Israel's Legal Right To Exist

See, the indigenous people who didn't convert to Christianity and then to Islam stopped being indigenous. If you maintained your culture and language and religious faith and life celebrations and rituals and legal codes and myths and histories and stories and cultural heritage then you stop being indigenous. Just like the First Nations peoples of the Americas who failed to convert to Christianity can no longer be considered indigenous.
The European Christian converts to Judaism (Zionists) were indigenous to Europe. Conversion to a religion does not change one's ancestors.
Of course the Muslims and Christian Palestinians were indigenous. There were no indigenous Jews, all indigenous people were required to convert to Christianity in 308 AD, and non-Christians were forbidden from entering Palestine from that date until the Muslim conquest.

Once again, must have been those Christians & Muslims who built Solomon's Temple. Heh Heh!
European are Europeans they are not indigenous to the Middle East. The Zionists were Europeans.
It's truly comical to read your befuddled commentaries on indigenous people. How did the invading Christians from Europe magically transform into indigenous people?
I swear monte actually doesn't realize how he contradicts his own arguments.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Well, this is an over exaggeration in itself. I'm not sure you can predict today, what Israel will do tomorrow; because I'm not sure if the Israelis know themselves what the ultimate the current undertakings will lead them.

Don't jump to conclusions.

montelatici, et al,

Oh, you act like this has not been discussed.

So, what would heroic and patriotic resistance to military occupation be, Rocco. Do you think that they should passively accept military occupation?

Chapter I, Article 1(1), UN Charter: To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace;

A/RES/25/2625 Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States Paragraph 1 --- Solemnly proclaims the following principles: Every State has the duty to refrain from the threat or use of force to violate the existing international boundaries of another State or as a means of solving international disputes, including territorial disputes and problems concerning frontiers of States.

Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip --- ARTICLE XXI Settlement of Differences and Disputes: Any difference relating to the application of this Agreement shall be referred to the appropriate coordination and cooperation mechanism established under this Agreement. The provisions of Article XV of the DOP shall apply to any such difference which is not settled through the appropriate coordination and cooperation mechanism, namely:

1. Disputes arising out of the application or interpretation of this Agreement or any related agreements pertaining to the interim period shall be settled through the Liaison Committee.

2. Disputes which cannot be settled by negotiations may be settled by a mechanism of conciliation to be agreed between the Parties.

3. The Parties may agree to submit to arbitration disputes relating to the interim period, which cannot be settled through conciliation. To this end, upon the agreement of both Parties, the Parties will establish an Arbitration Committee.
How about just doing the very practical; that which was established even before Israel was declared independent.

Most Respectfully,
Israel is going to eat up all of Palestine no matter what they do. That has been the goal for a hundred years.
While you suggest a bunch of crap that won't work.

Why will it not work?

∆∆ RHETORICAL ANSWER: Is it because the Arab Palestinians have too many demands that if conceded would put Israeli Sovereignty at risk?
∆∆ RHETORICAL ANSWER: Is it because the Arab Palestinians have a dysfunctional government that cannot compromise?
∆∆ RHETORICAL ANSWER: Is it because the Arab Palestinians have a level of corruption that thrives on the conflict and profits from the continuation?
∆∆ RHETORICAL ANSWER: Is it because the Arab Palestinians have produced an unskilled labor force, several generations deep, and do not know anything but how to be a Jihadist, Deadly Fedayeen, Hostile Insurgent, Radicalized Islamist, and Asymmetric Fighters?
∆∆ RHETORICAL ANSWER: Is it because the Arab Palestinians have glorified the campaign against Israel so much, that they see violence as a popular and respectable service to the community?

There are many that simply benefit more from the continuation of the struggle --- than they do by coming together in a common cause of rebuilding their nation.

Most Respectfully,
Who writes your shit, Rocco?

Migration doesn't change your ancestry.

Correct! Jewish Europeans remain Europeans. The indigenous people of Palestine remain indigenous, regardless of what religion they adopt and that includes Judaism.

The Jewish people who migrated to Europe remained Jewish (witness the retention of Jewish culture). The Arab people who migrated to "Palestine" remained Arab (witness their Arab culture). And Palestinian people who migrate to Chile remain Palestinians. All migrating peoples mix with locals. All of this is self-evident.

But the definition of indigenous remains: a pre-invasion culture originating on a specific territory. A migrating Arab culture does not meet this definition no matter how badly you twist it. The purpose of identifying indigenous cultures is to preserve the pre-invasion peoples and cultures from being overtaken by invading and migrating cultures.

But none of this is important in resolving the conflict. (In fact, this thinking is what keeps the conflict alive in the Palestinian people.) Its been a hundred years -- neither the Jewish people nor the Palestinian people are going to just go away at this point. And removing either from group from this land would be ethnic cleansing which is both legally and morally wrong.
The Palestinians are the indigenous people, that they adopted the religion, language and culture of the new rulers who were Arabians does not change their ancestry. That people indigenous to Morocco, Sudan, Algeria Syria etc. are called Arab, does not make them Arabians from the Arabian Peninsula. The only exception would be the Bedouins, who are in fact Arabians.

On the other hand, European Jews are Europeans. Their ancestors, especially their female ancestors are almost exclusively from Europe.

"The finding establishes that the women who founded the Ashkenazi Jewish community of Europe were not from the Near East, as previously supposed......."

Genes Suggest European Women at Root of Ashkenazi Family Tree
The Palestinians are the indigenous people, that they adopted the religion, language and culture of the new rulers who were Arabians does not change their ancestry. That people indigenous to Morocco, Sudan, Algeria Syria etc. are called Arab, does not make them Arabians from the Arabian Peninsula. The only exception would be the Bedouins, who are in fact Arabians.

On the other hand, European Jews are Europeans. Their ancestors, especially their female ancestors are almost exclusively from Europe.

"The finding establishes that the women who founded the Ashkenazi Jewish community of Europe were not from the Near East, as previously supposed......."

Genes Suggest European Women at Root of Ashkenazi Family Tree
The Palestinians are the indigenous people, that they adopted the religion, language and culture of the new rulers who were Arabians does not change their ancestry. That people indigenous to Morocco, Sudan, Algeria Syria etc. are called Arab, does not make them Arabians from the Arabian Peninsula. The only exception would be the Bedouins, who are in fact Arabians.

On the other hand, European Jews are Europeans. Their ancestors, especially their female ancestors are almost exclusively from Europe.

"The finding establishes that the women who founded the Ashkenazi Jewish community of Europe were not from the Near East, as previously supposed......."

Genes Suggest European Women at Root of Ashkenazi Family Tree

Well then, was it those "European Jews" who build Solomon's Temple???
The Europeans that converted to Judaism built nothing in Palestine. You still haven't figured out that the few Palestinians that had not already converted to Christianity by 380 AD, subsequently converted to Christianity to be able to remain residents of Palestine.
The Palestinians are the indigenous people, that they adopted the religion, language and culture of the new rulers who were Arabians does not change their ancestry. That people indigenous to Morocco, Sudan, Algeria Syria etc. are called Arab, does not make them Arabians from the Arabian Peninsula. The only exception would be the Bedouins, who are in fact Arabians.

On the other hand, European Jews are Europeans. Their ancestors, especially their female ancestors are almost exclusively from Europe.

"The finding establishes that the women who founded the Ashkenazi Jewish community of Europe were not from the Near East, as previously supposed......."

Genes Suggest European Women at Root of Ashkenazi Family Tree
Well isn't that interesting. Odd how the Crusading Christian invaders from Europe magically became indigenous Arabs.

Welcome to Monty's world.
The Jewish people who migrated to Europe remained Jewish (witness the retention of Jewish culture).

People from Judea may well have taken their religion to Europe, but overwhelmingly most Jewish Europeans are the decendants of converts; without Judaism, there is no specifically ethnic Jewish culture.

The Arab people who migrated to "Palestine" remained Arab (witness their Arab culture).

There is no evidence of significant post invasion Arab migration to Palestine; most recorded migration out of Arabia went to what is now Iraq. The population of Palestine were either minority Pagan or Jewish, with a Christian majority in the 7th century, over the succeeding centuries this population adopted Arabic as their language and Islam as their religion.

And removing either from group from this land would be ethnic cleansing which is both legally and morally wrong.
Crocodile tears...pity the Zionist colonists paid scant attention to morals and the law when they ethnically cleansed the indigenous Palestinians to create their Zionist paradise in 1947-48
Of course the Muslims and Christian Palestinians were indigenous. There were no indigenous Jews, all indigenous people were required to convert to Christianity in 308 AD, and non-Christians were forbidden from entering Palestine from that date until the Muslim conquest.

Once again, must have been those Christians & Muslims who built Solomon's Temple. Heh Heh!

Oh dear, there's a few years between 832BCE and 308CE, a lot can change in 1000 years.
The Jewish people who migrated to Europe remained Jewish (witness the retention of Jewish culture).

People from Judea may well have taken their religion to Europe, but overwhelmingly most Jewish Europeans are the decendants of converts; without Judaism, there is no specifically ethnic Jewish culture.

The Arab people who migrated to "Palestine" remained Arab (witness their Arab culture).

There is no evidence of significant post invasion Arab migration to Palestine; most recorded migration out of Arabia went to what is now Iraq. The population of Palestine were either minority Pagan or Jewish, with a Christian majority in the 7th century, over the succeeding centuries this population adopted Arabic as their language and Islam as their religion.

And removing either from group from this land would be ethnic cleansing which is both legally and morally wrong.
Crocodile tears...pity the Zionist colonists paid scant attention to morals and the law when they ethnically cleansed the indigenous Palestinians to create their Zionist paradise in 1947-48

OMG! Please tell us more about this "ethnic cleansing" of Palestinians. Thank you. Heh Heh.
The Jewish people who migrated to Europe remained Jewish (witness the retention of Jewish culture).

People from Judea may well have taken their religion to Europe, but overwhelmingly most Jewish Europeans are the decendants of converts; without Judaism, there is no specifically ethnic Jewish culture.

The Arab people who migrated to "Palestine" remained Arab (witness their Arab culture).

There is no evidence of significant post invasion Arab migration to Palestine; most recorded migration out of Arabia went to what is now Iraq. The population of Palestine were either minority Pagan or Jewish, with a Christian majority in the 7th century, over the succeeding centuries this population adopted Arabic as their language and Islam as their religion.

And removing either from group from this land would be ethnic cleansing which is both legally and morally wrong.
Crocodile tears...pity the Zionist colonists paid scant attention to morals and the law when they ethnically cleansed the indigenous Palestinians to create their Zionist paradise in 1947-48

OMG! Please tell us more about this "ethnic cleansing" of Palestinians. Thank you. Heh Heh.
You don't want to know.
The Palestinians are the indigenous people, that they adopted the religion, language and culture of the new rulers who were Arabians does not change their ancestry. That people indigenous to Morocco, Sudan, Algeria Syria etc. are called Arab, does not make them Arabians from the Arabian Peninsula. The only exception would be the Bedouins, who are in fact Arabians.

On the other hand, European Jews are Europeans. Their ancestors, especially their female ancestors are almost exclusively from Europe.

"The finding establishes that the women who founded the Ashkenazi Jewish community of Europe were not from the Near East, as previously supposed......."

Genes Suggest European Women at Root of Ashkenazi Family Tree
Well isn't that interesting. Odd how the Crusading Christian invaders from Europe magically became indigenous Arabs.

Welcome to Monty's world.

"Welcome to Monty's world."


MJB never fails to demonstrate is inability to understand fairly simple concepts. He, for example, believes that to be guilty of genocide, the perpetrator must be successful in completely eliminating and/or insure the reduction in growth of the target group. He probably believes that only ethnically cleansing 80% of the non-Jews from what became Israel, is not ethnic cleansing. heh, heh. He's a real treat.

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