Israel's Legal Right To Exist

montelatici, et al,

Well, I'm sure that I don't have to defend Israel! They are quite capable of defending themselves.

As for being :"Hasbara" --- to be mistaken for one of them is actually a complement (not an insult). I'm quite sure that the Hasbara would want to distance themselves from me. And I am also quite sure that the Fellowship (an NGO) is much better at making a very Favorable and Positive argument in our debate; --- much more so than I. They are generally only half my age and express the Israeli experience much more eloquently. And that's because Israel is a dynamic environment. Israel is not just about the struggle with the Palestinians or the issue of Holy Place and things of religious significance. Its about the beauty and wonder of the land --- fun and entertainment. I'm sure they can say it better than I can.

Rocco you are a shabby propagandist and are using the Hasbara playbook to justify the unjustifiable:

But enough about peace and positive stuff --- let's talk about the ugly side.

More to the point here. I don't know where you get your information. Resolution 242 says what it says. But going to the source, the authors, and drawing out their intention and meaning is as factual as you can get; no matter what book it is in.

Most Respectfully,

It's reading comprehension, intentions are confirmed by what was written in English and French. All the Hasbara machinations conflating the word "territories" with something else of their own description, are weak attempts to change the meaning of words.
On the contrary, the 1967 boundaries are currently being made sacrosanct by the Palestinians, not the Israelis.
Don't confuse the Palestinians with the unelected political elites in Ramallah.
Of course. We need reminding that you, and you alone are officially tasked with deciding who is, and who is not a Pal'istanian.
It is not me. It is a matter of history. Abbas was elected under shady circumstances in Jan. of 2005 then he left the government in June of 2007.
So, are we to understand that your ruling as King, Field Marshal General and Commissar of the Territories is that West Bank islamic terrorists are not to be misconstrued as true Pal'istanian Islamic terrorists.
Ooooo, you played the terrorist card twice in one sentence.

Good boy!

Or Good gal! (Isn't Hollie a gal's name?)
Hollie, et al,

What is generally not understood is that anyone who has voted for any Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) Candidate for any office has lent material support to a terrorist organization; in the eyes of North America and the European Union.

So, are we to understand that your ruling as King, Field Marshal General and Commissar of the Territories is that West Bank islamic terrorists are not to be misconstrued as true Pal'istanian Islamic terrorists.

That is not label that we pinned on the Arab Palestinian, that is a label they pinned on themselves. They may call themselves anything they want. But is you voted for HAMAS, you voted for Jihadist, Deadly Fedayeen, Hostile Insurgent, Radicalized Islamist, and Asymmetric Fighters --- better known as terrorist.

If you live and swim with the fishes, you are some sort of Aquatic life; whatever else you may say you are.


They don't know that kidnapping and murder; attacking citizens with hammers and knifes; using a car to intentionally run-over people; suicide bomb a restaurant; shoot-up the wheelchair bound, the bus full of school children; is wrong.

Most Respectfully,
How can one side of a non border be Palestine and the other side of a non border be called Israel? How can that happen?

P F Tinmore is 100% correct in this case. It can not happen. It did not happen. It still hasn't happened. And you sure can't use 242 to make it happen.

The intent of 242 is clear:
  • to establish a just and lasting peace
  • termination of all claims or states of belligerency
  • recognition of sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence of every STATE in the area
  • secure and recognized boundaries for every STATE in the area
The States in the area are: Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon. The requirement that Israel withdraw from territories was a means to an end. It was the means by which a lasting peace with recognized sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence and with secure and recognized boundaries be made.

Israel, Jordan and Egypt have since signed peace treaties which establish that peace, that recognition, integrity, independence and boundaries. Therefore, 242 has been satisfied with respect to the West Bank and Gaza. (Lebanon still has a border dispute with Israel and its seems political events have overtaken the issue with respect to Syria.)

242 has nothing to do with Palestinian nationalism. It does not address Palestinian independent nationalism. And it can not be retroactively used to create some sort of new sovereignty at a time and in a place where none existed.
On the contrary, the 1967 boundaries are currently being made sacrosanct by the Palestinians, not the Israelis.
Don't confuse the Palestinians with the unelected political elites in Ramallah.
Of course. We need reminding that you, and you alone are officially tasked with deciding who is, and who is not a Pal'istanian.
It is not me. It is a matter of history. Abbas was elected under shady circumstances in Jan. of 2005 then he left the government in June of 2007.
So, are we to understand that your ruling as King, Field Marshal General and Commissar of the Territories is that West Bank islamic terrorists are not to be misconstrued as true Pal'istanian Islamic terrorists.
Ooooo, you played the terrorist card twice in one sentence.

Good boy!

Perhaps we should say Good Boy (and also Good Girl to your assistant here). After all, the both of you are posting practically the entire day. I hope Hamas is grateful for your loyalty and help..

They don't know that kidnapping and murder; attacking citizens with hammers and knifes; using a car to intentionally run-over people; suicide bomb a restaurant; shoot-up the wheelchair bound, the bus full of school children; is wrong.

Most Respectfully,

What is really scary is that some of our own members of Team Palestine don't seem to realize that is it wrong, either.
How can one side of a non border be Palestine and the other side of a non border be called Israel? How can that happen?

P F Tinmore is 100% correct in this case. It can not happen. It did not happen. It still hasn't happened. And you sure can't use 242 to make it happen.

The intent of 242 is clear:
  • to establish a just and lasting peace
  • termination of all claims or states of belligerency
  • recognition of sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence of every STATE in the area
  • secure and recognized boundaries for every STATE in the area
The States in the area are: Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon. The requirement that Israel withdraw from territories was a means to an end. It was the means by which a lasting peace with recognized sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence and with secure and recognized boundaries be made.

Israel, Jordan and Egypt have since signed peace treaties which establish that peace, that recognition, integrity, independence and boundaries. Therefore, 242 has been satisfied with respect to the West Bank and Gaza. (Lebanon still has a border dispute with Israel and its seems political events have overtaken the issue with respect to Syria.)

242 has nothing to do with Palestinian nationalism. It does not address Palestinian independent nationalism. And it can not be retroactively used to create some sort of new sovereignty at a time and in a place where none existed.

Israel has left Lebanon completely. Unless you're speaking of the 7-mile stretch of land called the Shebaa Farms, that Hezbollah suddenly started to call a part of Lebanon. (The Arabs are never satisfied.)
So, these guys, who did much worse, e.g.attacked Russian built schools educating girls, killing thousands of students, were "freedom fighters" and were supported financially by the U.S. until 9/11, but the Christians and Muslims of Palestine are terrorists. Rocco logic.

How can one side of a non border be Palestine and the other side of a non border be called Israel? How can that happen?

P F Tinmore is 100% correct in this case. It can not happen. It did not happen. It still hasn't happened. And you sure can't use 242 to make it happen.

The intent of 242 is clear:
  • to establish a just and lasting peace
  • termination of all claims or states of belligerency
  • recognition of sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence of every STATE in the area
  • secure and recognized boundaries for every STATE in the area
The States in the area are: Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon. The requirement that Israel withdraw from territories was a means to an end. It was the means by which a lasting peace with recognized sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence and with secure and recognized boundaries be made.

Israel, Jordan and Egypt have since signed peace treaties which establish that peace, that recognition, integrity, independence and boundaries. Therefore, 242 has been satisfied with respect to the West Bank and Gaza. (Lebanon still has a border dispute with Israel and its seems political events have overtaken the issue with respect to Syria.)

242 has nothing to do with Palestinian nationalism. It does not address Palestinian independent nationalism. And it can not be retroactively used to create some sort of new sovereignty at a time and in a place where none existed.

Israel has left Lebanon completely. Unless you're speaking of the 7-mile stretch of land called the Shebaa Farms, that Hezbollah suddenly started to call a part of Lebanon. (The Arabs are never satisfied.)

Would you be? Say you were a Christian living in Haifa, maybe your family owned a citrus farm for several generations and because of the invasion of European Jews your family was forced to flee leaving everything. Would you be satisfied?
In fact, the preface of the section of the resolution emphasized the principle of international law that the acquisition of territory by war is inadmissible and it is in the context of that emphasized principle that the resolution’s call for Israeli withdrawal must be understood.

I've always thought this was an interesting and one-sided application of that principle. How did Jordan acquire territory which was not hers in 1948? The border between the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the remaining slice of Palestine was never in dispute, was it? That was a clear border made by agreements and treaty.

So when we apply this principle, isn't it Jordan who can not acquire territory by war? The war conducted against Israel in 1948?

And if Jordan did not acquire that territory in 1948 (because it can't due to the principle that one can't acquire territory by war), then how can Israel have taken it from Jordan in 1967?
We didn't say there should be a withdrawal to the '67 line; we did not put the “the” in, we did not say “all the territories” deliberately. We all knew that the boundaries of '67 were not drawn as permanent frontiers, they were a cease-fire line of a couple of decades earlier... . We did not say that the '67 boundaries must be forever.
This is the stupidest argument. The so called '67 borders were never borders. The UN armistice agreements specified that the armistice lines were not to be political or territorial boundaries.

How can one side of a non border be Palestine and the other side of a non border be called Israel? How can that happen?

In fact, the preface of the section of the resolution emphasized the principle of international law that the acquisition of territory by war is inadmissible and it is in the context of that emphasized principle that the resolution’s call for Israeli withdrawal must be understood.

Why is this such a big deal in 1967 but nobody questions the territory Israel acquired by war in 1948?

It didnt though did it as palestine did not exist then, so one side was Israel and the other side was land occupied by Jordan. Why are you bringing up borders when they are not even mentioned, boundaries are not borders they are a line that should not be crossed.

Because they dint as no such law existed then and the land was not owned as such by the arab muslims, remember they denied the existence of the mandate and regretted it ever since
Would you be? Say you were a Christian living in Haifa, maybe your family owned a citrus farm for several generations and because of the invasion of European Jews your family was forced to flee leaving everything. Would you be satisfied?

It wasn't the presence of Jewish immigrants that forced your family to flee. (Your family was probably a family of immigrants as well.) It was the violence started by the Arabs.
How can one side of a non border be Palestine and the other side of a non border be called Israel? How can that happen?

P F Tinmore is 100% correct in this case. It can not happen. It did not happen. It still hasn't happened. And you sure can't use 242 to make it happen.

The intent of 242 is clear:
  • to establish a just and lasting peace
  • termination of all claims or states of belligerency
  • recognition of sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence of every STATE in the area
  • secure and recognized boundaries for every STATE in the area
The States in the area are: Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon. The requirement that Israel withdraw from territories was a means to an end. It was the means by which a lasting peace with recognized sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence and with secure and recognized boundaries be made.

Israel, Jordan and Egypt have since signed peace treaties which establish that peace, that recognition, integrity, independence and boundaries. Therefore, 242 has been satisfied with respect to the West Bank and Gaza. (Lebanon still has a border dispute with Israel and its seems political events have overtaken the issue with respect to Syria.)

242 has nothing to do with Palestinian nationalism. It does not address Palestinian independent nationalism. And it can not be retroactively used to create some sort of new sovereignty at a time and in a place where none existed.

Israel has left Lebanon completely. Unless you're speaking of the 7-mile stretch of land called the Shebaa Farms, that Hezbollah suddenly started to call a part of Lebanon. (The Arabs are never satisfied.)

Would you be? Say you were a Christian living in Haifa, maybe your family owned a citrus farm for several generations and because of the invasion of European Jews your family was forced to flee leaving everything. Would you be satisfied?

Say you were a Navajo living on the plains following the buffalo herds and a Catholic invasion took place that led to your wife, mother, sister and daughters being raped in the name of Jesus. Then your hogans destroyed and your food stolen so you had nothing to see you through the winter. Would you be satisfied ?
In fact, the preface of the section of the resolution emphasized the principle of international law that the acquisition of territory by war is inadmissible and it is in the context of that emphasized principle that the resolution’s call for Israeli withdrawal must be understood.

I've always thought this was an interesting and one-sided application of that principle. How did Jordan acquire territory which was not hers in 1948? The border between the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the remaining slice of Palestine was never in dispute, was it? That was a clear border made by agreements and treaty.

So when we apply this principle, isn't it Jordan who can not acquire territory by war? The war conducted against Israel in 1948?

And if Jordan did not acquire that territory in 1948 (because it can't due to the principle that one can't acquire territory by war), then how can Israel have taken it from Jordan in 1967?

Dont confuse the issue by bringing in facts that prove them wrong on so many points, and then shows that they are just here to demonise the Jews and deny them them their legal, civil and religious rights
We didn't say there should be a withdrawal to the '67 line; we did not put the “the” in, we did not say “all the territories” deliberately. We all knew that the boundaries of '67 were not drawn as permanent frontiers, they were a cease-fire line of a couple of decades earlier... . We did not say that the '67 boundaries must be forever.
This is the stupidest argument. The so called '67 borders were never borders. The UN armistice agreements specified that the armistice lines were not to be political or territorial boundaries.

How can one side of a non border be Palestine and the other side of a non border be called Israel? How can that happen?

In fact, the preface of the section of the resolution emphasized the principle of international law that the acquisition of territory by war is inadmissible and it is in the context of that emphasized principle that the resolution’s call for Israeli withdrawal must be understood.

Why is this such a big deal in 1967 but nobody questions the territory Israel acquired by war in 1948?

On the contrary, the 1967 boundaries are currently being made sacrosanct by the Palestinians, not the Israelis.
Don't confuse the Palestinians with the unelected political elites in Ramallah.

And you stop confusing the palestinians with illegal arab muslim migrants that have no legal rights to be there. The real palestinians are the Jews who were named that by the Roman conquerers
We didn't say there should be a withdrawal to the '67 line; we did not put the “the” in, we did not say “all the territories” deliberately. We all knew that the boundaries of '67 were not drawn as permanent frontiers, they were a cease-fire line of a couple of decades earlier... . We did not say that the '67 boundaries must be forever.
This is the stupidest argument. The so called '67 borders were never borders. The UN armistice agreements specified that the armistice lines were not to be political or territorial boundaries.

How can one side of a non border be Palestine and the other side of a non border be called Israel? How can that happen?

In fact, the preface of the section of the resolution emphasized the principle of international law that the acquisition of territory by war is inadmissible and it is in the context of that emphasized principle that the resolution’s call for Israeli withdrawal must be understood.

Why is this such a big deal in 1967 but nobody questions the territory Israel acquired by war in 1948?

On the contrary, the 1967 boundaries are currently being made sacrosanct by the Palestinians, not the Israelis.
Don't confuse the Palestinians with the unelected political elites in Ramallah.
Of course. We need reminding that you, and you alone are officially tasked with deciding who is, and who is not a Pal'istanian.
It is not me. It is a matter of history. Abbas was elected under shady circumstances in Jan. of 2005 then he left the government in June of 2007.

And that is a matter for the arab muslims to solve, not the members of this board. They should be forcing the issue by demanding the UN step in and hold elections to elect new leaders and politicians, as they were supposed to do after Oslo 2
On the contrary, the 1967 boundaries are currently being made sacrosanct by the Palestinians, not the Israelis.
Don't confuse the Palestinians with the unelected political elites in Ramallah.
Of course. We need reminding that you, and you alone are officially tasked with deciding who is, and who is not a Pal'istanian.
It is not me. It is a matter of history. Abbas was elected under shady circumstances in Jan. of 2005 then he left the government in June of 2007.
So, are we to understand that your ruling as King, Field Marshal General and Commissar of the Territories is that West Bank islamic terrorists are not to be misconstrued as true Pal'istanian Islamic terrorists.
Ooooo, you played the terrorist card twice in one sentence.

Good boy!

What terrorist card is that, if the other arab muslim nations say that arab muslims calling themselves palestinians are terrorists then who are we to complain. Then when the world did the same thing it put the icing on the cake and destroyed your POV. But like a spoilt brat you keep on demanding that you are the only one that is right
How can one side of a non border be Palestine and the other side of a non border be called Israel? How can that happen?

P F Tinmore is 100% correct in this case. It can not happen. It did not happen. It still hasn't happened. And you sure can't use 242 to make it happen.

The intent of 242 is clear:
  • to establish a just and lasting peace
  • termination of all claims or states of belligerency
  • recognition of sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence of every STATE in the area
  • secure and recognized boundaries for every STATE in the area
The States in the area are: Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon. The requirement that Israel withdraw from territories was a means to an end. It was the means by which a lasting peace with recognized sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence and with secure and recognized boundaries be made.

Israel, Jordan and Egypt have since signed peace treaties which establish that peace, that recognition, integrity, independence and boundaries. Therefore, 242 has been satisfied with respect to the West Bank and Gaza. (Lebanon still has a border dispute with Israel and its seems political events have overtaken the issue with respect to Syria.)

242 has nothing to do with Palestinian nationalism. It does not address Palestinian independent nationalism. And it can not be retroactively used to create some sort of new sovereignty at a time and in a place where none existed.

Israel has left Lebanon completely. Unless you're speaking of the 7-mile stretch of land called the Shebaa Farms, that Hezbollah suddenly started to call a part of Lebanon. (The Arabs are never satisfied.)

Would you be? Say you were a Christian living in Haifa, maybe your family owned a citrus farm for several generations and because of the invasion of European Jews your family was forced to flee leaving everything. Would you be satisfied?

I was talking specifically about the Shebaa Farms. It's a very small stretch of land in the Golan, not Haifa. When the U.N. determined that Israel left Lebanon completely in the year 2000, Hezbollah suddenly claimed that a very small part of the Syrian Golan, which had been taken by Israel, was really a part of Lebanon. This strip of land is called the Shebaa Farms, though it is not farmland anymore. This last dispute between Israel and Lebanon has nothing to do with the Palestinians.

BTW, Haifa is a port city, not farmland. It also still has a large Arab population in it.
montelatici, et al,

Well, I'm sure that I don't have to defend Israel! They are quite capable of defending themselves.

As for being :"Hasbara" --- to be mistaken for one of them is actually a complement (not an insult). I'm quite sure that the Hasbara would want to distance themselves from me. And I am also quite sure that the Fellowship (an NGO) is much better at making a very Favorable and Positive argument in our debate; --- much more so than I. They are generally only half my age and express the Israeli experience much more eloquently. And that's because Israel is a dynamic environment. Israel is not just about the struggle with the Palestinians or the issue of Holy Place and things of religious significance. Its about the beauty and wonder of the land --- fun and entertainment. I'm sure they can say it better than I can.

Rocco you are a shabby propagandist and are using the Hasbara playbook to justify the unjustifiable:

But enough about peace and positive stuff --- let's talk about the ugly side.

More to the point here. I don't know where you get your information. Resolution 242 says what it says. But going to the source, the authors, and drawing out their intention and meaning is as factual as you can get; no matter what book it is in.

Most Respectfully,

It's reading comprehension, intentions are confirmed by what was written in English and French. All the Hasbara machinations conflating the word "territories" with something else of their own description, are weak attempts to change the meaning of words.

The explanation was given by the people who wrote the resolution, so are you saying that they did not understand what they wrote and only you can interpret the words. The original was written in English as is UN custom, and then a copy was made in French as is custom. The working copy much to the dismay of the Russians and the muslims was the English one as it left out the second "the" and "all" and the authors were adamant the words would stay the same. It cant have been that bad as the UN passed the resolution with the original wording unanimously.

It is you that has the reading comprehension and the arrogance to match that thinks you should be allowed to alter the context to suit your warped POV and anti semitic stance
So, these guys, who did much worse, e.g.attacked Russian built schools educating girls, killing thousands of students, were "freedom fighters" and were supported financially by the U.S. until 9/11, but the Christians and Muslims of Palestine are terrorists. Rocco logic.


No as he also says these are terrorists and should be dealt with accordingly

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