'israel's Most Bitter Western Enemy Is America'

I agree the men in charge of Israel today seem very unstable and if anyone speaks a word about Israel or a word pro Palestine they are viscously attacked verbally in the Israel newspapers , like they are now doing to the PM of Sweden. Israel should not have nuclear weapons at their disposal.
Can you provide anything to base it? Because my evidence indicate differently.

Israel reprimands Sweden on Palestinian declaration
Israel reprimands Sweden on Palestinian declaration - Israel News Ynetnews

I've been reading your papers long enough to know your gov is full of unstable men (now and in the past) and your new Minister of Defense needs to apologize every time he opens his mouth it seems, he is one scary person along with your PM who has been spreading hatred and propaganda against Muslims since about 1979, when he became more known with the opening of the Jonathan Institute, and his book on terror and his speeches. Then he started with Iran in 1990 or so.

Your country having nukes is very scary.

Not as scary as Iran getting them and mass murdering 10 million arab muslims to get 1 Jew. India has half of its nukes pointing at Pakistan and half at Iran just in case

Link to the 10 million arab muslims to get 1 jew, back this statement up please.

Here you go read this all the way through

Articles Bachmann vs. the Fact-Checkers Did Iran Threaten Nuclear Attack on U.S.

As CNN's Truth Squad points out, Iranian leaders never threatened to nuke Israel or the United States, and they couldn't have because they deny pursuing nuclear weapons in the first place."
But the facts prove Bachmann right. First, the mullahs' mouthpiece Ahmadinejad is unambiguous that the regime's goal is the destruction of both Israel and the U.S., having vowed at the "World Without Zionism" conference that "his eminency Imam Khomeini ... said that the occupation regime of Qods [Israel] must be wiped off from the map of the world, and with the help of the Almighty, we shall soon experience a world without America and Zionism, notwithstanding those who doubt." Second, his promise to annihilate these two nations, and to do it "soon," is coupled with a nuclear threat: "Today, the Iranian people is the owner of nuclear technology. Those who want to talk with our people should know what people they are talking to[.] ... If they have not realized this by now, they soon will, but then it will be too late[.]"
Ahmadinejad promises a second Holocaust by means that only a nuclear weapon could produce -- "[t]he Zionist regime...will be eliminated by one storm" -- followed by attacks on the West: "The rage of the Muslim peoples will not be restricted to the boundaries of our region[.] The waves of the explosion ... will reach the corrupt forces [i.e., the Western countries] which support this fake regime [Israel]."
The Iranian president's threat has been echoed by other prominent regime officials. An alert blogger who took issue with Amanpour cited a threat announced in a regime-controlled newspaper that "nuclear devices will go off in American cities" -- and noted a nuclear threat by chief nuclear envoy Ali Larjani (not to be confused with his brother Mohammed, a high-ranking official who responded to our president's outreach by calling him a well-known slur against black people).
In addition, in a speech urging the Muslim world to destroy Israel, Iran's Ayatollah Ali Akbar Hashemi-Rafsanjani issued a nuclear threat, sadistically taunting that "application of an atomic bomb would not leave any thing in Israel, but the same thing would just produce damages in the Muslim world."
I agree the men in charge of Israel today seem very unstable and if anyone speaks a word about Israel or a word pro Palestine they are viscously attacked verbally in the Israel newspapers , like they are now doing to the PM of Sweden. Israel should not have nuclear weapons at their disposal.
Can you provide anything to base it? Because my evidence indicate differently.

Israel reprimands Sweden on Palestinian declaration
Israel reprimands Sweden on Palestinian declaration - Israel News Ynetnews

I've been reading your papers long enough to know your gov is full of unstable men (now and in the past) and your new Minister of Defense needs to apologize every time he opens his mouth it seems, he is one scary person along with your PM who has been spreading hatred and propaganda against Muslims since about 1979, when he became more known with the opening of the Jonathan Institute, and his book on terror and his speeches. Then he started with Iran in 1990 or so.

Your country having nukes is very scary.

Not as scary as Iran getting them and mass murdering 10 million arab muslims to get 1 Jew. India has half of its nukes pointing at Pakistan and half at Iran just in case

Link to the 10 million arab muslims to get 1 jew, back this statement up please.

to help him start another war in Iraq because they don't trust him anymore.
Are you talking about the war on ISIS? Because the UK has already joined the U.S[/QUOTE]

Earlier this Year Obama asked the west to join the US in bombing Syria to rid it of Assad, the people of the UK told their elected representatives not to even think about it if they wanted to keep their jobs. Part of the bombing campaign would have included attacks on Iraq and the ISIL terrorists. That was a kick in the teeth for Obama and showed just how little the rest of the world respects him, he is seen as a weak ineffective man[/QUOTE]

why don't you read the Clean Break document. This has nothing to do with Obama, has been in the plans for years, and if the gov doesn't like Obama, then I do.:badgrin: but atlas even though he doesn't suck up to them , his hands are tied and the puppeteers behind the scenes are pulling the strings. You call someone who doesn't want war, weak, the last thing we need is the neocon war mongers in charge.
Also who do you mean by the west?[/QUOTE]

He wants war alright but against the enemies of islam and not the enemies of America. He is doing exactly the same as all the other neo Marxists and flooding America with immigrants while dragging its economy down. Why do you think Americas credit rating is one of the worst amongst the civilised Western nations. I call him weak because that is what he is a weak willed puppet of the Islamic pac's doing what they want when he gets the chance.[/QUOTE]

You got one heck of an imagination. God help us if the GOP babies get in.[/QUOTE]

God wont help you if Obama gets his way and destroys the US from the inside.
I agree the men in charge of Israel today seem very unstable and if anyone speaks a word about Israel or a word pro Palestine they are viscously attacked verbally in the Israel newspapers , like they are now doing to the PM of Sweden. Israel should not have nuclear weapons at their disposal.

A bit like anyone that speaks a word against hamas is beaten to death. Therein lies the difference between Israel and the arab muslims, the arab muslims would kill their own to save face. Are you saying that every other nation can voice their disgust at what another nation does apart from Israel because you are a RABID NAZI JEW HATER

Here we go, name calling again, ha ha, see how it affects me, it doesn't .:blahblah: All you know about Hamas is what Israel tells you, and since they distort the truth and use propaganda it can't be trusted as reliable.

Its not name calling it is the truth and you cant deny that you are a RABID NAZI JEW HATER after the LIES and LIBELS you have posted in regards to Israel

The Israel gov is sick and twisted and is causing an illness of fear and hatred of Muslims and Islam among its people , so I believe its the Israel gov who are fascist with their racist and master race attitude.

That would be islam that commands its people to cut of the heads of the unbelievers, which they do gleefully if you read the news. Everyone should be afraid of muslims and hate their religious culture, even their Koran is based on fascism and racism and has the muslims as the master race. Why do you think the Nazi's went to bed with them and employed muslims in the final solution
I agree the men in charge of Israel today seem very unstable and if anyone speaks a word about Israel or a word pro Palestine they are viscously attacked verbally in the Israel newspapers , like they are now doing to the PM of Sweden. Israel should not have nuclear weapons at their disposal.

A bit like anyone that speaks a word against hamas is beaten to death. Therein lies the difference between Israel and the arab muslims, the arab muslims would kill their own to save face. Are you saying that every other nation can voice their disgust at what another nation does apart from Israel because you are a RABID NAZI JEW HATER

Here we go, name calling again, ha ha, see how it affects me, it doesn't .:blahblah: All you know about Hamas is what Israel tells you, and since they distort the truth and use propaganda it can't be trusted as reliable.

Its not name calling it is the truth and you cant deny that you are a RABID NAZI JEW HATER after the LIES and LIBELS you have posted in regards to Israel

The Israel gov is sick and twisted and is causing an illness of fear and hatred of Muslims and Islam among its people , so I believe its the Israel gov who are fascist with their racist and master race attitude.

That would be islam that commands its people to cut of the heads of the unbelievers, which they do gleefully if you read the news. Everyone should be afraid of muslims and hate their religious culture, even their Koran is based on fascism and racism and has the muslims as the master race. Why do you think the Nazi's went to bed with them and employed muslims in the final solution

Read the Quran before talking about it, I have not studied it , but let me say even with a quick read , its not any worst than the OT , and they took most everything from the Jews and Christians, so sometimes I do believe we'd be better off if the Jews never wrote their book.
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Michele Bachmann,

I can't stand listening to her on Tv along with her other hate spreading pals who want to please the Israel lobby so they can be
whose who in congress and Washington.
I agree the men in charge of Israel today seem very unstable and if anyone speaks a word about Israel or a word pro Palestine they are viscously attacked verbally in the Israel newspapers , like they are now doing to the PM of Sweden. Israel should not have nuclear weapons at their disposal.

A bit like anyone that speaks a word against hamas is beaten to death. Therein lies the difference between Israel and the arab muslims, the arab muslims would kill their own to save face. Are you saying that every other nation can voice their disgust at what another nation does apart from Israel because you are a RABID NAZI JEW HATER

Here we go, name calling again, ha ha, see how it affects me, it doesn't .:blahblah: All you know about Hamas is what Israel tells you, and since they distort the truth and use propaganda it can't be trusted as reliable.

Its not name calling it is the truth and you cant deny that you are a RABID NAZI JEW HATER after the LIES and LIBELS you have posted in regards to Israel

The Israel gov is sick and twisted and is causing an illness of fear and hatred of Muslims and Islam among its people , so I believe its the Israel gov who are fascist with their racist and master race attitude.

That would be islam that commands its people to cut of the heads of the unbelievers, which they do gleefully if you read the news. Everyone should be afraid of muslims and hate their religious culture, even their Koran is based on fascism and racism and has the muslims as the master race. Why do you think the Nazi's went to bed with them and employed muslims in the final solution

Gee why did Hitler also have Jews in his army??

The US should not be taking sides, Jews against the Muslims , that is what children do. With the difference in the pop. of Zionist and Muslims there are actually more zealous Zionist than there are radicals Muslims.
Israel is the only terrorist state in the entire Middle East. ..... :cool:
Aaaand the Sunni's brand new state - Isis, Sunshine you can be a great Isis diplomat.

Leave Sunni Troll alone. He cannot accept the fact that Sunni Islam is responsible for 99% of the terror/massacres/wars in the Middle East, so he makes up lies about Israel and Jews.
It's a typical Muslim tactic to take attention off the failure of Muslim states whereas Israel has achieved more than any of the backward Sunni Muslims ever will.

If you ignore his posts like everyone else has learned to do, Sunni Troll will eventually find another thread to troll :cool:
Israel is the only terrorist state in the entire Middle East. ..... :cool:
Aaaand the Sunni's brand new state - Isis, Sunshine you can be a great Isis diplomat.

Leave Sunni Troll alone. He cannot accept the fact that Sunni Islam is responsible for 99% of the terror/massacres/wars in the Middle East, so he makes up lies about Israel and Jews.
It's a typical Muslim tactic to take attention off the failure of Muslim states whereas Israel has achieved more than any of the backward Sunni Muslims ever will.

If you ignore his posts like everyone else has learned to do, Sunni Troll will eventually find another thread to troll :cool:

Well if one considers the oppression of the Muslims , the Jews really haven't done much since they had the backing of the US, France, Germanys money, and the elite wealthy Jews to assist them , also the ones who came from Germany had the finest universities in the world to educate them, so lets compare apples to apples.

The biggest accomplishment of the Israel government was to foster hatred of the Muslim world , doing their best to make sure they are looked down upon and oppressed.
Israel is the only terrorist state in the entire Middle East. ..... :cool:
Aaaand the Sunni's brand new state - Isis, Sunshine you can be a great Isis diplomat.

Leave Sunni Troll alone. He cannot accept the fact that Sunni Islam is responsible for 99% of the terror/massacres/wars in the Middle East, so he makes up lies about Israel and Jews.
It's a typical Muslim tactic to take attention off the failure of Muslim states whereas Israel has achieved more than any of the backward Sunni Muslims ever will.

If you ignore his posts like everyone else has learned to do, Sunni Troll will eventually find another thread to troll :cool:

Well if one considers the oppression of the Muslims , the Jews really haven't done much since they had the backing of the US, France, Germanys money, and the elite wealthy Jews to assist them , also the ones who came from Germany had the finest universities in the world to educate them, so lets compare apples to apples.

Yes Penelope, we understand that you can't accept the fact that Israel is a thriving successful country surrounded by Muslim failure, so you will make any excuse in the book.
Many Muslim states are super rich from oil, yet they are failures as a country. You know why? Because money alone doesn't guarantee success. The people/government have a huge part in it as well

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