Israel's Legal Right To Exist


Your rant would have more weight if you outlined just exactly what "bizarre, irrational, corrupt, deluded and mindless" thoughts you think I have been "indoctrinated" with.

Can't be done with that God given piece of wood in his head to think with.
Well I have to give you Credit MJ for being Amusing...Well Done 10/10...steve

My pleasure drongo. And you may address me as MJB, the Great.
see I am the Original are a Jonny Come Lately Wannabee.......VERSIONIST Too late failed...simple as that...steve

BS. Hey, join me in a tallie of amber fluid. Here's to ya mate.


Your rant would have more weight if you outlined just exactly what "bizarre, irrational, corrupt, deluded and mindless" thoughts you think I have been "indoctrinated" with.

Can't be done with that God given piece of wood in his head to think with.
Well I have to give you Credit MJ for being Amusing...Well Done 10/10...steve

My pleasure drongo. And you may address me as MJB, the Great.
see I am the Original are a Jonny Come Lately Wannabee.......VERSIONIST Too late failed...simple as that...steve

BS. Hey, join me in a tallie of amber fluid. Here's to ya mate.


If only,GEE MJ........where on earth did you dig this advert from ????? it says 1 pint 8 fluid ounces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! considering we have been metricated since 1965,I wouldn't touch this can as it's rusted around the bottom,anyhow I'm a Coopers man.....did you know that we invented the ring-pull-can...but I would drink with you,despite our differences,you would always be welcome at our table..steve
I read with some interest Hoss,reading further I noticed a slight Conservative and dare I say Jewish tone...Hoss....I then checked who "" assumption was clear...A Jewish inspired publication out of Sherman Oaks,California,the E.I.Chief is David Horowitz(no need to say much more) and his side kick Jamie Glazov,Russian Jew from Canada...I read the rest and decided that it was merely another pro-Zionist Rag.....Hoss I gave it my best shot but in future,give me things to read that are more enlightening than this Right Wing,Pro-Zionist site.

But Thanks for trying despite foul mouthing me regarding getting a copy....If I wanted to be imbued with Pro-Zionist Trash,I get my fill on here As I explained Hoss,I don't do hate sites,neither Zionist or ISIS etc,.., It is great to be independent,intelligent and a free thinker without having to resort to hate sites

I get it now, Steve. You are frustrated that you weren't around to help the Nazis write the propaganda for the Arabs so you try to catch up by doing you best trying to put down the Zionists like good Nazis would. Another suggestion for you since it appears that you apparently don't like what Jewish scholars and historians have to say, Google History of Jihad where you can get the history of what happened in different countries. I don't think the authors are all Jewish scholars who have contributed to this.

Remember, since you allegedly read The Transfer by a Jew, you certainly are going to read his latter book on the Nazis collaborating with the Nazis. A "sharp" guy like you must want to be educated about everything that went on at that time. If it really is too much for you, then you can always ask to be sent all the Pallywood videos so you could curse the Zionists while you watch them.

The Farhud: Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust: Edwin Black: 9780914153146: Books
Hoss YOU GAVE ME THE CRAP SITE,you deceived me into thinking you we giving me sound information............You Let Yourself Down...No Matter steve..Ps I don't do Frustration and Hate SITES.......
Amazon is a retail site. They sell books. They're not promoting them.
I can't be doing with you today Hoss my friend,have a lovely weekend with the Family...steve

Then go and treat all the koala's your ancestors raped and infected with syphilis
What a WEIRD set of Posts(last 10) Pheo,R U Feeling Well or What !!!!!!!???????,most strange
Hoss YOU GAVE ME THE CRAP SITE,you deceived me into thinking you we giving me sound information............You Let Yourself Down...No Matter steve..Ps I don't do Frustration and Hate SITES.......
Amazon is a retail site. They sell books. They're not promoting them.
I can't be doing with you today Hoss my friend,have a lovely weekend with the Family...steve

Australia............ ...must be," wow."

Seriously....lucky for you, you're surrounded by water..............

What's the black population ? .. you have black neighborhoods in Australia ? or is it one big happy neighborhood everywhere ?

What's the muslim population ?

are there a lot of mosques in Australia ?

it's easier to ask someone who lives right there (if you know offhand).
We have as many ethnic people as much as the US....but unlike you they are not called Muslim Americans,Jewish Americans,Irish American etc.,They are called just Australian,I think you get my also equals Harmony.....Church's, Mosque's,Synogues sic and other places of worship....moreover the different Religions regularly meet with each other,ALL GOOD HERE.

Regards Member..steve

Steve....thirsty ?

"I think you get my drift..."

I think I do....."We have as many ethnic people as much as the US"

(seeing how you danced around my question - you know what mean mate)....

you don't live within a MILE of black folk.....*SnAp*[/QUOTE

We employ 32 Australians(Aboriginals to your thinking and racist attitude),I have been welcome in their homes as they have mine..You don't know me,other wise you wouldn't talk such shit.........
I get it now, Steve. You are frustrated that you weren't around to help the Nazis write the propaganda for the Arabs so you try to catch up by doing you best trying to put down the Zionists like good Nazis would. Another suggestion for you since it appears that you apparently don't like what Jewish scholars and historians have to say, Google History of Jihad where you can get the history of what happened in different countries. I don't think the authors are all Jewish scholars who have contributed to this.

Remember, since you allegedly read The Transfer by a Jew, you certainly are going to read his latter book on the Nazis collaborating with the Nazis. A "sharp" guy like you must want to be educated about everything that went on at that time. If it really is too much for you, then you can always ask to be sent all the Pallywood videos so you could curse the Zionists while you watch them.

The Farhud: Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust: Edwin Black: 9780914153146: Books
Hoss YOU GAVE ME THE CRAP SITE,you deceived me into thinking you we giving me sound information............You Let Yourself Down...No Matter steve..Ps I don't do Frustration and Hate SITES.......
Amazon is a retail site. They sell books. They're not promoting them.
I can't be doing with you today Hoss my friend,have a lovely weekend with the Family...steve

Then go and treat all the koala's your ancestors raped and infected with syphilis
What a WEIRD set of Posts(last 10) Pheo,R U Feeling Well or What !!!!!!!???????,most strange

Getting back on your meds I see, take it slowly as you are sounding very islamonazi...........
P F Tinmore, et al,

It is a nice little jingle; but then there is the meaning and implication. The Ant-Israeli Jingle states a premise for the backdrop to asked the compound questions:


• Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is "full of hate."
• The "Arabs won't recognized the Jewish State."
• The "Palestinians won't accept Jewish Rule on their Holy Ground."
• The neighboring "Arab don't accept their new neighbors" [Israel].
• Palestinians do not approve of Israel as a neighboring state.
• The Arabs and the Palestinians "do not respect" Israel.
The Chorus Questions:

• "Where are " [Israelis] borders?
• Where are the borders "drawn in Black and White"?
• "Do they" [the borders] "include:

√ The West Bank?
√ Gaza?
√ Golan Heights

Another song and dance in place of a coherent response.


Israel-PLO Recognition: Exchange of Letters Between PM Rabin and Chairman Arafat:

√ "The PLO recognizes the right of the State of Israel to exist in peace and security."

√ "PLO encourages and calls upon the Palestinian people in the West Bank and Gaza Strip to take part in the steps leading to the normalization of life, rejecting violence and terrorism, contributing to peace and stability and participating actively in shaping reconstruction, economic develoment and cooperation."

√ [T]he Government of Israel has decided to recognize the PLO as the representative of the Palestinian people and commence negotiations with the PLO within the Middle East peace process.

• Treaties outlining the Internationally Recognized boundaries:

∆ Article II

The permanent boundary between Egypt and Israel is the recognized international boundary between Egypt and the former mandated territory of Palestine, as shown on the map at Annex II, without prejudice to the issue of the status of the Gaza Strip. The Parties recognize this boundary as inviolable. Each will respect the territorial integrity of the other, including their territorial waters and airspace.​

Jordan-Israel Peace Treaty, 26 October 1994,
[T]he treaty defined Jordan’s western borders clearly and conclusively for the first time, putting an end to the dangerous and false Zionist claim that “Jordan is Palestine.”
∆ Article 3 - International Boundary

1. The international boundary between Jordan and Israel is delimited with reference to the boundary definition under the Mandate as is shown in Annex I (a), on the mapping materials attached thereto and coordinates specified therein.
2. The boundary, as set out in Annex I (a), is the permanent, secure and recognized international boundary between Jordan and Israel, without prejudice to the status of any territories that came under Israeli military government control in 1967.
3. The Parties recognize the international boundary, as well as each other's territory, territorial waters and airspace, as inviolable, and will respect and comply with them.
4. The demarcation of the boundary will take place as set forth in Appendix (I) to Annex I and will be concluded not later than 9 months after the signing of the Treaty.

• General Map of the Golan Heights Annexed by Israel.
Golan Heights Annexation.jpg


I think that, beyond that of a normal Israeli Citizen, PM Netanyahu it no more hateful of the Arab Palestinian as may normally be expected towards a nation that sponsors Jihadism, Deadly Fedayeen Action, Hostile Insurgency Operations, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Violence.

The honesty, integrity and moral fiber of the Arab Palestinian is very much demonstrated in its political flip-flop on the question of recognition. As you can see, there is no one single voice that speaks with authority for the Arab Palestinians. But, there was a time when the Arab Palestinians did recognize the State of Israel. But on the question of recognizing the Jewish State, that is a matter of discrimination at the political level based on religion. It is committed in the context of an Arab Palestinian regime of systematic domination by one racial Islamic group committed with the intention of suppressing the Jewish State in favor of an Islamic State. NOTE: ARTICLE 6 Convention on Rights and Duties of States (inter-American); December 26, 1933 The recognition of a state merely signifies that the state which recognizes it accepts the personality of the other with all the rights and duties determined by international law. Recognition is unconditional and irrevocable. The importance here relates to the allegation that Israel is truly concerned about the actual recognition by the Arab Palestinians. Actually, the Israelis are calling into question the competency of the Arab Palestinian regime in its attempt to shift its position in the face of customary practices in diplomatic relations. If the PLO (the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian People) recognized Israel in 1993 (See Exchange of Letters); then how can it withdraw the recognition? And IF that is possible because they question the development of the people towards self-governance, THEN is anything the Palestinians say or agree to valid?

With the exception of the Temple Mount, there is no other area considered of religious or sacred significance. While the Arab Palestinian want to make an issue on this point, all three major religions are stakeholders in this argument; operating under the same Supreme Being (The God of Abraham). However, many of the Hostile Arabs have chosen to scramble this point and make it an exploitable factor in the confrontation.

Whether or not the Arab Palestinians approve or disapprove of Israel as a neighboring state is totally irrelevant. The only way for the Hostile Arab Palestinian to rectify this issue in their favor is to dismantle the Jewish State. And that would be contrary to the original intention to erect a national home to protect and preserve the culture that has come under abuse so many times in history.

Most Respectfully,
• Palestinians do not approve of Israel as a neighboring state.
Israel is not a neighboring state. It is the colonization of Palestine.

Is there a legal right to defend colonialism?

And yet you are sitting on Native American and/or Mexican soil, with the justification that it became the U.S. before civilized times and/or before an artificial date when warfare became illegal.
• Palestinians do not approve of Israel as a neighboring state.
Israel is not a neighboring state. It is the colonization of Palestine.

Is there a legal right to defend colonialism?

And yet you are sitting on Native American and/or Mexican soil, with the justification that it became the U.S. before civilized times and/or before an artificial date when warfare became illegal.

Not to mention your personal participation in the invasion of a distant country (Vietnam) that posed no threat to our security.
That is true. Which brings up the question why does Egypt & Jordan have peace with Israel & open borders & yet don't want the Palestinians crossing them? Gee, is it actually possible they know the Palestinians best?
P F Tinmore, et al,

WoW.!.!.! That is just so cute.

• Palestinians do not approve of Israel as a neighboring state.
Israel is not a neighboring state. It is the colonization of Palestine.
Is there a legal right to defend colonialism?

Israel is not defined by you, or any Arab Palestinian; or, any other nation. . .

The political existence of the Jewish State of Israel is completely and utterly independent of recognition by the other nations; regional coalitions, and especial the P F Tinmore Hypothesis.

The primary interest of the Jewish State of Israel is the "conservation of peace." This is drastically different from the primary interest of the Hostile Arab Palestinians (either the Gaza or West Bank vintage). "Jihad and Armed Resistance" are the mantra of Palestine and the restoration of all rights." But the Arab Palestinian have never been truly interested in the restoration of peace.

This colonial charge is neither valid or sound. It is not a basis for the abrogation of duties of a state. While many Arab Palestinians try to promote these false accusations, it is well know that they are merely a political aberration to obscure the true situation.

The fundamental rights of the Jewish State of Israel is NOT susceptible of being affected in any manner whatsoever by the Arab Palestinians (Article 5, Convention on Rights and Duties of States).

Most Respectfully,

Is this what you are reduced to comical songs that would not even raise a penny if he sat in a N.Y subway station performing them.

You are now scraping underneath the barrel for any residue your anti semitic/anti Israel/anti Jew videos have been proven wrong so many times now
This colonial charge is neither valid or sound. It is not a basis for the abrogation of duties of a state.
You are denying actual history that is confirmed by facts on the ground.

No that is your premise as shown by your abject refusal to accept the international law that set up Jordan also set up Israel. You deny the history that says there is no state of palestine in existence and never has been, that what you believe to be the nation of palestine was the mandate of palestine. That international law does not exist that supports and defends Israel actions defending against violence and terrorism. That history is as written by the left wing neo marxists, islamonazi propagandists and the neo nazi scum you follow and is presented on the hate sites.

All your "facts on the ground" amount to you cant accept the truth so look for any LIE that supports your Jew hatred

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