Israels "Peace Partners"?

Holy deflection Batman ! This post in itself shows who the real Bigot is. You are the biggest bigot here, therefore you have no right to call others a bigot. What part of that don't you understand ?

So what you are saying is that it's cool with you if Palestinians cheer the death of innocent Americans, correct?

believe what you fucking want, you fucking lying bigot.

twist my words all you want, you ignorant low life.

what i am saying is front page magazine is a piece of jewish crap that doesn't care how much trouble it stirs up as long as it serves israel's and jew's agenda.

i am saying that muslim americans are terrified in this country and i will lay a lot of that fear at the feet of zionists.

so, are you saying that this alleged cheering more than justifies killing ten sikhs and beating cabbies within an inch of their lives. are you saying you support spitting on muslim children and yelling obscenities at them as they walk to school.

do not put words in my mouth, you sucky SOB.

i don't support cheering but i sure as hell can understand why some people in the arab world cheer, just as i can understand why some riggin' jews/zionists cheered the bombing of gaza. but you are to stupid and imbued in your own bigotry to understand that there is no difference between you and them.
Boyo, you're gonna bust your girdle, getting upset like that.

i'm fine. don't worry about me.

every once in awhile i go with the flow...give some to get some.

lolol...i think ol' toastman is the one all steamed. i guess he doesn't like being called on his bigotry. hell, he probably isn't even aware of what a hateful, bigoted racist he is...kinda like you.
believe what you fucking want, you fucking lying bigot.

twist my words all you want, you ignorant low life.

what i am saying is front page magazine is a piece of jewish crap that doesn't care how much trouble it stirs up as long as it serves israel's and jew's agenda.

i am saying that muslim americans are terrified in this country and i will lay a lot of that fear at the feet of zionists.

so, are you saying that this alleged cheering more than justifies killing ten sikhs and beating cabbies within an inch of their lives. are you saying you support spitting on muslim children and yelling obscenities at them as they walk to school.

do not put words in my mouth, you sucky SOB.

i don't support cheering but i sure as hell can understand why some people in the arab world cheer, just as i can understand why some riggin' jews/zionists cheered the bombing of gaza. but you are to stupid and imbued in your own bigotry to understand that there is no difference between you and them.
Boyo, you're gonna bust your girdle, getting upset like that.

i'm fine. don't worry about me.

every once in awhile i go with the flow...give some to get some.

lolol...i think ol' toastman is the one all steamed. i guess he doesn't like being called on his bigotry. hell, he probably isn't even aware of what a hateful, bigoted racist he is...kinda like you.

But Seal, it was you who went on a little insulting rampage a few posts ago. I kept calm, while you had steam blow threw your ears. Go back and look at the post I'm referring to, you acted like a little child because you couldn't handle the truth.
Extremely immature, but once again, not surprising coming from you
palestine has no peace partner.

a true peace partner doesnt do things all the time to try to provoke the other party.
Can anyone guarantee to us, that once the settlment buildings will cease, so will the rockets and war crimes of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, and traumatizing of southern children?

Israel won't ever stop settlement building. They need it to provoke the Palestinians.

if they Palestinians go back to talks they israelis will find a new way to provoke.
It won't stop currently, because of Sarah Netanyahu's gain.

But, let us speak in theory, shall we?

Because we're in a message board, so basically, it's all theory.

So, let me repeat my question.

Can anyone guarantee that if we cease the settlements building, the threat of southen Israelis will cease, as well?

I'm trying to have a civilized debate here, just go with it for once, will you?
The Palestinians need their own Palestinian State with self determination. Questions is where? They want to be free from any influence or control by Israel & yet no surrounding Arab country will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands. Do you think Mecca might be a nice place for a Palestinian State?
The Palestinians need their own Palestinian State with self determination. Questions is where? They want to be free from any influence or control by Israel & yet no surrounding Arab country will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands. Do you think Mecca might be a nice place for a Palestinian State?

Let's move the Palestinians to Mecca and the Jews to Kracow.
It's long overdo for Israel to end the occupation. The Jews should remain in their land & help find a way to establish a new home for the Palestinian squatters, free from any access or control by Israel.

The Palestinians need their own Palestinian State with self determination. Questions is where? They want to be free from any influence or control by Israel & yet no surrounding Arab country will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands. Do you think Mecca might be a nice place for a Palestinian State?

Let's move the Palestinians to Mecca and the Jews to Kracow.
It's long overdo for Israel to end the occupation. The Jews should remain in their land & help find a way to establish a new home for the Palestinian squatters, free from any access or control by Israel.

Yes Israel should return to their international recognized borders and stop stealing Arab land.
not at all. my opinion remains unchanged towards the palestinians because of these posts.

my opinion of MJB as the initiator of this post and your response has not changed either. i think you are both hateful bigots who engage in self in dulgent propaganda.

i have no idea why rocco would post such garbage and try, in any way, to orm a link with those articles and the palestinians.

Holy deflection Batman ! This post in itself shows who the real Bigot is. You are the biggest bigot here, therefore you have no right to call others a bigot. What part of that don't you understand ?

So what you are saying is that it's cool with you if Palestinians cheer the death of innocent Americans, correct?

believe what you fucking want, you fucking lying bigot.

twist my words all you want, you ignorant low life.

what i am saying is front page magazine is a piece of jewish crap that doesn't care how much trouble it stirs up as long as it serves israel's and jew's agenda.

i am saying that muslim americans are terrified in this country and i will lay a lot of that fear at the feet of zionists.

so, are you saying that this alleged cheering more than justifies killing ten sikhs and beating cabbies within an inch of their lives. are you saying you support spitting on muslim children and yelling obscenities at them as they walk to school.

do not put words in my mouth, you sucky SOB.

i don't support cheering but i sure as hell can understand why some people in the arab world cheer, just as i can understand why some riggin' jews/zionists cheered the bombing of gaza. but you are to stupid and imbued in your own bigotry to understand that there is no difference between you and them.
Why are you giving us this baloney that Muslim Americans are terrified in this country? Do you happen to know all the Muslims in America? Go into some Middle Eastern markets and see the Muslim Americans shopping with other Americans and see how at ease they are mingling with other Americans. If they were so petrified living in America, you wouldn't see loads of cars in front of a Muslim's home where he is having guests over to break the fast. He would be petrified that a gang of other Americans would throw molotov cocktails into his home with his guests inside. Seal must think that Muslims are so petrified here in America so that is why they allow their kids to be friends with other kids. In fact a friend in the Los Angeles area was telling me about a Muslim boy who went to so many of his friends' Bar Mitzvahs that he told his parents he wanted a Bar Mitzvah too. Consequently his parents threw him a big party to which he could invite all his friends. Maybe Seal is the one to give us the tallies of hate crimes against each group here in America.
Not all Muslims are anti American & world terrorists. But is their ANYONE who disagrees that the overwhelming number of anti Americans & world terrorists are Muslims?
Not all Muslims are anti American & world terrorists. But is their ANYONE who disagrees that the overwhelming number of anti Americans & world terrorists are Muslims?

Yes. I do.

Anti-Americanism (a poorly defined term) is rife around the world - South America for example.
MJB, et al,

Yes, You can always find exceptions.

Not all Muslims are anti American & world terrorists. But is their ANYONE who disagrees that the overwhelming number of anti Americans & world terrorists are Muslims?

Well, you would be hard pressed to find many people that would disagree. But it is a pretty big label. Again this is the reputation and perception of the imagery that they cast as their own shadow.

What is very interesting is that the clerical leadership, and keepers of the faith, don't actually take action to quell the adverse activity that taints the image of the culture and belief. In some case, clerics have been found to be at the center of the disturbances.

Most Respectfully,
Coyote, et al,

Politically and practically, one would thing that the US would have its best relations with its closet neighbors. Of course, that is not the case.

Not all Muslims are anti American & world terrorists. But is their ANYONE who disagrees that the overwhelming number of anti Americans & world terrorists are Muslims?
Yes. I do.

Anti-Americanism (a poorly defined term) is rife around the world - South America for example.

American foreign policy, clearly needs an overhaul. While spoken softly, your point is loud and clear; --- and very applicable.

Most Respectfully,
Holy deflection Batman ! This post in itself shows who the real Bigot is. You are the biggest bigot here, therefore you have no right to call others a bigot. What part of that don't you understand ?

So what you are saying is that it's cool with you if Palestinians cheer the death of innocent Americans, correct?

believe what you fucking want, you fucking lying bigot.

twist my words all you want, you ignorant low life.

what i am saying is front page magazine is a piece of jewish crap that doesn't care how much trouble it stirs up as long as it serves israel's and jew's agenda.

i am saying that muslim americans are terrified in this country and i will lay a lot of that fear at the feet of zionists.

so, are you saying that this alleged cheering more than justifies killing ten sikhs and beating cabbies within an inch of their lives. are you saying you support spitting on muslim children and yelling obscenities at them as they walk to school.

do not put words in my mouth, you sucky SOB.

i don't support cheering but i sure as hell can understand why some people in the arab world cheer, just as i can understand why some riggin' jews/zionists cheered the bombing of gaza. but you are to stupid and imbued in your own bigotry to understand that there is no difference between you and them.
Why are you giving us this baloney that Muslim Americans are terrified in this country? Do you happen to know all the Muslims in America? Go into some Middle Eastern markets and see the Muslim Americans shopping with other Americans and see how at ease they are mingling with other Americans. If they were so petrified living in America, you wouldn't see loads of cars in front of a Muslim's home where he is having guests over to break the fast. He would be petrified that a gang of other Americans would throw molotov cocktails into his home with his guests inside. Seal must think that Muslims are so petrified here in America so that is why they allow their kids to be friends with other kids. In fact a friend in the Los Angeles area was telling me about a Muslim boy who went to so many of his friends' Bar Mitzvahs that he told his parents he wanted a Bar Mitzvah too. Consequently his parents threw him a big party to which he could invite all his friends. Maybe Seal is the one to give us the tallies of hate crimes against each group here in America.

I think Muslim Americans are very concerned and have a right to be. Undiscrimminating anti-Muslim sentiment is on the rise as are hate crimes against Muslims. When you have a popular Muslim-American Reality Show threatened with boycotts and cancellation because it shows an American Muslim family in a positive light you have to ask - what the hell is going on here? When you have elected officials calling for a moratorium on building mosques, calling for loyalty oaths from Muslim Americans, calling for bans on Islamic dress, legislating "anti-Sharia" laws in absence of any support for religious law by the American Muslim community), cries of "foul" when a local public pool with a large Muslim community offers a women only swim hour - what would you, if you were an AMERICAN Muslim think? What would you think when you see American religious figures burning your holy book on the television news while spouting hate against you?

If I was an American Muslim, I would be afraid and heart broken. I'd be worried - will my Mosque be the next to be burned? Sprayed with hateful graffitti? Am I safe? Are my children safe? Why do they hate me - I'm American!

FBI: Dramatic Spike in Hate Crimes Targeting Muslims

Anti-Muslim hate crimes soared by 50% in 2010, skyrocketing over 2009 levels in a year marked by the incendiary rhetoric of Islam-bashing politicians and activists, especially over the so-called “Ground Zero Mosque” in New York City.

Although the national statistics compiled by the FBI each year are known to vastly understate the real level of hate crime, they do offer telling indications of some trends. The latest statistics, showing a jump from 107 anti-Muslim hate crimes in 2009 to 160 in 2010, seem to reflect the consequences of a rise in anti-Muslim rhetoric from groups like Stop Islamization of America. Much of that vitriol was aimed at stopping an Islamic center in lower Manhattan.

It was the highest level of anti-Muslim hate crimes since 2001, the year of the Sept. 11 attacks, when the FBI reported 481 anti-Muslim hate crimes.​

Now in terms of actual numbers - Jews are the targets of more hate crimes. According to the FBI, 13.2 percent of religiously-motivated hate crimes were directed against Muslims. 65.4 percent were directed at Jews: the FBI reports 887 hate crimes against Jews, as opposed to 160 against Muslims.

However, it's also important to look at trends (where do we see the increases) and relative population sizes as well as the willingness to report such. I suspect the Muslim community is less likely to report hate crimes than the Jewish community considering the volume of public and even politically endorsed talk demonizing Muslims.

According to Pew - - Muslims are 0.6 percent of our population while Jews are 1.7 - almost 3 times as many. Jews are still the targets of far more reported hate crimes than Muslims but Muslims have seen the greatest increase while anti-Jewish hate crimes have seen a decline.

Unlike American Jews, Muslims do not have the strong public advocacy groups that the Jews have managed to build up - groups that can keep a tally on hate crimes, keep public awareness up and advocate on their behalf. Muslim advocacy groups tend to be demonized and their claims marginalized - as you seek to do with the topic of hate crimes against Muslims. Hate crimes against anyone is deplorable and public tolerance of such (including attempting to marginalize such claims) are what leads to eventual public acceptance and the belief that those crimes are justified. They are not.
Loyal Muslim Americans dare not speak out against their Islamic terrorists. There lies the problem for good Muslim American citizens & all other Americans as well.

believe what you fucking want, you fucking lying bigot.

twist my words all you want, you ignorant low life.

what i am saying is front page magazine is a piece of jewish crap that doesn't care how much trouble it stirs up as long as it serves israel's and jew's agenda.

i am saying that muslim americans are terrified in this country and i will lay a lot of that fear at the feet of zionists.

so, are you saying that this alleged cheering more than justifies killing ten sikhs and beating cabbies within an inch of their lives. are you saying you support spitting on muslim children and yelling obscenities at them as they walk to school.

do not put words in my mouth, you sucky SOB.

i don't support cheering but i sure as hell can understand why some people in the arab world cheer, just as i can understand why some riggin' jews/zionists cheered the bombing of gaza. but you are to stupid and imbued in your own bigotry to understand that there is no difference between you and them.
Why are you giving us this baloney that Muslim Americans are terrified in this country? Do you happen to know all the Muslims in America? Go into some Middle Eastern markets and see the Muslim Americans shopping with other Americans and see how at ease they are mingling with other Americans. If they were so petrified living in America, you wouldn't see loads of cars in front of a Muslim's home where he is having guests over to break the fast. He would be petrified that a gang of other Americans would throw molotov cocktails into his home with his guests inside. Seal must think that Muslims are so petrified here in America so that is why they allow their kids to be friends with other kids. In fact a friend in the Los Angeles area was telling me about a Muslim boy who went to so many of his friends' Bar Mitzvahs that he told his parents he wanted a Bar Mitzvah too. Consequently his parents threw him a big party to which he could invite all his friends. Maybe Seal is the one to give us the tallies of hate crimes against each group here in America.

I think Muslim Americans are very concerned and have a right to be. Undiscrimminating anti-Muslim sentiment is on the rise as are hate crimes against Muslims. When you have a popular Muslim-American Reality Show threatened with boycotts and cancellation because it shows an American Muslim family in a positive light you have to ask - what the hell is going on here? When you have elected officials calling for a moratorium on building mosques, calling for loyalty oaths from Muslim Americans, calling for bans on Islamic dress, legislating "anti-Sharia" laws in absence of any support for religious law by the American Muslim community), cries of "foul" when a local public pool with a large Muslim community offers a women only swim hour - what would you, if you were an AMERICAN Muslim think? What would you think when you see American religious figures burning your holy book on the television news while spouting hate against you?

If I was an American Muslim, I would be afraid and heart broken. I'd be worried - will my Mosque be the next to be burned? Sprayed with hateful graffitti? Am I safe? Are my children safe? Why do they hate me - I'm American!

FBI: Dramatic Spike in Hate Crimes Targeting Muslims

Anti-Muslim hate crimes soared by 50% in 2010, skyrocketing over 2009 levels in a year marked by the incendiary rhetoric of Islam-bashing politicians and activists, especially over the so-called “Ground Zero Mosque” in New York City.

Although the national statistics compiled by the FBI each year are known to vastly understate the real level of hate crime, they do offer telling indications of some trends. The latest statistics, showing a jump from 107 anti-Muslim hate crimes in 2009 to 160 in 2010, seem to reflect the consequences of a rise in anti-Muslim rhetoric from groups like Stop Islamization of America. Much of that vitriol was aimed at stopping an Islamic center in lower Manhattan.

It was the highest level of anti-Muslim hate crimes since 2001, the year of the Sept. 11 attacks, when the FBI reported 481 anti-Muslim hate crimes.​

Now in terms of actual numbers - Jews are the targets of more hate crimes. According to the FBI, 13.2 percent of religiously-motivated hate crimes were directed against Muslims. 65.4 percent were directed at Jews: the FBI reports 887 hate crimes against Jews, as opposed to 160 against Muslims.

However, it's also important to look at trends (where do we see the increases) and relative population sizes as well as the willingness to report such. I suspect the Muslim community is less likely to report hate crimes than the Jewish community considering the volume of public and even politically endorsed talk demonizing Muslims.

According to Pew - Statistics on Religion in America Report -- Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life - Muslims are 0.6 percent of our population while Jews are 1.7 - almost 3 times as many. Jews are still the targets of far more reported hate crimes than Muslims but Muslims have seen the greatest increase while anti-Jewish hate crimes have seen a decline.

Unlike American Jews, Muslims do not have the strong public advocacy groups that the Jews have managed to build up - groups that can keep a tally on hate crimes, keep public awareness up and advocate on their behalf. Muslim advocacy groups tend to be demonized and their claims marginalized - as you seek to do with the topic of hate crimes against Muslims. Hate crimes against anyone is deplorable and public tolerance of such (including attempting to marginalize such claims) are what leads to eventual public acceptance and the belief that those crimes are justified. They are not.

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