastern countries. Perhaps it is more important for you to see people being able to missionize in Israel, but apparently is is very easy for you to close your eyes to not only the Christians being murdered in the Middle East, Christians whose ancient communities predated the Muslim invasion, but also the Muslims murdering each other. I guess missionizing is more important because the Jews are involved, but murder is not that important when the Muslims are involved. OK, now I get it..
One of Gesher Tsar’s founders is Deborah Cohen [name changed]. She said she came into contact with Christians as a tour guide during the second intifada, just under 10 years ago. She was enthralled by the outpouringof support and love these Christians showed, but quickly became perturbed by the inclination of some to proselytize Jews.

“It has come to the point where you cannot work with Christian groups without coming to the pitfall of Messianics,” Cohen said, noting that these Christians can’t understand why Jews refuse to accept them as Jewish.

“I am trying to walk this narrow bridge of being friends with Christians but getting them to understand we cannot be freinds if they ... try to proselytize me,” said Cohen. “We are working on this friendship because it is time to put an end to almost 2,000 years of persecution and because Israel needs this friendship.”

They cannot understand why we refuse to accept them as Jews. ... We are working on this friendship because it is time to put an end to almost 2,000 years of persecution and because Israel needs this friendship.”

Israel also, however, needs to preserve its Jewish identity. Israeli kids are less educated about the threat of Hebrew Christians than most Americans are, Cohen explained, most Israelis “don’t understand the Messianic thing,” and are at risk for being misled to thinking they are still practicing Judaism, when in fact they are acting as Christians.

Gesher Tsar’s guidelines, which Cohen’s group is trying to disseminate through the Ministry of Tourism and by word of mouth, include items like “relations with ... organizations or individuals who are engaged in activity that could be construed as proselytizing activity targeting Jews [and] organizations or individuals which identify themselves as Messianic Jewish [unless under certain conditions] ... should be seen as counterproductive,” that Jewish groups should not allow themselves to be associated with such groups nor should they provide a platform to any Christian who will advocate for the conversion of Jews to Christianity.

The guidelines, said Cohen are just now starting to catch on.

She said she would not be so worried about the missionaries, except that often “it starts as love and ends in the Crusades or the gas chambers,” and she does not like that Hebrew Christians consider themselves to be Jewish when, in fact, as many as 90 percent of them are not by Jewish law.

Cohen said there is now a distint danger that that the attempt to build friendships will boomerang into an attack on Israel by the very people we have been cultivating as friends, because in thier eyes, Jewish Israelis are unfairly persecuting the Messianics by not accepting them as Jewish.

One wonders why Guno is so concerned with this when he claims he is a Leftist. Didn't Karl Marx say "Religion is the Opium of the Masses." If Guno is so interested in this subject, why isn't he posting about those Christians who are being killed in the Middle East because of their religious belefs. He could also post articles about those Christian pastors in Iran who have been imprisoned. Why just point out the Jews when it is against the law in Israel even for Jews to try to get people to convert to Judaism? Very, very telling, Guno, how you overlook the murder of Christians but want to concentrate on what is happening in israel where Christians certainly are not being murdered for their religious beliefs.

"Jews when it is against the law in Israel even for Jews to try to get people to convert to Judaism?"

You are really stupid aren't you, Jews don't try to convert anyone, Judaism is a non proselytizing religion as I stated before.

So tell us, Guno, on this Middle East forum, when there is plenty going on in the Middle East other than Israel, why is it that important for you to bring up missionizing in Israel, when Christians are actually being killed by the thousands for their beliefs in other Middle East countries? I guess the Coptic Christians, the Assyrian Christians, the Chaldean Christians, the Armenian Christians whose blood has been shed in the other Middle East countries means nothing to Guno, but it such a terrible thing in his mind that Christians are not being able to missionize. Strange thing for a Leftist to worry about when so many are being murdered in other Middle East countries. Perhaps he should find some Middle East Christians here in the U.S. who can tell him if it is more important to them that their friends and relatives had been killed because of their religious beliefs than Israel not allowing missionizing. I am certain they would rather have these dead relatives and friends still alive.
One wonders why Guno is so concerned with this when he claims he is a Leftist. Didn't Karl Marx say "Religion is the Opium of the Masses." If Guno is so interested in this subject, why isn't he posting about those Christians who are being killed in the Middle East because of their religious belefs. He could also post articles about those Christian pastors in Iran who have been imprisoned. Why just point out the Jews when it is against the law in Israel even for Jews to try to get people to convert to Judaism? Very, very telling, Guno, how you overlook the murder of Christians but want to concentrate on what is happening in israel where Christians certainly are not being murdered for their religious beliefs.

"Jews when it is against the law in Israel even for Jews to try to get people to convert to Judaism?"

You are really stupid aren't you, Jews don't try to convert anyone, Judaism is a non proselytizing religion as I stated before.

So tell us, Guno, on this Middle East forum, when there is plenty going on in the Middle East other than Israel, why is it that important for you to bring up missionizing in Israel, when Christians are actually being killed by the thousands for their beliefs in other Middle East countries? I guess the Coptic Christians, the Assyrian Christians, the Chaldean Christians, the Armenian Christians whose blood has been shed in the other Middle East countries means nothing to Guno, but it such a terrible thing in his mind that Christians are not being able to missionize. Strange thing for a Leftist to worry about when so many are being murdered in other Middle East countries. Perhaps he should find some Middle East Christians here in the U.S. who can tell him if it is more important to them that their friends and relatives had been killed because of their religious beliefs than Israel not allowing missionizing. I am certain they would rather have these dead relatives and friends still alive.

I'm Jewish, if you want start your own thread about your christians in the middle east go ahead
"Jews when it is against the law in Israel even for Jews to try to get people to convert to Judaism?"

You are really stupid aren't you, Jews don't try to convert anyone, Judaism is a non proselytizing religion as I stated before.

So tell us, Guno, on this Middle East forum, when there is plenty going on in the Middle East other than Israel, why is it that important for you to bring up missionizing in Israel, when Christians are actually being killed by the thousands for their beliefs in other Middle East countries? I guess the Coptic Christians, the Assyrian Christians, the Chaldean Christians, the Armenian Christians whose blood has been shed in the other Middle East countries means nothing to Guno, but it such a terrible thing in his mind that Christians are not being able to missionize. Strange thing for a Leftist to worry about when so many are being murdered in other Middle East countries. Perhaps he should find some Middle East Christians here in the U.S. who can tell him if it is more important to them that their friends and relatives had been killed because of their religious beliefs than Israel not allowing missionizing. I am certain they would rather have these dead relatives and friends still alive.

I'm Jewish, if you want start your own thread about your christians in the middle east go ahead

Well, Guno, how do you know that I am not Jewish, but I have respect for other religions and I don't feel that the members of different religions should be harassed and murdered for their religious beliefs nor their houses of worship destroyed. Evidently you have no problem with what is happening in the rest of the Middle East -- no matter how many Muslims or Christians are being killed. You feel it is more important to post about a Christian group not being able to missionize the Jews even though there is a law in Israel against trying to convert others. I on the other hand feel it is more important to worry about those innocents who are being killed. To each his own. I guess everyone has his own thing to obsess over. Guno obsesses over people not being able to missionize, and I obsess over people having no tolerance for other religions that they have to murder other people. By the way, here in the U.S. if Guno wants to listen to some missionary, he of course can do so and convert if that is his wish. No one will kill him for doing so the way people are killed in the Muslim Middle Eastern countries if they drop out of Islam.
Wow. A thread about Christian missionaries being barred in Israel (that has zero to do with Islam) and Sally still finds away to bash away at Muslims. Can't you ever discuss the topic? :doubt:

Maybe (novel idea) Guno wants to discuss the topic he started, and not your incessent thread derailments...

Proselytizing is strictly a Christian and Muslim affair. Moonies too I think. But not Jews. Nor Hindus.

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