'israel's Most Bitter Western Enemy Is America'

The apartheid state of Israel is ruled by a cabal of zionist psychopaths who continually attack the other regional countries for all sorts of imagined infractions under the guise "security".

Adding to that psychosis is the Israeli population of 7 million citizen's suffering from mass Stockholm Syndrome dating back to the 1940's in Europe.

Israel is a very unstable and mentally unbalanced criminal rogue state that can only survive by adopting an aggressive parasitic ideology called zionism. . :cool:
No Nazis and Terrorism allowed, I can live with such apartheid.
obama has proven himself an enemy not only of Israel, but of the United States and every other nation in the world as well. The only ones he supports are his muslim brothers. Not even muslims generally, just the muslim brotherhood as the parent organization of Isis, Al Queada, Hamas and Hezbollah.


Is that why he lowered himself and the USA when meeting with jumped up M.B. leaders. Every other state leader he looked down on and as a consequence has lost much of Americas friends around the world. Even the UK refused to help him start another war in Iraq because they don't trust him anymore.
Are you talking about the war on ISIS? Because the UK has already joined the U.S

Earlier this Year Obama asked the west to join the US in bombing Syria to rid it of Assad, the people of the UK told their elected representatives not to even think about it if they wanted to keep their jobs. Part of the bombing campaign would have included attacks on Iraq and the ISIL terrorists. That was a kick in the teeth for Obama and showed just how little the rest of the world respects him, he is seen as a weak ineffective man
I agree the men in charge of Israel today seem very unstable and if anyone speaks a word about Israel or a word pro Palestine they are viscously attacked verbally in the Israel newspapers , like they are now doing to the PM of Sweden. Israel should not have nuclear weapons at their disposal.
Can you provide anything to base it? Because my evidence indicate differently.

Israel reprimands Sweden on Palestinian declaration
Israel reprimands Sweden on Palestinian declaration - Israel News Ynetnews

I've been reading your papers long enough to know your gov is full of unstable men (now and in the past) and your new Minister of Defense needs to apologize every time he opens his mouth it seems, he is one scary person along with your PM who has been spreading hatred and propaganda against Muslims since about 1979, when he became more known with the opening of the Jonathan Institute, and his book on terror and his speeches. Then he started with Iran in 1990 or so.

Your country having nukes is very scary.
Is this thread fo real?
Everything possible to disarm Israel, this is not about the Palestinians - their bashing bat - but about Israel, make no mistake.
Israel is the most dangerous and unstable country in the World....if they had to.........or wanted to......they could or would NUKE US ALL.......time to disarm these people.

Who have they threatened with nuclear weapons then, you know like iran's leaders have. They are the rogue state and the most dangerous and ustable nation in the world. Remember armedinajans threats to wipe Israel from the map that was reportedly taken out of context. Or the many other threats by Iranian leaders that were alleged to be lies by MEMRI until Farsi speakers agreed with the translations. Your uncontrolled ISLAMONAZI JEW HATRED AND ANTI SEMITISM has taken full control of your life.
I agree the men in charge of Israel today seem very unstable and if anyone speaks a word about Israel or a word pro Palestine they are viscously attacked verbally in the Israel newspapers , like they are now doing to the PM of Sweden. Israel should not have nuclear weapons at their disposal.
Can you provide anything to base it? Because my evidence indicate differently.

Israel reprimands Sweden on Palestinian declaration
Israel reprimands Sweden on Palestinian declaration - Israel News Ynetnews

I've been reading your papers long enough to know your gov is full of unstable men (now and in the past) and your new Minister of Defense needs to apologize every time he opens his mouth it seems, he is one scary person along with your PM who has been spreading hatred and propaganda against Muslims since about 1979, when he became more known with the opening of the Jonathan Institute, and his book on terror and his speeches. Then he started with Iran in 1990 or so.

Your country having nukes is very scary.
Not even close, but what do you expect when one sided steps are taken regardless of Israel, that's a world apartheid if you ask me.
obama has proven himself an enemy not only of Israel, but of the United States and every other nation in the world as well. The only ones he supports are his muslim brothers. Not even muslims generally, just the muslim brotherhood as the parent organization of Isis, Al Queada, Hamas and Hezbollah.


Is that why he lowered himself and the USA when meeting with jumped up M.B. leaders. Every other state leader he looked down on and as a consequence has lost much of Americas friends around the world. Even the UK refused to help him start another war in Iraq because they don't trust him anymore.
Are you talking about the war on ISIS? Because the UK has already joined the U.S

Earlier this Year Obama asked the west to join the US in bombing Syria to rid it of Assad, the people of the UK told their elected representatives not to even think about it if they wanted to keep their jobs. Part of the bombing campaign would have included attacks on Iraq and the ISIL terrorists. That was a kick in the teeth for Obama and showed just how little the rest of the world respects him, he is seen as a weak ineffective man

why don't you read the Clean Break document. This has nothing to do with Obama, has been in the plans for years, and if the gov doesn't like Obama, then I do.:badgrin: but atlas even though he doesn't suck up to them , his hands are tied and the puppeteers behind the scenes are pulling the strings. You call someone who doesn't want war, weak, the last thing we need is the neocon war mongers in charge.
Also who do you mean by the west?
I agree the men in charge of Israel today seem very unstable and if anyone speaks a word about Israel or a word pro Palestine they are viscously attacked verbally in the Israel newspapers , like they are now doing to the PM of Sweden. Israel should not have nuclear weapons at their disposal.

A bit like anyone that speaks a word against hamas is beaten to death. Therein lies the difference between Israel and the arab muslims, the arab muslims would kill their own to save face. Are you saying that every other nation can voice their disgust at what another nation does apart from Israel because you are a RABID NAZI JEW HATER
The apartheid state of Israel is ruled by a cabal of zionist psychopaths who continually attack the other regional countries for all sorts of imagined infractions under the guise "security".

Adding to that psychosis is the Israeli population of 7 million citizen's suffering from mass Stockholm Syndrome dating back to the 1940's in Europe.

Israel is a very unstable and mentally unbalanced criminal rogue state that can only survive by adopting an aggressive parasitic ideology called zionism. . :cool:

You have just described islam, and the recent actions all over the world shows that islam is a terrorist organisation.
I agree the men in charge of Israel today seem very unstable and if anyone speaks a word about Israel or a word pro Palestine they are viscously attacked verbally in the Israel newspapers , like they are now doing to the PM of Sweden. Israel should not have nuclear weapons at their disposal.

A bit like anyone that speaks a word against hamas is beaten to death. Therein lies the difference between Israel and the arab muslims, the arab muslims would kill their own to save face. Are you saying that every other nation can voice their disgust at what another nation does apart from Israel because you are a RABID NAZI JEW HATER

Here we go, name calling again, ha ha, see how it affects me, it doesn't .:blahblah: All you know about Hamas is what Israel tells you, and since they distort the truth and use propaganda it can't be trusted as reliable.
Israel is the only terrorist state in the entire Middle East. ..... :cool:

And which legal organisation has stated that Israel is the only terrorist state in the M.E. Banana republics don't count as valid legal organisations
I agree the men in charge of Israel today seem very unstable and if anyone speaks a word about Israel or a word pro Palestine they are viscously attacked verbally in the Israel newspapers , like they are now doing to the PM of Sweden. Israel should not have nuclear weapons at their disposal.
Can you provide anything to base it? Because my evidence indicate differently.

Israel reprimands Sweden on Palestinian declaration
Israel reprimands Sweden on Palestinian declaration - Israel News Ynetnews

I've been reading your papers long enough to know your gov is full of unstable men (now and in the past) and your new Minister of Defense needs to apologize every time he opens his mouth it seems, he is one scary person along with your PM who has been spreading hatred and propaganda against Muslims since about 1979, when he became more known with the opening of the Jonathan Institute, and his book on terror and his speeches. Then he started with Iran in 1990 or so.

Your country having nukes is very scary.

Not as scary as Iran getting them and mass murdering 10 million arab muslims to get 1 Jew. India has half of its nukes pointing at Pakistan and half at Iran just in case
Is this thread fo real?
Everything possible to disarm Israel, this is not about the Palestinians - their bashing bat - but about Israel, make no mistake.
Israel is the most dangerous and unstable country in the World....if they had to.........or wanted to......they could or would NUKE US ALL.......time to disarm these people.

Who have they threatened with nuclear weapons then, you know like iran's leaders have. They are the rogue state and the most dangerous and ustable nation in the world. Remember armedinajans threats to wipe Israel from the map that was reportedly taken out of context. Or the many other threats by Iranian leaders that were alleged to be lies by MEMRI until Farsi speakers agreed with the translations. Your uncontrolled ISLAMONAZI JEW HATRED AND ANTI SEMITISM has taken full control of your life.

Says Israel, have they every attacked anther country, no, even though they have been under sanctions since PM Bibl accused them of making nukes , so about the mid nineties, which have become stronger and stronger, I'm surprised at their patience in this issue.

Yet Israel won't let the IAEA in, what are they hiding??? Enough nukes to blow the world apart?
I agree the men in charge of Israel today seem very unstable and if anyone speaks a word about Israel or a word pro Palestine they are viscously attacked verbally in the Israel newspapers , like they are now doing to the PM of Sweden. Israel should not have nuclear weapons at their disposal.
Can you provide anything to base it? Because my evidence indicate differently.

Israel reprimands Sweden on Palestinian declaration
Israel reprimands Sweden on Palestinian declaration - Israel News Ynetnews

I've been reading your papers long enough to know your gov is full of unstable men (now and in the past) and your new Minister of Defense needs to apologize every time he opens his mouth it seems, he is one scary person along with your PM who has been spreading hatred and propaganda against Muslims since about 1979, when he became more known with the opening of the Jonathan Institute, and his book on terror and his speeches. Then he started with Iran in 1990 or so.

Your country having nukes is very scary.

Not as scary as Iran getting them and mass murdering 10 million arab muslims to get 1 Jew. India has half of its nukes pointing at Pakistan and half at Iran just in case

Link to the 10 million arab muslims to get 1 jew, back this statement up please.
obama has proven himself an enemy not only of Israel, but of the United States and every other nation in the world as well. The only ones he supports are his muslim brothers. Not even muslims generally, just the muslim brotherhood as the parent organization of Isis, Al Queada, Hamas and Hezbollah.


Is that why he lowered himself and the USA when meeting with jumped up M.B. leaders. Every other state leader he looked down on and as a consequence has lost much of Americas friends around the world. Even the UK refused to help him start another war in Iraq because they don't trust him anymore.
Are you talking about the war on ISIS? Because the UK has already joined the U.S

Earlier this Year Obama asked the west to join the US in bombing Syria to rid it of Assad, the people of the UK told their elected representatives not to even think about it if they wanted to keep their jobs. Part of the bombing campaign would have included attacks on Iraq and the ISIL terrorists. That was a kick in the teeth for Obama and showed just how little the rest of the world respects him, he is seen as a weak ineffective man

why don't you read the Clean Break document. This has nothing to do with Obama, has been in the plans for years, and if the gov doesn't like Obama, then I do.:badgrin: but atlas even though he doesn't suck up to them , his hands are tied and the puppeteers behind the scenes are pulling the strings. You call someone who doesn't want war, weak, the last thing we need is the neocon war mongers in charge.
Also who do you mean by the west?

He wants war alright but against the enemies of islam and not the enemies of America. He is doing exactly the same as all the other neo Marxists and flooding America with immigrants while dragging its economy down. Why do you think Americas credit rating is one of the worst amongst the civilised Western nations. I call him weak because that is what he is a weak willed puppet of the Islamic pac's doing what they want when he gets the chance.
Is this thread fo real?
Everything possible to disarm Israel, this is not about the Palestinians - their bashing bat - but about Israel, make no mistake.
Israel is the most dangerous and unstable country in the World....if they had to.........or wanted to......they could or would NUKE US ALL.......time to disarm these people.

Who have they threatened with nuclear weapons then, you know like iran's leaders have. They are the rogue state and the most dangerous and ustable nation in the world. Remember armedinajans threats to wipe Israel from the map that was reportedly taken out of context. Or the many other threats by Iranian leaders that were alleged to be lies by MEMRI until Farsi speakers agreed with the translations. Your uncontrolled ISLAMONAZI JEW HATRED AND ANTI SEMITISM has taken full control of your life.

Says Israel, have they every attacked anther country, no, even though they have been under sanctions since PM Bibl accused them of making nukes , so about the mid nineties, which have become stronger and stronger, I'm surprised at their patience in this issue.

Yet Israel won't let the IAEA in, what are they hiding??? Enough nukes to blow the world apart?

Yes they have by proxy when they hand out weapons to the likes of hamas, muslim brotherhood, Hezbollah, ISIL, A.Q. etc. That is the Iran the decent people of the world recognise, not the picture you are painting. Which other country hans out plastic keys to children about to go into war, and tells them they are the keys to paradise.
I agree the men in charge of Israel today seem very unstable and if anyone speaks a word about Israel or a word pro Palestine they are viscously attacked verbally in the Israel newspapers , like they are now doing to the PM of Sweden. Israel should not have nuclear weapons at their disposal.

A bit like anyone that speaks a word against hamas is beaten to death. Therein lies the difference between Israel and the arab muslims, the arab muslims would kill their own to save face. Are you saying that every other nation can voice their disgust at what another nation does apart from Israel because you are a RABID NAZI JEW HATER

Here we go, name calling again, ha ha, see how it affects me, it doesn't .:blahblah: All you know about Hamas is what Israel tells you, and since they distort the truth and use propaganda it can't be trusted as reliable.

Its not name calling it is the truth and you cant deny that you are a RABID NAZI JEW HATER after the LIES and LIBELS you have posted in regards to Israel
I agree the men in charge of Israel today seem very unstable and if anyone speaks a word about Israel or a word pro Palestine they are viscously attacked verbally in the Israel newspapers , like they are now doing to the PM of Sweden. Israel should not have nuclear weapons at their disposal.
Can you provide anything to base it? Because my evidence indicate differently.

Israel reprimands Sweden on Palestinian declaration
Israel reprimands Sweden on Palestinian declaration - Israel News Ynetnews

I've been reading your papers long enough to know your gov is full of unstable men (now and in the past) and your new Minister of Defense needs to apologize every time he opens his mouth it seems, he is one scary person along with your PM who has been spreading hatred and propaganda against Muslims since about 1979, when he became more known with the opening of the Jonathan Institute, and his book on terror and his speeches. Then he started with Iran in 1990 or so.

Your country having nukes is very scary.

Not as scary as Iran getting them and mass murdering 10 million arab muslims to get 1 Jew. India has half of its nukes pointing at Pakistan and half at Iran just in case

Link to the 10 million arab muslims to get 1 jew, back this statement up please.

to help him start another war in Iraq because they don't trust him anymore.[/QUOTE]
Are you talking about the war on ISIS? Because the UK has already joined the U.S[/QUOTE]

Earlier this Year Obama asked the west to join the US in bombing Syria to rid it of Assad, the people of the UK told their elected representatives not to even think about it if they wanted to keep their jobs. Part of the bombing campaign would have included attacks on Iraq and the ISIL terrorists. That was a kick in the teeth for Obama and showed just how little the rest of the world respects him, he is seen as a weak ineffective man[/QUOTE]

why don't you read the Clean Break document. This has nothing to do with Obama, has been in the plans for years, and if the gov doesn't like Obama, then I do.:badgrin: but atlas even though he doesn't suck up to them , his hands are tied and the puppeteers behind the scenes are pulling the strings. You call someone who doesn't want war, weak, the last thing we need is the neocon war mongers in charge.
Also who do you mean by the west?[/QUOTE]

He wants war alright but against the enemies of islam and not the enemies of America. He is doing exactly the same as all the other neo Marxists and flooding America with immigrants while dragging its economy down. Why do you think Americas credit rating is one of the worst amongst the civilised Western nations. I call him weak because that is what he is a weak willed puppet of the Islamic pac's doing what they want when he gets the chance.[/QUOTE]

You got one heck of an imagination. God help us if the GOP babies get in.
I agree the men in charge of Israel today seem very unstable and if anyone speaks a word about Israel or a word pro Palestine they are viscously attacked verbally in the Israel newspapers , like they are now doing to the PM of Sweden. Israel should not have nuclear weapons at their disposal.

A bit like anyone that speaks a word against hamas is beaten to death. Therein lies the difference between Israel and the arab muslims, the arab muslims would kill their own to save face. Are you saying that every other nation can voice their disgust at what another nation does apart from Israel because you are a RABID NAZI JEW HATER

Here we go, name calling again, ha ha, see how it affects me, it doesn't .:blahblah: All you know about Hamas is what Israel tells you, and since they distort the truth and use propaganda it can't be trusted as reliable.

Its not name calling it is the truth and you cant deny that you are a RABID NAZI JEW HATER after the LIES and LIBELS you have posted in regards to Israel

The Israel gov is sick and twisted and is causing an illness of fear and hatred of Muslims and Islam among its people , so I believe its the Israel gov who are fascist with their racist and master race attitude.

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