Israel's Stranglehold on US Politics

This thread is sadly a microcosm of the entire issue.

Sane voices simply can't be heard over the din of anti-Muslims and anti-Semites
A portion of their own land, with no army ...good deal huh?

Great deal! Considering they gave up the chance to share the land 70 years ago. They're lucky anyone is offering them anything.
Great deal my ass..the Zionists stole their land they will give it back sooner or later.

Don't hold your breath. Actually ... please hold your breath.
It happened before and it will happen again...america wont be there siding with the Zionists forever and muslims wont cease till they help the Palestinians get their land back and send the settlers and the parasites packing back to their homelands. But 5% of todays Israelis are from there they can stay. the rest they know exactly where to go back to.

I love a good story ...


Ask the crusaders about Saladin :)....muslims can always rise up again dont get carried away with your massacres against the Palestinians now.
so we can be thrown in hell and they are gonna be fine according to your book?

Sucks ... don't it?
Nope since that's not what's gonna happen :)
Great deal! Considering they gave up the chance to share the land 70 years ago. They're lucky anyone is offering them anything.
Great deal my ass..the Zionists stole their land they will give it back sooner or later.

Don't hold your breath. Actually ... please hold your breath.
It happened before and it will happen again...america wont be there siding with the Zionists forever and muslims wont cease till they help the Palestinians get their land back and send the settlers and the parasites packing back to their homelands. But 5% of todays Israelis are from there they can stay. the rest they know exactly where to go back to.
Oh, go to hell. No one is going to destroy Israel.
No one will..but Palestinians will get their land back.
Not their land. There was never a Palestinian nation.
Never will happen. God promises that those who go to war against Israel during the End Times will be cut to pieces.

God Himself will eventually go to war with those that make war with Israel and destroy those Nations that do.

So it is a suicidal mission as a Nation to go to war with Israel, because God will not allow Himself to be made out to be a Liar.

You will be utterly destroyed and find yourself at war with God.

It is why Israel is called “A cup of trembling for many Nations”

so we can be thrown in hell and they are gonna be fine according to your book?

Sucks ... don't it?
Nope since that's not what's gonna happen :)
A portion of their own land, with no army ...good deal huh?

Great deal! Considering they gave up the chance to share the land 70 years ago. They're lucky anyone is offering them anything.
Great deal my ass..the Zionists stole their land they will give it back sooner or later.

Don't hold your breath. Actually ... please hold your breath.
It happened before and it will happen again...america wont be there siding with the Zionists forever and muslims wont cease till they help the Palestinians get their land back and send the settlers and the parasites packing back to their homelands. But 5% of todays Israelis are from there they can stay. the rest they know exactly where to go back to.
Oh, go to hell. No one is going to destroy Israel.
Currently, 25% of Israeli citizens identify as non-Jewish, most of those are Muslim. That percentage has been roughly the same since Israel was founded in 1948.
Talk about your own version of history :)...have you ever asked yourself why Israel refuses the right of return to the Palestinians? That's right because that will shift the demographics dramatically.
This is why the Democrat party is anti-Semitic.
A small but steady share of U.S. Muslims are Republicans
Being a republican Muslim is like being a black Klansman.
The Pals have been offered Statehood often and they turn away.
A portion of their own land, with no army ...good deal huh?

Great deal! Considering they gave up the chance to share the land 70 years ago. They're lucky anyone is offering them anything.
Great deal my ass..the Zionists stole their land they will give it back sooner or later.

You can't steal land that was never a country or state.
It was territory won by battle.
so we can be thrown in hell and they are gonna be fine according to your book?

Sucks ... don't it?
Nope since that's not what's gonna happen :)
Great deal! Considering they gave up the chance to share the land 70 years ago. They're lucky anyone is offering them anything.
Great deal my ass..the Zionists stole their land they will give it back sooner or later.

Don't hold your breath. Actually ... please hold your breath.
It happened before and it will happen again...america wont be there siding with the Zionists forever and muslims wont cease till they help the Palestinians get their land back and send the settlers and the parasites packing back to their homelands. But 5% of todays Israelis are from there they can stay. the rest they know exactly where to go back to.
Oh, go to hell. No one is going to destroy Israel.
No one will..but Palestinians will get their land back.

but Palestinians will get their land back.

Right after the Romans get Constantinople back.
God has allowed The Babylonians to defeat Israel and chastise them and purify them as was prophesied.

Cyrus was prophesied long before he ever existed and God used him to chastise and purify His People.

God formed Pharoah as a vessel of wrath to chastise His People and purify them.

Each time God has kept His Promise
To Israel, and Never once allowed That Nation to Perish.

The Diaspora was Prophesied and God’s People were scattered.

The return of Israel to The Promised Land was Prophesied. And They Have Returned.

If you think for a second God did not allow Saladin to chastise His People Israel for His Eventual Glory, and for The Good if His People, and to work towards His Plan, you are mistaken.

Messiah, God, The Son of God, The Lamb of God will return to Defend Israel in The Final Days.

And though the entire world will march against Israel they will be consumed by The Word of God’s Wrath.


The heavens receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place

Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and everyone else, both slave and free, hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains.

They called to the mountains and the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!

Zachariah 10

Though I scatter them among the peoples, yet in distant lands they will remember me. They and their children will survive, and they will return.

From Judah will come the cornerstone, from him the tent peg, from him the battle bow, from him every ruler

Zachariah 12

On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves.

On that day I will set out to destroy all the nations that attack Jerusalem

And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication. They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn son.

Zachariah 13

If someone asks, 'What are these wounds on your body?' they will answer, 'The wounds I was given at the house of my friends.

Zachariah 14

I will gather all the nations to Jerusalem to fight against it; the city will be captured, the houses ransacked, and the women raped. Half of the city will go into exile, but the rest of the people will not be taken from the city.

Then the LORD will go out and fight against those nations, as he fights on a day of battle.

This is the plague with which the LORD will strike all the nations that fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh will rot while they are still standing on their feet, their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongues will rot in their mouths.

Great deal! Considering they gave up the chance to share the land 70 years ago. They're lucky anyone is offering them anything.
Great deal my ass..the Zionists stole their land they will give it back sooner or later.

Don't hold your breath. Actually ... please hold your breath.
It happened before and it will happen again...america wont be there siding with the Zionists forever and muslims wont cease till they help the Palestinians get their land back and send the settlers and the parasites packing back to their homelands. But 5% of todays Israelis are from there they can stay. the rest they know exactly where to go back to.

I love a good story ...


Ask the crusaders about Saladin :)....muslims can always rise up again dont get carried away with your massacres against the Palestinians now.
so we can be thrown in hell and they are gonna be fine according to your book?

Sucks ... don't it?
Nope since that's not what's gonna happen :)
Great deal my ass..the Zionists stole their land they will give it back sooner or later.

Don't hold your breath. Actually ... please hold your breath.
It happened before and it will happen again...america wont be there siding with the Zionists forever and muslims wont cease till they help the Palestinians get their land back and send the settlers and the parasites packing back to their homelands. But 5% of todays Israelis are from there they can stay. the rest they know exactly where to go back to.
Oh, go to hell. No one is going to destroy Israel.
No one will..but Palestinians will get their land back.
Not their land. There was never a Palestinian nation.
Not according to the UN, Palestinians refugees, 1.7 billion muslims and most countries.
Never will happen. God promises that those who go to war against Israel during the End Times will be cut to pieces.

God Himself will eventually go to war with those that make war with Israel and destroy those Nations that do.

So it is a suicidal mission as a Nation to go to war with Israel, because God will not allow Himself to be made out to be a Liar.

You will be utterly destroyed and find yourself at war with God.

It is why Israel is called “A cup of trembling for many Nations”

so we can be thrown in hell and they are gonna be fine according to your book?

Sucks ... don't it?
Nope since that's not what's gonna happen :)
Great deal! Considering they gave up the chance to share the land 70 years ago. They're lucky anyone is offering them anything.
Great deal my ass..the Zionists stole their land they will give it back sooner or later.

Don't hold your breath. Actually ... please hold your breath.
It happened before and it will happen again...america wont be there siding with the Zionists forever and muslims wont cease till they help the Palestinians get their land back and send the settlers and the parasites packing back to their homelands. But 5% of todays Israelis are from there they can stay. the rest they know exactly where to go back to.
Oh, go to hell. No one is going to destroy Israel.
God kicked kicked the Jews out of the whole land didnt before didnt he ?
The real Jews dont beleive in the creation of Israel to begin with it's against Judaism.


Talk about your own version of history :)...have you ever asked yourself why Israel refuses the right of return to the Palestinians? That's right because that will shift the demographics dramatically.
Being a republican Muslim is like being a black Klansman.
The Pals have been offered Statehood often and they turn away.
A portion of their own land, with no army ...good deal huh?

Great deal! Considering they gave up the chance to share the land 70 years ago. They're lucky anyone is offering them anything.
Great deal my ass..the Zionists stole their land they will give it back sooner or later.

You can't steal land that was never a country or state.
It was territory won by battle.
And the war still on till the natives gain back their land...ain't over.
so we can be thrown in hell and they are gonna be fine according to your book?

Sucks ... don't it?
Nope since that's not what's gonna happen :)
Great deal my ass..the Zionists stole their land they will give it back sooner or later.

Don't hold your breath. Actually ... please hold your breath.
It happened before and it will happen again...america wont be there siding with the Zionists forever and muslims wont cease till they help the Palestinians get their land back and send the settlers and the parasites packing back to their homelands. But 5% of todays Israelis are from there they can stay. the rest they know exactly where to go back to.
Oh, go to hell. No one is going to destroy Israel.
No one will..but Palestinians will get their land back.

but Palestinians will get their land back.

Right after the Romans get Constantinople back.
Oh they will :). Saladin did before and it's a cause that's dear to 1.7 billion muslims not just palestianians.
Sucks ... don't it?
Nope since that's not what's gonna happen :)
Don't hold your breath. Actually ... please hold your breath.
It happened before and it will happen again...america wont be there siding with the Zionists forever and muslims wont cease till they help the Palestinians get their land back and send the settlers and the parasites packing back to their homelands. But 5% of todays Israelis are from there they can stay. the rest they know exactly where to go back to.
Oh, go to hell. No one is going to destroy Israel.
No one will..but Palestinians will get their land back.
Not their land. There was never a Palestinian nation.
Not according to the UN, Palestinians refugees, 1.7 billion muslims and most countries.
The UN isn't the final authority. God is.
God has allowed The Babylonians to defeat Israel and chastise them and purify them as was prophesied.

Cyrus was prophesied long before he ever existed and God used him to chastise and purify His People.

God formed Pharoah as a vessel of wrath to chastise His People and purify them.

Each time God has kept His Promise
To Israel, and Never once allowed That Nation to Perish.

The Diaspora was Prophesied and God’s People were scattered.

The return of Israel to The Promised Land was Prophesied. And They Have Returned.

If you think for a second God did not allow Saladin to chastise His People Israel for His Eventual Glory, and for The Good if His People, and to work towards His Plan, you are mistaken.

Messiah, God, The Son of God, The Lamb of God will return to Defend Israel in The Final Days.

And though the entire world will march against Israel they will be consumed by The Word of God’s Wrath.


The heavens receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place

Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and everyone else, both slave and free, hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains.

They called to the mountains and the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!

Zachariah 10

Though I scatter them among the peoples, yet in distant lands they will remember me. They and their children will survive, and they will return.

From Judah will come the cornerstone, from him the tent peg, from him the battle bow, from him every ruler

Zachariah 12

On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves.

On that day I will set out to destroy all the nations that attack Jerusalem

And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication. They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn son.

Zachariah 13

If someone asks, 'What are these wounds on your body?' they will answer, 'The wounds I was given at the house of my friends.

Zachariah 14

I will gather all the nations to Jerusalem to fight against it; the city will be captured, the houses ransacked, and the women raped. Half of the city will go into exile, but the rest of the people will not be taken from the city.

Then the LORD will go out and fight against those nations, as he fights on a day of battle.

This is the plague with which the LORD will strike all the nations that fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh will rot while they are still standing on their feet, their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongues will rot in their mouths.

Great deal my ass..the Zionists stole their land they will give it back sooner or later.

Don't hold your breath. Actually ... please hold your breath.
It happened before and it will happen again...america wont be there siding with the Zionists forever and muslims wont cease till they help the Palestinians get their land back and send the settlers and the parasites packing back to their homelands. But 5% of todays Israelis are from there they can stay. the rest they know exactly where to go back to.

I love a good story ...


Ask the crusaders about Saladin :)....muslims can always rise up again dont get carried away with your massacres against the Palestinians now.
Lol the books you quoting are also forgot who crucified jesus a cording to you.
Muslims beleive in the return of the messiah as I mentioned, Jews dont.
Nope since that's not what's gonna happen :)
It happened before and it will happen again...america wont be there siding with the Zionists forever and muslims wont cease till they help the Palestinians get their land back and send the settlers and the parasites packing back to their homelands. But 5% of todays Israelis are from there they can stay. the rest they know exactly where to go back to.
Oh, go to hell. No one is going to destroy Israel.
No one will..but Palestinians will get their land back.
Not their land. There was never a Palestinian nation.
Not according to the UN, Palestinians refugees, 1.7 billion muslims and most countries.
The UN isn't the final authority. God is.
I agree we shall wait and see.
Oh, go to hell. No one is going to destroy Israel.
No one will..but Palestinians will get their land back.
Not their land. There was never a Palestinian nation.
Not according to the UN, Palestinians refugees, 1.7 billion muslims and most countries.
The UN isn't the final authority. God is.
I agree we shall wait and see.
Who is your God?
Sucks ... don't it?
Nope since that's not what's gonna happen :)
Don't hold your breath. Actually ... please hold your breath.
It happened before and it will happen again...america wont be there siding with the Zionists forever and muslims wont cease till they help the Palestinians get their land back and send the settlers and the parasites packing back to their homelands. But 5% of todays Israelis are from there they can stay. the rest they know exactly where to go back to.
Oh, go to hell. No one is going to destroy Israel.
No one will..but Palestinians will get their land back.

but Palestinians will get their land back.

Right after the Romans get Constantinople back.
Oh they will :). Saladin did before and it's a cause that's dear to 1.7 billion muslims not just palestianians.

Aren't the Muslims tired of the Jews kicking Arab ass?
You guys are so funny and ignorant about history. As one would expect from most who studied in the US.

The crusaders massacred both Jews and muslims and Jews once again lived in peace when saladin recaptured the holy city....same goes for Europe when Muslim ruled the Jews flourished, when the Christian's took over they slaughtered the Jews, and those who were left fled to Muslim countries.
Any deniers ?
Throughout history so called Christian's massacred the Jews and now the evangelicals are playing the love game...when in reality it is just a fulfilling prophecy of end please some of you evangelicals tell me what u gonna do to Jews then ?
No one will..but Palestinians will get their land back.
Not their land. There was never a Palestinian nation.
Not according to the UN, Palestinians refugees, 1.7 billion muslims and most countries.
The UN isn't the final authority. God is.
I agree we shall wait and see.
Who is your God?
My God is the god... of abraham, moses, jesus and the virgin Mary.
Nope since that's not what's gonna happen :)
It happened before and it will happen again...america wont be there siding with the Zionists forever and muslims wont cease till they help the Palestinians get their land back and send the settlers and the parasites packing back to their homelands. But 5% of todays Israelis are from there they can stay. the rest they know exactly where to go back to.
Oh, go to hell. No one is going to destroy Israel.
No one will..but Palestinians will get their land back.

but Palestinians will get their land back.

Right after the Romans get Constantinople back.
Oh they will :). Saladin did before and it's a cause that's dear to 1.7 billion muslims not just palestianians.

Aren't the Muslims tired of the Jews kicking Arab ass?
Nope...we love the peaceful Jews we dont like the Zionists and the occupiers.

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