Israel's Legal Right To Exist

The Jewish people who migrated to Europe remained Jewish (witness the retention of Jewish culture).

People from Judea may well have taken their religion to Europe, but overwhelmingly most Jewish Europeans are the decendants of converts; without Judaism, there is no specifically ethnic Jewish culture.

The Arab people who migrated to "Palestine" remained Arab (witness their Arab culture).

There is no evidence of significant post invasion Arab migration to Palestine; most recorded migration out of Arabia went to what is now Iraq. The population of Palestine were either minority Pagan or Jewish, with a Christian majority in the 7th century, over the succeeding centuries this population adopted Arabic as their language and Islam as their religion.

And removing either from group from this land would be ethnic cleansing which is both legally and morally wrong.
Crocodile tears...pity the Zionist colonists paid scant attention to morals and the law when they ethnically cleansed the indigenous Palestinians to create their Zionist paradise in 1947-48

OMG! Please tell us more about this "ethnic cleansing" of Palestinians. Thank you. Heh Heh.
You don't want to know.

Indeed I do. I could never support a people who commit ethnic cleansing like the Arab countries did to Christians & Jews. Could you?

As to Israel & the Palestinians regarding "ethnic cleansing, let us all consider the documented facts. Okay by you? In 1948 there were approximately 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel. And now there are only around just 6 million of them left. It's a GENOCIDE I tell ya. A GENOCIDE! Pass it on.

Population Statistics - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -
The Jewish people who migrated to Europe remained Jewish (witness the retention of Jewish culture).

People from Judea may well have taken their religion to Europe, but overwhelmingly most Jewish Europeans are the decendants of converts; without Judaism, there is no specifically ethnic Jewish culture.

The Arab people who migrated to "Palestine" remained Arab (witness their Arab culture).

There is no evidence of significant post invasion Arab migration to Palestine; most recorded migration out of Arabia went to what is now Iraq. The population of Palestine were either minority Pagan or Jewish, with a Christian majority in the 7th century, over the succeeding centuries this population adopted Arabic as their language and Islam as their religion.

And removing either from group from this land would be ethnic cleansing which is both legally and morally wrong.
Crocodile tears...pity the Zionist colonists paid scant attention to morals and the law when they ethnically cleansed the indigenous Palestinians to create their Zionist paradise in 1947-48

OMG! Please tell us more about this "ethnic cleansing" of Palestinians. Thank you. Heh Heh.

"OMG! Please tell us more about this "ethnic cleansing" of Palestinians. Thank you. Heh Heh."

". . .The (israeli) committee also approved building permits for 105 housing units for Palestinians in East Jerusalem. . ."

...despicable, those "ethnic-cleansers..."
MJB never fails to demonstrate that he just doesn't understand what the crime of genocide is. He does provide comic relief though.
MJB never fails to demonstrate that he just doesn't understand what the crime of genocide is. He does provide comic relief though.

Hey, I am on your side. Did I not state this is a GENOCIDE? 1.2 million to 6 million. And here you thought I didn't know what constitutes a genocide. Right Monte? Ya gotta love that guy. Heh Heh!

As to Israel & the Palestinians regarding "ethnic cleansing, let us all consider the documented facts. Okay by you? In 1948 there were approximately 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel. And now there are only around just 6 million of them left. It's a GENOCIDE I tell ya. A GENOCIDE! Pass it on.

Population Statistics - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -
Again, by making that silly remark demonstrates that you don't know what the crime of genocide is.
... there is no specifically ethnic Jewish culture ...

You would have to entirely re-define the meaning of the word culture in order for this to be true. And to deliberately re-define the meaning of words so as to exclude and erase Jews is vile. Actually, scratch that, there is absolutely no way to re-define the term "culture" in order to exclude the Jewish people, no matter how hard you might try. It gets especially difficult when you try to exclude the Jewish people and include the Palestinian people, who have virtually no recognizable differentiation in their "culture" from neighboring Syrians and Jordanians.

There is no evidence of significant post invasion Arab migration to Palestine

Of course there is. The entire culture changed: language, religious faith, core values, legal precepts, life celebrations, celebrated holidays, even actual, documented history is being changed (attempted) in the Arab Muslim "Palestinian" narrative. There was an invasion which entirely changed the culture of the area, not once, but twice. How the hell do you think that happens? Cultures don't just change on their own. They require people to come in and do the changing. And not just a handful of elites either. How the hell are you going to learn Arabic if you don't have anyone who speaks the language to teach you?!

....the Zionist colonists paid scant attention to morals and the law when they ethnically cleansed the indigenous Palestinians to create their Zionist paradise in 1947-48

And pity that the Arabs did the same and created such hostility between the two groups of peoples who had been living on the land for thousands or hundreds of years. And pity that the whole Arab Muslim world got in on the act by ethnically cleansing the Jews from the Arab world. A bunch of shitty, tragic, terrible things happened between WWI and WWII.

But we were not talking about the past. We were talking about making moral decisions for the future. I believe it would be immoral, at this point, to ethnically cleanse anyone from Israel / "Palestine". Do you agree or disagree?
Again, by making that silly remark demonstrates that you don't know what the crime of genocide is.

Especially as I was talking about ethnic cleansing, hey ho...:lol:

So, do you condone the ethnic cleansing of Christians & Jews by the Arab countries?

The Zionists were very good at that, using scare tactics on the Jewish populations and provoking outrage amongst the Muslim populations by their actions against the Muslims and Christians in Palestine.

I don't condone ethnic cleansing, period. Whether carried out by Zionists, both overtly and covertly, or Isis fanatics in Syria and Iraq, or Christian fanatics in Bosnia and what was once Yugoslavia.
Again, by making that silly remark demonstrates that you don't know what the crime of genocide is.

Especially as I was talking about ethnic cleansing, hey ho...:lol:

So, do you condone the ethnic cleansing of Christians & Jews by the Arab countries?

The Zionists were very good at that, using scare tactics on the Jewish populations and provoking outrage amongst the Muslim populations by their actions against the Muslims and Christians in Palestine.

I don't condone ethnic cleansing, period. Whether carried out by Zionists, both overtly and covertly, or Isis fanatics in Syria and Iraq, or Christian fanatics in Bosnia and what was once Yugoslavia.

So let me get this straight. Is this what you mean by Zionist ethnic cleansing? 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel in 1948 & now just over 6 million of them left?

Population Statistics - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -
Again, by making that silly remark demonstrates that you don't know what the crime of genocide is.

Especially as I was talking about ethnic cleansing, hey ho...:lol:

So, do you condone the ethnic cleansing of Christians & Jews by the Arab countries?

The Zionists were very good at that, using scare tactics on the Jewish populations and provoking outrage amongst the Muslim populations by their actions against the Muslims and Christians in Palestine.

I don't condone ethnic cleansing, period. Whether carried out by Zionists, both overtly and covertly, or Isis fanatics in Syria and Iraq, or Christian fanatics in Bosnia and what was once Yugoslavia.

So let me get this straight. Is this what you mean by Zionist ethnic cleansing? 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel in 1948 & now just over 6 million of them left?

Population Statistics - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -
Ethnic cleansing is not numbers. It is location.
Again, by making that silly remark demonstrates that you don't know what the crime of genocide is.

Especially as I was talking about ethnic cleansing, hey ho...:lol:

So, do you condone the ethnic cleansing of Christians & Jews by the Arab countries?

The Zionists were very good at that, using scare tactics on the Jewish populations and provoking outrage amongst the Muslim populations by their actions against the Muslims and Christians in Palestine.

I don't condone ethnic cleansing, period. Whether carried out by Zionists, both overtly and covertly, or Isis fanatics in Syria and Iraq, or Christian fanatics in Bosnia and what was once Yugoslavia.

So let me get this straight. Is this what you mean by Zionist ethnic cleansing? 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel in 1948 & now just over 6 million of them left?

Population Statistics - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -
Ethnic cleansing is not numbers. It is location.

"Ethnic Cleansing" has become a silly slogan used by islamics and their Pom Pom flailers to describe an exploding population, (well, maybe that's the wrong term to be applied to Islamic terrorists)... uncontrolled breeding, among Arabs-Moslems occupying the disputed territories.
Especially as I was talking about ethnic cleansing, hey ho...:lol:

So, do you condone the ethnic cleansing of Christians & Jews by the Arab countries?

The Zionists were very good at that, using scare tactics on the Jewish populations and provoking outrage amongst the Muslim populations by their actions against the Muslims and Christians in Palestine.

I don't condone ethnic cleansing, period. Whether carried out by Zionists, both overtly and covertly, or Isis fanatics in Syria and Iraq, or Christian fanatics in Bosnia and what was once Yugoslavia.

So let me get this straight. Is this what you mean by Zionist ethnic cleansing? 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel in 1948 & now just over 6 million of them left?

Population Statistics - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -
Ethnic cleansing is not numbers. It is location.

"Ethnic Cleansing" has become a silly slogan used by islamics and their Pom Pom flailers to describe an exploding population, (well, maybe that's the wrong term to be applied to Islamic terrorists)... uncontrolled breeding, among Arabs-Moslems occupying the disputed territories.
Israel has been ethnic cleansing since before it was called Israel and it continues today.
So, do you condone the ethnic cleansing of Christians & Jews by the Arab countries?

The Zionists were very good at that, using scare tactics on the Jewish populations and provoking outrage amongst the Muslim populations by their actions against the Muslims and Christians in Palestine.

I don't condone ethnic cleansing, period. Whether carried out by Zionists, both overtly and covertly, or Isis fanatics in Syria and Iraq, or Christian fanatics in Bosnia and what was once Yugoslavia.

So let me get this straight. Is this what you mean by Zionist ethnic cleansing? 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel in 1948 & now just over 6 million of them left?

Population Statistics - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -
Ethnic cleansing is not numbers. It is location.

"Ethnic Cleansing" has become a silly slogan used by islamics and their Pom Pom flailers to describe an exploding population, (well, maybe that's the wrong term to be applied to Islamic terrorists)... uncontrolled breeding, among Arabs-Moslems occupying the disputed territories.
Israel has been ethnic cleansing since before it was called Israel and it continues today.
As usual, you make no sense.
The Zionists were very good at that, using scare tactics on the Jewish populations and provoking outrage amongst the Muslim populations by their actions against the Muslims and Christians in Palestine.

I don't condone ethnic cleansing, period. Whether carried out by Zionists, both overtly and covertly, or Isis fanatics in Syria and Iraq, or Christian fanatics in Bosnia and what was once Yugoslavia.

So let me get this straight. Is this what you mean by Zionist ethnic cleansing? 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel in 1948 & now just over 6 million of them left?

Population Statistics - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -
Ethnic cleansing is not numbers. It is location.

"Ethnic Cleansing" has become a silly slogan used by islamics and their Pom Pom flailers to describe an exploding population, (well, maybe that's the wrong term to be applied to Islamic terrorists)... uncontrolled breeding, among Arabs-Moslems occupying the disputed territories.
Israel has been ethnic cleansing since before it was called Israel and it continues today.
As usual, you make no sense.
To you? No surprise here.
Again, by making that silly remark demonstrates that you don't know what the crime of genocide is.

Especially as I was talking about ethnic cleansing, hey ho...:lol:

So, do you condone the ethnic cleansing of Christians & Jews by the Arab countries?

The Zionists were very good at that, using scare tactics on the Jewish populations and provoking outrage amongst the Muslim populations by their actions against the Muslims and Christians in Palestine.

I don't condone ethnic cleansing, period. Whether carried out by Zionists, both overtly and covertly, or Isis fanatics in Syria and Iraq, or Christian fanatics in Bosnia and what was once Yugoslavia.

So let me get this straight. Is this what you mean by Zionist ethnic cleansing? 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel in 1948 & now just over 6 million of them left?

Population Statistics - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -
Ethnic cleansing is not numbers. It is location.

How do you like that? And here I actually believed ethnic cleansing would require lowering a population rather than increasing it.
There are apparently quite a number of "alternative facts" that you believe. Your type thrives on them. Without the ethnic cleansing that took place, non-Jews would substantially outnumber Jews in Israel today.
Ethnic cleansing is not numbers. It is location.

Here we go again re-defining terms in order to demonize Israel. It defies rational thinking. There are no Jews in Gaza and Areas A and B. There are almost no Jews left anywhere in the ME except Israel. There is a significant portion of Arab Muslims and Christians in Israel.

Where is this ethnic cleansing occurring, then?
Ethnic cleansing is not numbers. It is location.

Here we go again re-defining terms in order to demonize Israel. It defies rational thinking. There are no Jews in Gaza and Areas A and B. There are almost no Jews left anywhere in the ME except Israel. There is a significant portion of Arab Muslims and Christians in Israel.

Where is this ethnic cleansing occurring, then?
You clearly do not understand ethnic cleansing, do you?

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