Israels "Peace Partners"?

If the Palestinians were on the street cheering on the streets of Gaza after 9/11 and the Boston Marathon bombings, do you really think he would admit it ? Honestly Coyote

I was interested in BiK's view on being a Palestinian and how this imagery effects him, not "seeing Palestinians celebrating".

I think that the article on the Palestinians dancing in the streets after the Boston Marathon bombing is pretty much debunked - there is absolutely no proof, no attributed quotes, and the picture used wasn't even of that supposed event.

Let me ask you - honestly - if you subsituted "Jews" for "Palestinians" would you not be skeptical of such a sketchy article?

No, because I already know that many Palestinians in Gaza cheer death. How many times have we seen them cheer after a successful suicide bombing ? I saw plenty of clips when I was in Israel during the second intifada on the news.
Again, I am not saying EVERY Palestinian, but if I were to guess, I would say a large percentage of Palestinians in Gaza are genuinely happy when innocent Americans and Israelis are killed. Take it anyway you want, but that's just how I see it Coyote

There is a difference between Palestinian's cheering suicide bombings in what they consider to be a war against occupation (I'm not arguing the right and wrong of that) and cheering in general bombings around the world.

There is no evidence in that article that the claims are true - none. And if someone is perpetrating that, without evidence - then you have to ask what is their agenda?

What real evidence do you have that a large number of Palestinians are "genuinely happy" when Americans are bombed? REAL evidence?

i don't speak for the U.S.

a better question would be "how do these images shape your opinion of the palestinians?" so, how do they?

personally...well...i may comment later.

How about you Seal? How do these images shape YOUR opinion of Palestinians ?

not at all. my opinion remains unchanged towards the palestinians because of these posts.

my opinion of MJB as the initiator of this post and your response has not changed either. i think you are both hateful bigots who engage in self in dulgent propaganda.

i have no idea why rocco would post such garbage and try, in any way, to orm a link with those articles and the palestinians.
i don't speak for the U.S.

a better question would be "how do these images shape your opinion of the palestinians?" so, how do they?

personally...well...i may comment later.

How about you Seal? How do these images shape YOUR opinion of Palestinians ?

not at all. my opinion remains unchanged towards the palestinians because of these posts.

my opinion of MJB as the initiator of this post and your response has not changed either. i think you are both hateful bigots who engage in self in dulgent propaganda.

i have no idea why rocco would post such garbage and try, in any way, to orm a link with those articles and the palestinians.

Holy deflection Batman ! This post in itself shows who the real Bigot is. You are the biggest bigot here, therefore you have no right to call others a bigot. What part of that don't you understand ?

So what you are saying is that it's cool with you if Palestinians cheer the death of innocent Americans, correct?
I was interested in BiK's view on being a Palestinian and how this imagery effects him, not "seeing Palestinians celebrating".

I think that the article on the Palestinians dancing in the streets after the Boston Marathon bombing is pretty much debunked - there is absolutely no proof, no attributed quotes, and the picture used wasn't even of that supposed event.

Let me ask you - honestly - if you subsituted "Jews" for "Palestinians" would you not be skeptical of such a sketchy article?

No, because I already know that many Palestinians in Gaza cheer death. How many times have we seen them cheer after a successful suicide bombing ? I saw plenty of clips when I was in Israel during the second intifada on the news.
Again, I am not saying EVERY Palestinian, but if I were to guess, I would say a large percentage of Palestinians in Gaza are genuinely happy when innocent Americans and Israelis are killed. Take it anyway you want, but that's just how I see it Coyote

There is a difference between Palestinian's cheering suicide bombings in what they consider to be a war against occupation (I'm not arguing the right and wrong of that) and cheering in general bombings around the world.

There is no evidence in that article that the claims are true - none. And if someone is perpetrating that, without evidence - then you have to ask what is their agenda?

What real evidence do you have that a large number of Palestinians are "genuinely happy" when Americans are bombed? REAL evidence?

that is what i ask...what is the agenda of this thread as well.

9/11 huh...i think i can find some articles that say the israelis knew about it in advance and called their jewish friends who avoided work that day.

hey, dancing israelis. never mind that i was at work when that happened and most of the people reacted in what one could call inappropriatel but...duh...they were about the age of those dancing israelis (i nworked with a lot of young people)...but at least the kids where i worked, well, they weren't mossad agents phoning home with a "mission accomplished" message.

the dancing and cheering has been largely debunked as not happening at all or orchestrated by the cameramen and reporters when it did. people who put out this crap and celebrate it...well...i think i can dig up a news article somewhere that says people who wallow oin such hatred are the same kind of people like the cat who shot up a sikh temple. one really says anything about that. that was old news in two days.

god bless america!!!
No, because I already know that many Palestinians in Gaza cheer death. How many times have we seen them cheer after a successful suicide bombing ? I saw plenty of clips when I was in Israel during the second intifada on the news.
Again, I am not saying EVERY Palestinian, but if I were to guess, I would say a large percentage of Palestinians in Gaza are genuinely happy when innocent Americans and Israelis are killed. Take it anyway you want, but that's just how I see it Coyote

There is a difference between Palestinian's cheering suicide bombings in what they consider to be a war against occupation (I'm not arguing the right and wrong of that) and cheering in general bombings around the world.

There is no evidence in that article that the claims are true - none. And if someone is perpetrating that, without evidence - then you have to ask what is their agenda?

What real evidence do you have that a large number of Palestinians are "genuinely happy" when Americans are bombed? REAL evidence?

that is what i ask...what is the agenda of this thread as well.

9/11 huh...i think i can find some articles that say the israelis knew about it in advance and called their jewish friends who avoided work that day.

hey, dancing israelis. never mind that i was at work when that happened and most of the people reacted in what one could call inappropriatel but...duh...they were about the age of those dancing israelis (i nworked with a lot of young people)...but at least the kids where i worked, well, they weren't mossad agents phoning home with a "mission accomplished" message.

the dancing and cheering has been largely debunked as not happening at all or orchestrated by the cameramen and reporters when it did. people who put out this crap and celebrate it...well...i think i can dig up a news article somewhere that says people who wallow oin such hatred are the same kind of people like the cat who shot up a sikh temple. one really says anything about that. that was old news in two days.

god bless america!!!

Ok, then debunk this:

[ame=]Palestinians Celebrate 9/11 Attacks on US - YouTube[/ame]
i don't speak for the U.S.

a better question would be "how do these images shape your opinion of the palestinians?" so, how do they?

personally...well...i may comment later.

How about you Seal? How do these images shape YOUR opinion of Palestinians ?

not at all. my opinion remains unchanged towards the palestinians because of these posts.

my opinion of MJB as the initiator of this post and your response has not changed either. i think you are both hateful bigots who engage in self in dulgent propaganda.

i have no idea why rocco would post such garbage and try, in any way, to orm a link with those articles and the palestinians.
Have you ever thought, Seal, that Rocco probably knows more than the rest of us because of his job in Army Intelligence? Meanwhile, you seem awfully quiet when a new anti-Semite appears on this forum and start posting the same garbage from the hate sites that we have seen time and time again for years on end from other anti-Semites. I wonder if Seal actually thinks that posters had such a high opinion of him on other forums. Perhaps those who hate the Jews and Israel did, but the others certainly did not. Rocco, if you happen to read this, let me say that you have the patience of a Saint.
You present yourself as a real fool. Of course 911 was good for Israel. The USA finally understood what Israel has tried for so many years to tell us about our common enemy.

If the Palestinians were on the street cheering on the streets of Gaza after 9/11 and the Boston Marathon bombings, do you really think he would admit it ? Honestly Coyote

Netanyahu said "9-11 is good for Israel".,

but we can't talk about this.
How about you Seal? How do these images shape YOUR opinion of Palestinians ?

not at all. my opinion remains unchanged towards the palestinians because of these posts.

my opinion of MJB as the initiator of this post and your response has not changed either. i think you are both hateful bigots who engage in self in dulgent propaganda.

i have no idea why rocco would post such garbage and try, in any way, to orm a link with those articles and the palestinians.

Holy deflection Batman ! This post in itself shows who the real Bigot is. You are the biggest bigot here, therefore you have no right to call others a bigot. What part of that don't you understand ?

So what you are saying is that it's cool with you if Palestinians cheer the death of innocent Americans, correct?

believe what you fucking want, you fucking lying bigot.

twist my words all you want, you ignorant low life.

what i am saying is front page magazine is a piece of jewish crap that doesn't care how much trouble it stirs up as long as it serves israel's and jew's agenda.

i am saying that muslim americans are terrified in this country and i will lay a lot of that fear at the feet of zionists.

so, are you saying that this alleged cheering more than justifies killing ten sikhs and beating cabbies within an inch of their lives. are you saying you support spitting on muslim children and yelling obscenities at them as they walk to school.

do not put words in my mouth, you sucky SOB.

i don't support cheering but i sure as hell can understand why some people in the arab world cheer, just as i can understand why some riggin' jews/zionists cheered the bombing of gaza. but you are to stupid and imbued in your own bigotry to understand that there is no difference between you and them.
not at all. my opinion remains unchanged towards the palestinians because of these posts.

my opinion of MJB as the initiator of this post and your response has not changed either. i think you are both hateful bigots who engage in self in dulgent propaganda.

i have no idea why rocco would post such garbage and try, in any way, to orm a link with those articles and the palestinians.

Holy deflection Batman ! This post in itself shows who the real Bigot is. You are the biggest bigot here, therefore you have no right to call others a bigot. What part of that don't you understand ?

So what you are saying is that it's cool with you if Palestinians cheer the death of innocent Americans, correct?

believe what you fucking want, you fucking lying bigot.

twist my words all you want, you ignorant low life.

what i am saying is front page magazine is a piece of jewish crap that doesn't care how much trouble it stirs up as long as it serves israel's and jew's agenda.

i am saying that muslim americans are terrified in this country and i will lay a lot of that fear at the feet of zionists.

so, are you saying that this alleged cheering more than justifies killing ten sikhs and beating cabbies within an inch of their lives. are you saying you support spitting on muslim children and yelling obscenities at them as they walk to school.

do not put words in my mouth, you sucky SOB.

i don't support cheering but i sure as hell can understand why some people in the arab world cheer, just as i can understand why some riggin' jews/zionists cheered the bombing of gaza. but you are to stupid and imbued in your own bigotry to understand that there is no difference between you and them.
Boyo, you're gonna bust your girdle, getting upset like that.
not at all. my opinion remains unchanged towards the palestinians because of these posts.

my opinion of MJB as the initiator of this post and your response has not changed either. i think you are both hateful bigots who engage in self in dulgent propaganda.

i have no idea why rocco would post such garbage and try, in any way, to orm a link with those articles and the palestinians.

Holy deflection Batman ! This post in itself shows who the real Bigot is. You are the biggest bigot here, therefore you have no right to call others a bigot. What part of that don't you understand ?

So what you are saying is that it's cool with you if Palestinians cheer the death of innocent Americans, correct?

believe what you fucking want, you fucking lying bigot.

twist my words all you want, you ignorant low life.

what i am saying is front page magazine is a piece of jewish crap that doesn't care how much trouble it stirs up as long as it serves israel's and jew's agenda.

i am saying that muslim americans are terrified in this country and i will lay a lot of that fear at the feet of zionists.

so, are you saying that this alleged cheering more than justifies killing ten sikhs and beating cabbies within an inch of their lives. are you saying you support spitting on muslim children and yelling obscenities at them as they walk to school.

do not put words in my mouth, you sucky SOB.

i don't support cheering but i sure as hell can understand why some people in the arab world cheer, just as i can understand why some riggin' jews/zionists cheered the bombing of gaza. but you are to stupid and imbued in your own bigotry to understand that there is no difference between you and them.

Atta boy Seal !!! It only took a few posts for you to show us your true colors again!

NOw, you said the Palestinians Cheering thing was debunked. SO I posgted the video. Can you debunk it please ?
How about you Seal? How do these images shape YOUR opinion of Palestinians ?

not at all. my opinion remains unchanged towards the palestinians because of these posts.

my opinion of MJB as the initiator of this post and your response has not changed either. i think you are both hateful bigots who engage in self in dulgent propaganda.

i have no idea why rocco would post such garbage and try, in any way, to orm a link with those articles and the palestinians.
Have you ever thought, Seal, that Rocco probably knows more than the rest of us because of his job in Army Intelligence? Meanwhile, you seem awfully quiet when a new anti-Semite appears on this forum and start posting the same garbage from the hate sites that we have seen time and time again for years on end from other anti-Semites. I wonder if Seal actually thinks that posters had such a high opinion of him on other forums. Perhaps those who hate the Jews and Israel did, but the others certainly did not. Rocco, if you happen to read this, let me say that you have the patience of a Saint.

rocco has not submitted his resume to me. you may idolize him and kiss his ass all you want.

someone in army intelligence, in my opinion, would understand the medium and learn how to communicate effectively. jargon doesn't really cut it with me. what was he, a civilian employee. what?

i said what i said about gardener. if you don't like it, it says more about you than i. sorry i didn't advocate strapping him to a friggin' flagpole and beating him, which seems to be your stated method of dealing with people, mor is taht a metod you reaseerve only for black men...or people who decide to exercise their constitutional rights.
et al,

So I gather that none of the imagery or the articles actually have an impact on the image and reputation of the Palestinian.

So, in actuality, such material does no harm.

Is that what I glean from this exchange?

That is not what I gather from other conversations.

You see, while the Boston Bombing Celebration imagery may be dubious, the reputation of the Palestine and the past history is such that many people are willing to believe it. And that compounds the bad reputation of the Palestinian. There are many Americans that already hold a perception that the Palestinian is totally anti-American, and in that image, they are willing to believe and further assimilate any adverse imagery projected by any source that cast the Palestinian in a hostile light.

It is similar to the imagery of Arabs burning the American Flag. It adds to the adverse reputation of the Palestinian.

Popular support for the Palestinian depends on positive imagery.

Most Respectfully,
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Holy deflection Batman ! This post in itself shows who the real Bigot is. You are the biggest bigot here, therefore you have no right to call others a bigot. What part of that don't you understand ?

So what you are saying is that it's cool with you if Palestinians cheer the death of innocent Americans, correct?

believe what you fucking want, you fucking lying bigot.

twist my words all you want, you ignorant low life.

what i am saying is front page magazine is a piece of jewish crap that doesn't care how much trouble it stirs up as long as it serves israel's and jew's agenda.

i am saying that muslim americans are terrified in this country and i will lay a lot of that fear at the feet of zionists.

so, are you saying that this alleged cheering more than justifies killing ten sikhs and beating cabbies within an inch of their lives. are you saying you support spitting on muslim children and yelling obscenities at them as they walk to school.

do not put words in my mouth, you sucky SOB.

i don't support cheering but i sure as hell can understand why some people in the arab world cheer, just as i can understand why some riggin' jews/zionists cheered the bombing of gaza. but you are to stupid and imbued in your own bigotry to understand that there is no difference between you and them.

Atta boy Seal !!! It only took a few posts for you to show us your true colors again!

NOw, you said the Palestinians Cheering thing was debunked. SO I posgted the video. Can you debunk it please ?

you are stupid. i could have passed out subways at work on 9/11 and shown you a bunch of happy teamsters cheering.

you can orchestrate has been alleged that the news people orchestrated it.

hey, those five dancing israelis weren't orchestrated...and israel is our ally, no less.

as for my true colours, they are a reaction to the true colours shown by the complete and incredible asses who made the first two posts on this thread.

oh, did i say "five dancing israelis"...

i think it would be more in keeping with the nature of this thread to say..."jews danced excitedly and celebrated while watching the twin trade towers burn?"

debunk that, if ya waanna play your silly lirtttle game.
believe what you fucking want, you fucking lying bigot.

twist my words all you want, you ignorant low life.

what i am saying is front page magazine is a piece of jewish crap that doesn't care how much trouble it stirs up as long as it serves israel's and jew's agenda.

i am saying that muslim americans are terrified in this country and i will lay a lot of that fear at the feet of zionists.

so, are you saying that this alleged cheering more than justifies killing ten sikhs and beating cabbies within an inch of their lives. are you saying you support spitting on muslim children and yelling obscenities at them as they walk to school.

do not put words in my mouth, you sucky SOB.

i don't support cheering but i sure as hell can understand why some people in the arab world cheer, just as i can understand why some riggin' jews/zionists cheered the bombing of gaza. but you are to stupid and imbued in your own bigotry to understand that there is no difference between you and them.

Atta boy Seal !!! It only took a few posts for you to show us your true colors again!

NOw, you said the Palestinians Cheering thing was debunked. SO I posgted the video. Can you debunk it please ?

you are stupid. i could have passed out subways at work on 9/11 and shown you a bunch of happy teamsters cheering.

you can orchestrate has been alleged that the news people orchestrated it.

hey, those five dancing israelis weren't orchestrated...and israel is our ally, no less.

as for my true colours, they are a reaction to the true colours shown by the complete and incredible asses who made the first two posts on this thread.

oh, did i say "five dancing israelis"...

i think it would be more in keeping with the nature of this thread to say..."jews danced excitedly and celebrated while watching the twin trade towers burn?"

debunk that, if ya waanna play your silly lirtttle game.

What silly little game ?? You said that the Palestinian dancing during 9/11 was debunked a while ago. So I ask you to debunk it. You have yet to do so

And also, show me some evidence of the 5 dancing Israelis. Which BTW is a conspiracy theory

It's funnyt, I show you a video of Palestinians dancing during 9/11, and you showed me nothing about the 5 dancing Israelis. Who the real idiot here ?

So , go ahead and debunk
Coyote, et al,

This is a perception.

What real evidence do you have that a large number of Palestinians are "genuinely happy" when Americans are bombed? REAL evidence?

There is a valid point to be made here. "Real evidence" is not always what persuades people.

There is no question that there was dancing in the streets after 911. Then comes along the Boston Bombing. If a story circulates that Palestinians were dancing in the street again, why would people doubt it. They don't, necessarily. Because it fits with the standing reputation of the Palestinian that committed terrorism in the past, routinely burns American Flags in some sort of protest, and has danced in the streets after a major terrorist attack. It fit the image of a Palestinian.

And that adverse imagery carries over into other aspects of American support. If the image of the Israel is positive and the image of the Palestinian is negative, then how does that impact US support in terms of what is reasonable relative to the Israeli-Palestinian dispute.

It certainly doesn't help to persuade people that the Palestinian has any valid point to make.


I noticed that most of the discussion avoided the real question on "what impact it has." They just wanted to attack the image compilation. Debunking the image doesn't undo the damage. What undoes the damage is changing the imagery.

Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
No, because I already know that many Palestinians in Gaza cheer death. How many times have we seen them cheer after a successful suicide bombing ? I saw plenty of clips when I was in Israel during the second intifada on the news.
Again, I am not saying EVERY Palestinian, but if I were to guess, I would say a large percentage of Palestinians in Gaza are genuinely happy when innocent Americans and Israelis are killed. Take it anyway you want, but that's just how I see it Coyote

why do you care about the Palestinians cheering death when the Israelis have museums for terrorists?

bibi netanyahu even wehnt to the Lehi museum to honor the king david hotel explosion.
It's funny how these anti-Semites learn about the King David Hotel Incident from the various hate sites. Of course they never mention that the King David Hotel was being used as British Army Headquarters and the people inside were called to tell the inhabitants inside to evacuate. It's a shame that nobody listened. Meanwhile, it certainly would be nice if the Islamic terrorists could go around with megaphones warning the people that a suicide or car bombers were going to operate in the area and the area should be cleared out. As an aside, for all we know, maybe Gardener believes that he too will get his 72 virgins in Paradise eventually as a result of his hatred of the Jews.

Do the Israel-haters here actually know that Israel sends SMS messages and leaflet-drops before bombing targets, in order to clear the area of civilians. The civilians stay, or are forced to stay as human shields, in the area.

[ame=]UN Human Rights Council Debate Regarding Israel-Gaza Conflict - YouTube[/ame]​
You present yourself as a real fool. Of course 911 was good for Israel. The USA finally understood what Israel has tried for so many years to tell us about our common enemy.

If the Palestinians were on the street cheering on the streets of Gaza after 9/11 and the Boston Marathon bombings, do you really think he would admit it ? Honestly Coyote

Netanyahu said "9-11 is good for Israel".,

but we can't talk about this.

last time i checked, the palestinians had nothing to do with 9/11 and were not our enemy.

so, you think 9/11 had some positive educational aspects for americans that were of benefit to israel.
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Atta boy Seal !!! It only took a few posts for you to show us your true colors again!

NOw, you said the Palestinians Cheering thing was debunked. SO I posgted the video. Can you debunk it please ?

you are stupid. i could have passed out subways at work on 9/11 and shown you a bunch of happy teamsters cheering.

you can orchestrate has been alleged that the news people orchestrated it.

hey, those five dancing israelis weren't orchestrated...and israel is our ally, no less.

as for my true colours, they are a reaction to the true colours shown by the complete and incredible asses who made the first two posts on this thread.

oh, did i say "five dancing israelis"...

i think it would be more in keeping with the nature of this thread to say..."jews danced excitedly and celebrated while watching the twin trade towers burn?"

debunk that, if ya waanna play your silly lirtttle game.

What silly little game ?? You said that the Palestinian dancing during 9/11 was debunked a while ago. So I ask you to debunk it. You have yet to do so

And also, show me some evidence of the 5 dancing Israelis. Which BTW is a conspiracy theory

It's funnyt, I show you a video of Palestinians dancing during 9/11, and you showed me nothing about the 5 dancing Israelis. Who the real idiot here ?

So , go ahead and debunk

what you showed me was a few seconds of a clip consisting of shots of a few palestinians (three or four) cheering something in the midst of a rather sparse crowd, a clip provided by a news source that has gained some notoriety and been criticised for its very biased coverage of events.

it certainly didn't make we want to march on down to the nearest sikh temple and blow people away but i wouldn't be surprised if this type of propaganda you are helping spread, or propaganda like it, doesn't contribute to such actions.

also, you may want to seriously sit down and try to figure out why the palestinians were targetted for this type of newscast when i am sure there were plenty of other celebrations among other people who we have made our enemies.

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