Israels "Peace Partners"?

Loyal Muslim Americans dare not speak out against their Islamic terrorists. There lies the problem for good Muslim American citizens & all other Americans as well.

They do - it's been posted over and over. The problem is, people like you choose to ignore it.
All over the USA we have people speaking & marching in support &/or protests on various issues. Where are the American Muslims speaking & marching for the USA & against their terrorists?

Like I said, not all Muslims are anti American & world terrorists. And the few American Muslims I know personally are dear friends, including one married to a Jewish lady in my extended faimily. But even they are not involved in any protest against their own Islamic terrorists. So who are & where are the ones that do?

Loyal Muslim Americans dare not speak out against their Islamic terrorists. There lies the problem for good Muslim American citizens & all other Americans as well.

They do - it's been posted over and over. The problem is, people like you choose to ignore it.
All over the USA we have people speaking & marching in support &/or protests on various issues. Where are the American Muslims speaking & marching for the USA & against their terrorists?

Where does ANYONE march against their terrorists? Where are the Christians marching against abortion clinic bombers for example?

And, frankly - what makes them THEIR terrorists? They are no more Muslim in the eyes of Muslims here than the Westboro Baptists (who also don't seem to generate much in the way of opposition demonstrations). Why this double standard? Because they are Muslim? They are Americans - why should they be protesting FOREIGN terrorists? What Americans do?

Like I said, not all Muslims are anti American & world terrorists. And the few American Muslims I know personally are dear friends, including one married to a Jewish lady in my extended faimily. But even they are not involved in any protest against their own Islamic terrorists. So who are & where are the ones that do?

Again, there is a double standard. Muslims are expected to protest and march - not simply condemn which many do. NO OTHER group is expected to prove their "Americanism" by doing this. It's a disgusting double standard that would be condemned if applied to any other group. :(
All over the USA we have people speaking & marching in support &/or protests on various issues. Where are the American Muslims speaking & marching for the USA & against their terrorists?

Like I said, not all Muslims are anti American & world terrorists. And the few American Muslims I know personally are dear friends, including one married to a Jewish lady in my extended faimily. But even they are not involved in any protest against their own Islamic terrorists. So who are & where are the ones that do?

Loyal Muslim Americans dare not speak out against their Islamic terrorists. There lies the problem for good Muslim American citizens & all other Americans as well.

They do - it's been posted over and over. The problem is, people like you choose to ignore it.

Where are the Arabs in the ME who speak out against the terrorist ruining their country?

Well, either six feet under or in a torture chamber
All over the USA we have people speaking & marching in support &/or protests on various issues. Where are the American Muslims speaking & marching for the USA & against their terrorists?

Like I said, not all Muslims are anti American & world terrorists. And the few American Muslims I know personally are dear friends, including one married to a Jewish lady in my extended faimily. But even they are not involved in any protest against their own Islamic terrorists. So who are & where are the ones that do?

They do - it's been posted over and over. The problem is, people like you choose to ignore it.

Where are the Arabs in the ME who speak out against the terrorist ruining their country?

Well, either six feet under or in a torture chamber

We were talking about Muslims in this country :eusa_eh:
These are supposed to be Israel's 'Peace Partners?'


PA Gives 'Refrigerator Bomber' Official Military Funeral
Palestinian Authority honors terrorist "refrigerator" bomber who killed 15 and wounded more than 60 in a central square in Jerusalem.​

By Rina Tzvi
First Publish: 7/21/2013, 12:15 PM


PA Chairman Abbas

The Palestinian Authority last week honored a terrorist who planned a bombing attack with a refrigerator filled with explosives in 1975 that killed 15 and wounded more than 60 Israelis in a central square in Jerusalem.

In a written eulogy PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas called terrorist Ahmad Abu Sukkar's life a “journey of struggle full of exceptional giving and devoted activity for Palestine and forthe freedom and honor of our people", Palestinian Media Watch reported.

Abu Sukkar was sentenced to life in prison and served 28 years until he was released as a goodwill gesture towards the PA in 2003. He served as advisor to PA Chairman Arafat on prisoners' affairs and was a member of the Fatah Revolutionary Council. He died of a heart attack on Tuesday.

Secretary-General of the Presidential Office Tayeb Abd Al-Rahim represented PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas at the funeral and laid a wreath from Abbas on the coffin.

"We miss this man. He will remain in our minds and veins. His memory and his good and wonderful deeds for this nation and for this nation's cause will always remain an example for us to emulate," Al-Rahim said in an interview at the funeral, according to Palestinian Media Watch.

In his eulogy Abbas referred to Abu Sukkar's "pure soul" and described him as "a righteous son and loyal fighter".

"With the death of this fighter, Palestine and its people have lost a righteous son and loyal fighter, devoted wholeheartedly to protecting our people's rights,” Abbas said, according to the watchdog.

“He dedicated most of his life to this people's independence and paid with many years of his life in the occupation's prisons so that the dawn of freedom will break over the pure land of Palestine", Abbas added.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has agreed, in response to the push by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, to release some 350 terrorist prisoners as a “gesture” to PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas, as a part of the return to negotiations.

PA Gives 'Refrigerator Bomber' Military Funeral - Middle East - News - Israel National News
Israel has honored and white washed it's own terrorists. It's erected monuments, named buildings and streets after them and elected them to government. Frankly - this bit of hypocrisy is just that - a hypocritical stance ignoring it's own history. When I hear Israeli officials condemning it's terrorists as terrorists rather than freedom fighters then I'll think differently.
Now that is not Fair.

Does Jack Tietel walk free?

Does Ami Poper walk free?

I could point out that Baruch Goldstein, though roundly condemned by the Israeli leadership and mainstream Israel is still honored and almost worshipped in a some of the settlements, but that is not what I was referring to. I was thinking more historically and the biggest example is Irgun.

Among their attacks were many civilian targets. The victims are just as dead and just as mourned by relatives and friends as the list of names you provided. Only, we don't know their names. There are few pictures to bring them to life for us. But they are dead and they are victims of terrorists or freedom fighters. Take your pick.

Among Irguns were leadership are notable Israeli's, for example Menachem Begin and David Raziel.

Menachem Begin was responsible for the King David Hotel bombing - a blast so powerful it killed 91 and injured people (mostly civilians) outside the building and in adjacent structures. It's particularly pertinant to note that for several months in 1945–46, Irgun’s activities were coordinated within the framework of the Hebrew Resistance Movement (from the link above) - a partnership that subsequently collapsed following the bombing, partly because contrary to instructions, it was carried out during the busiest part of the day at the hotel.. If you peruse the list of Irgun attacks between 1943 and 1948 you will see many attacks on civilian targets. This man was subsequently honored with appointments to various government posts and election to Prime Minister. How many streets, buildings and bridges are named for him? (google brings up many references). There is even a Menachem Begin Heritage Foundation.

David Raziel was appointed Irgun's Commander of Jerusalem District in 1937 and a year later Commander in Chief of the Irgun. His term was marked by a sharp increase violence against Arabs, including a series of market-place bombings. He is memorialized by a moshav named for him, as well as many streets in Israel bearing his name and the a postage stamp in his honor.

There are many more former members of Irgun and similar terrorist gangs who attained prominance in Israeli politics or were commemorated in the public sphere.

So what is the difference here between the commemoration and veneration by the Palestinians of their terrorists and that by the Israeli's of their terrorists?

The difference is one is in living memory and one has been cleansed by "history". The difference is one is Palestinian and one is Israeli. The difference is that the Israeli's will lose control of the narrative if they ever allow the similarities to be acknowledged here because the meme that Palestinians venerate their terrorists is a very powerful one.
Israel has honored and white washed it's own terrorists. It's erected monuments, named buildings and streets after them and elected them to government. Frankly - this bit of hypocrisy is just that - a hypocritical stance ignoring it's own history. When I hear Israeli officials condemning it's terrorists as terrorists rather than freedom fighters then I'll think differently.

And makes them Prime Ministers.
Coyote; P F Tinmore, et al,

To an extent, I have to agree.

Menachem Begin was responsible for the King David Hotel bombing - a blast so powerful it killed 91 and injured people (mostly civilians) outside the building and in adjacent structures.

Back in the '70s, when terrorism was began to be a real problem for the US, my first counter-terrorism training was with the my British counterparts. Actually, it was my first real exposure. The bombing of V Corps HQ, IG Farben building in Frankfurt am Main was still fresh in our mind.

The UK Instructors showed us an array of 8 pictures. They ask us to pick out the terrorist. Of course, I didn't have a clue. It turned out that all of them were terrorists.


Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
Israel has honored and white washed it's own terrorists. It's erected monuments, named buildings and streets after them and elected them to government. Frankly - this bit of hypocrisy is just that - a hypocritical stance ignoring it's own history. When I hear Israeli officials condemning it's terrorists as terrorists rather than freedom fighters then I'll think differently.

zionists built a musuem to honor their terrorists that blow up the king david hotel and did other terrorist acts!!!
Gardener, Coyote, et al,

Of course they did.

Israel has honored and white washed it's own terrorists. It's erected monuments, named buildings and streets after them and elected them to government. Frankly - this bit of hypocrisy is just that - a hypocritical stance ignoring it's own history. When I hear Israeli officials condemning it's terrorists as terrorists rather than freedom fighters then I'll think differently.

zionists built a musuem to honor their terrorists that blow up the king david hotel and did other terrorist acts!!!

Don't the Arabs give their terrorist Martyrdom Status and other rewards? The Israelis should adopt Arab Rules so that no one has the right to criticize them for attempting to undermine their sovereignty.

Most Respectfully,
Gardener, Coyote, et al,

Of course they did.

Israel has honored and white washed it's own terrorists. It's erected monuments, named buildings and streets after them and elected them to government. Frankly - this bit of hypocrisy is just that - a hypocritical stance ignoring it's own history. When I hear Israeli officials condemning it's terrorists as terrorists rather than freedom fighters then I'll think differently.

zionists built a musuem to honor their terrorists that blow up the king david hotel and did other terrorist acts!!!

Don't the Arabs give their terrorist Martyrdom Status and other rewards? The Israelis should adopt Arab Rules so that no one has the right to criticize them for attempting to undermine their sovereignty.

Most Respectfully,

Every country honors there heroes no matter how much they are despised by their enemies.
Gardener, P F Tinmore, et al,

Some people's terrorist are another people's freedom fighter.

Every country honors there heroes no matter how much they are despised by their enemies.

so the ziuonists wont cry anymore about the streets named after shaheeds????????

Just remember, only history can tell whether they were hero's or terrorists; in the long run.

Just as Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir were unquestionably terrorist in the eyes of the Mandatory and Allied Powers back in the 1930s and '40s, they won the struggle and history has cleansed them.

Your "shaheeds" (martyrs) are still terrorist, base on their past history of behaviors, and by the words that have been spoken by Senior Hamas Leaders (eg Dr 'Issam 'Adwan) most recently. Maybe some day, they to will be cleansed (or not). But today, they are still terrorists, just as once Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir were.

Most Respectfully,
There is neither an academic nor an international legal consensus regarding the definition of the term "terrorism".[1][2] Various legal systems and government agencies use different definitions of "terrorism". Moreover, the international community has been slow to formulate a universally agreed upon, legally binding definition of this crime. These difficulties arise from the fact that the term "terrorism" is politically and emotionally charged.[3]

Angus Martyn in a briefing paper for the Australian Parliament has stated that "The international community has never succeeded in developing an accepted comprehensive definition of terrorism. During the 1970s and 1980s, the United Nations attempts to define the term foundered mainly due to differences of opinion between various members about the use of violence in the context of conflicts over national liberation and self-determination."[4] These divergences have made it impossible to conclude a Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism that incorporates a single, all-encompassing, legally binding, criminal law definition of terrorism.[5]

Today, the United Nations views Palestinians as freedom fighters, struggling against the unlawful occupation of their land by Israel, and engaged in a long-established legitimate resistance, yet Israel regards them as terrorists.

Definitions of terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Today, the United Nations views Palestinians as freedom fighters, struggling against the unlawful occupation of their land by Israel, and engaged in a long-established legitimate resistance, yet Israel regards them as terrorists. "

Tinny, care to support this with quotes from the UNSC or some other agency which OK's the shooting fo rockets into Israel from Gaza?
Ok, what just happened in the last two pages of this thread?

And Tinmore, we see them as terrorists because they terrorize our people. If they can view themselves as heroes, we more than have the right to define them as "terrorists".

Lets call it, "The freedom of Definition".

Nice sound to it
Notice how this slut is talking about how happy she is killing 'Jews' . She doesnt say Israelis or Zionists, she says Jews

The Story of Shvuel Scheveschorder- A horrible tragedy.

Shvuel was a young Zionist activist who took part in teen movements in Israel. He was one of 6 siblings to the family of Scheveschorder.

When he was not even sixteen, he went with his mother and siblings to the Sbarro restaurant. A suicide bomber killed himself minutes after, taking the lives if 20 Israelis with him.

Among the dead, The father, the mother, and 3 young children of the Scheveschorder family. two other siblings were critically injured.

The older brother, Shvuel, just a young teen, suffered a PTSD after the terror attack, and asked for social services help to maintain his surviving family. severely injured and disabled, many of Israel's doors were shut in his face.

His father didn't have many, but he did have a field near Road 1 in Israel. He planned to make a monument to his family (the only family completely wiped out in the Sbarro terror attack). The government took this field into itself, paying him less half its value, to "reconstruct" Road 1.

He basically lost everything.

In which point he completely lost his mind

Sadly, he didn't recover until today. The police arrested him for trying to make "price tag" against Arabs, he was so angry but no one to take it on, so he did that. He was also found with drugs in his place and many other things to mention.

The Sbarro terror attack was a suicide bombing terror attack. The one DRIVING the suicide bomber was the killer known as Ahlam Tamimi.

She was released in the Shalit Deal, all smiling and happy with herself.

All while an innocent man's life was forever ruined without any ability to fix that.

In an interview, she said she once asked, "How many children did the Jews lost in the act of resistance"?

They told her "8".

And she smiled, and said, "That's good, but there should have been more"

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