Israel's Legal Right To Exist

You clearly do not understand ethnic cleansing, do you?

Oh, I can't wait to have you explain it to me!
Oh jeese, why do I always have to start at square one with you people?

Its because your ideas are contrary to rational thinking.
Moving people from where they live to someplace else because you do not want them there is ethnic cleansing.

There is nothing irrational about it.
You clearly do not understand ethnic cleansing, do you?

Oh, I can't wait to have you explain it to me!
Oh jeese, why do I always have to start at square one with you people?

Its because your ideas are contrary to rational thinking.
Moving people from where they live to someplace else because you do not want them there is ethnic cleansing.

There is nothing irrational about it.

Examples of this happening in Israel today?
You clearly do not understand ethnic cleansing, do you?

Oh, I can't wait to have you explain it to me!
Oh jeese, why do I always have to start at square one with you people?

Its because your ideas are contrary to rational thinking.
Moving people from where they live to someplace else because you do not want them there is ethnic cleansing.

There is nothing irrational about it.

Examples of this happening in Israel today?
You clearly do not understand ethnic cleansing, do you?

Oh, I can't wait to have you explain it to me!
Oh jeese, why do I always have to start at square one with you people?

Its because your ideas are contrary to rational thinking.
Moving people from where they live to someplace else because you do not want them there is ethnic cleansing.

There is nothing irrational about it.[/QUOTE

Well then, how are Israel's peace offerings,, security fence & land concessions so Palestinians can stay where they are "Ethnic Cleansing???
You clearly do not understand ethnic cleansing, do you?

Oh, I can't wait to have you explain it to me!
Oh jeese, why do I always have to start at square one with you people?

Its because your ideas are contrary to rational thinking.
Moving people from where they live to someplace else because you do not want them there is ethnic cleansing.

There is nothing irrational about it.

Well then, how are Israel's peace offerings, security fence & land concessions so Palestinians can stay where they are cases"Ethnic Cleansing"???
If you want to talk ethnic cleansing then talk about the Arab country ethnic cleansing of Christians & Jews.
Oh, I can't wait to have you explain it to me!
Oh jeese, why do I always have to start at square one with you people?

Its because your ideas are contrary to rational thinking.
Moving people from where they live to someplace else because you do not want them there is ethnic cleansing.

There is nothing irrational about it.

Examples of this happening in Israel today?

Why do you think what is happening in Umm al-Hiran is ethnic cleansing?
Oh jeese, why do I always have to start at square one with you people?

Its because your ideas are contrary to rational thinking.
Moving people from where they live to someplace else because you do not want them there is ethnic cleansing.

There is nothing irrational about it.

Examples of this happening in Israel today?

Why do you think what is happening in Umm al-Hiran is ethnic cleansing?

Because the area is being cleansed for Jewish only settlements.
Its because your ideas are contrary to rational thinking.
Moving people from where they live to someplace else because you do not want them there is ethnic cleansing.

There is nothing irrational about it.

Examples of this happening in Israel today?

Why do you think what is happening in Umm al-Hiran is ethnic cleansing?

Because the area is being cleansed for Jewish only settlements.

Wouldn't you prefer clean Israeli settlements to the filthy Palestinian settlements?
Ethnic cleansing is not numbers. It is location.

Here we go again re-defining terms in order to demonize Israel. It defies rational thinking. There are no Jews in Gaza and Areas A and B. There are almost no Jews left anywhere in the ME except Israel. There is a significant portion of Arab Muslims and Christians in Israel.

Where is this ethnic cleansing occurring, then?
You clearly do not understand ethnic cleansing, do you?

Isn’t it what they’re doing in Syria?


no more crowds for him.

Him and his friends,
he/they murdered all of them. “Cleansed.”


what happened to that stupid anti-american tombstone picture of yours?


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Isn’t it what they’re doing in Syria?
Shouldn't that be: Isn’t it what we’re doing in Syria?

you make me sick.

twisting the facts around [as usual]. yeah, "we." we're responsible, not icehole and bashir...

...(so, what does your ex-tombstone mean then)...?
You criticize my tombstone but you do not know what it means.

fuck talking about the tombstone - what about BLAMING the united states of america for the ETHNIC-CLEASING of syria?
Isn’t it what they’re doing in Syria?
Shouldn't that be: Isn’t it what we’re doing in Syria?

you make me sick.

twisting the facts around [as usual]. yeah, "we." we're responsible, not icehole and bashir...

...(so, what does your ex-tombstone mean then)...?
You criticize my tombstone but you do not know what it means.

fuck talking about the "tombstone" - what about YOU blaming the United States of America for the genocide happening in Syria ?

What does it mean?

fuck talking about the "tombstone" - what about YOU blaming the United States of America for the genocide happening in Syria ?

Most Respectfully,

"What does it mean?"

- I don't know exactly - but, i found it...unsightly. i just asked him 2 posts ago to clarify. he got all bent out of shape that I "ain't" no walking encyclopedia - so i asked him to RE-EXPLAIN what his tombstone avatar means so i don't have oggida wondering...

I got nothing from him....

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