Israel's Legal Right To Exist

Well, Steve, when you rant on and on, it appears that your brain has shrunk to the size of a grain of sand. As your friend, when I say you sound irrational, I am not lying. Most of the readers are probably laughing and being entertained by you instead of taking anything you say as serious.
Well that is as maybe to you Hoss,BUT my friend try to emancipate your deluded mind as I have told you before.....reading much of the Zionist propaganda on here makes me feel like I'm in Germany in 1936......Who the hell are these propagandists.........Nazis then....Zionists on here......all Mad as a cut Rattle Snake. steve

Trust you and the Family are well Hossie.
Has anyone seen Steve ever make mention of all those Pallywood videos which are brought up here. We have to rememember that Arab propaganda is some of the best in the world. They must have learned from the Nazis who ran to the Middle East to avoid prosecution after World War II and who wrote the propaganda for the Arabs then. The Arabs certainly learned their lessons well from the masters.

Modern Arab Propaganda has incorporated Nazi Propaganda

I said exactly the same thing about Zionists who collaborated with the Nazis a couple of years ago Hoss......Like the rest of your Synthetic Horde...nice to see that you are all VERSIONISTS and so UNIMAGINATIVE and UNORIGINAL that you ALL have to PLAGIARIZE MY WORK.


And that was lifted straight from one of the hate sites as you have nothing else to support ypur LIES
Well that is as maybe to you Hoss,BUT my friend try to emancipate your deluded mind as I have told you before.....reading much of the Zionist propaganda on here makes me feel like I'm in Germany in 1936......Who the hell are these propagandists.........Nazis then....Zionists on here......all Mad as a cut Rattle Snake. steve

Trust you and the Family are well Hossie.
Has anyone seen Steve ever make mention of all those Pallywood videos which are brought up here. We have to rememember that Arab propaganda is some of the best in the world. They must have learned from the Nazis who ran to the Middle East to avoid prosecution after World War II and who wrote the propaganda for the Arabs then. The Arabs certainly learned their lessons well from the masters.

Modern Arab Propaganda has incorporated Nazi Propaganda

I said exactly the same thing about Zionists who collaborated with the Nazis a couple of years ago Hoss......Like the rest of your Synthetic Horde...nice to see that you are all VERSIONISTS and so UNIMAGINATIVE and UNORIGINAL that you ALL have to PLAGIARIZE MY WORK.


Of course you kept mentioning the Jews helping the Nazis. You got this from Edwin Black's' book "The Transfer" which is a big hit on the hate site where the NeoNazis try to make it seem like the Jews were collaborating with the Nazis all the time. When you look at it, it's a shame the boycott didn't go on and topple the Hitler regime and millions wouldn't have consequently been murdered by Nazi Germany.

"The Transfer Agreement is Edwin Black's compelling, award-winning story of a negotiated arrangement in 1933 between Zionist organizations and the Nazis to transfer some 50,000 Jews, and $100 million of their assets, to Jewish Palestine in exchange for stopping the worldwide Jewish-led boycott threatening to topple the Hitler regime in its first year.'

Meanwhile, since I don 't believe the hate sites mention Blacks following book, Steve is going to get a copy and read it.
Hoss,a little reading for you on the Israelite invasion of Canaan,you may find this interesting and educating.....
Just click Holy Wars 3000.........Enjoy

As for your prose is not relevant to me as such as I know my own history and never use hate sites because they are Myopic by both sides and totally counter-productive..steve
I think all of us who took Ancient History in school had learned about all the wars which went on in olden days by various groups. Meanwhile, I have a site for you.since you so kindly gave me one.

Understanding Jihad (History, Goals, and Tactics) - Discover the Networks

As for you never going to hate sites, even a Muslim woman knew about the book The Transfer because she was a regular reader of the hate sites. I assure you she didn't learn about Edwin Black and his book in her madrassa in India. Like you, I doubt if she even read any excerpt written about Edwin Black's book showing the Nazis and the Arabs collaborating since the hate sites would never cover this book..
I read with some interest Hoss,reading further I noticed a slight Conservative and dare I say Jewish tone...Hoss....I then checked who "" assumption was clear...A Jewish inspired publication out of Sherman Oaks,California,the E.I.Chief is David Horowitz(no need to say much more) and his side kick Jamie Glazov,Russian Jew from Canada...I read the rest and decided that it was merely another pro-Zionist Rag.....Hoss I gave it my best shot but in future,give me things to read that are more enlightening than this Right Wing,Pro-Zionist site.

But Thanks for trying despite foul mouthing me regarding getting a copy....If I wanted to be imbued with Pro-Zionist Trash,I get my fill on here As I explained Hoss,I don't do hate sites,neither Zionist or ISIS etc,.., It is great to be independent,intelligent and a free thinker without having to resort to hate sites
Last edited:
I read with some interest Hoss,reading further I noticed a slight Conservative and dare I say Jewish tone...Hoss....I then checked who "" assumption was clear...A Jewish inspired publication out of Sherman Oaks,California,the E.I.Chief is David Horowitz(no need to say much more) and his side kick Jamie Glazov,Russian Jew from Canada...I read the rest and decided that it was merely another pro-Zionist Rag.....Hoss I gave it my best shot but in future,give me things to read that are more enlightening than this Right Wing,Pro-Zionist site..

I've have something that's right up you alley, NaziBoy but I'm guessing you already have a leather bound copy signed by the author:

I read with some interest Hoss,reading further I noticed a slight Conservative and dare I say Jewish tone...Hoss....I then checked who "" assumption was clear...A Jewish inspired publication out of Sherman Oaks,California,the E.I.Chief is David Horowitz(no need to say much more) and his side kick Jamie Glazov,Russian Jew from Canada...I read the rest and decided that it was merely another pro-Zionist Rag.....Hoss I gave it my best shot but in future,give me things to read that are more enlightening than this Right Wing,Pro-Zionist site..

I've have something that's right up you alley, NaziBoy but I'm guessing you already have a leather bound copy signed by the author:


Your rant would have more weight if you outlined just exactly what "bizarre, irrational, corrupt, deluded and mindless" thoughts you think I have been "indoctrinated" with.

Can't be done with that God given piece of wood in his head to think with.
Well I have to give you Credit MJ for being Amusing...Well Done 10/10...steve

My pleasure drongo. And you may address me as MJB, the Great.
see I am the Original are a Jonny Come Lately Wannabee.......VERSIONIST Too late failed...simple as that...steve

You are a nothing, a nobody outside of your own fantasy. Time to grow up and stop the substance abuse, try croc wrestling instead
I read with some interest Hoss,reading further I noticed a slight Conservative and dare I say Jewish tone...Hoss....I then checked who "" assumption was clear...A Jewish inspired publication out of Sherman Oaks,California,the E.I.Chief is David Horowitz(no need to say much more) and his side kick Jamie Glazov,Russian Jew from Canada...I read the rest and decided that it was merely another pro-Zionist Rag.....Hoss I gave it my best shot but in future,give me things to read that are more enlightening than this Right Wing,Pro-Zionist site..

I've have something that's right up you alley, NaziBoy but I'm guessing you already have a leather bound copy signed by the author:


Changing tyhe spelling does not change the anti semitic intent, ask your lawyer about it.

dont forget anti zionism is just another term for racism or anti semitism, and I believe they have laws against that in Oz
Well, Steve, when you rant on and on, it appears that your brain has shrunk to the size of a grain of sand. As your friend, when I say you sound irrational, I am not lying. Most of the readers are probably laughing and being entertained by you instead of taking anything you say as serious.
Well that is as maybe to you Hoss,BUT my friend try to emancipate your deluded mind as I have told you before.....reading much of the Zionist propaganda on here makes me feel like I'm in Germany in 1936......Who the hell are these propagandists.........Nazis then....Zionists on here......all Mad as a cut Rattle Snake. steve

Trust you and the Family are well Hossie.
Has anyone seen Steve ever make mention of all those Pallywood videos which are brought up here. We have to rememember that Arab propaganda is some of the best in the world. They must have learned from the Nazis who ran to the Middle East to avoid prosecution after World War II and who wrote the propaganda for the Arabs then. The Arabs certainly learned their lessons well from the masters.

Modern Arab Propaganda has incorporated Nazi Propaganda

I said exactly the same thing about Zionists who collaborated with the Nazis a couple of years ago Hoss......Like the rest of your Synthetic Horde...nice to see that you are all VERSIONISTS and so UNIMAGINATIVE and UNORIGINAL that you ALL have to PLAGIARIZE MY WORK.


And that was lifted straight from one of the hate sites as you have nothing else to support ypur LIES

No fact as proven time after time by googling your words
Has anyone seen Steve ever make mention of all those Pallywood videos which are brought up here. We have to rememember that Arab propaganda is some of the best in the world. They must have learned from the Nazis who ran to the Middle East to avoid prosecution after World War II and who wrote the propaganda for the Arabs then. The Arabs certainly learned their lessons well from the masters.

Modern Arab Propaganda has incorporated Nazi Propaganda

I said exactly the same thing about Zionists who collaborated with the Nazis a couple of years ago Hoss......Like the rest of your Synthetic Horde...nice to see that you are all VERSIONISTS and so UNIMAGINATIVE and UNORIGINAL that you ALL have to PLAGIARIZE MY WORK.


Of course you kept mentioning the Jews helping the Nazis. You got this from Edwin Black's' book "The Transfer" which is a big hit on the hate site where the NeoNazis try to make it seem like the Jews were collaborating with the Nazis all the time. When you look at it, it's a shame the boycott didn't go on and topple the Hitler regime and millions wouldn't have consequently been murdered by Nazi Germany.

"The Transfer Agreement is Edwin Black's compelling, award-winning story of a negotiated arrangement in 1933 between Zionist organizations and the Nazis to transfer some 50,000 Jews, and $100 million of their assets, to Jewish Palestine in exchange for stopping the worldwide Jewish-led boycott threatening to topple the Hitler regime in its first year.'

Meanwhile, since I don 't believe the hate sites mention Blacks following book, Steve is going to get a copy and read it.
Hoss,a little reading for you on the Israelite invasion of Canaan,you may find this interesting and educating.....
Just click Holy Wars 3000.........Enjoy

As for your prose is not relevant to me as such as I know my own history and never use hate sites because they are Myopic by both sides and totally counter-productive..steve
I think all of us who took Ancient History in school had learned about all the wars which went on in olden days by various groups. Meanwhile, I have a site for you.since you so kindly gave me one.

Understanding Jihad (History, Goals, and Tactics) - Discover the Networks

As for you never going to hate sites, even a Muslim woman knew about the book The Transfer because she was a regular reader of the hate sites. I assure you she didn't learn about Edwin Black and his book in her madrassa in India. Like you, I doubt if she even read any excerpt written about Edwin Black's book showing the Nazis and the Arabs collaborating since the hate sites would never cover this book..
I read with some interest Hoss,reading further I noticed a slight Conservative and dare I say Jewish tone...Hoss....I then checked who "" assumption was clear...A Jewish inspired publication out of Sherman Oaks,California,the E.I.Chief is David Horowitz(no need to say much more) and his side kick Jamie Glazov,Russian Jew from Canada...I read the rest and decided that it was merely another pro-Zionist Rag.....Hoss I gave it my best shot but in future,give me things to read that are more enlightening than this Right Wing,Pro-Zionist site.

But Thanks for trying despite foul mouthing me regarding getting a copy....If I wanted to be imbued with Pro-Zionist Trash,I get my fill on here As I explained Hoss,I don't do hate sites,neither Zionist or ISIS etc,.., It is great to be independent,intelligent and a free thinker without having to resort to hate sites

I get it now, Steve. You are frustrated that you weren't around to help the Nazis write the propaganda for the Arabs so you try to catch up by doing you best trying to put down the Zionists like good Nazis would. Another suggestion for you since it appears that you apparently don't like what Jewish scholars and historians have to say, Google History of Jihad where you can get the history of what happened in different countries. I don't think the authors are all Jewish scholars who have contributed to this.

Remember, since you allegedly read The Transfer by a Jew, you certainly are going to read his latter book on the Nazis collaborating with the Nazis. A "sharp" guy like you must want to be educated about everything that went on at that time. If it really is too much for you, then you can always ask to be sent all the Pallywood videos so you could curse the Zionists while you watch them.
I said exactly the same thing about Zionists who collaborated with the Nazis a couple of years ago Hoss......Like the rest of your Synthetic Horde...nice to see that you are all VERSIONISTS and so UNIMAGINATIVE and UNORIGINAL that you ALL have to PLAGIARIZE MY WORK.


Of course you kept mentioning the Jews helping the Nazis. You got this from Edwin Black's' book "The Transfer" which is a big hit on the hate site where the NeoNazis try to make it seem like the Jews were collaborating with the Nazis all the time. When you look at it, it's a shame the boycott didn't go on and topple the Hitler regime and millions wouldn't have consequently been murdered by Nazi Germany.

"The Transfer Agreement is Edwin Black's compelling, award-winning story of a negotiated arrangement in 1933 between Zionist organizations and the Nazis to transfer some 50,000 Jews, and $100 million of their assets, to Jewish Palestine in exchange for stopping the worldwide Jewish-led boycott threatening to topple the Hitler regime in its first year.'

Meanwhile, since I don 't believe the hate sites mention Blacks following book, Steve is going to get a copy and read it.
Hoss,a little reading for you on the Israelite invasion of Canaan,you may find this interesting and educating.....
Just click Holy Wars 3000.........Enjoy

As for your prose is not relevant to me as such as I know my own history and never use hate sites because they are Myopic by both sides and totally counter-productive..steve
I think all of us who took Ancient History in school had learned about all the wars which went on in olden days by various groups. Meanwhile, I have a site for you.since you so kindly gave me one.

Understanding Jihad (History, Goals, and Tactics) - Discover the Networks

As for you never going to hate sites, even a Muslim woman knew about the book The Transfer because she was a regular reader of the hate sites. I assure you she didn't learn about Edwin Black and his book in her madrassa in India. Like you, I doubt if she even read any excerpt written about Edwin Black's book showing the Nazis and the Arabs collaborating since the hate sites would never cover this book..
I read with some interest Hoss,reading further I noticed a slight Conservative and dare I say Jewish tone...Hoss....I then checked who "" assumption was clear...A Jewish inspired publication out of Sherman Oaks,California,the E.I.Chief is David Horowitz(no need to say much more) and his side kick Jamie Glazov,Russian Jew from Canada...I read the rest and decided that it was merely another pro-Zionist Rag.....Hoss I gave it my best shot but in future,give me things to read that are more enlightening than this Right Wing,Pro-Zionist site.

But Thanks for trying despite foul mouthing me regarding getting a copy....If I wanted to be imbued with Pro-Zionist Trash,I get my fill on here As I explained Hoss,I don't do hate sites,neither Zionist or ISIS etc,.., It is great to be independent,intelligent and a free thinker without having to resort to hate sites

I get it now, Steve. You are frustrated that you weren't around to help the Nazis write the propaganda for the Arabs so you try to catch up by doing you best trying to put down the Zionists like good Nazis would. Another suggestion for you since it appears that you apparently don't like what Jewish scholars and historians have to say, Google History of Jihad where you can get the history of what happened in different countries. I don't think the authors are all Jewish scholars who have contributed to this.

Remember, since you allegedly read The Transfer by a Jew, you certainly are going to read his latter book on the Nazis collaborating with the Nazis. A "sharp" guy like you must want to be educated about everything that went on at that time. If it really is too much for you, then you can always ask to be sent all the Pallywood videos so you could curse the Zionists while you watch them.
Hoss YOU GAVE ME THE CRAP SITE,you deceived me into thinking you we giving me sound information............You Let Yourself Down...No Matter steve..Ps I don't do Frustration and Hate SITES.......
Well that is as maybe to you Hoss,BUT my friend try to emancipate your deluded mind as I have told you before.....reading much of the Zionist propaganda on here makes me feel like I'm in Germany in 1936......Who the hell are these propagandists.........Nazis then....Zionists on here......all Mad as a cut Rattle Snake. steve

Trust you and the Family are well Hossie.
Has anyone seen Steve ever make mention of all those Pallywood videos which are brought up here. We have to rememember that Arab propaganda is some of the best in the world. They must have learned from the Nazis who ran to the Middle East to avoid prosecution after World War II and who wrote the propaganda for the Arabs then. The Arabs certainly learned their lessons well from the masters.

Modern Arab Propaganda has incorporated Nazi Propaganda

I said exactly the same thing about Zionists who collaborated with the Nazis a couple of years ago Hoss......Like the rest of your Synthetic Horde...nice to see that you are all VERSIONISTS and so UNIMAGINATIVE and UNORIGINAL that you ALL have to PLAGIARIZE MY WORK.


And that was lifted straight from one of the hate sites as you have nothing else to support ypur LIES

No fact as proven time after time by googling your words

Of course you kept mentioning the Jews helping the Nazis. You got this from Edwin Black's' book "The Transfer" which is a big hit on the hate site where the NeoNazis try to make it seem like the Jews were collaborating with the Nazis all the time. When you look at it, it's a shame the boycott didn't go on and topple the Hitler regime and millions wouldn't have consequently been murdered by Nazi Germany.

"The Transfer Agreement is Edwin Black's compelling, award-winning story of a negotiated arrangement in 1933 between Zionist organizations and the Nazis to transfer some 50,000 Jews, and $100 million of their assets, to Jewish Palestine in exchange for stopping the worldwide Jewish-led boycott threatening to topple the Hitler regime in its first year.'

Meanwhile, since I don 't believe the hate sites mention Blacks following book, Steve is going to get a copy and read it.
Hoss,a little reading for you on the Israelite invasion of Canaan,you may find this interesting and educating.....
Just click Holy Wars 3000.........Enjoy

As for your prose is not relevant to me as such as I know my own history and never use hate sites because they are Myopic by both sides and totally counter-productive..steve
I think all of us who took Ancient History in school had learned about all the wars which went on in olden days by various groups. Meanwhile, I have a site for you.since you so kindly gave me one.

Understanding Jihad (History, Goals, and Tactics) - Discover the Networks

As for you never going to hate sites, even a Muslim woman knew about the book The Transfer because she was a regular reader of the hate sites. I assure you she didn't learn about Edwin Black and his book in her madrassa in India. Like you, I doubt if she even read any excerpt written about Edwin Black's book showing the Nazis and the Arabs collaborating since the hate sites would never cover this book..
I read with some interest Hoss,reading further I noticed a slight Conservative and dare I say Jewish tone...Hoss....I then checked who "" assumption was clear...A Jewish inspired publication out of Sherman Oaks,California,the E.I.Chief is David Horowitz(no need to say much more) and his side kick Jamie Glazov,Russian Jew from Canada...I read the rest and decided that it was merely another pro-Zionist Rag.....Hoss I gave it my best shot but in future,give me things to read that are more enlightening than this Right Wing,Pro-Zionist site.

But Thanks for trying despite foul mouthing me regarding getting a copy....If I wanted to be imbued with Pro-Zionist Trash,I get my fill on here As I explained Hoss,I don't do hate sites,neither Zionist or ISIS etc,.., It is great to be independent,intelligent and a free thinker without having to resort to hate sites

I get it now, Steve. You are frustrated that you weren't around to help the Nazis write the propaganda for the Arabs so you try to catch up by doing you best trying to put down the Zionists like good Nazis would. Another suggestion for you since it appears that you apparently don't like what Jewish scholars and historians have to say, Google History of Jihad where you can get the history of what happened in different countries. I don't think the authors are all Jewish scholars who have contributed to this.

Remember, since you allegedly read The Transfer by a Jew, you certainly are going to read his latter book on the Nazis collaborating with the Nazis. A "sharp" guy like you must want to be educated about everything that went on at that time. If it really is too much for you, then you can always ask to be sent all the Pallywood videos so you could curse the Zionists while you watch them.
Hoss YOU GAVE ME THE CRAP SITE,you deceived me into thinking you we giving me sound information............You Let Yourself Down...No Matter steve..Ps I don't do Frustration and Hate SITES.......
Amazon is a retail site. They sell books. They're not promoting them.
Hoss,a little reading for you on the Israelite invasion of Canaan,you may find this interesting and educating.....
Just click Holy Wars 3000.........Enjoy

As for your prose is not relevant to me as such as I know my own history and never use hate sites because they are Myopic by both sides and totally counter-productive..steve
I think all of us who took Ancient History in school had learned about all the wars which went on in olden days by various groups. Meanwhile, I have a site for you.since you so kindly gave me one.

Understanding Jihad (History, Goals, and Tactics) - Discover the Networks

As for you never going to hate sites, even a Muslim woman knew about the book The Transfer because she was a regular reader of the hate sites. I assure you she didn't learn about Edwin Black and his book in her madrassa in India. Like you, I doubt if she even read any excerpt written about Edwin Black's book showing the Nazis and the Arabs collaborating since the hate sites would never cover this book..
I read with some interest Hoss,reading further I noticed a slight Conservative and dare I say Jewish tone...Hoss....I then checked who "" assumption was clear...A Jewish inspired publication out of Sherman Oaks,California,the E.I.Chief is David Horowitz(no need to say much more) and his side kick Jamie Glazov,Russian Jew from Canada...I read the rest and decided that it was merely another pro-Zionist Rag.....Hoss I gave it my best shot but in future,give me things to read that are more enlightening than this Right Wing,Pro-Zionist site.

But Thanks for trying despite foul mouthing me regarding getting a copy....If I wanted to be imbued with Pro-Zionist Trash,I get my fill on here As I explained Hoss,I don't do hate sites,neither Zionist or ISIS etc,.., It is great to be independent,intelligent and a free thinker without having to resort to hate sites

I get it now, Steve. You are frustrated that you weren't around to help the Nazis write the propaganda for the Arabs so you try to catch up by doing you best trying to put down the Zionists like good Nazis would. Another suggestion for you since it appears that you apparently don't like what Jewish scholars and historians have to say, Google History of Jihad where you can get the history of what happened in different countries. I don't think the authors are all Jewish scholars who have contributed to this.

Remember, since you allegedly read The Transfer by a Jew, you certainly are going to read his latter book on the Nazis collaborating with the Nazis. A "sharp" guy like you must want to be educated about everything that went on at that time. If it really is too much for you, then you can always ask to be sent all the Pallywood videos so you could curse the Zionists while you watch them.
Hoss YOU GAVE ME THE CRAP SITE,you deceived me into thinking you we giving me sound information............You Let Yourself Down...No Matter steve..Ps I don't do Frustration and Hate SITES.......
Amazon is a retail site. They sell books. They're not promoting them.
I can't be doing with you today Hoss my friend,have a lovely weekend with the Family...steve
I think all of us who took Ancient History in school had learned about all the wars which went on in olden days by various groups. Meanwhile, I have a site for you.since you so kindly gave me one.

Understanding Jihad (History, Goals, and Tactics) - Discover the Networks

As for you never going to hate sites, even a Muslim woman knew about the book The Transfer because she was a regular reader of the hate sites. I assure you she didn't learn about Edwin Black and his book in her madrassa in India. Like you, I doubt if she even read any excerpt written about Edwin Black's book showing the Nazis and the Arabs collaborating since the hate sites would never cover this book..
I read with some interest Hoss,reading further I noticed a slight Conservative and dare I say Jewish tone...Hoss....I then checked who "" assumption was clear...A Jewish inspired publication out of Sherman Oaks,California,the E.I.Chief is David Horowitz(no need to say much more) and his side kick Jamie Glazov,Russian Jew from Canada...I read the rest and decided that it was merely another pro-Zionist Rag.....Hoss I gave it my best shot but in future,give me things to read that are more enlightening than this Right Wing,Pro-Zionist site.

But Thanks for trying despite foul mouthing me regarding getting a copy....If I wanted to be imbued with Pro-Zionist Trash,I get my fill on here As I explained Hoss,I don't do hate sites,neither Zionist or ISIS etc,.., It is great to be independent,intelligent and a free thinker without having to resort to hate sites

I get it now, Steve. You are frustrated that you weren't around to help the Nazis write the propaganda for the Arabs so you try to catch up by doing you best trying to put down the Zionists like good Nazis would. Another suggestion for you since it appears that you apparently don't like what Jewish scholars and historians have to say, Google History of Jihad where you can get the history of what happened in different countries. I don't think the authors are all Jewish scholars who have contributed to this.

Remember, since you allegedly read The Transfer by a Jew, you certainly are going to read his latter book on the Nazis collaborating with the Nazis. A "sharp" guy like you must want to be educated about everything that went on at that time. If it really is too much for you, then you can always ask to be sent all the Pallywood videos so you could curse the Zionists while you watch them.
Hoss YOU GAVE ME THE CRAP SITE,you deceived me into thinking you we giving me sound information............You Let Yourself Down...No Matter steve..Ps I don't do Frustration and Hate SITES.......
Amazon is a retail site. They sell books. They're not promoting them.
I can't be doing with you today Hoss my friend,have a lovely weekend with the Family...steve

Australia............ ...must be," wow."

Seriously....lucky for you, you're surrounded by water..............

What's the black population ? .. you have black neighborhoods in Australia ? or is it one big happy neighborhood everywhere ?

What's the muslim population ?

are there a lot of mosques in Australia ?

it's easier to ask someone who lives right there (if you know offhand).
Has anyone seen Steve ever make mention of all those Pallywood videos which are brought up here. We have to rememember that Arab propaganda is some of the best in the world. They must have learned from the Nazis who ran to the Middle East to avoid prosecution after World War II and who wrote the propaganda for the Arabs then. The Arabs certainly learned their lessons well from the masters.

Modern Arab Propaganda has incorporated Nazi Propaganda

I said exactly the same thing about Zionists who collaborated with the Nazis a couple of years ago Hoss......Like the rest of your Synthetic Horde...nice to see that you are all VERSIONISTS and so UNIMAGINATIVE and UNORIGINAL that you ALL have to PLAGIARIZE MY WORK.


And that was lifted straight from one of the hate sites as you have nothing else to support ypur LIES

No fact as proven time after time by googling your words


No more computer savvy than you will ever be seeing as I have worked on them since 1973, and built my own in 1974.

I can see which site you use for your evidence just by typing in a few simple words, and you are shown to be a frequent user of certain hate sites
I think all of us who took Ancient History in school had learned about all the wars which went on in olden days by various groups. Meanwhile, I have a site for you.since you so kindly gave me one.

Understanding Jihad (History, Goals, and Tactics) - Discover the Networks

As for you never going to hate sites, even a Muslim woman knew about the book The Transfer because she was a regular reader of the hate sites. I assure you she didn't learn about Edwin Black and his book in her madrassa in India. Like you, I doubt if she even read any excerpt written about Edwin Black's book showing the Nazis and the Arabs collaborating since the hate sites would never cover this book..
I read with some interest Hoss,reading further I noticed a slight Conservative and dare I say Jewish tone...Hoss....I then checked who "" assumption was clear...A Jewish inspired publication out of Sherman Oaks,California,the E.I.Chief is David Horowitz(no need to say much more) and his side kick Jamie Glazov,Russian Jew from Canada...I read the rest and decided that it was merely another pro-Zionist Rag.....Hoss I gave it my best shot but in future,give me things to read that are more enlightening than this Right Wing,Pro-Zionist site.

But Thanks for trying despite foul mouthing me regarding getting a copy....If I wanted to be imbued with Pro-Zionist Trash,I get my fill on here As I explained Hoss,I don't do hate sites,neither Zionist or ISIS etc,.., It is great to be independent,intelligent and a free thinker without having to resort to hate sites

I get it now, Steve. You are frustrated that you weren't around to help the Nazis write the propaganda for the Arabs so you try to catch up by doing you best trying to put down the Zionists like good Nazis would. Another suggestion for you since it appears that you apparently don't like what Jewish scholars and historians have to say, Google History of Jihad where you can get the history of what happened in different countries. I don't think the authors are all Jewish scholars who have contributed to this.

Remember, since you allegedly read The Transfer by a Jew, you certainly are going to read his latter book on the Nazis collaborating with the Nazis. A "sharp" guy like you must want to be educated about everything that went on at that time. If it really is too much for you, then you can always ask to be sent all the Pallywood videos so you could curse the Zionists while you watch them.

The Farhud: Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust: Edwin Black: 9780914153146: Books
Hoss YOU GAVE ME THE CRAP SITE,you deceived me into thinking you we giving me sound information............You Let Yourself Down...No Matter steve..Ps I don't do Frustration and Hate SITES.......
Amazon is a retail site. They sell books. They're not promoting them.
I can't be doing with you today Hoss my friend,have a lovely weekend with the Family...steve

Then go and treat all the koala's your ancestors raped and infected with syphilis
I read with some interest Hoss,reading further I noticed a slight Conservative and dare I say Jewish tone...Hoss....I then checked who "" assumption was clear...A Jewish inspired publication out of Sherman Oaks,California,the E.I.Chief is David Horowitz(no need to say much more) and his side kick Jamie Glazov,Russian Jew from Canada...I read the rest and decided that it was merely another pro-Zionist Rag.....Hoss I gave it my best shot but in future,give me things to read that are more enlightening than this Right Wing,Pro-Zionist site.

But Thanks for trying despite foul mouthing me regarding getting a copy....If I wanted to be imbued with Pro-Zionist Trash,I get my fill on here As I explained Hoss,I don't do hate sites,neither Zionist or ISIS etc,.., It is great to be independent,intelligent and a free thinker without having to resort to hate sites

I get it now, Steve. You are frustrated that you weren't around to help the Nazis write the propaganda for the Arabs so you try to catch up by doing you best trying to put down the Zionists like good Nazis would. Another suggestion for you since it appears that you apparently don't like what Jewish scholars and historians have to say, Google History of Jihad where you can get the history of what happened in different countries. I don't think the authors are all Jewish scholars who have contributed to this.

Remember, since you allegedly read The Transfer by a Jew, you certainly are going to read his latter book on the Nazis collaborating with the Nazis. A "sharp" guy like you must want to be educated about everything that went on at that time. If it really is too much for you, then you can always ask to be sent all the Pallywood videos so you could curse the Zionists while you watch them.
Hoss YOU GAVE ME THE CRAP SITE,you deceived me into thinking you we giving me sound information............You Let Yourself Down...No Matter steve..Ps I don't do Frustration and Hate SITES.......
Amazon is a retail site. They sell books. They're not promoting them.
I can't be doing with you today Hoss my friend,have a lovely weekend with the Family...steve

Australia............ ...must be," wow."

Seriously....lucky for you, you're surrounded by water..............

What's the black population ? .. you have black neighborhoods in Australia ? or is it one big happy neighborhood everywhere ?

What's the muslim population ?

are there a lot of mosques in Australia ?

it's easier to ask someone who lives right there (if you know offhand).
We have as many ethnic people as much as the US....but unlike you they are not called Muslim Americans,Jewish Americans,Irish American etc.,They are called just Australian,I think you get my also equals Harmony.....Church's, Mosque's,Synogues sic and other places of worship....moreover the different Religions regularly meet with each other,ALL GOOD HERE.

Regards Member..steve
I get it now, Steve. You are frustrated that you weren't around to help the Nazis write the propaganda for the Arabs so you try to catch up by doing you best trying to put down the Zionists like good Nazis would. Another suggestion for you since it appears that you apparently don't like what Jewish scholars and historians have to say, Google History of Jihad where you can get the history of what happened in different countries. I don't think the authors are all Jewish scholars who have contributed to this.

Remember, since you allegedly read The Transfer by a Jew, you certainly are going to read his latter book on the Nazis collaborating with the Nazis. A "sharp" guy like you must want to be educated about everything that went on at that time. If it really is too much for you, then you can always ask to be sent all the Pallywood videos so you could curse the Zionists while you watch them.
Hoss YOU GAVE ME THE CRAP SITE,you deceived me into thinking you we giving me sound information............You Let Yourself Down...No Matter steve..Ps I don't do Frustration and Hate SITES.......
Amazon is a retail site. They sell books. They're not promoting them.
I can't be doing with you today Hoss my friend,have a lovely weekend with the Family...steve

Australia............ ...must be," wow."

Seriously....lucky for you, you're surrounded by water..............

What's the black population ? .. you have black neighborhoods in Australia ? or is it one big happy neighborhood everywhere ?

What's the muslim population ?

are there a lot of mosques in Australia ?

it's easier to ask someone who lives right there (if you know offhand).
We have as many ethnic people as much as the US....but unlike you they are not called Muslim Americans,Jewish Americans,Irish American etc.,They are called just Australian,I think you get my also equals Harmony.....Church's, Mosque's,Synogues sic and other places of worship....moreover the different Religions regularly meet with each other,ALL GOOD HERE.

Regards Member..steve

Unless they are indigenous then they are called abo, boy, black bastard and any other derogatory term you can think of
I get it now, Steve. You are frustrated that you weren't around to help the Nazis write the propaganda for the Arabs so you try to catch up by doing you best trying to put down the Zionists like good Nazis would. Another suggestion for you since it appears that you apparently don't like what Jewish scholars and historians have to say, Google History of Jihad where you can get the history of what happened in different countries. I don't think the authors are all Jewish scholars who have contributed to this.

Remember, since you allegedly read The Transfer by a Jew, you certainly are going to read his latter book on the Nazis collaborating with the Nazis. A "sharp" guy like you must want to be educated about everything that went on at that time. If it really is too much for you, then you can always ask to be sent all the Pallywood videos so you could curse the Zionists while you watch them.
Hoss YOU GAVE ME THE CRAP SITE,you deceived me into thinking you we giving me sound information............You Let Yourself Down...No Matter steve..Ps I don't do Frustration and Hate SITES.......
Amazon is a retail site. They sell books. They're not promoting them.
I can't be doing with you today Hoss my friend,have a lovely weekend with the Family...steve

Australia............ ...must be," wow."

Seriously....lucky for you, you're surrounded by water..............

What's the black population ? .. you have black neighborhoods in Australia ? or is it one big happy neighborhood everywhere ?

What's the muslim population ?

are there a lot of mosques in Australia ?

it's easier to ask someone who lives right there (if you know offhand).
We have as many ethnic people as much as the US....but unlike you they are not called Muslim Americans,Jewish Americans,Irish American etc.,They are called just Australian,I think you get my also equals Harmony.....Church's, Mosque's,Synogues sic and other places of worship....moreover the different Religions regularly meet with each other,ALL GOOD HERE.

Regards Member..steve

Steve....thirsty ?

"I think you get my drift..."

I think I do....."We have as many ethnic people as much as the US"

(seeing how you danced around my question - you know what mean mate)....

you don't live within a MILE of black folk.....*SnAp*
Hoss YOU GAVE ME THE CRAP SITE,you deceived me into thinking you we giving me sound information............You Let Yourself Down...No Matter steve..Ps I don't do Frustration and Hate SITES.......
Amazon is a retail site. They sell books. They're not promoting them.
I can't be doing with you today Hoss my friend,have a lovely weekend with the Family...steve

Australia............ ...must be," wow."

Seriously....lucky for you, you're surrounded by water..............

What's the black population ? .. you have black neighborhoods in Australia ? or is it one big happy neighborhood everywhere ?

What's the muslim population ?

are there a lot of mosques in Australia ?

it's easier to ask someone who lives right there (if you know offhand).
We have as many ethnic people as much as the US....but unlike you they are not called Muslim Americans,Jewish Americans,Irish American etc.,They are called just Australian,I think you get my also equals Harmony.....Church's, Mosque's,Synogues sic and other places of worship....moreover the different Religions regularly meet with each other,ALL GOOD HERE.

Regards Member..steve

Unless they are indigenous then they are called abo, boy, black bastard and any other derogatory term you can think of
Moron,Abo is a derogatory term used by Filth like you........We as a society are more enlightened,thank goodness.......Filth belongs to an older Epoch,but you use the words Black,and arse an ignorant fool expected from a Zionist Twat
Amazon is a retail site. They sell books. They're not promoting them.
I can't be doing with you today Hoss my friend,have a lovely weekend with the Family...steve

Australia............ ...must be," wow."

Seriously....lucky for you, you're surrounded by water..............

What's the black population ? .. you have black neighborhoods in Australia ? or is it one big happy neighborhood everywhere ?

What's the muslim population ?

are there a lot of mosques in Australia ?

it's easier to ask someone who lives right there (if you know offhand).
We have as many ethnic people as much as the US....but unlike you they are not called Muslim Americans,Jewish Americans,Irish American etc.,They are called just Australian,I think you get my also equals Harmony.....Church's, Mosque's,Synogues sic and other places of worship....moreover the different Religions regularly meet with each other,ALL GOOD HERE.

Regards Member..steve

Unless they are indigenous then they are called abo, boy, black bastard and any other derogatory term you can think of
Moron,Abo is a derogatory term used by Filth like you........We as a society are more enlightened,thank goodness.......Filth belongs to an older Epoch,but you use the words Black,and arse an ignorant fool expected from a Zionist Twat

It is still used today by scum like you who view them as untermensch. How many "servants" did you have

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