Israel's Legal Right To Exist

Is this what you are reduced to comical songs that would not even raise a penny if he sat in a N.Y subway station performing them.

You are now scraping underneath the barrel for any residue your anti semitic/anti Israel/anti Jew videos have been proven wrong so many times now

Calling names is a sign of losing.

So that is why you have done this so many times in the past.

Now were is the name calling in pointing out that you are desperate for new material after seeing your old lot debunked, destroyed and proven to be lies ?

Is this what you are reduced to comical songs that would not even raise a penny if he sat in a N.Y subway station performing them.

You are now scraping underneath the barrel for any residue your anti semitic/anti Israel/anti Jew videos have been proven wrong so many times now

Calling names is a sign of losing.

So that is why you have done this so many times in the past.

Now were is the name calling in pointing out that you are desperate for new material after seeing your old lot debunked, destroyed and proven to be lies ?

Telling lies and calling names does not debunk anything.
• Palestinians do not approve of Israel as a neighboring state.
Israel is not a neighboring state. It is the colonization of Palestine.

Is there a legal right to defend colonialism?

How can you colonize your own lands then, do explain this in detail including when the land was granted to the arab muslims calling themselves palestinians.

I can not find any links on the internet showing a treaty between the Ottomans or the LoN granting the arab muslims calling themselves palestinians any lands in palestine. All I can find is the grant of trans Jordan and the Jewish national home under the palestinian mandate of 1922. This delineates the extent of the Jewish National Home and the extent of trans Jordan, it does not delineate any extent of any nation of palestine. The only mention of palestine is when it delineates the international boundaries of the mandate of palestine. The only colonialism is that of the arab muslims invasion by force from 1921 to the present day on lands that are wholly Jewish using islamonazi propaganda as the justification of this illegal activity

Is this what you are reduced to comical songs that would not even raise a penny if he sat in a N.Y subway station performing them.

You are now scraping underneath the barrel for any residue your anti semitic/anti Israel/anti Jew videos have been proven wrong so many times now

Calling names is a sign of losing.

So that is why you have done this so many times in the past.

Now were is the name calling in pointing out that you are desperate for new material after seeing your old lot debunked, destroyed and proven to be lies ?

Telling lies and calling names does not debunk anything.

Detail the lies and name calling please, as your word on these matters is far from trustworthy and believable

Is this what you are reduced to comical songs that would not even raise a penny if he sat in a N.Y subway station performing them.

You are now scraping underneath the barrel for any residue your anti semitic/anti Israel/anti Jew videos have been proven wrong so many times now

Calling names is a sign of losing.

So that is why you have done this so many times in the past.

Now were is the name calling in pointing out that you are desperate for new material after seeing your old lot debunked, destroyed and proven to be lies ?

Telling lies and calling names does not debunk anything.

Detail the lies and name calling please, as your word on these matters is far from trustworthy and believable

Understanding this situation requires clear thinking. Your thinking stops at the end of Israeli propaganda. That is why it is confusing to you.
Is this what you are reduced to comical songs that would not even raise a penny if he sat in a N.Y subway station performing them.

You are now scraping underneath the barrel for any residue your anti semitic/anti Israel/anti Jew videos have been proven wrong so many times now
Calling names is a sign of losing.

So that is why you have done this so many times in the past.

Now were is the name calling in pointing out that you are desperate for new material after seeing your old lot debunked, destroyed and proven to be lies ?
Telling lies and calling names does not debunk anything.

Detail the lies and name calling please, as your word on these matters is far from trustworthy and believable
Understanding this situation requires clear thinking. Your thinking stops at the end of Israeli propaganda. That is why it is confusing to you.

So you are deflecting again because you have been found out in yet another of your lies.

How about details of these alleged Israeli propaganda then, and the proof that they are propaganda. Or will you deflect once again because you are telling yet another lie.

All you have done is project yourself in this post because you have nothing else to fall back on
Is this what you are reduced to comical songs that would not even raise a penny if he sat in a N.Y subway station performing them.

You are now scraping underneath the barrel for any residue your anti semitic/anti Israel/anti Jew videos have been proven wrong so many times now
Calling names is a sign of losing.

So that is why you have done this so many times in the past.

Now were is the name calling in pointing out that you are desperate for new material after seeing your old lot debunked, destroyed and proven to be lies ?
Telling lies and calling names does not debunk anything.

Detail the lies and name calling please, as your word on these matters is far from trustworthy and believable
Understanding this situation requires clear thinking. Your thinking stops at the end of Israeli propaganda. That is why it is confusing to you.
Do you agree Israel is to blame for this ongoing conflict with their damn Zionist treatment of the Palestinians with peace offerings, security fence & land concessions to keep them in Israel instead of helping to free them back to their native homelands? Face it you Zionists, no surrounding Arab country, who know the Palestinians best, ever treated them like Israel does. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
Calling names is a sign of losing.

So that is why you have done this so many times in the past.

Now were is the name calling in pointing out that you are desperate for new material after seeing your old lot debunked, destroyed and proven to be lies ?
Telling lies and calling names does not debunk anything.

Detail the lies and name calling please, as your word on these matters is far from trustworthy and believable
Understanding this situation requires clear thinking. Your thinking stops at the end of Israeli propaganda. That is why it is confusing to you.

So you are deflecting again because you have been found out in yet another of your lies.

How about details of these alleged Israeli propaganda then, and the proof that they are propaganda. Or will you deflect once again because you are telling yet another lie.

All you have done is project yourself in this post because you have nothing else to fall back on
You say that the Jews were given Palestine for the Jewish National Home. Also that the Mandate was to help create that Jewish National home. Here is where your thinking stops. But this raises some questions.

Why did the Mandate pass the territory to the UNPC and not the Jews?

Why did the UN propose to divide the territory?

Why did the Zionists accept this division?

Why is the West Bank and Gaza still called occupied Palestinian territory?
The indigenous people under Muslim rule, remained the indigenous people. Most converted from Christianity (the state religion of the Byzantine Empire) to Islam, but they remained the same people.

Most are now converting to civilized democracy under Israeli rule. What's the problem, then?

The indigenous people that weren't expelled are still Muslims and Christians from what I have observed. Very few have converted to the religion of the European conquerors.

Would you allow them to become islamo catholics with their track record
Lets just consider documented facts. Fair enough?

Israel's History and Right to Exist - Discover the Networks
The State of Israel was created in a peaceful and legal process by the United Nations.​

The first sentence is a lie. Shall I continue?

The facts on the ground prove my point. Nothing in Resolution 181 really happened. The UN created nothing.
So that is why you have done this so many times in the past.

Now were is the name calling in pointing out that you are desperate for new material after seeing your old lot debunked, destroyed and proven to be lies ?
Telling lies and calling names does not debunk anything.

Detail the lies and name calling please, as your word on these matters is far from trustworthy and believable
Understanding this situation requires clear thinking. Your thinking stops at the end of Israeli propaganda. That is why it is confusing to you.

So you are deflecting again because you have been found out in yet another of your lies.

How about details of these alleged Israeli propaganda then, and the proof that they are propaganda. Or will you deflect once again because you are telling yet another lie.

All you have done is project yourself in this post because you have nothing else to fall back on
You say that the Jews were given Palestine for the Jewish National Home. Also that the Mandate was to help create that Jewish National home. Here is where your thinking stops. But this raises some questions.

Why did the Mandate pass the territory to the UNPC and not the Jews?

Why did the UN propose to divide the territory?

Why did the Zionists accept this division?

Why is the West Bank and Gaza still called occupied Palestinian territory?

It didnt it passed to the Jews, it was the mandate that passed to the UNPC

To try and placate the arab muslims so they would not resort to violence

To placate the arab muslims so they would not resort to violence

Because that is what they are according to the islamonazi's, to the rest of society it is called disputed territories.
Lets just consider documented facts. Fair enough?

Israel's History and Right to Exist - Discover the Networks
The State of Israel was created in a peaceful and legal process by the United Nations.​

The first sentence is a lie. Shall I continue?

The facts on the ground prove my point. Nothing in Resolution 181 really happened. The UN created nothing.

Your continued whining about Resolution 181 is pointless. Why don't you write a strongly worded email (and be sure to include multiple references to The Zionists™ or alternately The Zionist Entity™) to the UN and express your displeasure. Tell them you demand satisfaction.
Telling lies and calling names does not debunk anything.

Detail the lies and name calling please, as your word on these matters is far from trustworthy and believable
Understanding this situation requires clear thinking. Your thinking stops at the end of Israeli propaganda. That is why it is confusing to you.

So you are deflecting again because you have been found out in yet another of your lies.

How about details of these alleged Israeli propaganda then, and the proof that they are propaganda. Or will you deflect once again because you are telling yet another lie.

All you have done is project yourself in this post because you have nothing else to fall back on
You say that the Jews were given Palestine for the Jewish National Home. Also that the Mandate was to help create that Jewish National home. Here is where your thinking stops. But this raises some questions.

Why did the Mandate pass the territory to the UNPC and not the Jews?

Why did the UN propose to divide the territory?

Why did the Zionists accept this division?

Why is the West Bank and Gaza still called occupied Palestinian territory?

It didnt it passed to the Jews, it was the mandate that passed to the UNPC

To try and placate the arab muslims so they would not resort to violence

To placate the arab muslims so they would not resort to violence

Because that is what they are according to the islamonazi's, to the rest of society it is called disputed territories.
You are still stuck on Israeli propaganda.

You provided nothing to prove your points.
Lets just consider documented facts. Fair enough?

Israel's History and Right to Exist - Discover the Networks
The State of Israel was created in a peaceful and legal process by the United Nations.​

The first sentence is a lie. Shall I continue?

The facts on the ground prove my point. Nothing in Resolution 181 really happened. The UN created nothing.

And that is why you are always wrong because you believe that it is the UN that has to create Israel, it wasnt it was the Jews remit to do that. Also it was not the remit of 181 to create a nation, it was a recommendation of what they would like to see take place.

Try reading the official versions slowly so you under stand what they say before trying to put your own interpretation on them
Lets just consider documented facts. Fair enough?

Israel's History and Right to Exist - Discover the Networks
The State of Israel was created in a peaceful and legal process by the United Nations.​

The first sentence is a lie. Shall I continue?

The facts on the ground prove my point. Nothing in Resolution 181 really happened. The UN created nothing.

Your continued whining about Resolution 181 is pointless. Why don't you write a strongly worded email (and be sure to include multiple references to The Zionists™ or alternately The Zionist Entity™) to the UN and express your displeasure. Tell them you demand satisfaction.
Resolution 181 was DOA. What is there to complain about?
Detail the lies and name calling please, as your word on these matters is far from trustworthy and believable
Understanding this situation requires clear thinking. Your thinking stops at the end of Israeli propaganda. That is why it is confusing to you.

So you are deflecting again because you have been found out in yet another of your lies.

How about details of these alleged Israeli propaganda then, and the proof that they are propaganda. Or will you deflect once again because you are telling yet another lie.

All you have done is project yourself in this post because you have nothing else to fall back on
You say that the Jews were given Palestine for the Jewish National Home. Also that the Mandate was to help create that Jewish National home. Here is where your thinking stops. But this raises some questions.

Why did the Mandate pass the territory to the UNPC and not the Jews?

Why did the UN propose to divide the territory?

Why did the Zionists accept this division?

Why is the West Bank and Gaza still called occupied Palestinian territory?

It didnt it passed to the Jews, it was the mandate that passed to the UNPC

To try and placate the arab muslims so they would not resort to violence

To placate the arab muslims so they would not resort to violence

Because that is what they are according to the islamonazi's, to the rest of society it is called disputed territories.
You are still stuck on Israeli propaganda.

You provided nothing to prove your points.

Get awa from calling everything that disproves your claims as Israeli propaganda, it is verified historically correct facts. They have been proven thousands of times and still you ignore them because you dont want the truth.
Understanding this situation requires clear thinking. Your thinking stops at the end of Israeli propaganda. That is why it is confusing to you.

So you are deflecting again because you have been found out in yet another of your lies.

How about details of these alleged Israeli propaganda then, and the proof that they are propaganda. Or will you deflect once again because you are telling yet another lie.

All you have done is project yourself in this post because you have nothing else to fall back on
You say that the Jews were given Palestine for the Jewish National Home. Also that the Mandate was to help create that Jewish National home. Here is where your thinking stops. But this raises some questions.

Why did the Mandate pass the territory to the UNPC and not the Jews?

Why did the UN propose to divide the territory?

Why did the Zionists accept this division?

Why is the West Bank and Gaza still called occupied Palestinian territory?

It didnt it passed to the Jews, it was the mandate that passed to the UNPC

To try and placate the arab muslims so they would not resort to violence

To placate the arab muslims so they would not resort to violence

Because that is what they are according to the islamonazi's, to the rest of society it is called disputed territories.
You are still stuck on Israeli propaganda.

You provided nothing to prove your points.

Get awa from calling everything that disproves your claims as Israeli propaganda, it is verified historically correct facts. They have been proven thousands of times and still you ignore them because you dont want the truth.
What did you post that disproved my claim?
Lets just consider documented facts. Fair enough?

Israel's History and Right to Exist - Discover the Networks
The State of Israel was created in a peaceful and legal process by the United Nations.​

The first sentence is a lie. Shall I continue?

The facts on the ground prove my point. Nothing in Resolution 181 really happened. The UN created nothing.

Your continued whining about Resolution 181 is pointless. Why don't you write a strongly worded email (and be sure to include multiple references to The Zionists™ or alternately The Zionist Entity™) to the UN and express your displeasure. Tell them you demand satisfaction.
Resolution 181 was DOA. What is there to complain about?
You complain about Resolution 181 in multiple threads on multiple occasions. What is there to complain about?
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