Israel's Muslim Neighbors Offering Mobile Female Genital Mutilation!


Jun 29, 2011
:bow3: :woohoo:

CAIRO: A number of Egyptian human rights groups have submitted a communication to the Attorney General Abdel Meguid Mahmoud against the Muslim Brotherhood`s political arm, the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) to investigate the complaints of people in the village of Abu Aziz in the Minya governorate, south of Cairo, over the existence of a large medical convoy organized by the party that wanders streets and does medical examination on people, including female circumcision, or female genital mutilation, in violation of Egyptian law, conventions and treaties signed by Egypt.

Cont'd: Egypt’s Brotherhood mobile FGM convoys condemned by women’s group - Bikya Masr

[ame=]Applause - YouTube[/ame]
Deeds done in the dark...

Kenyan Parents, Fearing FGM Ban, Get Girls Cut at Night
May 18, 2016 — Kenyan families wanting their daughters to undergo ritual genital cutting are increasingly arranging for it to be done secretly at night to avoid arrest, campaigners said at a major women's rights conference. Female genital mutilation (FGM) is illegal in Kenya, which is widely seen as leading the way in efforts to eradicate the internationally condemned practice.
Linah Jebii Kilimo, chairwoman of Kenya's Anti-FGM Board, said the government would introduce an FGM hotline this year that people could call if they thought a girl was about to be cut. "There are changing trends in Kenya because of the law," Kilimo said. "People no longer perform the [public] ceremonies, they cut girls at night. Some bring medical personnel to do it in their homes," she told the Thomson Reuters Foundation at the Women Deliver conference in Copenhagen. About a quarter of girls and women in Kenya have undergone FGM, which involves the partial or total removal of the external genitalia. Kilimo said many still see it as an important part of their culture, crucial for social acceptance and increasing their daughters' marriage prospects.

Officials attacked

Campaigners said although FGM is becoming increasingly secretive in many places, some communities, including the Kuria and Pokot in the west, still carry out FGM with very public celebrations. "In some parts of Kenya, it happens in the early hours of the morning. But in Kuria, it happens in broad daylight with dancing and singing," said Tony Mwebia, an anti-FGM campaigner in the region where FGM is almost universal. "There's no way the police can arrest the whole community." Kilimo said a government administrator’s house was burned down last year in Kuria because he tried to enforce the law. Another official was shot at for trying to stop a cutting ceremony in the Kipsigis community in the Rift Valley highlands. "We have these defiant communities, of course, but we say that the law will catch up with them," said Kilimo, a former government minister.


A T-shirt warns against female genital mutilation. Its wearer attends an event, discouraging harmful practices such as FGM, at a girls high school in Imbirikani, Kenya​

Kenya has set up a dedicated team of 20 prosecutors to deal with cases of FGM and child marriage, but Kilimo said prosecutions must go hand in hand with education. "You have to transform people's mindset on how they perceive a person who is not circumcised because there is a lot of stigmatization," she said. "People fear being ostracised. Parents say, 'I have to do this for my child. I don't want my child to lead a lonely life, to be laughed at.'" She said there were even cases where parents had decided not to cut their daughters, but the daughters later were forced to undergo FGM by their husbands who feared being excluded from men's meetings for having married "a child" – an uncut woman.

Kilimo described FGM, which affects around 200 million girls and women worldwide, as the worst form of gender-based violence. She said the hotline would be particularly helpful in stopping FGM in Kenya's more remote regions, which have mobile phone access. "Almost everyone in Kenya has a handset. It will increase surveillance," she added. Some 5,500 delegates from over 160 countries are attending the Women Deliver conference which ends on Thursday.

Kenyan Parents, Fearing FGM Ban, Get Girls Cut at Night
Female circumcision victim in Egypt dies...

Egyptian Girl Dies After Genital Mutilation Surgery
June 01, 2016 - Mayar Mohamed Mousa underwent surgery at a private hospital in Suez a few days ago, an autopsy has been performed to determine cause of death
A private hospital in Egypt’s coastal Suez province has been shut down after a 17-year-old died while undergoing female circumcision, known also as female genital mutilation, or FGM. The practice is punishable in the north African country by up to two years in prison. Mayar Mohamed Mousa and her twin sister underwent the surgery at a private hospital in Suez a few days ago. While the other girl survived, Mousa died while under anesthesia. Lotfi Abdel-Sameeia, a senior Health Ministry official, said an autopsy has been performed to determine the cause of death.

Female circumcision has been banned in Egypt since 2008, but the practice remains widespread. "We have been vigilant in monitoring for these cases and we have increased our focus; but, we have not seen anything like this in recent months. This is a very dangerous and bad practice that must end,” Abdel-Sameeia told CNN. The hospital was closed on Monday. Two doctors and the head of the hospital may be prosecuted. Abdel-Sameeia said these medical staffers face allegations of conducting a banned procedure and causing the teen’s death. The private hospital previously received a handful of warnings due to its poor health record, including its lack of an intensive care unit.


Relatives of 13-year-old Soheir al-Batea who died undergoing the procedure of female genital mutilation walk in front of her home in Dierb Biqtaris village, some 120 kilometers (75 miles) northeast of Cairo.​

In a statement, the United Nations in Egypt condemned Mousa’s death, adding the organization is committed to “working with Egyptian authorities and society to protect the rights of all girls and women, including against the practice of FGM. There is no moral, religious or health reason to cut or mutilate any girl or woman.” The U.N. called for current legislation and enforcement of Egyptian laws to be reviewed. The U.N. reported that 82 percent of female circumcisions are performed by trained medical personnel. Authorities, however, say there is a circumcision tradition among Egyptian society. According to the Egyptian Ministry of Health, women who live in urban settings are less likely to be circumcised than rural women. These numbers are still high, at 86 percent and 95 percent, respectively.

Among the findings from a Ministry of Health report, more than half of the women interviewed believe that circumcision is required by religion. Approximately six in 10 women still think the practice should continue. Female genital mutilation is a practice believed to “calm” and “purify” the woman, but critics say it causes health and psychological problems. Vivian Fouad, the head of a Health Ministry program to combat female genital mutilation, described the teenager's death as a crime committed by doctors. Since the 2008 ban, only one doctor has been convicted on charges related to the practice. The doctor was sentenced to two years in prison, and Fouad said the sentencing had served as “deterrence.”

Egyptian Girl Dies After Genital Mutilation Surgery
Egypt clampin' down on FGM...

Egypt seeks tougher punishment for female genital mutilation
Tuesday 30th August, 2016 - Women's rights activists hailed the Egyptian government on Monday for advocating increased prison sentences for perpetrators of female genital mutilation (FGM) but warned that a new law could shroud the practice in greater secrecy.
Egypt's cabinet on Sunday approved a bill, which must be passed by parliament to become law, imposing jail terms of up to seven years for people who perform FGM and up to three years for those who escort a girl or woman to undergo the practice. It is currently punishable in Egypt by between three months and two years in prison under a 2008 law, which was enacted after an 11-year-old girl died following an FGM procedure. The drive for tougher sentences follows the recent death of a 17-year-old girl of complications during an FGM operation in a private hospital in Suez province.

The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR), a Cairo-based rights group, welcomed the bill but said it may not deter people from performing FGM and could drive it further underground. "It will also decrease the rate of reporting FGM cases, as imposing a punishment on whoever escorts a girl to have the operation will make families fear reporting cases," Dalia Abd El-Hameed of the EIPR told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. FGM affects an estimated 140 million girls and women across a swathe of Africa and parts of the Middle East and Asia and is seen as a gateway to marriage and a way of preserving a girl's purity. It causes numerous health problems that can be fatal.


More than nine in 10 women and girls aged 15 to 49 have undergone FGM in Egypt, and some 80 percent of the procedures are carried out by medical professionals, according to the United Nations. Yet the proportion of girls aged 15 to 17 in Egypt who have been cut dropped to about six in 10 as of 2014, down from three quarters in 2008, the U.N. Population Fund (UNFPA) said. "We have seen some reduction in FGM in Egypt, but at the same time health professionals and others are still not being held to account for carrying it out," said Suad Abu-Dayyeh of the London-based human rights group Equality Now.

In January 2015, Dr. Raslan Fadl was convicted of manslaughter in Egypt's first FGM trial after a 13-year-old girl died in a botched procedure. While Fadl was sentenced to more than two years in prison, he has not yet served his jail term. Rights groups say the current law has not been enforced and that society is permissive of FGM, which is widely practiced among Muslims as well as Christians in the mostly Muslim nation. "Many people still link the idea of honour with female circumcision, so it is not about stiffening the law as much as addressing people's mindsets," said Reda al-Danbouki of the Egyptian group Women's Centre for Guidance and Legal Awareness.

Egypt seeks tougher punishment for female genital mutilation
Male or female, Muslim circumcisions are always brutal and barbaric. Ask a Muslim and they'll tell you.
...circumcision if done the Jewish way is safe, hygenic, and one of the most effective ways to prevent transmission of STD's. Which is why millions of Americans do the same in US hospitals. Muslims on the other hand, take 12 year old boys to the butcher and let him do his thing with a dull knife while four men hold the poor kid down. And that's how Fanger's two inches become one.
Using a condom is the most effective way to prevent transmission of STD's. Many circumcised don't use them, as they feel nothing through the nerves of their (now non existing foreskin)
The Genital cutting of Jewish babies is done for traditional religious reasons, no other
In the future people will look back and ask how could a parent mutilate a babies sexual organ, and the Law allowed it to happen for so long?
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Jews still practice male genital mutilation on babies

So do muslims, only they wait for the boys to be 7 or 8 and get the local halal butcher to do the job. At least the Jews use properly trained surgeons using sterile equipment and in sterile surroundings,

Have you been mutilated after being held down by your male relatives as some old man hacks your bits of with the knife he has just used to disembowel a sheep with. The rate of success is 100% for Jews and less than 50% for muslims, with many muslims unable to perform and have children.

Once again you shoot yourself in the foot and highlight the gross practises of the muslims while trying to demonise the Jews.
And yet some retarded folk defend genital mutilation on babies

Yes 1.2 billion muslims for starters as compared to 6 million Jews. How would rather be done by a trained registered surgeon in sterile conditions with a full hospital in case of problems, or by some untrained butcher who uses either a disembowelling knife or a broken bottle
Using a condom is the most effective way to prevent transmission of STD's. Many circumcised don't use them, as they feel nothing through the nerves of their (now non existing foreskin)
The Genital cutting of Jewish babies is done for traditional religious reasons, no other
In the future people will look back and ask how could a parent mutilate a babies sexual organ, and the Law allowed it to happen for so long?

Only those butchered by a muslim halal butcher have this problem, those who are done in a hospital under a surgeon dont. So are you talking from experience, and do you have this lack of feeling due to a botched job with infected equipment.

What is the reason for islamic genital gross mutilation that makes over 50% OF THE MEN INFERTILE, if not because mo'mad the false prophet commanded it be done. People are asking now why halal butchers are being allowed to circumcise boys on the buitchers block without proper sterilisation and cleansing before and after. I know a local muslim shop was refused permission to become a halal butchers because of these very concerns.
Many don't remember??...

French Clinic Takes on Centuries-old Scourge
August 29, 2016 — The young women come in for contraception, or because it’s their first pregnancy. Many don’t even know they were victims of a painful and sometimes deadly practice that may have happened long before puberty.
“They find out during their first gynaecological examination,” says midwife Elodie Edmont about female genital mutilation, or FGM. “They’ll say it’s not possible, because they were born in France.” Edmont is speaking from a new women’s center outside Paris, one of the few in France that offers a holistic treatment of FGM, a practice that affects some 200 million women and girls worldwide, according to the United Nations, including up to 60,000 or more in France. Across the European Union, migration is boosting the numbers of FGM victims - which a European Parliament report estimates at about half-a-million - as it is in the United States.

Many of the victims arrived here already cut. Others are cut during vacations back in the 'home' country, or even in EU member states. But inadequate reporting, awareness and funds make it difficult to gauge the size of the problem, must less fight it, experts say. “Many member states do have the political will, but they’re not putting their resources where their mouth is,” says Natalie Kontoulis, communications and advocacy officer for End FGM European Network, a Brussels-based umbrella group. “They’re not putting in place the funding and they’re cutting the services that are needed.” France offers one of Europe’s toughest responses to an ancient tradition that predates Islam and Christianity, and mostly affects its large African immigrant population.


A T-shirt warns against female genital mutilation. Its wearer attends an event, discouraging harmful practices such as FGM, at a girls high school in Imbirikani, Kenya​

Sanctions against offenders include fines and prison sentences of up to 10 years - 20 if the victim is a minor - even if the cutting takes place abroad. It is also considered one of Europe's top places of refuge from FGM, which can be grounds for asylum claims. But activists and medical practitioners say law-and-order is only part of the answer. “We’re facing a practice that’s anchored by culture,” says midwife Edmont. “It’s very hard for a woman to go against something she’s been taught to believe in since she was born. It’s almost like betraying her origins.” Located in Seine-Saint-Denis, one of the poorest and most ethnically mixed departments of France, the women’s center offers an array of specialists, including sexologists and psychologists, under one roof. It is tied to a local public hospital that is among the rare in France to specialize in FGM.

Some 14 percent of mothers giving birth there have been cut, although the center, which opened in July, treats a range of women’s issues. “Many of the women who come here are victims of domestic violence” including sexual abuse, says the center’s midwife coordinator Mathilde Delespine. Others come for mundane gynecological problems. “There are also patients who have been cut or want to protect their children from being cut,” Delespine said. On a recent afternoon, Delespine ushers Miriam and her two small children into an examination room. The young Malian immigrant, whose real name is being withheld for her safety, has arrived from Spain, directed to the center by a French NGO.

Using a condom is the most effective way to prevent transmission of STD's. Many circumcised don't use them, as they feel nothing through the nerves of their (now non existing foreskin)
The Genital cutting of Jewish babies is done for traditional religious reasons, no other
In the future people will look back and ask how could a parent mutilate a babies sexual organ, and the Law allowed it to happen for so long?'re just a psychotic fool who insists on exhibiting her ignorance and bigotry in public. Why don't you Neo Nazis let the medical professionals decide?

CDC Endorses Circumcision for Health Reasons

Circumcision (male) Why it's done - Mayo Clinic

Circumcision might have various health benefits, including:

  • Easier hygiene. Circumcision makes it simpler to wash the penis. Washing beneath the foreskin of an uncircumcised penis is generally easy, however.
  • Decreased risk of urinary tract infections. The overall risk of urinary tract infections in males is low, but these infections are more common in uncircumcised males. Severe infections early in life can lead to kidney problems later on.
  • Decreased risk of sexually transmitted infections. Circumcised men might have a lower risk of certain sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. Still, safe sexual practices remain essential.
  • Prevention of penile problems. Occasionally, the foreskin on an uncircumcised penis can be difficult or impossible to retract (phimosis). This can lead to inflammation of the foreskin or head of the penis.
  • Decreased risk of penile cancer. Although cancer of the penis is rare, it's less common in circumcised men. In addition, cervical cancer is less common in the female sexual partners of circumcised men.
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Circumcision is a religious or cultural ritual for many Jewish and Islamic families, as well as certain aboriginal tribes in Africa and Australia.
Circumcision (male) Why it's done - Mayo Clinic
Surveys have shown a widespread belief, particularly in Mali, Mauritania, Guinea and Egypt, that FGM is a religious requirement.[2]:69–71 Gruenbaum has argued that practitioners may not distinguish between religion, tradition and chastity, making it difficult to interpret the data.[97]

FGM's origins in northeastern Africa are pre-Islamic,
Female genital mutilation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why do you accept one form of genital mutilation as being good, why not condemn both?
Yes, you ignorant uneducated fool, in those days many of these health and hygiene edicts were blended into the holy books and faiths so that people would follow them better. For example, Saudi Arabs were filthy desert dwelling savages that ate with the same hands they wiped their asses with, so the Islamic faith imposes that a Muslim washes his hands and feet five times a day before each prayer which is followed by a meal.

Same with circumcision.
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Yes, you ignorant uneducated fool, in those days many of these health and hygiene edicts were blended into the holy books and faiths so that people would follow them better. For example, Saudi Arabs were filthy desert dwelling savages that ate with the same hands they wiped their asses with, so the Islamic faith imposes that a Muslim washes his hands and feet five times a day before each prayer which is followed by a meal.

Same with circumcision.
Sand jews wiped their ass with their hands too, whats The halachic way to wipe your butt?
Yes, you ignorant uneducated fool, in those days many of these health and hygiene edicts were blended into the holy books and faiths so that people would follow them better. For example, Saudi Arabs were filthy desert dwelling savages that ate with the same hands they wiped their asses with, so the Islamic faith imposes that a Muslim washes his hands and feet five times a day before each prayer which is followed by a meal.

Same with circumcision.
Sand jews wiped their ass with their hands too, whats The halachic way to wipe your butt?

Again, you are an ignorant illiterate idiot. Jews were among the most literate and civilized of people throughout history. And as a matter of fact, they continue to be.

Thousands of years before Mohammad's filthy lizard eating Arab pagan barbarian brethren was roaming the Saudi deserts, Jews were busy teaching the world how to be civilized and clean.


The conception of personal cleanliness as both a prerequisite of holiness and an aid to physical fitness is central to Jewish tradition. Many of the biblical commandments promote hygiene, though their stated intention was ritual purity rather than physical cleanliness. The military camp had to be kept clean by establishing the latrine outside its bounds; every soldier had to be equipped with a spade with which he had to dig a hole to cover his excrement (Deut. 23:13–15). War booty had to be cleansed and purified (Num. 31:21–24), and the blood of slaughtered animals had to be covered by dust (Lev. 17:13–14). Lepers, anyone who had an "issue," and all who were polluted by contact with a corpse, were excluded from the limits of the camp for specific periods of quarantine (Lev. 15:1–15; Num. 5:1–4). Persons who touched a carcass, a creeping animal, or a reptile were similarly "defiled," as were the vessels into which these objects might have fallen (Lev. 11:27–40). The Bible also stresses the cleanliness of garments (Eccles. 9:8).

Rabbinic literature is even more specific in its stress on hygiene. The rabbis considered the human body as a sanctuary (Ta'an. 11a–b). They stressed the importance of good and regular meals (Shab. 140b), and gave much advice on the types of food conducive to good health (Ḥul. 84a; Ber. 40a; Av. Zar. 11a), and on the care of teeth (Ber. 4b; Shab. 111a; TJ, Av. Zar. 3:6). Exercising their halakhic authority, the rabbis' elaboration on some rituals and the introduction of others had an expressly hygienic intent. This was certainly the case with regard to personal cleanliness. The rabbis ordained that one must wash one's face, hands, and feet daily in honor of one's Maker (Shab. 50b). The hands must also be washed on certain occasions: after rising from bed in the morning, after urination and/or defecation, bathing, clipping of the fingernails, removal of shoes, touching the naked foot, washing the hair, visiting a cemetery, touching a corpse, undressing, sexual intercourse, touching a louse, or touching any part of the body generally clothed (Sh. Ar., OḤ 4:18). It is a particularly important religious duty to wash hands before eating a meal (Ḥul. 105a–b; Sh. Ar., OḤ 158–165). Similarly, hands should be washed after the meal and before grace (mayim aḥaronim), because, inadvertently, a person may touch his eyes with salty hands (Hul. ibid.). A person who neglects the washing of hands before or after a meal "will be uprooted from the world" (Sot. 4b; see *Salt; *Ablution). The rabbinic stress on the connection between cleanliness and holiness is emphasized by the injunction forbidding those whose dress is unclean, or torn, to act as *sheli'aḥ ẓibbur(Meg. 4:6). Similarly a kohen may not pronounce the priestly benediction if his hands are soiled (Meg. 24b). No prayer may be recited by one who is in a state of physical uncleanliness, or about to relieve himself, or has touched parts of his body generally covered by clothing, without either washing his hands, or rubbing them in sand (Sh. Ar., OḤ 92:1, 4, 6).

The proper protection of foodstuffs was also noted by the rabbis. Thus, to the biblical laws of *sheḥitah (Deut. 12:23–35) were added the extensive rules of bedikah, an examination of the slaughtered animal for various signs of diseased condition. Originally eight (Ḥul. 43a), these disqualifying symptoms were increased in the Mishnah to 18 (Ḥul. 3:1), and subdivided by Maimonides into 70 (Yad, Shehitah 10:9). Indeed, according to the latter authority, the reason for the prohibition to eat pig lies in the fact that it is a "filthy animal" (Guide, 3:48). In mishnaic times, it was forbidden to drink any liquid (water, wine, milk) which was left uncovered overnight, lest it had been defiled by a venomous snake (Ter. 8:4; Sh. Ar., YD 116:1), and the Gemara advised that all foodstuffs be protected from flies because they may have been in contact with persons suffering from skin diseases (Ket. 77b). R. *Akiva praised the care which the Medians took to chop meat on the table (Ber. 8b). Later authorities advised that the hands be washed between eating a dish of meat and one of fish (Sh. Ar., YD 116:3) and that adequate precautions be taken to ensure that bread should not come into contact with human perspiration (ibid., 116:4–5). The rabbis also stressed the importance of public health. The Talmud rules that no carcass, grave, or tannery be placed within 50 ells of a human dwelling (BB 2:9), and insisted that streets and market places be kept clean (Yal. 184). In Jerusalem, they were swept daily (BM 26a). Scholars were forbidden to live in a city in which there was no doctor or where there was no bathhouse (Sanh. 17b). *Hillel the Elder considered that the act of bathing is an act of caring for the vessel containing the divine spirit (Lev. R. 34:3).

During the Middle Ages, the Jewish communities were surprisingly free of disease and plague in comparison to their non-Jewish neighbors, notwithstanding the very limited living space they had. This fact often led to pogroms, as the Jews were suspected of magical practices. There can be no doubt that the strict observance of the halakhah contributed, in no small measure, to their immunity.

Circumcision is a religious or cultural ritual for many Jewish and Islamic families, as well as certain aboriginal tribes in Africa and Australia.
Circumcision (male) Why it's done - Mayo Clinic
Surveys have shown a widespread belief, particularly in Mali, Mauritania, Guinea and Egypt, that FGM is a religious requirement.[2]:69–71 Gruenbaum has argued that practitioners may not distinguish between religion, tradition and chastity, making it difficult to interpret the data.[97]

FGM's origins in northeastern Africa are pre-Islamic,
Female genital mutilation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why do you accept one form of genital mutilation as being good, why not condemn both?

Because circumcision is not mutilation it is a medical necessity for many people, and is not done as a means of control. The only people who botch circumcision are the muslims who have no trained people to do the job safely. Is it because you were mutilated as a child and can not have a satisfying relationship with any female. There is a Jewish clinic I believe that will put right the damage done but the costs are high. the other option is to transgender
Yes, you ignorant uneducated fool, in those days many of these health and hygiene edicts were blended into the holy books and faiths so that people would follow them better. For example, Saudi Arabs were filthy desert dwelling savages that ate with the same hands they wiped their asses with, so the Islamic faith imposes that a Muslim washes his hands and feet five times a day before each prayer which is followed by a meal.

Same with circumcision.
Sand jews wiped their ass with their hands too, whats The halachic way to wipe your butt?

No they used vegetation like dried grass or leaves. It was only the arab muslims that used their hands and sharp stones


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